August| Part 4
Chapter 4❤
I must have jumped about a foot in the air as I witnessed the reflection looking back at me. I looked like I'd just been attacked by a bear while eating an ice-cream cone. My hair was complete tumbleweed and I was surprised it hadn't already rolled off of my head, I had chocolate ice-cream smeared all over my face and to make matters even worse, there was a wedge of orange trapped between my top middle incisors- undoubtedly from the cheese curls I had been scoffing.
The main thought in my mind was that Tommy had seen me like this.
His name quite suited him- considering his appearance, style and personality. But of course, I'd never of guessed that, maybe a James or a Daniel? I also couldn't help but notice that our first initials were the same.
T + T
I washed my face- quite thoroughly might I add, and brushed through the knots of my hair before exhaling a deep breath and looking once again at my reflection in the mirror. A pair of brown eyes and a head of chestnut brown hair was the image that blinked back at me.
"I am awesome. I will not be annoyed by annoying boys. I am so totally awesome." I said to myself, slapping my face once or twice.
Breathing in once more, I then proceeded to open the door and exit the bathroom and make my way down the stairs.
Once downstairs, I decided to call the culprit of this problem.
My mum answered on the second ring, and I put her on loudspeaker.
"Hello? Who's speaking?" she asked.
"Mum, you do realise that you have caller ID, you do not have to answer the phone with a question!" I groaned for probably the millionth time.
"Okay, okay sweetie- no need to get all smarty party with me." she scolded.
Seriously? 'Smarty Party'- who even said that?
"Whatever Mum," I breathed before I started my rant "would you mind explaining to me just why some son of a blob boy just broke into our house, then stated that he was invited- by YOU! Why was I not informed - I was just sitting down minding my own business when I hear something in the kitchen- you cannot imagine how scared I was.
I thought I was about to be freaking murdered! And then I see the same guy that I happened to of met a week ago in the pharmacy and completely embarrassed myself. He just loves to get under my skin, you wouldn't be-"
"Honey calm down!" my mum said softly, yet with a demanding undertone, successfully interrupting my rant.
I breathed in and out, regaining my composure.
"I'm sorry Tammy. I met up with him, when he was making an inquiry about the rent- he made an offer that was just too good to refuse and we'd put up a room for rent."
My dad's sister, Aunt Helen, had recently gotten married and having previously lived with us, moved in with her husband, Uncle Jamie.
I then tuned back in to my mother's speech, God knows what she was going on about now.
"-and I thought that you two would be perfect together. I mean come on- what's a beautiful young lady like you doing with no man? It's taken you too long to dump that good for nothing rich boy. He used to give me this look behind your back, honestly that little piece of-"
"Mum, please. Stop talking about him." I interjected immediately.
"Just give me a chance to speak, hun." I rolled my eyes at the phone as she continued, "I thought if you weren't expecting him- maybe it would be easier for you to get it on- you know.. the element of surprise." she said.
I could just imagine the woman wiggling those eyebrows of hers. You see, my mum was recognised as The Love Whisperer- but only she referred to herself as that. She was always so persistent on getting all of her single friends a man, and surprisingly she was good at it, most often succeeding. But I was never going to tell her that. Ever. It would only contribute to boosting her already huge ego.
"Get it on? Seriously! Mum, are you drunk? I swear you told me that I had to stay a virgin until I was 55! " I exclaimed.
"That was when you were 12, love. And besides, I didn't mean it like that so get that big head of yours out of the gutter. I simply meant that you two would, er... be acquainted with each other before the rest of the family came back." she tutted.
"Hmm, yeah, sure. I know you Mum, so whatever devious little plan you've concocted in that big head of yours, I can assure you will NOT work. Never on this earth will I ever even think about falling in love with that blob. And I've known him for about 5 minutes!" I cried.
"You will not be saying that in... hmm 4 months from now?"
"Well we'll see about that? It's just your Love Whisperer mind talking at the moment, you won't be saying that in say... a week from now?" I challenged.
"Yes Honey... you know I'm The Love Whisperer." She whispered dramatically.
Lord of cream cheese puffs, have mercy. This woman had really had an overdose of nuts today...
"Does Dad know about this?" I sighed, finally realising that this conversation would only lead to an argument of whether Mum was really the love guru she claimed she was.
"Details, details." She dismissed.
"And no Mum, I really don't know about your Love Whispererness," I said flustered, ending the call before she gave me a piece of her mind.
As expected, my phone began to ring again and I declined without a moment of hesitation. Honestly, I loved the woman to pieces but at times her inner lunatic really shone through.
I heard a knock on the living room door, and before I could invite them in- their head poked through the door.
I groaned loudly at the sight emerging from the door way.
"Tommy." I deadpanned.
"Tammy." He replied, smiling victoriously.
He folded his arms across his chest, mean-whilst, I witnessed the bulge of muscle apparent on his biceps. I was sure my eyes widened marginally, but I was quick to keep my face almost expressionless.
I was still mentally ogling his muscles when I realised something...
"How do you know my name?" I spoke, completely shocked.
"What a transformation...." He said at the same time I spoke, his eyes roaming my body.
I continued, ignoring his frankness as he tauntingly raised his eyebrow.
"You heard that whole conversation didn't you." I completed cringing.
My face heated up at everything my oh- so- lovely mother had said.
"The element of surprise?" he said amused, letting out a slight chuckled, and moving to the sofa to pick up a piece of popcorn and pop it in his mouth.
"Shut.Up," I replied shortly, then proceeding to throw a cushion at him, which he easily dodged.
Stupid reflexes.
My eyes strayed away from the disregarded cushion, only to see that he had magically moved to stand in front of me. He blew a stray brown hair from his eyes.
I raised my eyes at him, pretending not to be flustered by his proximity. I had already embarrassed myself enough at the pharmacy, and I now had to try and reclaim my so totally awesome personality. I bit my lip and dared myself to look up from the floor into his eyes. Up close I could see they held tiny flecks of gold, and he had the faintest freckles on the slope of his nose.
"Care to show me my room Tam Tam?" his voice broke me out of my daze, but that didn't keep me from stuttering as I attempted to answer his question.
So much for reclaiming my awesome self
"I- I-"
"Well that's perfect! Thank you ever so much!"
With that, he took a huge step away from me and began to carelessly stretch his arms.
"Don't call me that!" I snapped, walking past him towards the door. I tried as best as I could to suppress the incoming blush that was threatening to heat my face.
He whistled before cheekily replying.
"Talk about mood swings. Sure Mother Nature has already paid her visit?"
My eye twitched at him as I slammed the living room door and stomped up the stairs.
He reminded me of my brothers.
I didn't dare look back, but I was sure he was following me as I heard the swing of the door as it opened again.
* *
* *
"So this is it?" he asked, in a surprisingly normal tone.
"This is it." I confirmed.
We were stood in front of Aunt Helen's old room. Mum had said she had put an add up before she left and this was the only available room.
"Can you give me a tour?" he asked stupidly.
"What's there to see? It's a room." I replied, gesturing to the closed door.
"I meant the house dumbas- butt."
Okay so maybe he wasn't asking that stupidly.
"Fine." I sighed, moving past him.
I was really looking forward to getting back to my food and movie.
I showed him all of the boys bedrooms. Yes that's right I live in a house with four boys, not counting my dad. They were plainly and simply weird and crazy. Jake was by far the craziest, but I don't think I have it in me to list some of his antics.
The first I showed him was Darren's, he was only 5 and had a love of Spiderman, which anyone with eyes and a functional brain could clearly see with a single glance inside of his room. Seriously, his walls were red and blue and said 'Spiderman', his duvet was spiderman themed, a Spiderman costume hung from his wardrobe and the carpet underneath his bed had Spiderman on it.
Joe's room was just next door. He was sixteen and artistic. His room had previously been a plain white, but he had painted over them, making the room completely his own. Everything about the paintings just screamed 'Joe'. My favourite wall was the jumble of musical notes that gradually spread out and burst into an array of colours. I cautiously glanced at Tommy, and saw his expression mirrored my awe filled one. It didn't matter how many times I had entered this room. In all honestly, I hadn't really, everyone was banned. Especially Darren, he had a thing for ketchup.
Next was Jake's, he was Joe's twin and unsurprisingly his polar opposite. He had an obsession with soccer and had a collection of signed soccer balls and posters from the countless games Dad had been forced to take him to. But his room was a complete mess, a jungle of clothes swarmed the floor- which appeared to be almost non-existent.
Finally was Zach's. Politically speaking, I didn't show Tommy his room as it was locked, but he did see the multiple padlocks and chains hanging off of his door. I stole a look at Tommy, expecting to see a confused expression on his face, but was taken off guard when I saw one of understanding, which completely and utterly confused me. Instead of voicing my confusion, I opted to watch his face to see if it would reveal anything to me. It didn't.
I was probably staring at him for too long, because he turned to look at me.
"What?" he asked, patting his too perfect face. Honestly, he had the perfect combination of everything; full lips, bright blue eyes, a straight nose, slight freckles and hair that would make anyone want to run their hair through. It was a bushy mess of perfection.
After feeling nothing, his expression suddenly took upon one of confusion.
"Nothing." I said nonchalantly, walking ahead of him to continue the tour. He was quick to catch up with me though.
"What about your room?" he blurted after a moment of silence.
"What about it?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow.
"Aren't you going to show me?" he spoke more confidently.
"If you insist..." I trailed off.
I thought I heard him say "Oh I do" but when I asked him about it he just repeated what I had said 3 minuted ago:
I turned around to look at him, my mouth morphing into a forced smile. I decided to pick up my pace, ignoring the weight of food in my stomach.
"Hey, hey, hey. Slow down their Speedy Gonzales!" he called out.
He had to jog to keep up with me, seems like being captain of track team had its perks.
I stopped outside of my room, causing him to bash into me back.
"Watch where you're going Slow Snail!" I chuckled, not too bothered about the collision.
There was nothing special about my room, well besides the posters of Justin Bieber that I had; invading each space on the furthest wall of my room.
Each poster was stuck on with Blue Tack, making it extremely easy to remove them once I grew bored of the said celebrity.
"Holy mother of-"
"Fudge!" I finished for him, foreseeing the word that he was about to use.
"Hey! I was going to say that." He pouted,the little baby.
"Well tough! I said it first." I replied just as childishly, sticking my tongue out at him.
However, I shrieked when his hand made a move to touch it.
"Whatever you were about to do, it was disgusting." I shuddered, turning to face him fully.
"I do it to my sister's all the time." he shrugged.
"I've known you for like an hour. That's like, on the final base of friendship. And we're most definitely not friends. Not even acquaintances. You're more like, my designated person of annoyance."
"Yet." he suddenly blurted, after studying my face for a moment too long.
"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him and moving to sit on my bed.
He didn't follow my lead, instead he just stayed rooted at the door frame, seemingly consumed in thought as he stared at the carpeted floor.
Great, yet another weirdo to be introduced to my life.
"We're not friends- yet." he continued, stressing the final word of his sentence.
His gaze had finally moved upwards to centre on me. His words sounded a lot more serious than I anticipated my reply would lead to, so I opted to let out a low whistle.
I had began to fully whistle a song, Confident by Justin Bieber (seriously, I was properly into it. Doing my own version of the dance and everything), when he spoke again.
"You should see my room at home." a grin had consumed his face, completely contrasting with his previously stone expression.
"Oh really now... who do you love?" I asked, pausing my whistle and giving him my undivided attention.
"Megan Fox."
I must have rolled my eyes about a million times in the five seconds it took for me to reply.
"How very not surprising." I sighed.
" What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he spoke, resting his shoulder on the opened door.
"It means that almost every boy has an obsession with the prettiest looking women. What is there to admire about Megan Fox, besides her looks. I know she's a great actor and everything, but I'm sorry, they're not that amazing." I explained, flopping onto my baby blue duvet covers.
"Well aren't you quite the feminist," he smiled tauntingly.
"Answer my question!"
"Okay, I lied, I was trying to make it less awkward and embarrassing for you by saying my room looked like yours," he finally supplied, now moving to sit on my bed.
"Well what do you know? Tommy boy here has a soft side." I smirked, nudging his shoulder.
"Shut-up, I'm going to bed." he backed out, picking up a pillow from my bed to throw at me.
"Bye-bye, dear." I called after him, smiling sweetly.
I watched him walk back down the corridor and then heard the click as his door shut.
I couldn't be bothered to walk all the way downstairs, so I brushed my teeth, changed into my pyjamas and went to sleep.
A distinct thing I remembered about that night was my dream; it was filled with a smirking boy and a girl with chestnut hair.
Pic of Tommy to the side :P
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