Chapter Nineteen: The Yule Ball and Bullies
After the first task other students started being a bit nicer to me, but sadly Ron and Ginny's tormenting only got worse. I was walking to divination when I was cornered by the two of them. "You just think you're so amazing don't you?" Ginny asked with a sneer. I flinched, trying to find a way out. Ron uncrossed his arms and grinned. "Well don't get used to it, you're still nothing but trash." He said, shoving me into the wall behind me. I thought that they were going to do more but I heard someone yell. "Leave her alone!" I looked up to see Luffy running over and standing protectively in front of me. I could have cried I was so relieved. Ron and Ginny sneered, but walked away. I rushed forward and hugged Luffy. "Thanks." I said quietly. Luffy grinned, hugging me back. "No problem V. Come on, I'll walk you to class." He said, holding my hand carefully as he walked me to divination. When we got there he hugged me and kissed my cheek, making me blush. I walked in and sat next to Claire, who had a small smile on her face. "You should have seen Harry's face." She whispered, I glanced over at Harry who was sitting behind us. He was glaring at the doorway. I smiled a little and turned my attention back to my work. Divination was always a favorite of mine. I just had a natural knack for it.
~Time Skip~
The next day all Gryffindors fourth year and above(although Luffy was here as well) were called in for a special class with Professor McGonagall. She explained what the second event of the Triwizard Tournament was, and everyone was excited to hear it was a dance. I wasn't sure how I felt about this, it's not that I couldn't dance, it's just I didn't like to do it in front of others. Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts by everyone snickering at the fact that Ron was being forced to dance with McGonagall. I giggled softly as well. After demonstrating a few steps she had everyone stand up and partner up to practice it as well. Harry looked like he was going to ask me to dance but Luffy raced forward and grabbed me by the hand, lifting me up and spinning me around. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. After the practice was done I stood off to the side, watching as Luffy talked to Fred and George. Something Fred said seemed to make Luffy's face light up like a Christmas tree and he ran over to me. "Hey V, wanna go to the Yule Ball with me?" He asked. I was a little shocked, but I smiled. "I'd love to!" I replied. Luffy grinned and hugged me tightly. "Awesome!"
~Time Skip~
I sighed as I fiddled with my dress in the mirror.
It was the night of the Yule Ball and I was beyond nervous. Hermione smiled at me and helped put my hair up
and a matching necklace and crown.
"You look amazing." She said. "So do you. Victor is really lucky." I said, smiling at her.
She blushed. Claire smiled and hugged use both. "We all look amazing." She said with a smile. She was definitely right. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her dress
with her hair done in a fancy braid.
After we were done we walked down to the great hall entrance where everyone was gathering. Luffy smiled widely at me as I walked down. He took my hand as I reached the bottom step. "You look amazing." I blushed and smiled. "Thanks, you too." He looked extremely handsome in his dress robes
with his hair brushed back.
He smiled and lead me into the great hall. Ginny, who looked like a bit frumpy in her dress,
was glaring at me from where she stood with Harry, but I wasn't going to let her ruin this night for me. Luffy held my right hand and put his other on my waist, I set my free hand on his shoulder. Soon the music started, and the champions started the dance. I could feel lots of people watching me, making me blush and look down. Luffy smiled and leaned closer to me. "Just focus on me okay?" He said. I looked up at him and smiled. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine as we danced, soon everyone else faded away.
~Time Skip~
Harry's Point of View
After the first dance I sat down at one of the many tables and stuck my hands in my pockets. Ginny was off getting punch as I glared at Luffy and Victoria. The two looked so happy together. I had wanted to take Victoria to the dance given that Ginny and I had been fighting. I did love Ginny, but I liked Victoria more, and then that stupid Luffy had to step in. Ginny walked over and sat down. "What's wrong babe?" She asked, looking where I was looking. She frowned almost immediately. "Are you kidding me?" She hissed. I looked over at her. "What?" "What's up with you and her? She's a stupid slut." Ginny said angrily. I frowned. "Don't call her that." I said. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Well she is. And you need to decide who you want, either me, or her." She said, standing up and crossing her arms. I stood up and looked Ginny over, and then I looked over at Victoria, who still didn't notice anything that was going on around her. "I.....I chose her." I said. Ginny looked furious, storming out of the hall. I just sat back down with a huff.
Hancock's Point of View
I smiled from where I sat with a few other teachers, seems like the little brat who made my daughter's life miserable was getting a taste of her own medicine. I was pulled out of my thoughts by my beautiful Victoria coming over to hug me. "Enjoying the dance mom?" She asked. I nodded, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "You look lovely." I said with a smile. "Not as beautiful as you do." Victoria replied. I smiled at this. I was just in a simple dress and a necklace that matched hers.
After talking with me for a little longer she went back to dance with a few of her friends. This definitely was a good night.
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