Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Seven Gold District
"Kaelen we come together so nicely," purred Ruby as she leaned forward her fingers splayed on his chest. Her pointed nails scratched at his chest as she impaled herself back on him. She started to grind herself into him. "This is what I've been missing in my life," purred Ruby her silver eyes glazed with lust.
"Yeah," laughed Kaelen amused. His hands laid behind his head while he let her do all the work.
"Yes," moaned Ruby tilting toward him. "All that's missing is a kiss," she whispered her pink lips puckered up and moved toward his.
Kaelen stared blankly at Ruby before he turned his head to stare out the window. He released a sigh as he replied flatly, "It's taboo for Nah'Byians to kiss before they are married."
He rolled his eyes when he saw her pout out the corner of his eyes. With a resolved he didn't feel he grabbed her hips and started to pick up the tempo. "I know you are enjoying your leisurely pace but I have an early morning."
Ruby moans became sharp and loud as she matched his pace. "Oh Kaelen, yes!"
"You're awfully loud," groaned Kaelen as he pumped into her. "Are you making sure that we're heard so it's in the rags?"
"YES," screamed Ruby slamming herself down one final time before she laid her head on his chest. "But I have to admit you are spectacular," whispered Ruby into Kaelen's ear.
Kaelen grunted before he stopped moving. "I came, can you get off?"
"But you're still hard," whined Ruby wiggling her hips. "It feels like you can go another round to me."
Kaelen sucked his teeth as he rolled her onto her back. He stared down into her eyes and shook his head, "As much as I've enjoyed this I don't have time."
"You don't sound like you enjoyed it," snapped Ruby. "You needed to drink a whole bottle of port."
"Yeah," sighed Kaelen rolling into a sitting position and dragging his hands over his face. "I also need to sleep off this liquor."
"Ah'Tarians don't get drunk," boosted Ruby as she traced a design on his back.
Kaelen stood up and grabbed his pants off the floor. "Yeah," he laughed at the irony of her words. "Well, I'm not Ah'Tarian so I get drunk."
Ruby rolled on to her stomach and sighed, "But you have the stamina of any full-blooded Ah'Tarian."
"Mmm," hummed Kaelen wobbly as he pulled on his pants. "I'll take that as a compliment." He plopped down heavily on the bed and squinted to where his shoes should have been at the foot of the bed. "Where are my bloody shoes?"
"They're over there," yawned Ruby. She cuddled into the red and gold pillows that laid on the bed. "You tossed them toward the door when we first started."
"Oh," mumbled Kaelen as he stood up and walked unsteadily to the door. He raised his hand to his head and grimaced at the slight nausea and dizziness he felt. "I definitely drank too much," groaned Kaelen. He bent down to pick up his shoes and bumped his head on the door knob when he stood back up.
"Damn that hurt," cried Kaelen rubbing the sore spot.
Ruby opened an eye to peer at Kaelen. "I have no idea how you were even able to get it up and keep it up for two hours you are so drunk."
"Yeah," scoffed Kaelen putting his shoes on. "The shit I can do when I'm drunk," mumbled Kaelen to himself as he walked out of the door. He shook his head as the bright lights greeted him, "I'm going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow." He leaned against the wall heavily as he looked around to make sure it was empty.
Kaelen stepped into his bedroom and cursed when his foot stubbed his desk. He blinked several times to clear his vision, his eyes finally adjusting before they landed on his empty bed. "Where the fuck is Xara," he asked out loud.
Kaelen tore off his cream blazer as he walked toward the wall that would take him into her bedroom. His eyes swept the room first landing on the empty bed before they moved to the small desk. Finally his eyes swung to the window seat.
"Why are you not in my bed waiting for me," slurred Kaelen as he walked toward her. He reached out his hand for her to take and frowned when she just stared at it before raising her handheld to her nose. "Are you denying me," asked Kaelen.
"You smell like raunchy pu$$y and cheap liquor," mumbled Xara. "You should take a shower and go to bed."
Kaelen's eyes narrowed as he took in her words, "You are denying me."
Xara looked up quickly and shook her head, "I am not."
"You are," roared Kaelen. His hand shot out too fast for Xara to react. Kaelen stared down angrily at her hand held before he threw it against the wall. "You were to be in my room when I returned yet I find you in here! You should be waiting for me like a good paramour!"
Xara eyes rounded as his eyes turned gold. "I never signed the paramour contract!" Xara threw her hands in the air and glared, "You are being an ass because I came to my room! The room you gave me!"
"I am not being an ass," snapped Kaelen his eyes going to the destroyed device. With a sigh he raked his hand over his head, "If I were angry you would know it."
Xara closed her eyes as she attempted to reign in herself, "I am not denying you, Kaelen. But is it fair for me to accept you when you smell of another woman?"
Kaelen frowned down at Xara her words barely registering. "You will accept me however I tell you to accept me."
Xara looked everywhere but into his gold eyes. "Kaelen please be reasonable."
"I don't have to be reasonable," snapped Kaelen. "You are mine, right?"
"Yes," responded Xara sadly. "I am yours -."
"So you will do as I say," he continued cutting her off.
Xara closed her eyes and released a deep breath. After several seconds a forced smile graced her lips, "Kaelen why don't we go take a shower or languish together in your tub before we go to bed."
Kaelen's lips turned down as he considered her words. Several seconds passed before his gold eyes went back to their hazel green and his lips curled into a satisfied smile. "That's a great idea. Now that you mention it my head is starting to hurt and I should bathe and go to bed." Kaelen hiccupped as he gently grabbed Xara's wrist in a firm grip and turned on his heels to go back into his room. "I believe since I'll be married soon we should review the sleeping arrangements."
Xara stared daggers at his back as she was dragged behind him into his bedroom. "How was your time with Ruby?"
"I don't want to talk about it," mumbled Kaelen. "Just thinking of her makes my dick shrivel and want to hide in my pelvic bone."
"Oh," whispered Xara. She watched him unbuckle his pants and try to kick them off with his shoes still on. She muffled a laugh as she walked over to help him. "How much did you drink?"
"Enough to get me through the majority of the evening," growled Kaelen. "And do you know she had the nerve to ask me to kiss her," snorted Kaelen disgust evident in his voice. "As if I'd ever -." He stopped talking and took in Xara's expression. "Give me a kiss."
Xara laughed at his puppy like expression before she scrunched up her nose. "I would prefer if you'd wash the scent of the previous female off you before you ask me to do things like that."
Kaelen frowned thoughtfully. After several minutes he appeared to have a thought. "I'm drunk you know," he chuckled.
"I know," responded Xara shaking her head. "You actually look -." Xara paused as she stared into his eyes. "Less scary like this."
"Really? How so," asked Kaelen as he watched Xara kneel and help him take off his shoes.
"You seem -," Xara paused and her expression became thoughtful. "I don't know how to put it. But you seem more approachable."
Kaelen grunted as he removed his shirt. "So you want me to get drunk more often," asked Kaelen with a half-smile as the shirt fluttered to the floor showing off his muscled chest.
Xara giggled as she stood back up, "I wish you'd relax more."
"If I relax you'll run away," whispered Kaelen.
Xara turned to stare out the corner of her eye at Kaelen as she lead the way to his over large bathroom. "You say it as if you want me to always be around."
Kaelen laughed, "Is it so bad I want what Lucas has with Kayla?"
"You wish me to be in love with you," asked Xara. She attempted to hide the shock from her voice and face. "Like Kayla is with Lucas and Ebony with Jacob?"
"I want to marry someone that loves me and that I can respect," responded Kaelen offhandedly.
Xara nodded her brow knitted together as she watched him sink into the crystal clear waters of the bath. She watched while he floated around the waters before she realized he was motioning for her to get into the water with him. "Kaelen why didn't you just clean yourself with a cleansing spell?"
"I tried that once," chuckled Kaelen before sinking and getting a mouthful of water. Coughing he stood up and stared thoughtfully at Xara. "I ended up setting a woman's clothes on fire with her still in them. Lucas says alcohol, me and my powers don't mix."
"How long ago was that," giggled Xara. "And you don't seem to be overly drunk," continued Xara as she watched him walk over to the shower and start to wash off.
"Would a sober person get into a clean pool of water before washing up," asked Kaelen. "Only kids do that," he mumbled to himself with a small pout.
"I guess they would," responded Xara with a shrug as she watched the soap run slowly down his naked body. "Aside from seeming overly relaxed and a little uncoordinated you don't seem drunk."
Kaelen laughed at her puzzled look, "You're cute."
Xara frowned a little as she watched him get back in the water. Waving a hand she cleaned the waters he'd dirty and walked over to him. "Kaelen can I ask you a question?"
"Sure," smirked Kaelen his eyes dancing from too much alcohol.
"You are drunk off your ass," whispered Xara to herself before she sat down next to him. "If you'd never met Jacob and Lucas at the Academy how do you think your life would have went?"
Kaelen sighed and laid his head on the turquoise tile that lined the pool. "I would have become a council member on the Nah'Byian council after my father retired."
Xara sat on her knees so that she could look at Kaelen as he spoke. Water lapped gently around her as she shifted to get in a better position. "So you would have met them regardless," stated Xara flatly.
"Yeah I would have," chuckled Kaelen. "But I probably wouldn't have left Nah'Bye after meeting them. By the time I would have met them I would have been settled down with a wife and kids."
"And Kayla would have too," asked Xara.
"Mia is the reason I met them," chuckled Kaelen, he turned to look at Xara. "Lucas wanted Mia the moment he saw her."
"Really?" Xara pondered over his words before she laughed, "He does seem smitten with her."
"He's obsessed with Kayla," responded Kaelen on a sigh. "When she left him, he spent over four years looking for her and me."
"She left?"
"Try not to get any fanciful ideas," chuckled Kaelen. His hand went around Xara's waist and pulled her toward him. "You're mine and I have no intentions of letting Sebastian swoop you away from me."
"Uh huh," responded Xara as she straddled his hips. She stared into the water and saw his arousal in bit her lip. "Kaelen don't you believe you've had enough for today?"
"But I never actually came," whined Kaelen his lips gently sliding across her collar bone. "And you're my soon to be paramour."
Xara closed her eyes on a sigh as his tongue swept across her skin.
"You're not wearing your necklace," whispered Kaelen before his teeth grazed her skin.
Xara pulled back and stared into his now golden eyes. "Are you going to -?"
"Nope," chuckled Kaelen before sinking his teeth into the swell of her breast.
Xara gasped in pleasure, squirming on his lap until she was able to slide his length into her. Moaning she slowly began to move up and down on his lap. She purred when he removed his teeth and started kissing, sucking and licking on her neck.
She sped up the rhythm feeling a warmth build in her center as Kaelen's lips slammed on top of hers. She opened her mouth to allow him better access so their tongues could do battle before he nibbled on her bottom lip.
She moaned deep in her throat as pleasure raced through her body with each downward push of her hips. Soon she could feel him expand inside before he released his seed.
Xara threw her head back, her nail racking over his shoulders as pleasure from him feeling her aided in reaching her peak. "You know I could probably fall in love with you if you weren't so scary when you're sober," whispered Xara into his shoulder her muscles clenching around him.
After they both were satisfied and lying in bed Xara stared into Kaelen's partially droopy eyes. "Kaelen why don't you announce you are a Lawson by blood?"
Kaelen yawned and pulled Xara toward him. "Because I would have to give up my father's name. Clarence Ward raised and loves me; he showed me the difference between right and wrong. I could never publicly acknowledge that all the things he's taught me were for not because I don't have the capabilities -."
"Oh," responded Xara softly. "I'm sure they could make it where you could keep your last name and he'd never know."
"I don't want to talk about it anymore," yawned Kaelen closing his eyes. "I don't want to take the chance that I will hurt my father. I don't want to see the look in his eyes if he were to find out that somehow I'd become a monster."
"Because you love him?"
"Because I don't ever want him to find out that I can't love him the same way he loves me," responded Kaelen before his breathing evened out.
Xara stared into the semi darkness of the bedroom her eyes watching as Kaelen's shadow flickered closer and closer to the bed. "Why is it coming toward me," worried Xara as she watched it stop and stare down at her. She grimaced when it looked like it was trying to smile at her. "Go over there," she muttered as she moved closer to Kaelen trying to move as far away from it as possible.
"Hmm," sighed Kaelen as he pulled her closer breathing in the strawberry scent of her hair.
Xara closed her eyes slowly and reopened them, releasing a sigh when she saw the shadow at moved across the room again. She a cold chill ran up her back, when she noticed it was still staring at her but closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep. "He doesn't love me so I'm fine," murmured Xara sleepily.
*Sorry it took so long but Kaelen was playing hide and seek in my mind. While I'm doing an authors note if you haven't already read it out please check out my other work 'Let's Play a Game' and my first collaboration with @shorty4u21 'Destorying You: Sands of Ruin'.*
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