Chapter Twenty Eight
Location Unknown
Dion stared lost in thought after he'd read the latest message from Orchid. He tossed the device across the white desk toward Oscar. "It would appear that an opening to whisk Xara away may be coming up sooner than we would have thought."
"Really," sighed Oscar his long fingers stroked the beard he'd had added to his chin while they were on Rayia. He picked up the device, his new glassy reddish brown eyes scanned the screen slowly once than a second time as he reread the message.
"You've got to be joking," he chuckled, his distaste obvious, as he threw the device on the desk. "You honestly believe we can waltz into that engagement party and just sweep her away? And what pray tell did you have in mind for a distraction?" Sarcasm dripped from Oscar as he waited for Dion's replay.
Dion steepled his fingers and leaned into the desk his gaze icy cold. "According to Orchid it will be a large gathering held outside in the Water District." Dion scratched his head as he stared at the message. "Orchid will be attending as a guest of the soon to be bride, Ruby Hands."
"And that means nothing." Oscar rolled his eyes as he picked up the device, his fingers flicked through the screens until he found the official announcement in the Alliance News. "According to this the Sinclair’s, Lawson’s and Nobles will all be in attendance. How exactly do you -?"
Dion sat back in the chair a flash of concern crossed his face before he quickly hid it. "It's already arranged. They will be watching Orchid expecting so something from her with that distraction I'll be able to walk in and take Xara before they realize it. I've already contacted an old 'friend' to have us placed on the list for the party."
"A friend," asked Oscar skeptically.
Dion chuckled as he titled his head back to rest on the chair. "As Dion O'Mallory and Dion Mace I am a wanted man but this fellow knew me when I was Mark Gilmore Ingram."
"Mark Ingram," repeated Oscar slowly his expression closing. "I didn't think you remembered your days at primary school."
"I remember a little," smiled Dion proudly. "Not a lot because it's a blur but I remembered him and he me."
"That does explain the work you've had down," frowned Oscar masking his worry as he took in Dion's bright red hair, dark brown eyes, new nose, dark pink pouty lips and sun kissed skin. "And the morning workouts," he grumbled as he grudgingly took in Dion's frame.
Dion's wearily took in his father's stony look, "As a kid I vaguely remember having red hair and dark brown eyes. I also remember playing in a field behind our house. "
"You remember that," repeated Oscar quietly his eyes glaciers as they stared at Dion." The ice quickly melted away quickly replaced by a stiff smile when he saw the questioning look from Dion. Oscar coughed into his hand before he continued, "There's still a flaw in your plan. You are being overly cocky when your plan can and will still fail."
"Oh father," mocked Dion, "would you miss me if I were to be captured? Would you have every contact you have searching for me like you did Sebastian? Would you use all your markers so that you could get close enough to snatch me away?" Dion gave Oscar a faux sad look before he smiled cockily, "Didn't know I knew you'd done all that huh?"
Oscar frown darkened as he glared at Dion. "As if," mumbled Oscar moving to his feet. "I'm more afraid that if you were captured you'd sing like a canary to save yourself from death."
"Sing like a canary," repeated Dion with a small frown. "I'm not familiar with that saying. But I believe that's your attempt to insult me." Dion raised his left hand and glanced at his nails. "Sebastian has obviously given them a lot to keep himself and Xara alive. Three of our facilities have been raided, the notes confiscated and everyone inside dead."
"My sources say that the two heirs found those on their own with the mysterious Kaelen Ward." At Dion's look of disbelief Oscar shook his head while he waved a hand, "It isn't an insult but the truth. You are weak! We need Sebastian!"
"Do we," asked Dion coldly.
Oscar rolled his shoulders as he stared with distaste at Dion. "Even though Sebastian always acted hastily he is definitely a better planner than you'll ever be. Now listen well because here's what we should do," he paused to make sure his son was listening. "We will wait until Xara is out of the house. According to both our sources she goes on day trips occasionally with those women."
"Those women," drawled Dion blankly. Slowly the women in question that, his father referred to, clicked into place and he laughed. "Are you talking about Makayla Sinclair and Ebony Talisman?" He watched wide eyed as Oscar nodded. "Those two have killed every man that we've attempted to send after them. And the four they didn't kill we've had to have eliminated before they could be questioned."
"You keep sending boys to do a job meant for men," replied Oscar calmly. He moved toward the door before he turned around to stare at Dion. "As my son I expect better plans from you."
Dion stared at him speechless. After several minutes Dion threw his hands in the air. "Fine we'll try your another one of your approaches first. As a matter of fact, why don't we send some of your man? Can I assume your sources know the next time they are supposed to be outside the palace and where they are going?"
"You assume correctly," Oscars lips twitched into a smile. "I know both hers and Sebastian's schedule."
"Oh," snarled Dion his gaze dropping to his hands. "Your precious Sebastian that has betrayed us."
"He's your brother so you shouldn't speak of him like -."
"My brother," spat Dion slamming his hand down on the white desk. "My brother who betrays you but you are willing to take back with open arms."
"We need him!"
"No WE do not! You need him," snapped Dion as he rose. "Is this what your plan is about? Are you hoping to use Xara as a pawn to get Sebastian to come back?"
"And if it is," whispered Dion threateningly.
"I will not assist you in doing that!"
"Your jealousy of your brother -."
"I am not jealous," interrupted Dion. "He is nothing compared to me. I am smarter -!"
"And he has a higher power level," interrupted Oscar with a wistful smile. "Oh how I wish I could have had one son that had both your attributes."
"You didn't," snarled Dion his eyes flashing as he stared at Oscar. "You have two sons!"
"Yes I do," responded Oscar slowly. "One too smart for his own good and the other too powerful for his. I need a drink and a snack to help me with my overwhelming disappointment in you two."
Dion pressed his lips together to keep silent as his father strolled out the room. He waited several minutes after the door slide close before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small clear crystal that had green and blue circuits running through it.
"Something isn't right," thought Dion out loud as he moved around the desk toward the door. He looked at the switch on the small box he'd designed a few days ago.
"He's been acting weird for months but this...He's never verbalized his displeasure like this before." Dion flipped the small switch and waited for the tingle that let him know it was activated and signaled he was invisible to the naked eye.
Sebastian isn't his only son that can do that little trick, thought Dion bitterly. The door slid open and he walked toward his father's rooms.
Dion didn't have to wait long before Oscar appeared with a disgruntled expression, a bowl of green grapes and glass of sangria from the opposite direction.
He slipped into Oscar's spacious entry silently hurrying to a corner and watching intently.
Dion impatiently sat while Oscar reviewed reports from various sources about the latest uprisings for over an hour before he began to bore. Maybe I'm wrong, thought Dion with a sigh. Gracefully he started toward the open bathroom door just as a buzz rang through the room.
"Finally," exclaimed Oscar. He jumped from his beige over stuffed lounge chair. He walked pass Dion toward the gray stoned paneled wall before he pressed the third one from the left until it clicked.
Oscar looked around wearily before he reached inside the dark interior and pulled out a small metallic hand held that Dion had never seen.
"It took you long enough," barked Oscar as he hurried to sit back down.
"I had things to do," drawled a nasally female voice that Dion didn't recognize.
"He's remembering! He's remembering again!"
Dion heard a chuckle before the person began to speak. "A mind like his will never fully be able to succumb to any push. Especially not the one you've requested, Oscar. I told you it needs to be reinforced every few months."
"He just reinforced it two weeks ago," snarled Oscar.
"His mind is complicated," laughed the voice in the screen. "In another year or two the pushes won't work anymore. You'll need to -."
"By then I'll have no need for him," waved Oscar in dismissal. "He is too head strong anyway. Sebastian and Xara are easier to manipulate but in a year I won't need any of them."
"I told you Oscar when you took him that he'd be your doom."
"I need him right now! I'll eliminate him as soon as he's done -."
"You'll need to sleep with one eye open if he remembers who he really is. Who his parents really are," giggled voice from the screen. "Imagine what he'd do to you when he remembers that you killed his real family and kidnapped him."
"Damn it," snapped Oscar as he glared at the screen. "I need you to contact Ans so they can do another push on him. I need it to be stronger."
"I think you're failing to understand," drawled the woman. "Ans can place a push on him from now til the new year and it will not last."
"What do you suggest," snapped Oscar.
"I suggest you make sure Dion doesn't return from Ah'Taria with Xara and Sebastian," drawled the voice.
"He's weeks away-."
"He's days away from remembering who he really is you dumb ass! Take care of this or we'll make sure you're taken care of! The resistance needs a figure head but no one says it needs to be you!"
He's not my father, thought Dion confused. What does she mean by figure head? What in the name of Hades is going on? With unanswered questions racing through his head Dion walked to the attached bathroom. Once there he made sure that Oscar was busy still talking to the person on the handheld before he switched the device off and watched as the door quietly opened it to the hallway.
"I need to get out of here," whispered Dion as he hurried toward his office. Dion ran to his desk and picked up his handheld and grabbed every data cube in his desk drawers. "I was kidnapped, my family killed and I'm obviously next."
He ran his fingers through his hair. "I remember when I was four or five I had red hair and brown eyes. Who the fuck am I?"
Knowing the room couldn't answer his questions he paused, "I'll go to the guy from primary school. Father...wait he's not my father -," Dion corrected himself. "Oscar didn't seem keen on me reaching out to Declan."
Dion exited his office and walked into his bedroom, "Oscar plans to kill me when I go to Ah'Taria so I have a few days." He pulled out his handheld once he was on the bed and looked at his device. "Connect me to Declan Nicholas 956721." He waited impatiently while the screen flickered before a handsome brown skin man appeared on the screen.
"I remembered you from a long time ago," began Dion staring at the man intently, "do you remember me?"
"Of course I do," responded the man his brown eyes filled with an expression Dion didn't want to place. "You've been missing for over 14 years. Your parents were killed and you were thought to be dead too."
"Who were my parents," asked Dion cautiously. "Who I am?"
"I don't understand," began Declan. Dion watched as he shook his head side to side with a puzzled expression.
"I will explain it to you in person but I need your help -."
"My father's a member of the Ah'Tarian high council so I know we can help you!"
"I'm Ah'Tarian!"
Declan hesitated before he spoke again. “Yeah you’re Ah’Tarian. You're parents were Sasha and Heathcliff Nobles.”
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope it answers some questions.
Let me know what you think...and yes Kaelen and Xara are coming back in the next chapter this chapter is meant to progress the story
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