𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍. the spiders
italics - elvish
Alenia snapped awake to the sound of hissing, and went to move, only to be restrained by a bundle of spider webs wrapped around her entire body.
Alenia started to hyperventilate, as she felt something crawl over her, it's teeth clicking.
"Oh my god." she thought, tears starting to fall. "I knew I was right to fear spiders. We're all going to die."
The hissing of the spiders grew louder in anger, before they faded as they sped away from wherever Alenia was.
Alenia strained against the webs, but they might as well have been made of steel, in her panicked condition. Just as she started to lose hope of ever escaping, she heard a sword being drawn next to her, before she fell to the ground below. As she hit the ground, she groaned, before she threw herself at the silky strands again, desperately trying to get out.
The hissing could be heard again, and Alenia whimpered, before someone tore through the webs on the other side.
"Kili." she gasped. "Oh my god. I told you spiders were horrible."
"I know," Kili grumbled, as he helped her out of the webs and onto her feet. "I'm beginning to see why you hate them."
Alenia reached for the webs hanging off of her person, and dragging them off of her, shuddering as the hissing got louder and louder.
"Are you okay?" Kili asked, hugging her, as her trembling increased.
"I'll be fin-" Alenia started, before she caught a glimpse of the giant spider perched in the trees, ready to pounce on them. "Holy shit!"
It leaped at them, and Alenia shoved Kili over, so they fell to the ground, and the spider flew over them.
Alenia jumped up quickly, drawing her sword, and sliced off it's leg as it charged them, before she stabbed it in the face, which caused spider goo to splatter all over.
"Oh, that is nasty." Alenia moaned, wiping at her face with her sleeve. "This day literally couldn't get any worse."
"Uh, there's more incoming!" Fili yelled from the other side of the clearing.
Kili and Alenia raced after the rest of the Company as they ran through the forest, with more and more spiders dropping to the forest floor.
The dwarves and Alenia cut down spiders as they came at them, but eventually there were too many on their tail to dispose of by themselves.
As Alenia stabbed another spider that rushed her, she spotted a flash of blonde hair in the treeline.
She turned to look, and had to dodge another spider, cutting it's head off, before she finally spotted a blond-haired elf spinning down a spider's silk, where he landed and killed it. The elf took a few steps, before he slid under the spider facing Thorin, and cut it in half.
"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure." The blonde haired elf said, pointing an arrow at Thorin's face.
Other elves appeared, herding the rest of the Company into a pack, causing Alenia to draw her hood up to hide her face, and stoop so her height wasn't obvious.
"Help!" A voice called.
"Kili!" Fili yelled.
Alenia's eyes snapped to her dwarf, as he was dragged away from the group by one of the last few spiders. She surged forward, trying to get past the elves, when the blonde caught her.
"Let me go," she said, trying to shrug him off, but his grip on her arm was too strong.
She quickly elbowed him in the chest, and as he moved forward from the blow, she smashed the back of her fist into his nose, causing a squirt of blood to drip out, leaving her with enough time to drag her bow off and rush to her lover's aid.
The half elf shot the one dragging Kili back, before she stowed her bow, and drew her sword, and stabbed one that had rushed up on her back.
"Throw me your knife. Quick." Kili yelled, and Alenia stooped to grab it from her boot, and tossed it behind her, as she stood up again to stab another spider in the abdomen.
Most of the other spiders had retreated into the trees, and Alenia and Kili smiled at each other in victory, before a hissing sound came from behind Kili.
"Look out!" Alenia yelled, drawing her bow, before a red-haired elleth dropped down from the trees onto the back of the spider, and stabbed it.
The elf then hopped of the corpse of the beast, and quickly stepped up behind Kili, and put her knife to his throat.
"No. Don't hurt him!" Alenia said, quickly dropping her bow to the ground.
"Remove your hood." The blonde-haired elf said, stepping into view of the half elf, wiping the blood from his face.
Kili shook his head, knowing what that would mean for her, and stopped quickly as the red-haired elleth pushed her knife closer to his skin.
Alenia sighed, and pushed her hood back, blowing a piece of hair out of her face.
The blonde-haired elf's eyes grew huge, as he whispered, "Lanatha?"
"Lanatha was my mother," she said, as she narrowed her eyes at him. "Now let my dwarf go."
The red-haired elleth released Kili, who rushed to Alenia's side, and linked hands with her. As the elleth and elf stared at them, they stood united, before elves came from behind them and shoved them back to the rest of the Company.
"My dwarf?" Fili asked, as the pair joined him.
"Yeah," Alenia smirked, looking at Kili, who grinned back at her. "My dwarf."
"Search them." The blonde elf said.
The elf searching Alenia took the sword hanging from her waist, and drew the two daggers from her boots, before he pulled a sword out of the back of her shirt.
She smirked at him, which quickly turned into a scowl as he opened her cloak, and pulled the knives hidden there out. She turned and locked eyes with Fili, who had the same thing happening to him.
She sighed, thinking that her searcher had finished, before he reached for her shirt, where he could see the outline of a small knife.
Before he could touch her though, Kili snatched his hands away, and growled, "Hands off."
Kili lifted Alenia's shirt carefully, so he was able to grab the knife, without exposing her too much, his fingers brushing against her skin.
"I would've enjoyed that much more, if the circumstances had been different." Kili muttered in her ear, as he handed her the knife.
Alenia blushed, as she shoved the smirking dwarf away, and passed the knife to her captor.
"Are the spiders dead?" The blonde-haired elf asked.
"Yes, but more will come. They're growing bolder." The red-haired elleth replied, squeezing his arm.
He smiled softly at her, before he moved to inspect Thorin's sword.
"This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin." he said. "Where did you get this?"
"It was given to me." Thorin said, glaring up at him.
"Not just a thief, but a liar as well." Blondie declared. "Take them."
As the elves started to lead the dwarves away, Bofur turned to Thorin, and whispered, "Thorin, where's Bilbo?"
Thorin and Alenia exchanged glances, as they saw that Bofur spoke the truth. Their hobbit had vanished.
The Company crossed over a stone bridge, and passed through the big doors to enter the Woodland Realm.
"Close the gate." Blondie ordered, and the doors shut behind them with a soft thump, sealing the Company in the Hall of King Thranduil.
welp. uncle and niece are reunited. yayyy.
- ash xx
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