Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty
Ah'Taria - High Council Meeting Room
"I'm so happy everyone could make it on such short notice," smiled Malcolm as he folded his hands on the table. "Our dear, Pharris asked me to call this meeting. When he told me the subject I couldn't resist poking at our very own sleeping bear."
Isaiah sighed as he sat between Lucas and Celeste, "Why are we here?"
Malcom pursed his lips to keep himself from laughing. He turned his steel gray gaze to Pharris, "You should tell them why you called the meeting." Malcolm's eyes danced with mischief as he smirked, "More importantly you should tell Kaelen why we are here."
Pharris tapped his device against the granite table and moved his gaze to Kaelen. "It has come to my attention that some of the more affluent members of society have noted that you have not been out and about with Ruby Hands like you use to."
Kaelen rested his elbows on the table and leaned forward until his chin was supported by his clenched fist. One dark eyebrow rose questioningly at Pharris, "Why is my personal life the scuttlebutt of the high society. She is still my escort when I attend functions."
"I believe -," Pharris voice cracked as he watched the hazel eyes start to swirl and turn gold. Pharris weary gaze circled the table until it landed on Lucas.
Lucas smirked, "It's Ruby!"
Kaelen cut his eyes from Pharris to stare at Lucas puzzled, "What's Ruby?"
"Since you need it spelled out," snapped Kayla as she glared at him. "Ruby has been complaining to anyone that would listen that you are disinterested in her. Before that -."
"So," drawled Kaelen bored.
"I think you are missing the point," came Pharris hesitant but firm response. "You are not an Ah'Tarian -."
"Obviously," replied Kaelen curtly.
"Did Lucas or Jacob tell you what all was agreed to when you were added to the list of potentials for the council," asked Wanda as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
Jacob raised his hand and drew everyone's attention. "Before you do this," smiled Jacob as he started to rise, "Can Lucas and I leave?"
Kevin's eyes widened as he took in the taunt line Lucas lips had formed and he chuckled, "Oh my goddess! You didn't tell him?"
Lucas looked around the room and nodded, "It's as I thought." He turned to Jacob, "We are being called." Without another word he disappeared.
"I'm sure you hear that," drawled Jacob as he looked between his mother and father. "Someone is in desperate need of Lucas and me." Jacob gave a curt wave and disappeared.
"Oh Hades no," scowled Kayla as she stared at the two empty seats. "Did they both just run away?"
Kaelen leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers, "If they ran away this doesn't bode well."
Kevin rose, "Damn I hear it too. It's a faint cry for assistance and Lucas and Jacob are-"
"Sit down," snarled Acadia as she pointed to his chair. "Jacob and Lucas caught everyone off guard with their antics. You are not going to be that lucky."
"Shit," mumbled Kevin, "In my own defense," he turned to smile at Kaelen, "I was not here when Lucas and Jacob agreed to -."
"I know about the marrying an Ah'Tarian. I'll cross that when I feel like it. Now for the other part just tell me," snapped Kaelen.
Pharris gave a half smile, "So you already know that since you are a non-Ah'Tarian it was decided that for you to be admitted you would have to date, court and marry an Ah'Tarian to cement your seat."
Kaelen's lips pressed together, "And it was decided it was going to be Ruby?"
"W-well," stuttered Madison Presley as she shifted in her tenth seat. "The Hands are a very influential family. You and she seemed to be getting along famously so it as assumed that one day you and she would be married."
"But you can still have paramours," announced Wanda McKinney quickly. Her pink nails dug into the arms of the eighth chair as she watched Kaelen's face cautiously.
"So when was this decided," asked Kaelen as he sent a deadly glare toward Acadia.
Acadia raised her hands, "I must have missed that meeting."
Joshua lips pressed together as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I was in attendance but I don't remember when it was decided that you'd marry Ruby Hands. It was a blanket statement that you'd need to marry an Ah'Tarian woman." He turned and stared at Isaiah.
"I didn't decree it," hurried Isaiah as he threw his hands up. "She's a little too free with her charms for my taste."
"As I said before it was Ruby," sighed Kayla as she glared at Kaelen. "I warned about that crazy lunatic of a woman! I told you she was nothing but a whore and yet -."
Kaelen waved a hand toward Kayla as a dark calm took over him. "I'm not trying to hear that right now. Marriage is just a political thing anyway."
"And that is your problem," snapped Kayla. "You have become a huge asshole that listens to no one! Jael Quin told you to leave her alone and you didn't listen now our parents have gone to go visit friends on Nah'Bye!"
Kaelen stared blankly at Kayla as he folded his hands over his chest. "You seem to know a lot about nothing."
"I know what's come over you," continued Kayla as if he hadn't spoken. "But sometimes you still can disgust me." When he continued to gaze blankly at her she shook her head, "Do you really think they are coming back!"
Kaelen tilted his head at Kayla his face devoid of expression. "I know I should be feeling something," he mumbled as he watched her eyes tear up. "I'm supposed to be feeling something," he repeated. Slowly anger built up inside his chest and he swung his gaze to Pharris. "Why would anyone think I was marrying Ruby?" His anger shook the walls.
Pharris winced at Kaelen's tone but he quickly covered it with a smirk, "Maybe because you kept following her around like a little puppy dog." Pharris shoulders rose, "Maybe because she's been circulating that rumor for weeks now."
"And no one thought to tell me," he yelled as he slammed his fist on the table.
"This is the fourth table," snapped Celeste and Acadia.
"I want the rumor squashed," yelled Kaelen.
Acadia sent a pointed stare at Wanda, "Can we squash this?"
"She's been telling everyone," sighed Pharris. "Her father is an important man and he's told everyone as well."
"Why'd you wait so long," snapped Kaelen as he felt self-loath bloom in his chest. "I haven't slept with her in weeks! I read the rags and haven't read anything about this! How is this being spread?"
Monique McDonald lips twisted as she stared around the table. "She was very clever in spreading it. She made sure it was rumored off world to those in high places before it trickled back here."
"She said she'd never marry a non-Ah'Tarian," sighed Kaelen as he quickly thought up a plan to get rid of the outlandish rumor and Ruby. Slowly a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. "I have a plan," he whispered to himself. He sent a look at Kevin as his smile grew and he rose. "Is this what the meeting was about?"
"Yes," hurried Pharris as he rose and nodded toward Kaelen. "I thought you would want to know that she is using a loop hole to force the council's hand."
"She's definitely moved my hand." Kaelen bared his teeth in as smile at the table. He paused behind Kayla and touched her shoulder, "We need to speak."
"Sure," sighed Kayla as she rose. "Anything for my bipolar brother."
"Thank the gods Jacob isn't here to see what bipolar means in action," sighed Ebony as she waddled behind them. "He'd be livid."
Kaelen grunted in reply as he turned to stare at Ebony's stomach, "Are you sure there is only one in there? You are huge."
Ebony's eyes narrowed into slits as they exited the room, "Kaelen I will kill you even if you are my best friend’s beloved brother."
Kaelen chuckled, "I'm sure."
After they'd moved far enough from the council room Kayla grabbed Kaelen's arm and stopped him. "You are getting worse."
"I know," sighed Kaelen as he looked down at his tan shoe. "But it's not like there's a cure for it. Xara says the darkness just moves through me like it doesn't know if it wants to stay or go."
Kayla cupped his chin and stared into his eyes, "I will always be here for you. But like she said you need to embrace it so that you can become one with it before it decides it wants to take over."
Kaelen laughed, "You're here for me even if I destroy a planet?"
Amusement flashed through Kayla's eyes before she clicked her tongue and gave a faux look of distaste. "Next time tell Xara that's a horrible description to try something a little less repulsive as an example."
Kaelen chuckled as he kissed Kayla's forehead. "Mia have you forgiven Kevin yet?"
Kayla rolled her eyes and walked away, "He's sent me all types of gifts asking for my forgiveness. Celeste says I should hold out until he gives me a planet." Kayla giggled as she shook her head, "But I've already forgiven him but he best not do it again."
"A planet," mused Ebony as she rubbed her stomach and caught up with Kayla. "I wonder if I could get Jacob to give me one of those for having his big head child."
Kayla laughed, "I think he'd trip over himself to give you any and everything you ask for."
Kaelen listened amused as Kayla and Ebony talk about the gifts they both had received in the last three months. He nodded and made affirmative sounds when he thought they were appropriate as he formed a plan to rid himself of Ruby.
"Xara wants to have children," sighed Ebony.
Kaelen's attention quickly focused as he listened to Ebony talk about their messages to each other and he sighed. "Lucas is sending for me," lied Kaelen. "I need to see what he wants." Kaelen gave them both a bright smile before he vanished.
"Did he just run away," asked Ebony as she absently rubbed her stomach through the yellow and white sundress.
"I believe he did," smiled Kayla as she stared thoughtfully at the spot. "I believe my dear brother sees Xara as more than a prisoner."
"A prisoner he's obviously sleeping with," mumbled Ebony as they started to walk again.
Kayla nodded, "When we ask her she always seems to evade the question as if she's afraid of what we will think."
Ebony laughed, "If I weren't with Jacob I'd definitely want a piece of that. Even if he is as crazy as a loon and bipolar as hell."
"That adds to his charm," sighed Kayla as she swung her arms around and skipped a little. Her light green dress fluttered around her and her forest green leather boots could be seen.
"If you say so," mumbled Ebony. "Next you'll say Sebastian is a cherub."
Kayla stopped and stared at Ebony. "No that boy is a demon from the depths of Tartus." They both laughed as they thought about him and continued to walk. "But he definitely has some swagger to him."
Ebony giggled, "I saw London and York at the medic center and they told me they'd bumped into him at Aqua Tsul." She smiled as she wiggled her eyes at Kayla. "I know he's under age but that's not it. He asked London if she wanted to spend the night with him. She said initially she was tempted until he said he'd make it hurt so good."
Kayla burst into laughter, "I'm sure as an Ah'Tarian she was horrified."
"You bet," laughed Ebony. "But I'm hoping he'll explain what he meant to Jacob."
Kayla expression went blank, "You're pregnant."
"I won't always be," pouted Ebony before a devious smile lit her face. "Plus I have to know how it can hurt good."
Kayla turned to stare at the light cream and gold marble walls without reply as they started to walk again. After several minutes of silence she turned to see the wistful look still on Ebony's face and shook her head. "Let's go to my rooms. The kids should be out of school shortly."
Silver Lights District - Maximus Hotel
Ruby stared with a pout at Kaelen as his finger moved deftly over the screen of his hand held. She leaned against the door jamb of the bathroom and struck a provocative pose. "A beautiful woman has just left the shower and only has on a towel." When Kaelen didn't look up she stumped her foot in frustration. "Why are you doing that when you should be doing me?"
Kaelen didn't spare Ruby a glance as he sighed. "I came here because you said it was important," drawled Kaelen bored. "As of yet you haven't told me why I'm here."
"But it's been so long," whined Ruby as she pushed off the frame and swayed toward him. She ran her crimson nails over the royal purple towel that stopped the top of her thigh. Slowly she pulled the knot that kept it from up. Her fingers trailed behind the towel as it slipped down her body. Her fingers skimmed over her prominent collarbone, cupped her perky alabaster breast before it pitched a taunt dark pink nipples. "I'm starting to think you only parade me around with you for show." Ruby pursed her lips when Kaelen didn't look up and paused in the middle of the room, the towel now on the floor.
Kaelen rolled his eyes as he rose from the plush cream chair. "I'm busy and don't have time for this," he replied curtly as he put his device in his pocket before he secretly waved a hand to send it back to this study at home.
"Too busy with that little mouse at your house," asked Ruby, hatred dripped thickly from her voice as she eyed him. "No Ah'Tarian will accept you as the third chair if you start seeing a non-Ah'Tarian."
Kaelen rolled his shoulders as his hazel eyes flickered with disinterested over her narrow waist and small breast, to her face. "That's why I escort you everywhere. I believe I told you before I have no immediate plans to marry."
Ruby stared at him aghast, "I wouldn't marry you if you were the last man in the universe! I have my sights set -."
"Lucas and Jacob would rather castrate themselves," replied Kaelen as he flicked a piece of imaginary lint from his white shirt. "Stop flattering yourself. I've heard the gossip that you and your parents have been spreading."
Ruby sucked in a breath as she glared at him, "I know nothing of the rumors you are talking about!"
"Really," laughed Kaelen. "Is that why your father sent me a message asking if I would court you exclusively? Or why I've heard your mother's been gossiping about us maybe being engaged secretly?"
Ruby looked down at a nail, "I don't know what you are talking about. I would never lower myself to marrying you."
Kaelen gazed out of cold eyes as he considered his plan. A small smile played over his lips as he arched an eyebrow. "I'm sorry to hear that. I've decided that I should marry and since you had went through all the troubles of telling people -."
"Are you serious," enthused Ruby as she skipped toward him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stepped on tiptoe in an attempt to kiss him.
"I don't like kissing," drawled Kaelen as he stepped back. "I'll asked Acadia to run the announcements." He tried not to let his distaste at her preening show, "Lucas, Jacob and I are really busy so -."
"Yes! Yes," smiled Ruby as she hurried to walk away from him. "I know you are busy."
"I'd appreciate if you become more discreet in your bedroom activities from now on," continued Kaelen.
"And that Xara bitch," asked Ruby as she quickly put on her clothes.
"Xara is my responsibility. You don't need to worry about her." Kaelen replied amused at how gullible Ruby was. "I may or may not take her as paramour."
"I prefer if you didn't raise her to paramour status she isn't worthy," replied Ruby as she slipped on a pair of black heels with small yellow dots that matched the knee length dress she wore.
Kaelen shrugged as he walked toward the door, "Whatever you wish."
"Whatever I wish," grinned Ruby greedily. "When can I join you at the council meetings?"
"After we have married," drawled Kaelen as his hand tightened around the door. "If only this was her neck," thought Kaelen as he turned the knob and walked out of the room. "I'll have Kayla contact you to start the plans for the wedding."
"Okay," called Ruby giddily as she ignored his exit and reached for her device.
A/N Sorry it took an extra day! I hope you enjoyed it
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