𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍. the defiler
bold - orkish
"Five, six, seven, eight...Bifur, Bofur...that's ten...Fili, Kili, Alenia...that's thirteen...Bombur - that makes fourteen. Where's Bilbo? Where is our Hobbit? Where is our hobbit?!" Gandalf asked, as the Company paused at the edge of a copse of pine trees, just beyond the mountains.
Alenia cursed, when she realized that Gandalf was right, and that their burglar was missing.
"Curse the halfling! Now he's lost?!" Dwalin cried out angrily.
"I thought he was with Dori!" Oin said.
"Don't blame me!" Dori said.
"Well, where did you last see him?" Gandalf asked.
"I think I saw him slip away, when they first collared us." Nori piped up.
"I'll go back and get him." Alenia said, turning to head back to the mountain.
"That's suicide." Kili said, grabbing the half-elf's arm, and pulling her back.
"We can't just leave him." Alenia shrugged his hand off.
Thorin stepped in front of the half-elf. "There's no need for that. I know exactly what happened. Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He's thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door! We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone."
Thorin passed her, leaving Alenia staring at the mountains behind them, before she too turned away.
"No, he isn't." A voice came from behind them.
The Company turned around, to see their burglar standing before them.
"Bilbo!" Alenia shoved through the dwarves to get to the halfling, before she picked him up and swung him around in a ginormous hug.
"Bilbo Baggins! I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life!" Gandalf laughed, as Alenia set the hobbit down.
Bilbo patted Balin's shoulder as he entered the throng of the Company.
"Bilbo, we'd given you up!" Kili exclaimed.
"How on earth did you get past the Goblins?!" Fili asked.
"How, indeed." Dwalin muttered.
Bilbo laughed nervously, before he slid a hand into his pocket. Alenia and Gandalf shared a glance before Gandalf stated that, "Well, what does it matter? He's back!"
"It matters! I want to know: why did you come back?" Thorin asked.
"Look, I know you doubt me, I know you always have. And you're right, I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. And that's why I came back, cause you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can." Bilbo said.
The dwarves smiled, as Gandalf and Alenia exchanged a happy look.
Suddenly, howls from up the mountain could be heard, and the Company shifted nervously on their feet.
"Out of the frying pan..." Thorin said.
"...and into the fire! Run! RUN!" Gandalf yelled.
The Company took off through the trees, away from the howls. Alenia pushed Bilbo in front of her, as she yelled, "Faster!"
A single Warg sailed overhead, and time seemed to slow, as it landed in front of the pair, and turned, snarling. It charged so suddenly, that Alenia didn't have time to draw her sword, but by then, Bilbo's sword had already sunk deep into it's skull.
"Nicely done." Alenia said, before she scooped the hobbit up, placed him on her back, and raced after the rest of the Company.
The dwarves, Alenia and her passenger, and Gandalf soon reached the edge of a cliff, with only a few pine trees scattered around.
"Up into the trees, all of you! Come on, climb!" Gandalf yelled.
The dwarves and wizard quickly scrambled into the conifers, as the rest of the wargs got closer.
"Alright, Bilbo. Climb up." Alenia said, bending her knees so she had a more stable stance for the hobbit to clamber up her to get to the lowest branches.
Bilbo reached her shoulders, and the half-elf grabbed his ankles as he swayed in the air.
"Alenia!" Dwalin yelled, as the first warg burst into the clearing.
"Jump Bilbo!" Alenia yelled, as she heard the loud growl, and the footsteps behind her.
"Alenia! Behind you!" Kili roared, as the warg jumped at her, just as the hobbit on the half-elf's shoulders leaped upwards and grabbed ahold of a branch.
The half-elf whirled around as she drew her sword, just before the warg bowled into her, knocking her to the ground, and completely squishing her body, obscuring her from the Company's view.
"Ally!" Kili yelled.
The front haunches of the warg wiggled for a moment, before the tip of a blade punctured the canine's back. Sighs of relief were audible everywhere, as Alenia shoved the warg's corpse off of her, and stood.
"Alenia, hurry!" Gandalf called, as more wargs bounded into the clearing.
The half-elf leaped at Kili's tree, using a foot to propel herself further up, before she snapped an arm up to hold onto a branch. Kili pulled her up to crouch beside him in a tree.
"Are you okay?" Kili murmured, as he softly pressed a kiss to the Alenia's forehead.
"I'm fine." Alenia said, leaning into him.
The wargs on the forest floor, back away from the tree, as a white warg slowly pads into view from the treeline, it's pale rider visible on it's back. Alenia tensed, frozen with fear and anger.
"Azog?!" Thorin whispered.
"Do you smell it? The scent of fear?" Azog muttered, as he stroked his growling warg. "I remember your father reeked of it, Thorin son of Thrain, just as your parents did, Damenor."
"It cannot be." Thorin protested quietly.
"Those two are mine." Azog said, swivelling his head to speak to the other orcs and wargs. "Kill the others!"
The Wargs leaped forward and tried to climb the trees. The canines jumped as high as they could, scrabbling at the tree trunks and breaking apart branches in their jaws in their efforts. The trees shook violently at the assault, and the dwarves struggled to hold on.
"Drink their blood!" Azog yelled, as the furthest tree from the edge of the cliff, which Bilbo and several other dwarves were in, uprooted from the ground and began to lean wildly, due the weight of the Wargs climbing it. As more Wargs grabbed onto it, the tree tipped over and landed on the next tree; the dwarves and Bilbo jump from the falling tree to the next.
However, this tree tipped over as well, and like dominoes, all the trees began falling over. As one of the trees, crashed into Kili, Fili, and Alenia's tree, they leaped into the next one. Just as they collided with the new tree's branches, this tree rocked violently, sending Alenia shooting into the air, past the tree. Thorin reached out with his hand at the last second, which Alenia was able to grab hold of, and swing into his tree.
The trees rocked again, sending Kili and Fili into the air, much like Alenia had been just before. The brothers flew towards the half-elf, and as they soared past, Alenia grabbed Kili's hand, and hauled them both in.
"I'm glad that your girlfriend is strong, Kee," Fili joked, leaning against the tree trunk.
"Me too." Kili grinned, but Alenia wasn't paying attention and was glaring down at Azog, as he laughed. The tree the entire Company was now in, swayed heavily, on the very edge of the cliff.
Gandalf grabbed it and used his staff to set the pinecone on fire, before he threw it down amid the wargs, who retreated in fear of the fire. Gandalf quickly lit two more pinecones and dropped one down to Fili.
"Kili." Gandalf called, as he dropped another flaming pinecone to the dwarven archer. Alenia set a pinecone of her own on fire with the flames of Kili's, which they then hurled down on the ground together.
As the Company threw their flaming pinecones, a barrier of flames was created, forcing the wargs back. The dwarves cheered in victory, while Azog yelled in anger.
However the cheers quickly turned to cries of fear, as the roots of the tree they were in start to give way, and the trunk leaned almost horizontally over the edge of the cliff. Ori lost his grip of his tree, and fell, before he grabbed hold of Dori's leg.
"Mister Gandalf!" Dori cries as, he too, lost his group on his branch and fell away from the tree.
The wizard whipped his staff out at the last second, allowing Dori to dangle from it, far above the ground below.
"Hold on Ori!" Dori called.
"Thorin!" Alenia yelled, as she watched the Prince of Erebor pull himself up to walk along the trunk. He glanced back at her, as she pulled herself up to stand behind him.
"Together." She stated, drawing her sword.
"Together." Thorin repeated, clenching Orcrist.
Thorin and Alenia raced off the tree, before jumping through the flaming barrier to face off against Azog, Thorin lifting his oaken branch shield high.
Azog crouched in his seat, then roared as his warg leaped at Thorin. Thorin tried to swing his sword, but the warg hit him in the chest with its forepaw, smashing Thorin to the ground. Alenia stepped in, swiping at the warg, cutting it's face, before Azog swiped his metal claw, and flung her out of the way.
Thorin struggled to his feet, as Azog and his warg turned, and charged him, again. Azog swung his mace and smashed it into Thorin's face before the heir of Erebor could react, sending him flying through the ground before he landed heavily on the ground.
The White Warg strode forward, and clamped it's jaws around Thorin's body, biting down, causing Thorin to yell in pain. As Azog's warg picked up Thorin in it's mouth, Alenia leaped in and knocked Azog off of his perch to the ground.
In the moment of distraction, Thorin was able to smash the hilt of his sword onto the White Warg's head. The warg roared, and flung Thorin several feet away, where he landed heavily, Orcrist falling out of his hand.
Alenia swiped her sword at Azog, who dodged it easily. "Go back where you came from, filth." she growled, before she ducked under Azog's blade, and stabbed him in the leg.
"That was for my mother," she said, before she slashed him across the other leg. "And that was for my father."
Azog fell to his knees before her, where Alenia held her sword to the Pale Orc's throat. "I don't have to kill you. But I will."
"You won't get the chance." Azog growled, before he stabbed upwards with his blade, into Alenia's stomach.
The half-elf staggered back, clutching at her stomach, at the wound, before she collapsed on the ground.
"Alenia!" Kili yelled.
"Bring me the Dwarf's head." Azog growled, as he wiped the blood from off of his legs, before he stalked towards Alenia's fallen figure.
An orc approached Thorin, and drew it's knife. But as the monster went to behead him, it was knocked to the ground by Bilbo, who quickly stabbed it, before he stood in front of Thorin protectively.
"Kill him." Azog snarled, before he lifted his own sword above the half-elf.
"You'll die alone, just like your parents," Azog smirked.
"She's not alone." A voice said, as Azog's blade was knocked out of his hands by an arrow.
The air was suddenly filled with the flapping of wings, as the Eagles soared down, and picked up the Company, carrying them to safety.
Azog roared in rage, as Alenia and her rescuer were picked up in an Eagle's talons, free from the Pale Orc. Once in the open air, the Eagle opened it's claws, dropping Alenia and Kili onto the back of another bird, where Fili was.
"Ow." Alenia said.
"How bad is it?" Kili asked, gently lifting her shirt to see the wound.
Alenia smacked his hand away. "It's bad but I don't need your grubby hands poking it."
"Oh shut up, you love me." Kili grumbled.
"Aye, that I do." Alenia mumbled, her eyes drifting closed.
"Alenia?" Kili asked. "Alenia! Wait- No!"
The Eagle dropped down onto a mountain peak, where the other dwarves were gathered around Thorin's unconscious form, while Gandalf tried to revive him.
Gandalf placed his hand on Thorin's face and whispered a spell. Thorin's eyes fluttered open and he gasped for air.
"Alenia?" Thorin croaked.
"Gandalf!" Kili yelled, as he picked up the unconscious Alenia from the back of the Eagle, and carried her over to where the group was gathered. He placed her down before he pleaded, "Help her."
Gandalf repeated the process from before, and frowned when it didn't work. "The wound is too great for me to heal. Her own magic must take care of her."
"It's too late for that though! Her heartbeat is fading!" Kili said. "Is there nothing else we can do?!"
"Love is it's own kind of magic." Bilbo said suddenly. "If you love her as much as she loves you, it might be able to boost her power."
Gandalf nodded sagely.
"Well, go on then, Prince Charming. Kiss her." Fili said, grinning weakly.
Kili looked down at Alenia's face, and leaned in. "Come back to me," he whispered, before pressing his lips to hers.
He sat up, and watched anxiously for a sign that it had worked. Seconds turned to minutes, and just the dwarves, Gandalf, and Bilbo had given up hope, Alenia Damenor heaved in a deep breath, and her eyes opened.
"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty." Kili teased, before he stood and offered her a hand up.
"My hero." Alenia whispered, before she pulled him in for a kiss, as the dwarves cheered.
"Speaking of heroes," Thorin said, as he turned on Bilbo. "What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild and that you had no place amongst us?"
Bilbo took a cautious step back, away from the dwarf.
"I've never been so wrong in all my life!" Thorin said, pulling the hobbit in for a hug.
"I am sorry I doubted you."
"No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior...not even a burglar." Bilbo chuckled.
"Don't you ever do that again." Kili murmured in Alenia's ear, as they watched the pair interact.
"What?" Alenia asked.
"Put your life so dangerously close to the line for someone else." He answered.
"No promises."
Kili gave her a look.
"Fine, fine. I promise." Alenia groaned. "There, are you happy?"
"Quite," Kili hummed.
Alenia laughed, before she leaned down, to press a kiss to his lips. "You know, you're lucky you're tall for a dwarf. Any shorter, and I might decide that I don't feel like bending down so far to kiss you."
"Well, we can't have that." Kili grinned.
"Ugh. We get it, you two are adorable and want to eat each other's faces off." Fili grumbled. "Save it for later."
Alenia and Kili grinned, as Bilbo asked, "Is that what I think it is?"
The Company turned to see a single, solitary peak on the horizon.
"Erebor—The Lonely Mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle-earth." Gandalf confirmed.
"Our home." Thorin said, as a bird flew by.
"A raven! The birds are returning to the mountain." Oin said, pointing.
"That, my dear Oin, is a thrush." Gandalf corrected.
"But we'll take it as a sign - a good omen." Thorin stated.
"You're right. I do believe the worst is behind us." Bilbo said.
As the sun rose behind them, Alenia grinned at Kili, and the Company looked out over Middle-Earth, ready for the next phase of their journey.
alright, i lied. this is the last chapter of book one. wow that feels weird to say. seventy one pages of a google doc on this one book. that's crazy.
first things first, as i said, i will be taking 1-2 weeks to plan, draft and work on the second book, which i'll start to work on on wednesday hopefully.
second, for the next book, let me know if there's something you guys would like to see, or a extra scene you want me to add.
third, about the last few chapters, i really changed the dialogue, and ik that in most hobbit fanfics the additional character doesn't jump in to fight with thorin, but i'm taking some liberties and changing it so alenia is more of a focus, as she's the main character. so yeah, scenes will be different in the next books. and also the whole love is it's own magic thing, i love a good trope so... oh well.
i also wanted to explain something that i'm making up about the elves. idk if this is a real thing but in my head elves have sped up healing, so in this book and beyond ally is gonna be heal faster than a normal human. (but there is a limit to what her "magic" can heal.)
lastly, thanks for getting this far if you're still with me. hopefully, you'll continue on with the series as i keep writing. i'll post a chapter on this book, once i publish the second book. until then, vote/comment, and stay awesome y'all.
- ash xx
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