Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Three
High Council Meeting Room - Gold District
"This meeting is about to be very interesting," remarked Ebony as she winked toward Pharris.
Kayla released a sigh when she was Pharris slight nod. "On gods on high," moaned Kayla, "what have you concocted with the ninth seat?"
Ebony ran her hands over her swelling stomach and smiled, "You'll see but act shocked."
Kayla shook her head as the majority of the chairs around the table filled. "I just hope whatever you are doing isn't going to get me in trouble with Lucas."
Ebony rolled her eyes as a small smile hovered over her lips. "Kayla sometimes we need to think about ourselves and stop letting Lucas and Jacob control us."
"Yeah okay," respond Kayla sarcastically, "you say that now. Let's see what you're saying when they are both standing in our face."
"Trust me," giggled Ebony, she turned slightly in her chair to pat Kayla on the knee.
Kayla stared at Ebony on mock horror before making her face go blank.
"Where is the third seat," asked Madison as she tilted back in the tenth seat and looked around the table. Her eyes briefly flickered on Ebony and Kayla before she turned her attention to Pharris. "From what I read this little conversation pertains to him."
Pharris smirked as he rocked back and forth in his chair. "The newly titled Lord Kaelen Matthew Ward is currently off world with His Grace Lucas and Lord Jacob."
"Why so formal," asked Isaiah as he eyed Pharris.
Pharris cocky smile fell as he stared into the midnight blue eyes of Isaiah. "I am showing them the respect they deserve."
"Your attitude makes me highly suspicious," drawled Acadia as she arched a black eyebrow at him. "Not one of your request for a meeting seems to go well so I think you should get started while you can."
Pharris lips curled down as he tapped his index finger against the granited table. "Every meeting I've called has been necessary and -."
"Has always involved Kaelen," smiled Ebony. "I'm very much interested to see what you wish to discuss this time."
"Harmph," snorted Pharris as he looked down at his fingers. "This isn't going to take long." Pharris brown eyes twinkled as they stared at Ebony. "With you expecting Lord Jacob's child plus already being the mother of two I believe you should gracefully step down from your position as fourth chair and allow someone with less bias have your seat."
Ebony tried in vain to scowl as she stared at Pharris before she glanced around the table. "Does everyone feel this way?"
"Of course not," responded Wanda, eighth chair, in a smoothing voice.
Acadia sighed, "It is very obvious that you will co-chair Jacob when he takes over so I'm sure some feel you being here now is a conflict of interest." Acadia lips pursed as she tried not to smile.
"Everyone here is a conflict of interest," mumbled Kayla as she rolled her eyes her lips flattening into a straight line . "Pharris is nothing but a lapdog barking incessently at people from the lap of his master."
"And who is my master," snapped Pharris. His eyes narrowed as he glared at Kayla.
"I would say Lucas or Jacob but you seem to like to get on their bad side too much," snorted Kayla as she shook her head. "They placed you here and you have the nerve to try to make these types of moves while they are gone."
"How dare you imply I couldn't gain entry on the council without their assistance," snarled Pharris as his face flushed in anger.
"Let us hold this to a vote," requested Ebony, her eyes cut to Kayla silently telling her to be quiet.
Acadia sighed as she shook her head, "I don't believe we should do this while Jacob, Lucas and Kaelen are gone."
Ebony rolled her eyes as she stared at the set faces around the table. "I am under too much stress to put up with this," exclaimed Ebony as her eyes landed on a silent Kevin. "I will relinquish my seat if that will make everyone happy!"
"You will," asked Malcolm. Malcolm eyes widened, him now fully aware of what Ebony and Pharris were doing.
"Yes I will," smiled Ebony sweetly. "I bequeathe my seat to Kevin Jacob Lawson, currently tenth chair -."
"Fuck," yelled Kevin as he jumped to his feet. "I do not accept!"
Celeste emerald green eyes danced in merriment, "Kevin you are already a member of the council. Stop acting as if you don't want to sit next to Kaelen and Malcolm."
"I don't," mumbled Kevin as he averted his eyes.
Ebony shook her head as she rose, "Now I can spend more time with my children instead of sitting here listening to you people ramble on about bullshit for hours on end."
Malcolm laughed as he watched Ebony rise to her feet. "Tell us how you really feel," jested Malcolm as he rose and escorted her to the tenth chair. "But before you leave there is a few other things that need to be discussed."
Ebony took a deep breath as she lowered herself into the seat. "If I must be involved I guess I'll remain for the remainder of this meeting." Ebony cocked an eyebrow toward Kayla, "Will you remain here with Kevin or join me in leaving once this is over?"
Kayla tilted her head as if in thought, "I believe I'll leave with you after this is over."
Kevin pouted as he leaned back in his seat and glared toward Pharris. "I swear if my parents find out I'm here I'll boil you."
Pharris sighed as he shook his head, "I'm not going to tell."
Kevin cut his eyes at the smiling Malcolm, "And I'm sure you know the pain I'll rain down on your household if you tell."
Malcolm shrugged as he leaned back in his chair. "I'm aware of the torment that will befall me."
Kevin turned to stare at Kayla, "Give thought to being my second on the council please."
"I will," nodded Kayla as she rose and moved behind Ebony.
"We now have a vacant seat!" Kevin rubbed his hands together a gleeful look on his face as he looked around the table.
"We should open the floor up to recommendations," suggested Madison.
"That won't be necessary," smiled Kevin resting his hands on the table. " I would like to nominate Anthony Lawson and as his second Sebastian Mace." Kevin's eyes dance does he took in everyone's reaction.
"No ," sputtered Monique and Chanel at the same time.
"Sebastian Mace cannot be name to the High Council," continued a flustered Monique, seventh chair.
Sixth chair Monique nodded vigorously in wholehearted agreement.
"We should leave off on who should be the next tenth seat for now and move on to the other reason why this meeting was called," sighed Malcolm.
All eyes swung to Pharris each gaze speculative of what he would say next.
"Shall we move to the next business at hand," mock Joshua. Joshua tilted towar Isaiah and whispered for everyone to hear, "We all know this has something to do with Kaelen so let's get it over with so we can enjoy the rest of our day."
"Once again there the big pink elephant in the room and the members of the Council have decided to ignore it," started Pharris in a self important, smug tone.
" I don't see a pink elephant," mocked Celeste with a laugh, her gaze swept the corners of the room pretending to look for the pink elephant. "I believe you're mistaken there's no way an elephant can fit into this room"
Acadia flicked a piece of imaginary lint from her shoulder and sniffed in disdain. "Stop with the rhetoric and say what it is you want to discuss."
"Ruby has made sure it is known that Kaelen currently has a paramour and plans to continue a relationship with this person after they have wed. Though the citizens of the universe have no idea who his current paramour is -." Pharris held up a hand to stop anyone from interrupting him. "We all know that the paramour is Xara and it is time that we act and making sure she and Kaelen aren't able to reproduce some type of monstrous child."
"And what exactly do you expect us to do," ask Joshua tentatively.
"We need to sterilize Xara so that she is unable to reproduce." Pharris banged his hand on the table to emphasize this point, " I've said from the beginning that if they reproduce their child would have the abilities to destroy the Alliance."
"Um," frowned Ebony, " were you there during the sparring event for council seats. I'm not voting on this," exclaimed Ebony, she tried to rock herself back and forth to get to her feet. "He literally knock people's heads off their body! Are you insane?"
"Am I insane," repeated Pharris astonished that she would say such a thing. "We'd have to be insane to let him reproduce with her."
"I knew you were crazy," rushed Ebony as she finally made it to her feet. "My last act as a member of the chair is to vote against sterilizing Xara. Now if you'll excuse me I no longer wish to participate as a member of this council."
Kayla rose behind Ebony and glared angrily at Pharris. As she made it to the exit she turned to stare at Madison and Chanel who sat nodding in agreement with Pharris. "Some of you have an irrational fear of my brother and you need to get over it before he kills you."
Chanel gasped at the implication but remained silent as Ebony and Kayla stormed out of the room. No one spoke several minutes after the door slammed closed.
"The silence is starting to annoy me," drawled Malcolm as he rose to his feet. "I agree with Ebony it is not the council's place to decide if Xara should be sterilized."
Pharris lips pressed into a thin angry line as he realized he only had the support of the seventh and eighth chairs. He raised his hands into the air in submission, " I'm sure everyone on the council this is going to be a huge mistake. If the resistance get their hands on a pregnant Xara or the child after its born it will be the doom of the Ah'Tarian rule and if the Alliance."
Acadia stared at Pharris with sad eyes, "So you are implying that Kaelen cannot or would not protect his own child."
"I'm not implying that," snapped Pharris. "That girl has no real tie to the Alliance and she could be playing all of us in hopes of getting impregnated by him and taking that spawn to the resistance."
"Are you saying then that you doubt my judgment," asked Kevin with a deadly smile.
Pharris color faded as he stared into the murky eyes of Kevin. "I would never!" Pharris expression changed to one of fear and he leapt to his feet. "I do nothing but try to warn you, my lord." Pharris bowed at his waist so low that his head bump the table before he stood and released a deep breath. "We still have to consider that Sebastian and Xara were both part of the resistance."
"Xara was an unwilling participant," pointed out Celeste.
"That is what she wants us to believe but where's the solid and concrete proof," asked Madison and she rose to her feet. "We don't know her true motives behind being here and who knows if they created some serum that can block her true thoughts."
" I grow weary of this," snapped Kevin. "You doubt me! You are lucky that I let you breath." Kevin's hands clenched as they rested on the table. " I will give you one last chance to shut the fuck up."
Acadia smiled sweetly at all the occupants of the room, "I believe that we should end the meeting here. Let us not speak on this topic again unless you wish to die." Acadia stood, "All in favor of never broaching this topic again please raise your hand."
Celeste smiled while she stared at the raised hands of Isaiah, Acadia, Kevin and Malcolm. " Ebony's last act as a member of the High Council was to vote with the majority against the forced sterilization of Xara." Celeste tilted her head and gave them a beautiful smile, "It appears you three were out voted and if you mention it again I'll kill you myself."
Malcolm clapped his hands together and laughed, "And this concludes another very interesting meeting started by Pharris." Malcolm walk behind Pharris and slapped him on the back, "Don't worry I won't let them kill you I find you very amusing."
"And the gods know you like to be amused," chuckle Joshua as he grabbed Malcolm and pulled him out of the room with Isaiah close behind.
Isaiah stopped and turned to stare at Kevin, "Oh! Before I leave, Kevin, I'll leave it to you to let Lucas, Jacob and Kae know what the meeting was about today!"
All humor left his face as he glared at the close door. "Crap on a stick," exclaimed Kevin as glared at Pharris.
(a/n sorry for any mistakes)
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