Chapter Seven: The Chamber is Opened
After several weeks I began to get the swing of things. Every morning I'd get up and walk down to breakfast with Harry, Hermione, Claire and Alec. They had become like family to me which was good because Ron and Ginny had made it their mission to make my life miserable. Ron would bully me in the halls whenever my friends weren't around. Ginny would sabotage my homework and projects. The two tried to get Fred and George in on it too but they refused, deciding to side with me to make up for not helping me as a child. Percy stayed out of it because he was too busy with his girlfriend. I was walking down the hallway to my advanced Arithmancy class. I know it was usually offered to those of third year and above but I was able to take it thanks to Professor McGonagall. Anyway, as I walked I saw someone grab me by the arm and yanked me into an empty bathroom. I recognized who had done it when I was thrown to the ground. "Stupid whore!" Ron yelled, kicking me in the stomach. I cried out and he pulled out his wand, aiming at my legs and stomach. "Diffindo!" He yelled. I screamed as I felt the skin on my legs and stomach slice open.
Blood soon began to pool around me. I heard a girl laughing and I looked up to see my twin. "That looks like fun Ronnie, let me try!" She said in delight. She used the same spell to carve 'Freak' into my back. I whimpered and cried. "Shut up whore!" Ron yelled kicking me. He forced me onto my stomach and sat on my back. "Your hair is much to long, how about a haircut!" Ginny laughed. "I think that will be great!" Ron took his wand and used it like a knife to cut my long hair short.
I cried loudly and Ron grabbed me by my short hair and slammed my head against the floor. I felt him get off of me and saw him leave with Ginny. The two went over to the sink and Ginny whispered something funny sounding and the sink turned into a passageway. "Lets let our friend have his snack." She said with a smile, holding the black book she always carried proudly. The two walked out of the bathroom, but not before Ginny filled a small cup with my blood.
~Time Skip~
Alec's Point of View
I paced around the common room while we waited for news about Victoria. She hadn't shown up to her advanced Arithmancy class and she hadn't been seen since. "Where is she?" Hermione asked, tears streaming down her face. "I don't know Hermione, I don't know." I muttered. Fred and George looked like they were about to get up and go search for her themselves but they knew it was a bad idea. Harry clutched at his robes as he stared into the fire. Claire-bear, my personal nickname for Claire, was comforting Serafina, who was meowing like a hurt kitten. It was heart breaking. Suddenly Professor McGonagall burst into the room. We all jumped up. "Did you find her?!" We all asked at the same time. McGonagall sighed and shook her head. "We found something else." She said, leading us to a flooded corridor with a message written in blood on the wall. "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware." Hermione read quietly. She looked like she was going to cry so Fred hugged her carefully. Worst of all, Filch's cat was found petrified besides it. "We need to find Victoria." Harry said urgently. I nodded and we ran off.
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