Seokjin the hero of the story. He is a kind and gentle sometimes narcissistic , he used to live with his mother, a nun who owns her own orphanage . After her mother moves overseas for work, he was adapted to live in a mansion with six mysterious brothers who are actually vampires. In the beginning he was skeptical of their supernatural nature, but came to find no other solution. In a struggle for survival he decides to live with them while bearing the fear of being attacked by each of them. He is the sacrificial Bride according to legend . Despite being mistreated by the vampires at first but in the end they threaten him as a mother of the family, Seokjin always responds to them with kindness and attempts to understand them better. It is revealed that he is adopted and hence, begins to investigate his past. He also starts suffering chest pains while living in Kim's mansion despite he knows that he got heart disease before and after the operation held the pain never back until now. He is also the cook and a mother of the Kim Brothers.
Kim brothers are the sons of Minister Lilac Kim, but from three different father.
Yoongi is the oldest son of the Kim Brothers and the current master of the mansion. He is the first son. Yoongi grew up being given to much unwanted attention from his father. Due to his next line in crown. He is one of the brothers who seems to have any prior knowledge of Seokjin's arrival, mentioning "that bitch" had contacted him asking to have him stay with them as a guest. According to the students of the school, Yoongi is the owner of the studio and can always be found sleeping there. Seokjin needs to use a lot of persuasion in order to get him awake and do something for himself. Yoongi loves music and write lyrics despite being apathetic and lazy. He has deep feelings to his younger brother Jimin. Despite being the eldest, he's never responsible for looking after his brothers and the house. Instead, he mostly pushes these duties onto Namjoon.
Namjoon is the second son of the Kim brothers. He is very formal, and is generally the most composed aside from Yoongi. Although Yoongi is his only full blood brother, he despises him for being the supposed favourite of their father. He eventually took out his anger by hiring a vampire hunter to assassinate his father. He later regretted this when he died at peace; happy to be freed from his uncle harassments and to be able to witness his son's mark of adulthood. He values rules and demands that the others follow them, even though many of his decrees are odd and self-made. Namjoon chooses to be the role model of the house even though he is the second son. Although Namjoon has a very polite attitude and almost always acts like a gentleman in front of others but a sweet boy on Seokjin later on. Along with his passion for experimenting and making drugged potions, he loves to collect shades.
Hoseok is the third son of the Kim brothers and the 1st son of Lilac. He was abused by his father. When Lilac found out about the unusual relationship between them, due to mysterious power, she sealed him in the basement. Later she release him. The overall shock and the situation ended up with Hoseok becoming perverted and not having a clear understanding of love. He is always cheerful, energetic and loves to joke but is similar to Taehyung when teasing him. However, his personality suddenly changes when something goes against his wishes, usually when Seokjin is too defiant around him. He also teach Seokjin how to dance. However, Hoseok has a phobia of insects, specifically spiders and amusement park.
Taehyung is the 2nd son of Lilac. He was similarly put pressure upon to be the best, just as Yoongi despite seeing him as a black sheep of the family. But unlike Yoongi, he never received love from his parents. He was beaten and abused by his father to the point where he attempted to drown him if he was not the best. Therefore, he grew up always having to be the best, and being self centered and overconfident. He is Due to never receiving any type of love from his father, he is unable to love, and is at first cold towards Seokjin. Though over time starts to warm up him and care for him. He is the first one to drink Seokjin's blood.
Jimin is the fifth son of the Kim brothers and the youngest son of Lilac, he received too much attention from his father due to sexual harassment toward him, Yoongi save him. Due to being neglected by his mother, he often played alone and talked to his dolls, usually to his precious Teddy gave by Yoongi which he will take with him everywhere. However, there were occasions . He is quite attached to Yoongi, despite seeing him not as a brother. He speaks and act childish but is extremely sadistic and tends to display violent outbursts but then Yoongi came to calm him down. He see Seokjin as his mother and also possessiveness toward to elder.
Jungkook is the sixth and youngest of the Kim brothers. He is the only son of last Kim. He first shows himself when he notices Seokjin's human scent and went to investigate its source. He is usually alone and never cares about whats happening around him. He easily gets angry and resorts to violence, going as far as to break everything when he gets extremely angered. He manages to compress this side when Seokjin around. There is a childish side of him that only Seokjin can see, regardless of his maturity. He hates Jimin when he calling him Kookie but to Seokjin its music to his ear. The reason of of being alone, he sing at rooftop of the mansion and to his father garden.
The other characters
Minister Lilac Kim her identity still unknown. She is the friend of Seokjin mother and mother of Kim Brothers. She spouse the 3 triplets Kim Brothers, bearing a child of each of them. She never gave love to her sons let them take care to their fathers. Seokjin called her "Lilith" then he lost conscious.
Lilia Kim-Lilac stepsister due to her disability. She cannot beard a child that why she ask her sister to be pregnant for her husband which is the 2nd Kim. She also donate her husband's heart to Seokjin.
Jihohyun- the 2nd to triplets the father of Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin, the wicked one. He always abused his sons due to anger towards to their biological mother and his older brother because he believed that Lilac is the reason of Lilia disability. He put pressure on Taehyung, he is the 2nd son. Highly sexual harassment toward Jimin despite that Yoongi save Jimin. He love seeing Jimin and Hoseok dancing. He also push Namjoon to assassinate his own father.
Jongyoon-the eldest of the triplets, he is the father of Yoongi and Namjoon. He give too much attention to Yoongi because he is the oldest and mark Namjoon to adulthood after his death and release from the harassment of his brother.
Jungyon-the youngest of the triplets, after gave birth to Jungkook. He lock himself to the tower due to his disease. He always watched his son taking care of his garden while singing.
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