Episode 1
Storyline:The crew are playing rainbow friends
Gamora:So,what is this game about?
Rocket:I think it is a horror game in roblox. Quill told me about it.
Floor:Horror? I'm scared...
Lylla:It will be fine. What are your usernames anyways?
Lylla:Mine is Lylla123456
Rocket:Join my private server
Floor:You can make one?
Rocket:ok everyone join
Gamora:So we are supposed to collect 24 blocks
Rocket:But apparantly there is a blue monster out to eat us
Floor:Lylla,can i stick with u?
Lylla:ofc u can
Rocket:i collected 6 blocks while u guys were talking
Yondu:how are u so fast rat?!
Rocket:7 now
Gamora:i think i have 3 blocks. I see blue.(gets chased by blue)
Rocket:just keep running. (Puts down the 9 blocks he has)
Rocket:(sees blue and starts running)
Lylla:(sees blue)
Lylla and Floor:(starts running)
Floor:we are gonna die!(screams)
Teefs:um guys? Whats going on?Ahhh!(gets killed by blue)
Thelargestteeth1 was found
Yondu:(found 4 blocks)
Gamora:(puts down the 5 blocks she found)
Yondu:(puts down 8 blocks he found)
Rocket: ok we just need to find 2 more.
Lylla,i am walking through this area and i found 2 blocks.
Lylla:(puts down 2 blocks)
Rocket:good job Lylla,now we move on to next night
Rocket:if u get touched by green,u will die
Gamora:u seem to know a lot
Rocket:U have no idea how much Quill ranted to me
Gamora:(finds 3 food packs)
Lylla:so we are finding 15 food packs
Rocket:blues also here,along with green(finds 3 food packs)
Yondu:more to worry about.
Rocket:(places down 6 food packs)
Gamora:(places down 6 food packs)
Rocket:ok we just need 3 more
Yondu: (finds 2 food packs)
Yondu:(tries to dodge green)
Yondu:(touched by green and dies)
Yakaarrow#1 was found
Rocket:seriously? Now we have to find them again
Floor:(finds 1 food pack)
Lylla:(finds the last food pack)
Gamora:ok bring them back
Floor and Lylla:(places down the last 2 food packs)
Rocket:good job everyone except Yondu. Moving on...
Lylla:so,its the last night?
Rocket:No,he's lying
Gamora:we have to collect 14 fuses
Rocket:(collects 4 fuses)
Gamora:(collects 3 fuses)
Gamora:(chased by blue)
Gamora:(killed by purple)
Gamora:damn it
Gotgrule2014 was found
Rocket:(puts down 7 fuses)
Rocket:Gamora,did u seriously lose 3 fuses to purple?
Gamora:i'm respawning,hold on
Lylla:(collects 4 fuses and puts them down)
Rocket:we just need 4 more
Floor:(finds 2 fuses) its dark in here
Rocket:just try to find an exit floor
Gamora:ok im back(finds the last 2 fuses)
Gamora and Floor:(places their fuses down)
Rocket:ok everyone,night 4.
Gamora:grab a flashlight
Floor:i'm scared.(hides in the hiding spot
Rocket:ok fine Floor,u can hide. We'll do it. (Finds 3 batteries)
Lylla:we are collecting 9 batteries
Gamora:where the hell are they!?
Rocket:yea,ty,i had no idea(sarcastic)
Lylla:look im swy im not much help
Rocket:swy Lylla
Rocket:(places down 3 batteries)
Gamora:(finds 1 battery)
Gamora:(places down 1 battery)
Rocket:5 more
Orange line appears
Rocket:everyone hide in ur box
Rocket,Gamora,Lylla and Floor:(hides in box)
Rocket: (forgets purple is there and gets killed by purple)
Rocketisthebest#1 was found
Rocket:its fine Lylla,i have robux,lemme respawn
Lylla:(finds 3 batteries)
Lylla:(places her batteries down)
Gamora:just 2 more
Rocket:ok im back(gets the last 2 batteries)
Rocket:(places them down)
Gamora:ok is this the final night,or is there more?
Rocket: this is the last 1 for this chapter
Floor:there's a second chapter!?
Rocket:don't pop the balloons
Blue wakes up
Gamora:everyone run
Rocket,Lylla,Gamora and Floor:(runs)
Rocket,Lylla,Gamora and Floor:pushes blocks out of the way)
Blue starts chasing them
Floor:(cannot see too well)
Floor:(falls into the vent and is killed by purple)
Rocket:i think Floor found the secret jumpscare Quill was talking
Imlyingonthefloor06 was found
Lylla:poor Floor...
Rocket,Lylla and Gamora:(escapes and get their first win in rainbow friends)
Rocket,Lylla and Gamora: yay
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