Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty
*dedicated to lovingromanticlife. Thank you for helping me catch those errors! I appreicate your help more than I can ever express via this dedication!*
Ah'Taria - During the Bloody Wars
Kevin Jacob Lawson stood, the book he'd been reading in his hands forgotten. His plump pink lips flattened as stared coolly at the woman his father had thrown at his feet moments earlier.
"For the love of the gods get up!" His white boot tapped at the grass as he waited impatiently for the woman to stand up.
He watched unamused as she cowered into a ball still crying. "Your incessant crying is giving me a massive headache and hives!" He raised his sleeveless arm and showed small red welts that marred his skin, "Shut up now you annoying twit!"
"I'm s-sorry," sobbed the woman as cringed away from his raised hand. Slowly she tried to rise to her feet. "P-please I j-just w-want to go h-home."
Kevin scoffed at the words as he grabbed a handful of her dark brown hair. He pulled her to her feet unceremonious by her hair and he made sure to turn her so that she couldn't really get a good looked at him. "You are obviously dumb! Your family, your friends, your home is gone," he sneered as he pulled her closer, her back pinned against him. His breathe made the hair on her neck flutter, his fingers tightened in her hair as he shook her. "My father killed them all so he could give you to me as a gift." He looked her up and down with a smile that could freeze ice, “And I plan on using you for all you're worth."
Fresh tears fell from the woman's eyes as she stared into the cold, heartless eyes of the man in front of her. "P-please j-just k-kill m-me," she sobbed. "K-kill me n-now."
"No," smirked Kevin. He inclined his head and stared down his nose. "I have better plans for you." His hands tightened even more in her brown hair as he pulled her toward a set of stone steps. "I have a few experiments that calls for test subjects." He continued to pull her even as she tripped and fell up the stairs. Never once did he release his grip on her hair, "Now I have two." He chuckled enthusiastically, "Mostly you and sometimes me."
Xara jerked awake her body felt chilled and heavy as she dragged her eyes open. With difficulties she blinked and raised her hand as a single tear slid down her cheek. She wondered if Kaelen's shadow was watching and peered wearily around the dark room before she threw the woolen blanket off.
That couldn’t have been Kevin! That man looked so much more -. Xara stopped to ponder what she'd just dreamed. "He was insanely handsome," thought Xara out loud. "Almost too handsome to be looked at."
It was a dream, thought Xara, nothing but a horrible and terrifying dream. She raised a hand to her rapidly beating heart. It was just a night terror. She released the long braid with unsteady fingers as images of the unnaturally beautiful face invaded her thoughts.
Xara looked toward her borrowed device and frowned, I overslept. Now I'll have to listen to them whine about how I didn't make certain things for breakfast.
Slowly Xara made her way through the small sitting area and into the bathroom. Her expression brightened as she looked at the over-done room. Her eyes landed on the waterfall and she giggled as she skipped toward the crystal clear waters that fell into a large pool. That's definitely the shower, she exclaimed to herself.
Silver Lights District - Ward Residence
What did he do with it, thought Ruby as she rolled over. Her green eyes flashed with determination as she leaned over and looked down into Kaelen's sleeping face.
Ruby eyes followed the sunlight that spilled in through the blinds of the window. Ruby licked her pale pink lips as her gazed lowered past his defined chest, sculpted abs to rest on big, thick cock. She bit her lip as she watched it grow under her very attentive gaze.
At least he has stamina, thought Ruby as she settled herself on her knees.
Ruby placed the flat of her tongue on the mushroom tip of his head as she stared up at his sleeping face. Slowly she started to lap at the precum that oozed out the tip. She hummed to herself as she dipped the tip of her tongue into his urethra before she lapped again at him.
Ruby flipped her hair over her shoulder so the red curtain fell onto his stomach before she used her mouth to suck his head into her mouth. Her hand alternated between tightening and loosing as she stroked him up and down. She smiled to herself when Kaelen moaned appreciatively and tangled his fingers into her hair.
She sucked on his head a little stronger while she ran her tongue underneath while her fingers caressed and massaged him until she felt him swell in her hand. She relaxed and let his length slide deeper into her mouth, her tongue rubbed around him until she'd swallowed the whole length. She moaned in her throat as Kaelen pushed off the bed, dug his fingers into her scalp and force her nose into his stomach as he pumped himself into her until he exploded into her mouth.
"Mmm," moaned Kaelen as he exploded, "Adriana."
Ruby pulled back and giggled as she looked up at his satisfied face. "You've slept with so many Ah'Tarian woman that you call a different name almost every time we have sex." Ruby tapped her chin as she smirked at him, "But Adriana did tell me how much you liked her technique.
Kaelen averted his eyes as he mumbled an apology and rolled out the bed. He adjusted himself and sighed, "I had to sleep with a number of woman to see if we were compatible." His expression stated that he'd found the task tedious and distasteful.
"Uh huh," replied Ruby saucily. "I'm on to you Kaelen Ward. You slept with every eligible woman on Ah'Taria with high enough ranking so you could figure out which one you wanted to marry."
"Yeah," yawned Kaelen with a stretch. He scratched his stomach and cut his eyes toward Ruby. He paused mid-stretch and watched as she used her thumb to wipe at some of him that she'd not swallowed. Completed intrigued he watched as she stuck the thumb into her mouth and sucked on it as if she were savoring the most exquisite thing she'd ever tasted. Kaelen shook his head to clear it before he started toward the bathroom. "Out of all of them you're the only one that let Malcolm complete the full introduction before you asked if I wanted to have sex."
"I believe Kimberly slept with you before she'd even got your full name," laughed Ruby as she scrambled out of the bed to join him in the shower.
Kaelen sighed as Ruby walked into the cream colored stall with him. "I like to wash up alone," he added soap up his sponge and began to wash. His expression soured as he waited for Ruby to leave.
"Kaelen," whispered Ruby seductively as she turned and offered him a view of her small surgically altered bottom. "Kaelen do you want to have sex in the shower this morning?"
"Not really," yawned Kaelen. He pointed down to his limp member and frowned, "I don't think it will rise to the occasion after the attention given to it this morning."
"I have a feeling if I were that fat cow it would rise just fine! Tell me what she has that I don't" snapped Ruby angrily as she stumped her foot. "I refuse to be placed second to your paramour."
Kaelen turned to stare at Ruby's flushed face blankly before he shrugged. "I thought it was the Ah’Tarian way to have everything you wanted without needing to explain."
Ruby glared daggers, "You are not Ah'Tarian."
"But I like that part of the culture," mocked Kaelen his hazel eyes danced as he stared at her. "Now that we are done speaking of -."
Ruby snatched the sponge from his hand. "I want her rooms changed to something more befitting," growled Ruby with a dark frown.
"When would you have seen her rooms," asked Kaelen calmly. He shrugged and rinsed himself off, under the jets of the water. "Did you inspect them when she assigned them to herself?"
"I shouldn't have to explain myself as the future mistress of this -." Ruby paused and narrowed her eyes on Kaelen. "This hovel of a house in this upstart District!"
"Ah," sighed Kaelen. "This 4500 square foot silver and stone hovel, as you call it, was a gift to the Ward family from the Lawson’s and Sinclair families. Technically it was given to my step mother and father for their comfort."
"With their royals you should be living in the Gold District," hissed Ruby.
"Uh huh," sighed Kaelen as he opened the glass enclosure and exited the stall. "Jacob's home is almost half the size -."
Ruby rushed to move in front of Kaelen as he grabbed a towel to dry off. "If you ever leave this room to spend the night with that woman the wedding is off." She laid her hand on his chest, her lips curving up into a sinister smile. "If you do it after the wedding I will divorce you. And after I inform all my friends and acquaintances why I ended such a lucrative relationship not one Ah'Tarian female worth her family's name will marry you." She pushed past Kaelen as she swept pass him. "Oh," paused Ruby with a mocking smile, "you can thank Lucas for his treatment of Patricia when you see him. His actions toward his Ah'Tarian wife will only assist in them not wishing to marry you. You can all but kiss that seat goodbye if you defy me."
Kaelen looked away from the gleam in Ruby's green eyes and rolled his. "I'll make sure to mention it to him after the council meeting."
"The meeting," tittered Ruby. "I wish to go."
"I'm going to have to decline your company. Acadia told me only family can second chair me and you," he stared Ruby up and down, "Are not family."
"Yet," hissed Ruby. "Soon I will be your wife and able to second chair you."
Kaelen lips pressed together as he attempted to reign in his temper. "Why don't we discuss that after the wedding," he forced a smile. "I'm sure everyone is waiting for us in the kitchens to eat.
"I had Bethany move meals to the dining room," replied Ruby haughtily. "I refuse to eat my meals in the same room that the servants prepare it."
"Ah," responded Kaelen before he walked into his closet.
Xara frowned at the empty kitchen table, she could smell that food had been cooked but no one sat eating. Slowly she walked over to a big red pot her brows crinkled at the remnants of a black oatmeal like substance.
"Xara," exclaimed Bethany as she hurried over to the double oven stove and pulled out a tray of ham. "Everyone is eating in the formal dining room today."
"Oh," responded Xara. "I believe I'll remain in the kitchens and eat."
Bethany stopped midstride as she was about to exit the kitchens and frowned. "Master Anthony and your cousin, Sebastian, have about you."
"C-Bass is still here," smiled Xara excitedly. She hurried toward the large archway that led toward the front of the house. She checked herself in the mirror next to the closed door before she pushed it open with a huge smile. "Sebastian! I'm happy I caught you before you left."
Xara skidded to a halt, her eyes wide as she looked around her dining room. A blush crept up her neck and settled in her cheeks as everyone at the table turned to stare at her.
Sebastian's lips curved up and he patted a hard steel cushion-less chair. "Come sit down and enjoy Kaelen's lack of decorative skills."
Jael Quin laughed, "It's the only room I let him decorate and he never really finished." She stared at down at the mirrored table that lacked place mats and shook her head. "I told him to go to Usher's Luxuries in the Gold District but he went to some place called Booker's Furnishings."
Zahar waved her spoon with a black glob on it toward her mom, "You know that witch Gladys helped him pick out this set."
"Ah yes," frowned Jael Quin. "He'd dated her for exactly two weeks before he'd grown tired of her and moved on."
"Kae definitely has a way with the woman," laughed Zero brightly. He turned to stare at Anthony with worshipful eyes. "Wish some of that charm would have rubbed off on me."
"Yeah," smirked Anthony. "I believe women find you adorable."
"Like a cute lost puppy dog," inserted Sebastian his eyes full of mischief. "But I believe you'd prefer if men-."
"Sebastian," interrupted Zahar with a disgruntled frown aimed his way, "I believe you should try the heukimjajuk my mom made."
Xara frowned at Sebastian's steaming bowl of some black substance she didn't recognize. "What is heukimjajuk made of?"
Jael Quin smiled warmly at Xara as she picked up a bowl and filled it with food in question. "It is a black sesame seed porridge*." Jael Quin placed the bowl in front of Xara and returned to her seat. "It's one of Kae's favorites."
Xara leaned forward and sniffed the contents of the bowl. She gasped as the bitter taste of bile rose up her throat and grabbed a cup of the tea Kevin had placed in front of her.
"Are you not feeling well," asked Kevin.
Xara stared at him as she sipped the honey and lemon sweetened tea. After a few tentative sips her mouth fell open and she blinked rapidly. Did he just glow, she thought to herself. She placed the cup back down with a frown, "I'm feeling okay. I think I need something a little less foreign for breakfast is all."
"Ah," responded Kevin with a semi-puzzled look. "For a second I thought you may have been coming down with something. One minute you looked like you were turning green, the next you were dazed and now you are picking at a piece of dry toast."
Xara looked down at the dry toast Sebastian had handed her and sighed. "I'm sure it's just a small bug. Nothing to worry about really." She froze in the uncomfortable chair when the doors swung open and the awful heave smell of expensive perfume wafted into the room.
"Open the window C-Bass," drawled Anthony as he sent a withering look toward the person that just walked into the room. "Someone obviously doesn't understand that perfume should be applied subtly."
Sebastian chuckled and waved a hand that parted four dreary looking black curtains and opened two shutter glass windows.
"That is much better," sighed Anthony as he took a deep breathe.
"You are in my seat," frowned Ruby. Ruby glided over to the chair that sat at one end the twelve person table currently occupied by Jael Quin. "I will have to ask you to move."
Clarence opened his mouth but stopped when Jael Quin held up hand at him. "Young woman," responded Jael Quin cuttingly. "I believe you are under a misconception," she paused as Kaelen walked into the dining room and sat down on the left of his father. "This chair is mine and will remain mine for the foreseeable future." Jael Quin pointed toward an empty chair, "You can sit there."
"I am soon to be mistress of this hovel," snapped Ruby arrogantly.
"I am the mistress of this house," responded Jael Quin calmly. "You will be nothing more than the wife of my son -."
"Stepson," snickered Ruby.
"My son," replied Jael Quin her eyes narrowed in warning. "You will be the wife to my son," she repeated, "and nothing more."
"Sit down," thundered Anthony. He rose and stared menacingly at Ruby. "Sit down now!"
Ruby glared toward Kaelen, who was currently eating his porridge, before she stumped to the chair Jael Quin had pointed to. She sneered as she plopped down in the hard chair at Xara. "And to top this horrid day I get to sit next to my fiancé’s whore," whined Ruby loudly.
"What," bellowed Sebastian as he jumped to his feet. "What did you just call my cousin?"
Ruby eyes widened as she'd just noticed Sebastian on the other side of Xara. "And her anomaly of a cousin," mumbled Ruby as she waited to be served. "Why isn't Bethany serving me," inquired Ruby to Kevin as she ignored everyone else at the table.
Kevin looked around the table before his hazel eyes landed on Ruby. "Oh you're talking to me?"
"Yes," snapped Ruby angrily. "I am talking to you!"
"Oh," nodded Kevin.
"And while I'm speaking to you," continued Ruby her eyes narrowed as she stared at him. "Who are you? Another Lawson that decided to bunk at Kaelen's home?"
"Yes," replied Kevin curtly and finality. Kevin pushed his bowl away and smiled toward Jael Quin, "Breakfast was interesting and lovely -."
Xara blinked rapidly as she stared at Kevin he'd taken on that blinding shine again. As she looked around the table no one else seemed to notice that he'd became even more attractive.
“-but Sebastian, Anthony and I need to take our leave now."
Xara quickly rose with the men, "I shall take my leave as well."
"Where are you going," asked Kaelen. He'd finally entered the conversation and his eyes bored into hers as he spoke.
Xara smiled, "It was my hope to visit Ebony today. She sent me a message saying that she'd almost went into labor and I thought I'd go sit with her and Kayla for a while." Her eyes drifted to Ruby who glared between them. "You did say I could leave out of the house."
"I did," responded Kaelen thoughtfully, "didn't I?"
"Yes," smiled Xara as she pushed the heave steel chair under the table. She winced as it scratched loudly against the wooden floor.
"But you're not feeling well," frowned Sebastian. He'd stop on his way out the door with Anthony and Kevin. "I hope you'll go to the medic's and get check out."
Xara smiled warmly at Sebastian, "If that will make you feel better."
"I'll check her out," smiled Kevin. "I can do it this evening if you like."
Sebastian frowned thoughtfully before he nodded his bleach blond head, "I think that's a good idea. If it's nothing I'd hate to have had you waste time going there anyway."
Kevin clapped his hands, "Perfect! Xara I'm available at 18:30, after the council meeting."
Ruby turned and stared at Kevin with a scowl, "I've seen a list of everyone on the council and all their seconds. Exactly which seat do you represent on the council?"
"None of your concern," responded Kevin before he tripped out the dining room.
Jael Quin chuckled, "That's a damn shame."
"What is," asked Zahar as she watched Sebastian and Anthony walk out.
Clarence glared at his wife as he responded for her, "That someone that damn handsome, is that damn clumsy."
Zero and Zahar started to laugh as they both rose from the table.
"Xara," smiled Zahar, "can I join you at Phoenix Crest Manor. Mekhi and Lucca are supposed to be there doing an experiment and I wanted to watch."
"Oh," nodded Xara as they walked toward the door with Kaelen watching her every move. "What spell are they doing?"
"I believe it called deconstructing," responded Zero when he saw Zahar didn't know the answer.
"I've heard of that before," announced Xara excitedly. She turned and gave Kaelen a small smile and wave before she exited the room with Zero and Zahar.
Ruby frowned at Kaelen as she rose with a loud huff, "I shouldn't have to serve myself or eat with your paramour." She swept her arms at the gaudy and tacky dining room, "I want all of this fixed Kaelen or the wedding is off." She smiled maliciously and gave both Clarence and Jael Quin a contemptuous look, "Or you can kiss your seat goodbye.
*Image of heukimjajuk on the side and I love it!
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