The Adventure Part 1
Okay, I am about to tell you a story. Before we start does anyone have to go to the bathroom? Oh you in the back, well, hold it in. As we all know in the last story, Robert, Logan, AJ, Kenzie, Kaitlyn and the old man got out of the cavern. Now we are in 2019 ( 4 years later ). Robert was typing a school report. Then he got an email from Logan. It said,
"Hey remember 4 years ago?"
"Of course, how could I forget something like that."
"Well the old man, last night he kinda sorta passed."
"Well he went to sleep last night and never woke up."
"Oh, well when is the funeral?"
"Sorry bro but you missed it, it was today at 5:00 pm."
"Oh well, Hey what are you doing tomorrow?"
"Nothing. Why?"
"Email Kaitlyn, I'll email AJ, we're going back to the cavern to have our own funeral for him."
"Dude that's like the best idea you've had in 4 years!"
"Heeey! I mean thanks, wait Hey!"
The next day the group gathered at the hole in the roof to the cavern. They all climbed down into the cavern with the supplies for the funeral.
"Today is a sad but happy day, we are not here to celebrate death, we are here to celebrate a long life of our friend the old man. Even though he never told us his name, he was there, and he will always be here even though we can't see him, but we can feel his presence." preached Robert.
"Now would anyone like to say a few words about our friend? Logan come on up here."
"Okay so, I didn't really know the guy the first few months but when I saw him with my tiny little eyes, I knew that he was going to be a very, very big factor in our lives and... Before Logan could finish they all felt a shake and a quake. Then the roof started to fall in!
"RUNNN!!!!" yelled Kenzie the now quite grown bear.
"QUICK INTO THE HOLE!" yelled Kaitlyn. They all jumped into the hole but Robert's leg got crushed by the rubble.
"AHHH!" yelled Robert.
"Everyone pull! ordered AJ. They all pulled and pulled but didn't have enough strength to pull him out.
"JUST DIG AROUND MY LEG, PLEASE!!!!!!!" yelled Robert with pain in his voice. Kenzie quickly dug around Robert's leg until the gang could pull him out. Robert cried with the pain being so excruciating.
"Why did we come back down here?!" said Robert talking through pain and tears.
"Because it was your idea to come here to have a funeral for the oldy!" explained Kaitlyn angrily. Robert didn't say anything for two reasons. 1. He was in pain. 2. He didn't want to agree to the truth.
"Now what?" said Kenzie.
"Oh I got it, dig up!" said Logan.
"I can't, my claws were broke off while digging out Robert!"
"WE ARE NEVER GETTING OUT OF HERE!!!!!" yelled Kaitlyn.
"HEY! Stop thinking like that, we will get out, we did last time and we will do it again, with or without digging!" said Robert finally.
"If you don't think we can, feel free to stay here and starve while we try to find a way out. If you don't want to do that, STOP WHINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kaitlyn was speechless, she finally nodded her head. Okay let me stop the story here and let me ask you a question. How do you think they will get out? I'll give you a second to think about it. You got it? No, well too bad. Back to the story!
"We've got to find a way out of here!" yelled Logan.
"We aren't going anywhere without this broken fool," joked Kenzie
"Thanks," said Robert still in pain. So the four friends tried to think of a way to get out. Round and round the hole they walked thinking of a way out.
"Guys, I don't think we'll ever get out." said Logan sorrowful.
To Be Continued In Part Two
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