August| Part 3
Chapter 3❤
We stood for a couple more moments in silence before he just had to open his big, fat, ugly mouth and say;
"Hey, I know you- you were that girl in the pharmacy with the 'mouth condition'"
And he had the audacity to do air quotation marks as he said 'mouth condition', so yeah I was completely lying through my teeth, but he didn't have to make me feel like even more of a fool.
I dropped the freaking huge encyclopaedia that I had been holding as my arm was aching, with a loud thud and ran my hand down my blushing face.
"You're never going to let that go are you?" I sighed.
"Nope. Not a chance," he smirked.
"Wait, hang on a second, again- what are you doing in my house!" I cried, realising how much we had strayed away from the initial topic.
"I was invited." He said in a 'duh' tone, as if it should have been obvious.
Well ex-cuse me Mr. I Think I Know Everything.
"By whom may I ask?" I asked levelly, narrowing my eyes at him.
"Your parents." he replied.
"Yeah as if they would let me stay home alone with some boy that I hardly even know!" I said, my frustration steadily rising.
"Well you'd be surprised," I heard him mutter under his breath.
The nerve of this donkeyface!
"Yeah, nu-uh mister, I don't think so!" I didn't give him a chance to reply before I realized something;
"Wait- hang on a second, are you stalking me? First the pharmacy, and now breaking into my house, what do you want from me?" I screamed, masking my shock and horror with rage.
Again, the nerve of this hot jerk.
"No!" he looked at me as if another head had sprouted from my neck "As if I would stalk you!"
"Well what's that supposed to mean? Am I not up to standards to your- your stalking tastes you son of a blob!"
"Son of a blob?" he asked, seemingly amused.
"Yes if you have noticed by now, I try to refrain from swearing - in any shape or form!"
"Seriously?" he asked, his eyes glinting with mischief.
Before I knew it, the blob started to go on to recite probably just about every single freaking swear word that he knew, however, while he did this I took it upon myself to cover my ears with my hands and run down the corridor, in the opposite direction screaming. And of course he had to follow me.
I stopped as I reached the front door, already out of breath (yeah, at the moment I was just about as fit as a grandma on a doughnut diet... literally) and saw that he was still swearing. Cheesy fries, how many swear words did this guy know?
"I CAN'T HEAR YOU." I attempted to scream over him, but saw his lips had stopped moving and took my hands away from my ears.
Which proved to be a big mistake...
"EYE-EYE CAPTAIN," he screamed back once I had removed my hands like the imbecile he was.
"How old are you?" I asked, genuinely concerned.
"17. Why do you ask?" he replied' innocently'.
And yes when I say innocently, I mean the little devil was obviously trying to get on my last nerve.
"What is your problem?" I shouted.
"What's your problem?" he retorted
"You never even properly explained why you're here!" I groaned.
Ok, now I was mad.
"Well you never properly explained why you're here!" was his oh-so-not-smart comeback.
Oh yes, and that was just the icing on top of the cake.
"1-2-3-4-5-6-7-" I started to count, attempting to calm myself down, but was rudely interrupted.
"What are you doing?" he asked curiously.
"Well what does it look like I'm doing?"
"Counting." he replied
"DING DING DING- we have a winner! Yes the prize for the most obvious question answered goes to- well you guessed it-" I paused.
"I'm sorry I never caught your name,"
"Tommy. Tommy Cornwall" he filled in.
"Yes that's it. TOMMY CORNWALL!" I continued, overenthusiastically.
"You know, your sarcasm is not appreciated." he said, his hand over his chest, feigning hurt.
"Awww did I hurt wittle wittle Towwy's feelings?" I replied playing along, pinching his cheeks.
When I realised what I was doing, I abruptly stopped and waltzed back into the kitchen, not giving him a chance to respond. It then occurred to me that I really needed to lock the back door. Anything to avoid this situation from happening again was going to my done at all costs.
Full force.
"I'm staying here till the end of my senior year." I jumped as I heard a voice from behind me.
"Really?" I squeaked.
"Yes, really." he mused.
"And why is that?" I said, as I finally turned around.
He was casually leaning against the fridge, studying me and I shrank backwards at his intense gaze.
"Well how about because your parents- I'm assuming - put up an ad for an available room and I paid for it which brings me to the present." He finished his sentence shrugging, although, he didn't exactly supply me with the answer I was looking for.
Oh yes, a whole year with this hot guy!
Oh and by the way I was being sarcastic.... I think.
I hope.
"Yay me!" I did a pathetic happy dance which managed to earn a chuckle out of the idiot from across the room.
We fell back into silence and an awkward atmosphere gradually built up around us.
"So..." he trailed off.
"So..." I repeated, rather stupidly might I add.
"I think I'm just going to get my stuff from the car." he spoke slowly, already walking towards the back door of the kitchen.
"You know you can just go out from the front right?" I asked feeling smart for the first time in his presence.
"Oh yeah- I forgot about that." he muttered, turning back in the opposite direction, and I swear I saw his cheeks slightly tinge to a soft pink.
"That reminds me, is your doorbell dead or something?" he stopped to inquire.
"Yeah, now that I think back, my mum told me to change the batteries before she left. I must have forgotten." I said sheepishly.
I asked why he asked in the first place, and he gave me the 'are you really that stupid' look.
"You were ringing the doorbell weren't you..." I stated- feeling embarrassed.
"No shi- I mean sugar Sherlock." he caught himself, which I was thankful for.
I smiled at him and he returned the gesture.
"I'm just gonna-"
I nodded slowly, somewhat effectively cutting him off. I heard his footsteps trail off down the hall then the opening of the front door, before the sound of the trees rustling in the wind outside drowned everything else out.
"Time to see how messed up I look." I spoke to myself, as I trudged away to the downstairs bathroom.
Pic of Tammy to the side cx
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