Chapter Sixty
This chapter is dedicated to Lost3Confused! Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my work.
Chapter Sixty
Ollyum - White District
Kaelen squinted at the message he'd just received from Sebastian. "I'm not sure what to think about this," murmured Kaelen while he, Lucas and Jacob walked down the narrow dull gray street.
Jacob clicked his tongue as he stared around the empty street, "Is it me or have the entire street been cleared?"
Lucas grunted, "Not just the street." Lucas pointed toward the small wooden bridge that crossed over to the Flying Fish District. "It looks like everyone is crossing the River Charlie to go into the Flying Fish District.
"But why," asked Jacob as they quickened their pace to the bridge.
Kaelen frowned at his device before he put it away, "I really am interested to see this cottage now."
"That'll have to wait," sighed Lucas as he pointed toward the residents of both districts as they gathered on the rocky banks near the seashore. "Right now there seems to be something going on over there."
Kaelen took a deep breathe, "What the fuck is going on? Since we arrived eight hours ago we haven't seen anyone and now when we do they are all running over the bridge as if their life depends on it."
"I don't know," called Jacob while he ran over the bridge to mingle with the people.
Lucas raised a hand to halt Kaelen from going to join Jacob. "Let him go he's already made himself fit in with the people." Lucas slowed his walk as they moved to cross the bridge. "But look around at the people," frowned Lucas quietly to Kaelen. "Doesn't something seem off about them?"
Kaelen looked down at the people as they crossed over the shimmery pink waters. Kaelen's nose scrunched up and he shook his head, "They smell funny."
"It's smelled like that since we arrived," whispered Lucas to Kaelen. Lucas let his eyes move through the crowd and he saw Jacob with his head tilted to the side observing some of the people. "I -."
"Something is about to happen," stated Kaelen distracted while he pointed toward a group of people.
Lucas turned to see Jacob has somehow ended up in the group and sighed.
"Those low life scums screamed a middle age woman with silver dyed hair. Her oddly white glazed eyes blazed bright as she pointed toward a group of people dressed clothes from the Gold District.
"They don't deserve to live," shouted another man from the Yellow District's side. "Those supposedly upper class people would betray the Alliance for money!"
Kaelen turned puzzled toward the man, "What?"
"They should just go die," yelled the man as he pulled out a long knife from his waist band. "We should kill them all before we are punished by the high council!"
"What the -," began Kaelen before he quickly grabbed the man's hand twisting it until the knife fell to the ground.
"You don't understand," yelled the man. "They have conspired to take down the Alliance!"
"What," laughed Lucas with a shake of his head. "How could these people -."
"A woman came," yelled a chestnut haired woman. "She came and offered all kinds of things for the people's allegiance in taking down the Ah'Tarians."
Lucas shook his head, "That would never work."
"Wouldn't it," yelled a black haired woman as she pushed her way toward the front of the crowd. "Did the council not send three of the most important people to Ollyum because of speculations and rumors of Oscar being here?"
"What," asked Lucas baffled.
"As if Oscar would show up here," yelled the woman as she pulled two sai swords from behind her back. "But I am and I am going to kill you!"
Lucas lips curved up as he stared at the short black haired woman. "You seriously think you can take us on?"
"I know I can," laughed the woman before she stepped in front of Lucas with one of the swords pointed at his chest. "You couldn't even tell that every person you've encountered were shells of their previous selves."
Ah'Tarian, Ward Residence, An hour earlier....
"Why do we have to go this far out," whined Lucca.
Sebastian arched an eyebrow at Lucca, "If you like we can take Darling to Jacob's and hope we don't bump into Kayo."
"Damn it," scowled Lucca. "If Kayo finds out she'll murder me in my sleep."
"Or worse," laughed Sebastian while he watched Darling simper like an idiot at Mekhi, "she'll break up with you."
"Gods," sighed Lucca. "If only -."
"Say it," threatened Mekhi as he pushed Darling away from him. Mekhi picked up his pace and joined Lucca and Sebastian, "I dare you to say it."
Lucca pouted before he shook his head, "Nothing! Damn, can I have a thought to myself!"
"No," frowned Mekhi. "Not when it's against my sister."
"What are you guys talking about," asked Darling while she raked her hand through her dirty blonde hair. "Can I join in the conversation?"
"Sure," smiled Lucca while he held out a hand for her to take. "You'll be joining us in a lot of things today."
"I'd prefer if she didn't talk," drawled Mekhi coldly while he stared down at Lucca and her joined hands.
"Don't be like that," chuckled Sebastian. "He and Kayo aren't even an official couple."
"He wants to be but he's out here -."
"Sowing his wild oats," interrupted Sebastian with a smirk. "Just like you are."
"I'm not fawning over the girl of my dreams every waking moment either," frowned Mekhi. "And Kaelen's going to kill us for bringing her here."
"He's building it for Xara meaning it's for me as well," smiled Sebastian as they walked up to the one story gray marble building. Sebastian stared wide eyed at it, "It's pretty."
"I know," nodded Mekhi.
"Leave," growled Lucca at Darling. "Go out the side gate that we brought you in through and don't tell anyone or I'll kill you."
Darling rubbed her small breast against Lucca's arm, "Did I displease you?"
"I asked you to leave," barked Lucca while he pushed her away. Lucca watched and waited until Darling had disappeared on the path.
"What's your problem," sighed Sebastian with a pout. "She was willing to do all three of us at the same time."
Mekhi shoulder rose and fell, "I for one didn't want to get stuck with the ass again." Mekhi made a face, "The last one's was too loose for comfort."
"I know her mouth was the only thing -."
"Shut up," snapped Lucca to Sebastian and Mekhi. "That," Lucca pointed toward the marble structure, "that isn't a damn cottage!"
"I did think it was a little too round and missing windows," frowned Sebastian as he stared. "But I still think -."
"It's a crypt," sighed Lucca impatiently.
"Crypt," repeated Sebastian questioningly.
Lucca stared at him in disbelief, "On Nah'Bye it's where the bodies of the dead are laid to rest."
"What," asked Mekhi. "Why would Kae have that build here?"
"He told Ruby to oversee the construction," frowned Sebastian.
Lucca ran his fingers through his wheat colored blond hair, "That bitch wants to die."
Sebastian smacked his lips together while he turned on his heel. "I am going to make her pay," snarled Sebastian.
"What's the plan," asked Mekhi happily falling into step with Sebastian. Mekhi turned to see Lucca still stood in front of the crypt. "Come on Lucca," called Mekhi, "we're planning."
Lucca rolled his eyes before he turned and caught up with them, "What are you thinking?"
Sebastian rolled his shoulders as they walked into the kitchen, "I think it'll be a great resting place for that bitch once I'm done with her."
Mekhi let out a long whistle as they walked up the stairs to the second floor, "Will Orchid be joining her? It definitely seemed big enough."
"Orchid is my favorite pet right now," smirked Sebastian evilly. "Plus the council wants to see her and if she should accidently die -."
"Accident," scoffed Lucca outside Sebastian's bedroom door. "More like intentional meant to look like an accident."
"Hey," chuckled Sebastian as he opened the door. "I would -." Sebastian cut himself off and stared in disbelief at Ruby. "Why are you in my room?"
"I came to give you a gift," smiled Ruby while she stood up. Ruby hips swayed in an exaggerated way as she moved toward the still Sebastian with an over friendly smile.
"Ugh she's giving me the creeps," whispered Mekhi to Lucca.
"I know," responded Lucca his full pink lips curled down in a frown.
"I don't want anything from you," snapped Sebastian.
Ruby held a small wooden black box with a purple ribbon, "I just wish to start anew with you." Ruby bright blue lips curled upward, "I know you love it." Ruby pressed the box into Sebastian's hands, "Just look at it."
Sebastian pursed his lips and winced, "Doesn't it hurt to keep having your eyeballs swapped out?"
"Do you like the new color," asked Ruby as she batted big brown eyes at him.
Sebastian sighed while he looked down his nose at Ruby, "I think they look better than the orange ones."
"Why not just get contacts," sneered Lucca. Lucca signaled toward the chairs to Mekhi before he bumped past Ruby with a mumbled apology. Lucca sat down in the chair and waved for Ruby to come toward him. "Did you get us a gift too?"
"No," frowned Ruby thoughtfully. "Let's see what she got you," smiled Lucca toward Sebastian.
Sebastian tossed the box to Lucca and watched disinterested as Lucca pulled the purple ribbon off.
Mekhi leaned back and his seat with a mischievous smile, "Hurry up the suspense is killing me."
"Killing," snickered Lucca with a dark look toward Ruby. "It's killing you."
"What," asked Ruby with a baffled look between Lucca and Mekhi.
"Nothing," drawled Mekhi with a honey coated smile. "Lucca was referring to a private joke between us." Mekhi pointed to Sebastian, "Hurry and change we have somewhere to be."
"Before you do that," smiled Ruby eagerly. "The gift!"
Sebastian stared blankly toward Lucca with an arched eyebrow.
Lucca opened the box and stared into the interior, "Oh this is nice and expensive."
"Really," huffed Sebastian his voice laced with boredom. "Is it her suicide letter?"
"Don't you wish," laughed Mekhi while he leaned forward to look into the blue satin lined box. "Oh it's nice though," smirked Mekhi as he reached into the box. Slowly he pulled out and held up a large shiny 20 inch silver and gold link with a large lobster clasp. "It looks hand made," whispered Mekhi as he examined the necklace.
Sebastian gazed suspiciously at the necklace before he walked over to snatch it from Mekhi. "This isn't silver or gold."
"It is," insisted Ruby.
"I know that it's usually made in gold and silver," continued Sebastian thoughtfully. "But I'm fairly sure this is iron -."
"Iron," asked Mekhi.
Sebastian tossed the chain to Mekhi, "Xara is allergic to iron."
"I assure you that the smithy that made it -," cried Ruby as she stared between the three young men. "I'll kill him for his lies!"
Sebastian shook his head while he walked into this closet to change, "You'll kill him for not fooling me."
"He sold me a knock off," cried Ruby. "I will make him pay dearly."
Sebastian walked out of the closet adjusting the color of his salmon colored shirt. "I'm sure you will," drawled Sebastian. "Are you two changing before we head out," asked Sebastian.
"I'm fine," smiled Mekhi. He smoothed his hand over his rumbled blue shirt and smiled when the cotton turned to silk. "I think I can make do with this."
Lucca shook his head, "Let's say hi to Xara and get out of here."
Mekhi tossed the necklace back into the box and handed it to Ruby. "You definitely have a death wish," purred Mekhi.
Lucca stared down at Ruby with a scowl, "Your gift has been rejected and seen for what it really is. Leave before Sebastian decides he doesn't want to play nicely with you."
Ruby fought a smile as she turned to stare at Sebastian. "Have a nice evening gentlemen." Ruby turned on her heel and excited the room. "And by all means," whispered Ruby while she quickly strolled to Kaelen's bedroom door, "go visit Xara."
Ruby giggled as she flopped into the bed with the black box, "They are so stupid!" Ruby rolled onto her stomach, her feet happily kicking the bed with a smile as she thought back to what she was doing before they'd walked into the room:
Ruby looked around at the masculine browns and black of Sebastian's room and smiled manically. "He'll never suspect a think," thought Ruby to herself while she took out a small vial from her pants pocket. "He assured me this dust is so fine that it can't be seen by the naked eye," Ruby held up he crystal vial and stared at the iron dust she'd purchased from the goldsmith that had made the necklace.
She slowly made her way into Sebastian's bathroom and poured half the dust into his shampoo and body wash. She slowly twirled the containers before she carefully placed them back. "Next is his closet," smiled Ruby happily. Giddily she walked into the closet and poured the contents into the vent the circulated air around the room. "When he turns on the lights, the vent will come on and dust all his clothes in it."
Ruby clapped her hands happily as she exited the closet. She quickly sat down in one of the brown leather chairs and crossed her legs. Ruby watched with a smug smile as the door of the room was opened, she could hear Lucca, Mekhi and Sebastian talking. "Be happy now because soon I'll make you wish you were dead along with that bitch of a cousin," whispered Ruby to herself.
"Why are you in my room," asked Sebastian with a shocked expression.
"I came to give you a gift," preened Ruby as she slowly moved to stand.
"She's as good as dead," laughed Ruby excitedly. "And her precious Sebastian is going to have done it."
*Necklace is what Ruby tried to give Sebastian*
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