Dedicated to _-Proudlyme-_, who made me the cover :) :)
The Arena.
'As the plates rise, the sun blinds me for a second and then I see the greenish, greyish Cornucopia in front of me. I always thought it is bigger, seeing the Hunger Games couple of times from the Tv, but once again, I'm proved wrong. It's about five metres high, oval, like a loaf of bread or like a rock, but with a smooth top. The perimetre must be over fifteen metres, because I can't see my district mate anywhere.
I look to my right, to my left, around me, while the other tributes keep frightening each other with their murderous glares and stares. All I see is forest, forest all around me and then some mountains to my right, which look at least ten miles away from where we are standing right now. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't reach them with a day. My legs just wouldn't allow me to.
I glance to my right and a boy from District 10, judging by his ugly brown jacket, takes his time to inspect my body and me. Finally, he just growls, to which I snort. Really horrible my ass.
To my left is the girl, I avoided in the training centre. She doesn't growl at me, just winks and points back to the Cornucopia. Weird.
I smile. Turning back to the Cornucopia, I know exacly, what I'm going to take.
I dash from my plate as soon as the bang indicates the beginning of this years Hunger Games.
Everything is going according to the plan.
Click on the external link to go to the tumblr of the games, you can get extra content there ;)
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