But there was no rest for the little groups of outcasts as they kept traveling further and further before they knew it they reach the North Pole.
"This is it, people" Kris says and laughs "Ah, yes, this is it. We'll build ourselves a nice house" he then slides down with Topper and laughs again "heck, while we're at it, we'll build ourselves a castle and the best toy factory in the world"
And with no time at all their castle was made.
But just then another portal showed up and that meant it was time for them to go home they said goodbye to the Adventurekids and Dan's group snuck away through the portal and went home but not before saying goodbye to Kris and the others and said they would meet again some day.
But when they came out the other side of the portal they were right back where they started with SD standing there and adult Kali.
"Welcome back" Kali says.
"Why do we have to come back now shouldn't we have stayed to make sure that they would be OK I mean after all they are still fugitives" Cali says.
"When did they stop calling him an outlaw" DL asks.
"I will get to that. But you see despite everything that the meisterburgers tried, The legend of Kris Kringle, or Claus as he now was known just grew and grew" SD says "And as the years went by, animals delivered letters by the thousands and he became very popular over the years and the older he got the more people loved him" he says "but you see he still had to travel by night since he was still an outlaw"
"So when did that change?" CJ asks "and can we wrap this up, I want to some hot chocolate"
"Shut up CJ" they all said to her.
"Continue please" Dan says.
"Thank you" SD says "well, as time went by, that changed. You see, the Meisterburgers, they kinda died off and fell out of power. And by and by, the good people realized how silly the Meisterburger laws were. And well, Everybody had a wonderful laugh and then forgot all about him" he laughs " Yes, sir, the older he got, the more famous he became and the more folks loved him"
"He's very good, isn't he?" Ron asks.
"Uh-huh. You bet" SD says.
"Is that why he's called Santa Claus?" DM asks.
"That's why kiddo" SD says. "That's why" he walks a little " but you see he became so popular that he was not able to keep up with the orders so him and Jessica knew they'd have to limit his visit to one a year. And at first he didn't know which night he should go out to do his deliveries but when they went outside they looked at the sky and saw a bright star that only showed up during the holiday time and it wasn't a hard decision to make when they decided and they chose, of course, the holiest night of the year, the night of profound love which was the perfect night for giving"
"Christmas Eve?" DD asks.
"Christmas Eve" SD says. "And that's how it all started and that is the story of Santa Claus"
"Gee, he so wonderful" Cali says "everybody must love him"
"Well, most everybody" Kali says.
"Oh, he's not considered an outlaw anymore. But there are still some that don't believe in him and a lot of people don't believe in Christmas as well and those poor misguided folks they don't get the point like everybody else does. There is a lot of unhappiness maybe so. But doesn't Santa take a little bit of that unhappiness away? Doesn't smile on Christmas morning scratch out of tear, cried on a Saturday? Not much, maybe but what would happen if we all tried to be like Santa and learn to give as only he can give? Of ourselves. Our talents, our love, and our hearts. Maybe if we could all learn Santa's beautiful lesson, maybe there would finally be peace on earth and goodwill towards man"
SD then looks at the sky.
"Hey it's getting late, and I've got these letters to deliver" he looks at the kids "and you better be getting home, too" the turtle kids exclaiming sadly " and remember, behave yourselves all of you. Cause Santa can still look into his magic snowball, and see just what you're up to" he puts on his gloves and getting into his vehicle"and now that you know all about him, you can be darn sure that comes snow or high water....." he then began to sing as he drove away.
They then wave goodbye to him.
Santa Claus is comin' to town
You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is comin' to town
He's making a list and checking it twice
He's going to find out who's naughty or nice
Santa Claus is comin' to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness' sake
Oh, you better watch out you better not cry
You better not pout I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is comin' to town
With little tin horns and little toy dogs
Roots toot toots and rummy tum tums
Santa Claus is comin' to town
And the curly-head dolls that toddle and coo
Elephants, boats and kiddie cars, too
Santa Claus is comin' to town
The kids in girl and boy land
Will have a jubilee
They're going to build a toy land town
All around the Christmas tree
So you better watch out you better not cry
You better not pout I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming
Santa Claus is coming
Santa Claus is comin'
To town
Everybody had a wonderful Christmas and they all looked at the 4th wall.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY" they all said to the readers.
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