September| Part 4
Chapter 11❤
The only reason why I was dreading getting up to go to school today was simply because of math. Yes, you know it- that stupid acronym that stands for Mental Abuse To Humans. I loved all three sciences, English was my absolute favourite- but it was just that, why couldn't math solve it's own problems? Obviously its x had already moved on with y, and possibly numerous other letters.
Don't get me wrong, I was good at math but I would really rather not do it- I had always hated the subject, it was a common fact about me, just as common as the fact that my eyes were green, my hair was chestnut.
I sighed and called Jake's phone, the rowdy twin. I don't know how or when it had started, but I was his personal alarm clock, along with Joe's. I had programmed the most annoying song onto Jake's phone for when I was calling him (The Nyan Cat theme song) so he knew I was attempting to wake him up.
Yes, attempting.
Jake would decline my call then call to Joe, who was next door and a light sleeper, and finally fall back asleep. With Joe now awake, he would dutifully wake Jake from his slumber, who was far from being a light sleeper.
Darren was woken up over an hour after we had to as his school was a 5 minute drive from our house and started at 9 o'clock, whereas ours commenced at 8:30 am, it was also a twenty minute drive.
Tommy just woke up by himself.
Speaking of Tommy, I had almost forgotten about my little prank. As I said, he screamed at 6 o'clock, and we all got up at 7, so I had lost maybe half an hour of sleep or so laughing in his face. Just thinking back to it now had me chuckling.
I always kept a stash of eggs in my bedroom [you know, just in case] so whilst everyone was downstairs eating dinner, I snuck into Tommy's room and but them underneath his bedsheets. My house had switches where you could turn of the power in each room, so I turned off Tommy's. Next, I called my partner in crime, Jake, and asked him to keep Tommy downstairs until he fell asleep- however, I had absolutely no idea how he accomplished that...
Him and his evil ways...
I prayed Tommy would come upstairs while everyone was sleeping, otherwise this would fail. I then entered the twin's room and dug around through the mess, to try and locate an old pranking kit- one that consisted of fake fingers and blood. Finally, I found it and smeared the blood all over the walls of Tommy's bathroom and also onto the hand, then put it down his toilet. Since his lights were out, I left a flashlight on his bedside, knowing it would be useful if I wanted my plan to suceed.
I planned that Tommy would try to switch on his light, realise it wasn't working, get into bed, have a cracking surprise (pun intended), run to his bathroom and see a horrorful sight.
And it worked... WELL.
Luckily, Mum and Dad hadn't woken up otherwise I would have been dead meat.
Everyone was now seated at the breakfast table, Darren woke up at 8, just so we could all eat together. Zach had a day off at college today and was sleeping in. Everything was going fine- Tommy throwing evil glares my way, me ignoring his glares, Darren chatting away at his new obsession, the Mighty Hulk, to my mum who was pretending to listen, my dad looking through his newspaper- making the occacional comments about and I quote 'stupid politicians' and finally the twins bantering over sausages and eggs.
Yes, completely fine and normal.
That was until,
"So, Tammy, you wouldn't believe what I saw this morning." My mother spoke.
"Okay, what?" I asked, oblivious to how this conversation was going to finish.
"Blood, cracked eggs, fake fingers... care to explain." Now her eyes were shifting between me and Jake.
"It was his fault!" I exclaimed, pointing at Jake, quick to push the blame onto somebody else.
Jake however said exactly the same thing my way.
"Hey! I'm a girl!"
"Whatever, it was still your fault!" he replied.
"So you want to jump on the blame train? 'Cos I'm all set to buy a boarding ticket" I said annoyed, before my tone switched to a challenging one and I stood up, fists in position.
"Bring it on Taceerio!" He too said, jumping up to match my stance.
"Okay kids, that's quite enough." I blew out from my lips and sat back down.
"Taceerio? Seriously, where did that even come from? " I hissed.
"Planet Jake's an Idiot?" Joe interjected.
I patted him on the back for that.
"Well done little brother, your time is coming." I smiled.
I heard somone cough 'weirdo' beneath their breath and glared at Tommy, who just pointedly looked the other way.
"No, planet: Jake Is Innocent?" Jake tried, smiling sweetly at our mother.
"Nice try little one." my mum retorted. "Now poor little Tommy has been violated and extremely embarrased. Jake, this has come as no surprise, but Tammy- this is extremely out of character for you!" my mum scolded.
Oh please, I could be a little devil when I wanted to... just last week I ate the last cookie from the cookie jar.
"Sorry Mum, but Tommy isn't all innocent here, he threw me into a pool and made me talk to a stranger too! You know what you always say...?" I trailed off.
"I'm the Love Whisperer?" my mum finished, puzzled.
"No, stranger danger!" I exclaimed eagerly.
"I don't remember saying that?"
"It was only a week ago Mum! Come on? Look at that young 21 year old looking face, how could you forget?" I continued, trying to flatter her. The flat look I got in return showed that my attempts were obviously failing.
I looked towards the twins, pleading for help with my eyes but Jack just looked the other way and Joe scratched the back of his neck.
"OK, fine Mum, it really was me." I finally admitted.
Jake breathed a sigh of relief.
"... and Jake." I finished.
Wow, I was really getting good at this whole revenge thing... Boy's, better watch your backs because this girl is armed with multiple 'Kick Me' signs.
"Good for nothing Taceerio!" Jake cried.
I was getting a feeling that this had turned into his own way of calling me a female dog.
"Right back at you Jackeerio." I saluted.
He frowned at his new nickname, whilst I did an evil laugh inside my head.
"I know what Tommy did was bad," My mum said, looking at Tommy dissaprovingly. "but, what you did was twice as bad. You're grounding sentence from before has been decided as 2 months and now you're also not allowed to read books young madam!"
Take my phone and laptop away, fine... take my books away and it'll be a three hit fight: I hit you, you hit the ground, and the hearse hits 25 mph.
My life without books is and will always be... nothing.
"Tommy, you have to clean up the mess she made too, because of your actions." She continued.
"Joe helped too!" Jake blurted.
Joe scowled at him:
"I only got the rope so that he could tie up Tommy!"
I'm not even going to ask...
"That was still contributing! No painting for a day!"
Joe's eyes actually began to tear up. It was the same for him as it was with me and my books, I took one of his art pencils once and he said that if it did it again, he'd strangle me to death, bury me alive, clone me and then kill all of my clones. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.
"Jake, tidy up your room."
Upon hearing this, his got down on his knees and shouted 'No' dramatically.
"Yes." I said back.
Jake lived for untidiness, his room was a swamp full of rubbish of the lord of cream cheese puffs knows what.
By far, I had the worst punishment, although, I was sure I would have been locked away forever if miss Chippy Chives actually did have a heart attack.
I looked up at the clock and saw that we had to leave for school.
"Bye Dad." I called, pointedly ignoring my mum. I would definitely apologize later though. I walked out, not waiting for the twins or him.
It was then that I realised I had been hitching a ride with Tommy and since we were currently on non- speaking terms, thought it would be best to ride my own car. I sat in my silver Honda Accord. The last time I had driven it was the day I met Tommy in the pharmacy and I missed my baby.
The twins also had their own car, a Toyota Camry. I used to ride them to school until they used a year to save up for their own beauty.
Shaking my head, I drove off of the pavement and sped down the road, arriving at school with two minutes to spare.
Lunch was awful, much worse than yesterday- we had been served some concuction of sweetcorn and a brown substance. Due to me spending my evening in my room, I had, again, completely forgotten about making a packed lunch; but Tommy hadn't. He had smirked as he pulled out a packet of crisps, a chicken and bacon sandwich and what really made my eye twitch was that he had the audacity to steal one of MY cream cheese puffs.
That was 100 down to 99 now!
I just sat silently, eye twitching, stomach rumbling. It was weird not talking to Tommy, although he didn't go as far as switching tables or talking with Annie- he had more class than that. In the middle of lunch, Jasmine announced that she had to go due to cheerleading practice.
However, I didn't miss the way Fred Hargrove longingly watched her leave the cafeteria. Those two were meant to be together, but Fred had left for a year and broke up with Jasmine, thinking it was for the best. When he returned, both of them had been too scared to proclaim their still withstanding love to one another.
Jasmine was the definition of beautiful, and with many boys chasing her, she still refused to date anybody- claiming she was content with being a single pringle with Alice and I.
Cheerleaders were probably the nicest, friendliest clique in the school, although most people would expect them to be arrogant bimbo's such as somebody (not naming any names). Anyways, I often hung out with them as sometimes they accompanied Jasmine on our shopping trips.
Annie had her own trio, they weren't mean girls who picked on everybody, but if they didn't like you, they wouldn't hide it- throwing you dirty glances occacionally. They were only notorious due to their 'loosness'. Believe it or not, some girls looked up to them- admiring their [fake] 'beauty' and [desperate] 'boldness'. The trio consisted of Cleo, a brunette with dark eyes, Amber- with blonde hair and grey eyes and of course Annie.
Everybody knew it was best to steer clear off of their attention.
Being the dutiful best friend she was, Lucy was nice enough to split her lunch with me. Today marked the first track team meeting of the new school year, of course with me being the captain, I had to attend and remind people of it... I just sent out a text.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period. Not waiting for Tommy, I trailed to my next class. Maths.
Stopping at my locker, I saw Noah walking towards where I was standing and decided to mess with him. As he walked past me, I started to feign sneezes, which managed to grab his attention.
"Something up your nose Tamara?" he smirked.
"No, sorry, I'm just allergic to idiots."
"Oh please, if I wanted a bitch I would have bought a dog."
"Well if I wanted a Dumbo, I would have called the circus."
He snorted at that.
"Sorry but I'm busy now, can I ignore you some other time." he said, continuing his walk.
"Yeah, sure okay, go play in traffic. Call me when you're done!" I shouted after him, once he turned around, I waved innocently.
I heard laughter from behind me and turned around.
"What are you laughing at?" I hissed at Tommy.
"You're sassiness." He replied, snapping his finger.
Despite my attempts to hold it in, a genuine chuckle escaped from my lips. I slapped my hand over my mouth, textbook in the other hand, and began to walk to my next class.
"Can we stop this now?" Tommy said from next to me.
"Stop what?"
Tommy gave me a look and I realised what he was talking about.
"How about when you apologise?" I snapped.
"For what?" he inquired.
It was my turn to give him a look.
"Okay, okay, fine... I'm sorry." He spoke as if it pained him to utter those words.
"Now that wasn't so hard was it, Tommykins." I spoke patronizingly.
"Yeah, okay, your turn." he quickly dismissed.
"Me? Apologise? For what?" I asked, confused.
"You wouldn't believe how hard it is to wash egg that goes between your bu-" I stopped him from speaking any further.
"You sleep naked?" I asked incredulously.
"What can I say... it's comfortable!" he defended.
And he questioned my sanity?
"Whatever, I'm sorry." I finally gave in.
"Now that wasn't so hard was it Taceerio?" he mocked me.
"Don't even think about calling me that, Tam Tam is enough!" I said, hitting him.
He put his hands up in mock surrender.
We had finally arrived at room 509. The worst room in the school.
Entering the classroom, we sat in our seat, waiting for the class to commence. Our teacher, Mr Colhed, was an old man who had a tendency to hum under his breath- it was mostly annoying when we were doing tests- and it was not even a proper tune- just three notes going up and down the scale.
Also, he had the longest, most dry fingernails, and if you were to ask him to explain something to you, he would tap his finger onto your workbook and hold YOUR pen to perform a demonstration, completely messing up your work with his terrible hand writing.
He had a ticking system for punishment, 1st warning was your name on the whiteboard, 2nd warning was a tick next to your name- and the final warning was another tick- meaning you had to stay for 5 minutes after school.
He was a complete pushover however, which made maths almost enjoyable as most students spoke back to him. Rumour has it that our head teacher was sacking him because of his awful teaching skills. I really felt sorry for him though.
Maths dragged on with back chatting, Tommy's annoyingness, me trying to ignore his annoyingness, sir's humming and finger tapping and my sigh of relief when class ended. I all but skipped out of room 509, but not before saying goodbye to the teacher, with a faked smile.
Only science and a track meeting now that's standing between me and my cream cheese puffs...
Nyan Cat Theme song and pic of Noah to the side ---->
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