Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Five
The Gold District - The Day of the Wedding
Lex adjusted his gold and silver griffin cuff links as he stood at the door of the church. He didn't turn around as his wife, Elisa, approached. "I can't believe Kaelen had an entire church transported from Nah'Bye for this damn farce of a wedding."
"Hush before someone hears you," reprimanded Elisa as she patted him on the arm.
"I don't care if someone hears me," exhaled Lex angrily while he shook her hand away. "Even after what Sebastian said she'd done to Xara -." Lex scowled while he stared ahead of him, "The whole room had to be decontaminated and he still- ."
Elisa turned Lex to face her forcibly as she placed her hands on his shoulders and shook him to emphasis her next words. "Mind your own business."
"He's changed so much," continued Lex more to himself then to Elisa. "He used to be -."
"What are you two talking about," smiled Kevin as he walked to stand beside them from the interior of the church.
Elisa smiled politely while she smoothed her hands over the folds of her rose colored dress. "We were discussing how gray the sky is today." Elisa took a deep breath before she continued politely, "In the weeks we've been on Ah'Taria I can't remember a day where the sun wasn't shining and the sky wasn't blue with big fluffy white clouds."
Kevin turned his gaze from the beautifully designed interior of the church to look at the sky, "Yes indeed. A dismal day for a wedding isn't it?"
Lex stared contemptuously from the black and silver interior to Kevin before he looked away. "Even the gods are against this wedding," mumbled Lex.
"Hmm," hummed Kevin with an amused smirk. "Did you say something?"
"He didn't," rushed Elisa. "He didn't say anything," nodded Elisa with a warning look toward Lex. Elisa placed her right hand on Lex's shoulder and her left on her stomach. "Lex is just excited. This is the first off world wedding we've ever attended."
"I think you both are in for a treat," nodded Kevin as he stared out at the vibrant green grass of the Water District. "I believe this wedding will go down in infamy."
Lex released a pent up breath and smiled as two people came up the ivory stairs of the church toward where he stood. He stared blankly at the hand that was held out to him before he took it and presented a fake smile. "On behalf of the groom and his family thank you for attending," murmured Lex reluctantly.
Kevin released an amused chuckle, "Sound more like you mean it."
Lex watched as the couple moved into the church before he gave Kevin his full attention. "No," responded Lex bluntly, "I don't want to."
"Lex," whispered Elisa as she clutched his arm. "Leave it be and be quiet."
"I will not," growled Lex quietly. Lex attempted to shake her hands off as he glared at the amused Kevin. "I've been still long enough," fumed Lex.
"Lex," screech/whispered Elisa tightening hey grip. "Be quiet and -," Elisa words trailed off as she gazed in disbelief. "Midas," frowned Elisa.
"What," asked Lex with a confused expression. He moved his gaze from a smug faced Kevin to stare at his wife with a puzzled expression before he followed her extended arm. His expression turned to shocked disbelief as his brown eyes took in their old lover. "Midas," scowled Lex. "Why are you here?"
"Why else would I be here," smiled Midas confidently from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm here to beg for my lover to take me back."
"I told you," frowned Lex as he started down the stairs. "That I -."
"Stop," drawled Kevin to Lex. "You need to continue welcoming guest. Don't leave your position at the door."
Lex pressed his lips together, turned and went back to his spot at the door. "I swear you can't read the atmosphere," sighed Lex.
Kevin tilted his head at Midas, "Why don't you come up?"
"Are you inviting me," asked Midas with a tight smile.
Kevin narrowed his eyes as he walked down the stairs to stare intently at Midas. "Why would you need to be invited to come up the stairs?"
Midas shook his reddish brown hair with a chuckle, "I apologize but its formality being that I wasn't invited."
"Really," drawled Kevin as he stared up the five stairs to the entrance of the church. "I've never heard of that before." Kevin smirked as he stepped off the last step and came toe to toe with Midas. "When did Nah'Byians begin that custom?" When Midas puffed up his chest but failed to answer Kevin turned to stare blankly at Elisa. "When did this become a custom?"
"I'm not sure," frowned Elisa thoughtfully. "Midas is the only person I can ever remember needing an invite everywhere he went."
"Really," nodded Kevin as he slowly turned to stare at Midas dubiously. "Midas where are you from?"
Midas shifted from left to right as he tilted his head to stare down his nose at Kevin, "That isn't your concern and neither is my conversation with Lex."
Kevin shoved his hands into his dark gray slack and sighed, "You are right." Kevin turned to go back up the stairs, "And being that your name isn't on the list you are not welcomed."
"I can still attend as Lex's guest if he and Elisa will forgive me," whined Midas with a petulant pout.
Kevin turned back to look at Midas bewildered. "So you only want to come to the wedding?"
"Yes," nodded Midas enthusiastically.
Kevin shook his head toward Elisa and Lex to stop them from commenting. "Fine," smiled Kevin amiably as he extended his hand toward Midas. "You can come with me."
"Really," responded Midas enthusiastically as he reached out to take Kevin's hand.
Kevin lips turned upward as he took Midas's hand and propelled him up the stairs. Kevin's expression went from one of amusement to faux bewildered when Midas seemed to fall back as if he'd been knocked back.
"What in hades was that," cried Lex as he started down the stairs to help Midas from the cobblestone path at the bottom of the stairs.
Kevin raised his hand toward Lex and shook his head, "If you go from these steps you are a dead man."
"Oh gods," sobbed Elisa with a forlorn expression at Kevin. "He's going to kill you! I told you to stop talking back to him."
A burst of laughter escaped Kevin's lips as he stared at Elisa. "I wasn't referring to me." Kevin pointed to Midas, "I was referring to he who cannot pass."
"What," exclaimed both Elisa and Lex confused by Kevin's cryptic words.
Kevin smirked as he finally stepped onto the cobblestone path, "It's been a long time."
"Obviously not long enough," grumbled Midas as he pushed himself to his knees. Lex stared daggers at Kevin, "So I'll take it your real name isn't Kenneth -."
"What's going on," asked Lex moving down the stairs.
"I told you don't come," yelled Kevin without taking his eyes off Midas. "Go into the church and close the doors behind you!"
Elisa grabbed Lex's hand and pulled him back toward the church entrance, "We should do what he says." Elisa sent a puzzled glance toward Midas, "I told you there was something not right with him and now here he is outside Kae's wedding smoldering as if he'd just been set on fire."
Lex watched Midas stand up as Elisa closed the church doors. "We should tell Kae and them," mumbled Lex before he hurried into the church with Elisa behind him.
"How is it possible that you recognized me," asked Midas as he rose to his feet. "God knows I didn't recognize you," drawled Midas while he adjusted the collar of his yellow shirt.
Kevin ran a hand through his hair with a sigh, "I didn't recognize you but I could smell your stench from a kilometer away."
Midas ran his fingers through his hair with a smirk. "My stench," gloated Midas. "It wasn't long ago that you and I both smelled the same."
"That was too many years ago to count," frowned Kevin darkly. "I've changed -."
"For the better," asked Midas mockingly.
Kevin rolled his eyes as he looked behind Midas. "It would appear your flunky has arrived."
"Mine," snarled Midas. "What about yours?"
Kevin turned to see Kaelen, Lucas, Anthony and Jacob as they stood at the top of the stairs of the church all with varying confused expressions.
"M-master," whispered the man behind Midas. "I didn't find anyone that would invite either of us to the wedding."
"You've gotten sloppy over the years," chuckled Kevin.
"And you -," smirked Midas obnoxiously, "obviously have gotten lonely as the years passed without Tyrese and Damon." Midas waved his fingers toward the top of the stairs. "Look what you've done to fill the void."
Kevin ignored the comment as he rolled his shoulders, "Why are you here?"
"I'm here to make up with my lover and to see the wedding of the century," smiled Midas.
"Then why is he here," asked Kevin as he pointed toward the man behind him.
The unknown man puffed up his chest as he stared at Kevin in contempt. "I am here to kill -!"
"Shut up you nitwit," growled Midas as he waved his hand to silence him.
Kevin sent a wide smile to the man behind Midas, "You came to kill who?"
"The groom," announced the man confidently.
Kevin lips kicked up into a smirk as he asked in a voice laced with disbelief, "You came to kill Kaelen?"
"I did," announced the man arrogantly.
Kevin brought his hand up to cover his mouth and stifle a laugh, "Just who are you?"
"I am Oscar Devonte O'Mallory," announced the man without hesitation. "I am here to kill the man that stole away Xara, Sebastian and Dion."
"Stole away," repeated Kevin wide eyed.
Midas turned to stare angrily at Oscar, "Shut it you moron! You will ruin everything!"
"It's already ruined," drawled Kaelen from the stairs. In the blink of an eye Kaelen stood next to Kevin, "And you've saved me a lot of time." Kaelen's hand shot out and his fingers wrapped around Oscar's neck. "Kevin said he'd give me something awesome," drawled Kaelen as he fingers tightened around the other man's throat. "Who knew he'd give me you," smiled Kaelen devilishly.
Kevin pulled Kaelen's hand away from Oscar's throat leaving an angry red bruise. "You can't kill him like that," sighed Kevin. Kevin raised a hand and stared at the small blue flames he'd created. "Burn to ash," drawled Kevin never taking his eyes off Midas.
Oscar's body lit up as blue flames engulfed him; his screams of agony rented the air as he ran around in circles in an attempt to stop the blaze. After several minutes his body dropped to the ground unmoving in a burnt heap.
"You killed my minion," frowned Midas sadly. Midas waved a hand contemptuously, "Oh well. I guess I'll have to make more."
"Leave," snarled Kevin angrily. "Leave my space and never come back."
"What fun would that be," smirked Midas. "Wouldn't that be letting you off too easily?" Midas raised his hand and scratched his reddish brown hair thoughtfully. "After everything you've done to me," Midas arched an eyebrow, "shouldn't I still be able to get my revenge?"
"Don't make me laugh," responded Kevin. "We are on two different levels and you will never attain the level I am on."
"You are wrong," yelled Midas angrily. "I will get my revenge and I will start with -." Midas crazed eyes moved to Kaelen and his lips pulled back into a deranged smile, "him."
"I'll kill you if your try," growled Kevin darkly.
Midas stared out of cold eyes at Kevin, "You already killed me when you -." Midas mouth pulled into a smirk as he stared at Kevin arrogantly, "It doesn't matter. I'll destroy you and everything you hold dear."
"You didn't succeed the first time," remarked Kevin.
Midas scowled darkly at Kevin, "But aren't you missing two people."
"No," responded Kevin flatly. "They're asleep right now and will be joining me shortly."
"You lie," screamed Midas. "I made sure -."
"Did you," asked Kevin mockingly. "Did you really make sure they were dead?"
"They are trapped -," began Midas.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," interrupted Kevin. "You should really make sure you do a thorough job before you gloat about it. They are as good as by my side."
"Never," screeched Midas.
Kevin stared blankly at Midas, "I believe this little chit chat is over Savan."
"I will make you regret living," snarled Midas/Savan.
Kevin tilted his head to stare dispassionately at Savan. "You and what army?" Kevin didn't wait for Savan to respond before grabbed Kaelen and slowly walked up the stairs to the confusion of Lucas and Jacob.
"What was that," asked Jacob as Kevin pushed them into the church.
Kevin shook his head on a relieved exhale, "Just be happy he only wanted to talk."
"And what if he decided he wanted to fight," asked Jacob quietly as they hurried to their places for the wedding to behind.
Kevin stared Jacob in the eye as he replied quietly, "Many would have died."
"He's that strong," asked Lucas with doubt lacing his words.
Kevin nodded as he pulled Lucas and Jacob down to sit beside him. "He's a threat that we need to be very weary of," sighed Kevin. "He withdrew quietly this time but I can't guaranty that he will the next time."
"He's planning something," nodded Lucas confidently.
Kevin murmured an affirmative sound as he turned to watch the bride as she ran down the aisle. "Enough about him for now," sighed Kevin wearily as he watched Ruby grab Kaelen's hand.
"We need to tell the council," whispered Jacob before he closed his eyes and tilted his head against the back of the pew. "Wake me up if something interesting happens."
Kaelen frowned as he stood with Lex as the front of the church, "Tell me about Midas."
"Why," asked Lex with a puzzled expression.
Kaelen opened his mouth to respond but quickly snapped it close when he heard the sound of Kayla's voice as she started to sing a soft melody while her fingers stroke the strings on the silver and black zither in front of her. Kaelen tried to hide his expression of shock as Ruby ran full tilt down the aisle until you stood in front of him breathing heavily.
"I thought I'd never make it by your side," simpered Ruby.
Kaelen attempted to ease his expression as he took in her black ensemble, "Where is the white dress Kayla gave you?"
"I didn't think it suited me," smiled Ruby as she ran her hand over the tight black dress.
"It was my mother's dress," whispered Kaelen as he stared down at her expressionless. "It's a tradition -." Kaelen came to an abrupt halt as the elder cleared his throat in front of them. "I apologize," smiled Kaelen tightly toward the older man that had traveled to marry him and Ruby. "Please begin."
"Friends and family, we have been invited here today to share in the joyous occasion of Kaelen Matthew Ward and Ruby," the older man paused as he stared with confusion at the form in front of him. "I apologize you woman but your full name is not listed -."
"It's fine," whispered Ruby obnoxiously, "just continue and don't worry about it."
The old man's eyebrows knitted together as he gave Kaelen a stern stare.
"It's fine elder," nodded Kaelen with a small smile.
"If you say so," whispered the elder before he continued. "As I was saying," announced the man loudly. "We are here to celebrate the union of Kaelen Matthew Ward and Ruby no middle name Hand as they celebrate a joyous moment in their lives. In the time they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife.
"At this time the bride and groom has written their own vows and will share them with you." Elder Yukio raised an age marred hand toward Ruby and nodded for her to begin.
Ruby green lips curled as she stared triumphantly at Kaelen. "I never thought this day would arrive and now that it has I can honestly say that I ecstatic! I will now be the fourth chair's wife and your concubine will give us a child! I am very happy."
Elder Yukio and Kaelen both ignored the whispers from those in attendance as Ruby finished her vows.
"Kaelen it is your turn," nodded Elder Yukio without infliction.
"As I stare at you I realize everything that I have done right and wrong in my life," began Kaelen as he took both of Ruby's hands in his. Gently he gave Ruby's hands a squeeze before he continued, "On Nah'Bye it is almost unheard of people in my situation and of my age to marry someone they are not in love with." Kaelen smiled at Ruby while his eyes stared gently into Ruby's. "I have decided -."
Kevin leaned forward in his seat expectantly as he watched Kaelen eagerly. "Wake up," whispered Kevin as he used his elbow to poke Jacob in the ribs. "It's about to get really good."
Jacob reluctantly opened his eyes and watched as Kaelen took both of Ruby's hands. "He's obviously a moron," drawled Jacob quietly.
Lucas nodded in agreement as he watched Kaelen with an expression of distaste.
"Just watch," smiled Kevin as he sat further up in the seat as if he were going to jump to his feet at any minute.
Lucas jumped to his feet at Kaelen's next words.
"I will love you until you die," announced Kaelen as he fingers gripped Ruby's hands tighter. "I will love you as only I can and you will -." Kaelen broke off with a puzzled expression as Ruby started to cough uncontrollably. Kaelen's hands moved up Ruby's arms to clutch her shoulder as she continued to cough. "Are you okay?" Kaelen waited until Ruby stopped coughing and nodded before he continued. "As I stand here with my friends and family I am the happiest man alive."
"Wait," coughed Ruby in disbelief. "Who is your family?"
"Jacob and Lucas are my cousins," whispered Kaelen for only Ruby to hear. "I've known for years," added Kaelen as a small smile hovered over his lips. "And as you stand there about to hemorrhage to death I'm the third seat not the fourth," smiled Kaelen as if he were overjoyed for the benefit of the crowd. Louder Kaelen continued, "I will honor, love and obey you for as long as you live!"
"Stop," gasped Ruby as she attempted to snatch her hands away from Kaelen before she erupted into another fit of coughs that resulted in blood coming from her mouth.
Kaelen smiled widely at Ruby as he watched with interest as his shadow came to him through her body once more. "Elder please finish the ceremony."
Elder Yukio eyes quickly darted between them before he continued, "Is there anyone that objects to these two people being together?"
"No," stated Kaelen as he caught Ruby by the waist before she could fall to the ground. "There is no one!"
Elder Yukio eyes widened momentarily before he continued shaken, "With the power vested in my by the Alliance and the high council; I know pronounce you husband and wife."
Ruby collapsed to the floor as she stared at Kaelen in disbelief. "You bastard," coughed Ruby as tears of blood started to seep from her eyes.
Kaelen wiped the bloody tears from her face as he stared down at her emotionlessly. "The high council only said I had to marry an Ah'Tarian not remain married. Shortly I will be a widower and you will get to rest for eternity in the crypt you had built for my unborn child."
"To the gods on high," boomed Elder Yukio as he listened and watched in stunned horror as Ruby body started to convulse and blood poured from her mouth. "Is there a medic here!"
Kaelen knelt down and gently lifted Ruby's head into his lap. "Someone please help," cried Kaelen in a voice full of emotion as he stared coldly at the elder daring him to repeat anything he'd heard. When the older man nodded that he understood Kaelen's lips twitched before he turned to stare at the shocked and appalled crowd.
"He's murdered her!"
"He's a no good off-worlder and he killed an Ah'Tarian! He should die!"
"Dad," called Kaelen as he scrunched up his face and tried to muster tears before he turned to look at his father. "Dad do something!" He gazed out of teary eyes at the crowd, "Something's wrong with my bride!"
Lucas covered his mouth as he stared at Kaelen's fake tears while Jacob slowly tilted his head as if he were trying to get a better look at what Kaelen had just done.
Dad quick do what I told you so they don't try to burn me at the stake, shoot Kaelen to Clarence via a mind link.
Clarence jumped to his feet and stared at the shocked and whispering crowd. "What to do," mumbled Clarence to himself as he fiddled with his fingers. Clarence gaze scanned the crowd until they landed on Lucas, Jacob and Kevin and he released his pent up breath of a whoosh. "Kaelen don't worry," announced Clarence as he stared at Kevin brown eyes mocking. "Your Ojīchan is here!"
Kaelen face twisted up into a look of disbelief while he stared at Clarence in feigned before his gaze moved to Kevin. "Ojīchan ," yelled Kaelen as he stared directly at Kevin with his lips trembling. "Ojīchan save my love!"
Kevin stood up with pursed lips and moved forward ignoring the whispers, stares and fingers that pointed at him to kneel beside Kaelen. "I'm definitely going to make sure I pay you back for this," whispered Kevin as he stared at the convulsing body of Ruby. Kevin leaned closer to Ruby as if he were examining her before he tilted back and shook his head. "She was poisoned," announced Kevin as he stood and dusted his pants off. "There is no known cure! This is obviously an attempt on the lives of the members of the high council!"
Elder Yukio nodded in agreement, "Madame Hand -." He cut himself off as he shook his head, "No Lady Ward had drank from the festive wine before the reception! I saw it with my own two eyes," lied the older man before he turned to pick up a piece of parchment. "It is a tragedy that on the same day Lord Ward married that his bride died."
Kevin sighed as he gazed at the Wiseman in front of him. "Really," asked Kevin in disbelief as he watched the man sign a sheet of parchment paper.
"Oh this," asked the man as he waved it toward Kevin, "Is an old tradition on Nah'Bye!"
Kevin stood from his crouched position and stared in mock disbelief at the elder. "I'm talking about the fact that you made sure the marriage was legitimized while her body laid here."
"Oh," frowned the elder. "Isn't that the Alliance way?"
Kevin covered his mouth to hide his smile as he turned to see that people were taking images of him with their devices before he whispered to Kaelen. "I guess they forgot you just killed your bride."
"You heard the Wiseman," frowned Kaelen with wide puppy dog eyes. "She was poisoned by bad people."
"Usually after a wedding there is a 366 days of celebration but instead the Ward family will now have to mourn their loss instead." Elder Yukio picked up a black rose and handed it to Kaelen.
"Where in Hades did he get that," whispered Kevin.
Kaelen shoulders rose and fell as he took the flower of mourning, "I don't know and don't care."
"It is with a heavy heart that the Ward family will now enter the 365 days of mourning," boomed the man as he walked around Ruby's body and tied a black sash onto Kaelen's arm. He turned and arched an eyebrow at Kevin as he held out another sash.
Kevin reluctantly held out his arm as he stared at the crowd. "You'll definitely pay for this," whispered Kevin as he watched the old man move to Clarence, Jael Quin and finally the twins.
"I'm assuming your parents will be here soon," smirked Kaelen before he walked moved to the outstretched arms of Kayla for a hug.
"You know he's going to make you suffer for years for what you and Dad just did," whispered Kayla as she hugged Kaelen tight.
Kaelen chuckled into Kayla's hair, "It was so worth the look on his face though."
"It was priceless," nodded Kayla as she stood on tip toe to watch Kevin as he went to go do damage control with Acadia, Joshua, Isaiah, Celeste and Malcolm.
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