Chapter Seventeen: Defense Against the Dark Arts and the Goblet of Fire
The next day I was out of the hospital wing and back in my classes. Since I was doing so well in them Professor McGonagall had me switched over to fourth year classes instead of third year, which was nice because I got to have classes with Hermione and Claire. I was walking to Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I wasn't really looking forward to this but I knew that I had a few more classes until I could go to art. I sat down next to Hermione as Harry and Ron sat behind us. I winced a little as I felt Ron throwing little balls of paper at the back of my head. "Cut it out Ron." I heard Harry hiss. I shrunk into my seat a little. Hermione glared at Ron and rubbed my back. Suddenly the doors slammed open and in limped Professor Moody. Everyone began to pull their books out but he waved us off. "Put those away you won't need them." He said. This seemed to excite everyone. He began going over what was taught last year. He then said that we would be learning about curses. "And I've only got a year to do it." He said. "Aren't you staying?" Ron asked. Moody brushed off his question by talking about Arthur and how he helped him out recently. He then said that he was only teaching for a year. Suddenly he clapped his hands together and laughed. "So, onto curses. Now, they're are three curses that are banned by wizarding law, use of them will get you a life sentence in Azkaban. Can anyone tell me what they are?" He asked. Ron spoke from behind me. "My dad told me about one, the Imperius Curse." He said quietly. Moody nodded. He pulled out a spider from a glass jar and held it up. "It should be a little bigger." He said, making the spider grow to the size of a dinner plate. "Imperio." He said quietly, making the spider fly through the air and do a bunch of flips, much to the amusement of the class. I didn't think it was funny, just the thought of not being able to control my own actions was terrifying. "Think that's funny do ya?" Moody asked. "I can make him do anything, jump out the window," he forced the spider towards an open window. "Drown himself," he forced it towards a bucket of water. "Anything. So, can someone tell me the next curse." He asked. Hermione and I raised our hands, but surprisingly, so did Neville. Moody looked over at Neville. "Yes boy?" He asked. "The Cruciatus Curse." Neville said quietly. "I reckon that you'd know a lot about that one." He said. He turned his wand on the spider and said. "Crucio." The spider began to twitch and convulse. I looked back at Neville who was white as a sheet, clutching at his desk. "Stop it!" I yelled. "Can't you see it's bothering him?!" Moody looked right at me, making me slink back a little. "Perhaps you could tell me the last unforgivable curse Ms. Peverell?" He asked coolly. "The killing curse." I said quietly. He set the spider down on his desk, stepping back. "Avada Kedavra!" He yelled and a blast of green light burst from the wand, killing the spider instantly. Everyone in class flinched. "This curse has killed hundreds of the greatest witches and wizards of our time, and there is only one person to have survived it and he's sitting in this room." Everyone looked back at Harry who was blushing a bit. "Alright. It's time for some practice." He said. He had us all get in a line and one by one he put us under the Imperius and made people do tricks or sing. When he got to Harry he actually fought it, crashing headlong into the desk rather than jumping over this. "Yes! See Potter is fighting it!" He said excitedly. He continued until Harry could fight it completely. "Peverell, you next." He said, turning his wand on me. I smiled a little. "You can try." I said under my breath. "Imperio." He said. I suddenly felt very light like I was floating, but it took a minute of focusing from me and I suddenly felt in control of myself again. "Now, lets see how well you can dance." Moody said. He moved his wand but I didn't move at all. Everyone started whispering in confusion. I got into a fighting stance. "How about I show you how well I can fight?" I said with a smirk. Moody smiled at me and broke the spell. "Class is dismissed." He said. Everyone gathered their books and got ready to leave. Just as I was about to leave with Neville and Hermione we were stopped by Moody. "Longbottom, stay behind for a minute, I want to talk to you." He said. Me and Hermione looked at Neville who smiled weakly. "You guys go on ahead. I'll be fine." Neville said to us. I hugged him gently before leaving with Hermione.
Next was lunch hour so I went downstairs, in the great hall was a giant chalice with blue flames in it. I walked past and sat down at the Gryffindor table. I waved to Draco who was at the Slytherin table. Suddenly Fred and George sat down on either side of me and Luffy sat next to George. "We just took it." Fred said happily. "Well they took it, I didn't have too." Luffy added. "Do I even want to know what?" I said. "An aging potion." George said. I rolled my eyes and Hermione sighed, shutting her book. "That's not gonna work." She said. Fred looked over at her. "Why not?" He asked with a grin. "Dumbledore drew that age line himself. You really think that he would be dumb enough to be fooled by an aging potion?" "Only one way to test it." Fred said giving her a wink. He, George, and Luffy stood up, they each had their names on a slip of paper. They linked arms with Luffy in the middle and jumped over the age line. The three celebrated and threw their slips in. Suddenly Fred and George were blown backwards and they had long white beards. Luffy cackled at this and Dumbledore walked into the room. "I see you decided to try your luck boys. Might I say that your beards are the best so far." He said to the twins with a chuckle. Fred and George walked out of the hall followed by Luffy and Lee Jordan. I saw Cedric walk up and put his name in with success. Soon, a bunch of boys in red uniforms came marching in. There was a man with a curly pointed beard that lead them and a very attractive guy walking next to him. "It's him! It's Victor Krum." I heard Ron whisper. Victor looked at me and smiled as he walked up and put his name in and then several other boys did as well. Next Madame Maxine and Fleur walked in with several other girls in slivery blue uniforms. Fleur smiled at me and I smiled back. She walked up with several other girls and put their names in. I stood up and began to walk to Mom's classroom, wanting to spend some time with her before my next class.
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