August| Part 2
Chapter 2❤
A week had passed since my encounter with 'that American Dude', as I like to refer to him now, and I was seated on my couch, watching a movie, a comedy called White Chicks, covered in blankets and surrounded by every sweet snack that you could ever think of.
I think it sufficed to say that I wouldn't be earning any allowance for a while.
I was absolutely basking in joy on my annual binge day. It was conveniently a day of the week every summer where my family routinely went to a camping site, about an hour or two away. I despised camping with a burning passion, just the thought of all the insects that could crawl up my nose while I was sleeping made me shiver in disgust. My camping experiences had been dreadful, which most likely was the reason my parents even contemplated leaving me home alone.
I wasn't a bad child, but the thought of leaving your teenage girl alone at home must have been a scary thought to every parent.
I lazily slid my back down the leather sofa and sighed in content. It wasn't every day that I was peacefully alone in the comfort of my own house. My life was an endless drama of boisterous brothers and food. Mostly the former, unfortunately.
I ate another spoonful of cookies and cream icecream, enjoying the satisfying crunch of the biscuit in my mouth. I blew my curly, brown bangs from my eyes and continued to watch the comedy, laughing occasionally every few minutes or so.
I furrowed further in my fluffy blanket, my eyes heavily glued to the TV screen.
Time couldn't have been running any more smoothly, when I heard the loud sound of my back door slamming shut. A seed of unease began to bloom in my stomach; I knew that it couldn't be anyone from my family, as they were due back in a week.
I bit my tongue as I contemplated my actions. I was not going to be like one of those silly girls from the movies that shoutedf 'hello?', as if the murderer would answer with 'Oh it's just me, I'm a murderer and I going to kill you sweetheart'. That would be stupid.
Instead, I opted to turn off my TV, and pop my spoonful of ice-cream out of my mouth, before proceeding to snatch my dad's giant encyclopaedia that he always left on the table in the centre of the living room. Boy was it huge, I struggled to even attempt to lift it. I began to weigh out the chances that I would even be strong enough to swing it round into somebody's head. They were very slim.
To put it more simply, I was screwed. My mother refused any dangerous objects to be left around the house, in fear my five year old brother would put some use to them, which sadly included no baseball bats.
I exited the living room, looking down the hallway to the kitchen that seemed to have grown a hundred times in length. Almost every cell of my body was telling me to run out of the front door, as I began my apprehensive trek to the kitchen.
Yeah, and with your luck- you'll be shot dead as soon as you're past the threshold.
I cringed at each creak the floorboards made as I walked down the hall- which made me think that I was much fatter than I originally anticipated.
I suddenly thought back to the five tubs of cookie dough flavoured Ben and Jerry's I had finished within the last two hours.
Only the sound of my breath, and the creak of the door, could be heard as I carefully pushed down its metal handle and slowly eased it open. I immediately put my eye through the enlarging gap in the door, trying to make out the intruder. The light was off, so I could only perceive a dark figure standing by the side of the kitchen furthest from me. I saw something silver reflect against the light coming from the window.
A knife?
Oh holy cream cheese puffs, I was too young to die, I had so much to live for like having 5 children, buying an ice cream factory, buying a bakery, buying a...
Feeling a pair of eyes on me, I zoned out of the list of goals I wanted to hopefully acheive in life. The figure was inching closer to me, standing only a few feet away from where I was meekly stood. My immediate reaction was to scream, hopefully halting his advancement. however I did not anticipate what would happen next.
The murderer began to do the same, but in a masculine way.
I was the first to stop screaming, and the intruder followed suit.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked, shrinking backwards and clearing my throat.
"Well I could say the same to you!" the figure replied, they had a masculine voice, so I assumed they were a guy. The object in their hand caught once again in the moonlight, and revealed to be just a metallic mobile phone.
I could still feel his eyes scrutinizing me, and so opened my mouth again to break the silence.
"This is my house!" I said, attempting to be firm. I hit my foot on the ground in emphasis.
"Oh really now?" he replied in amusement.
"Yes really!" I cried, throwing my hands in the air in frustration.
I turned my head to the left, no longer being able to stand the mystery surrouding the person before me, and saw the light switch practically screaming at me to turn on the light. My hand inched closer and closer to it, whilst I tried to hold my gaze on the murderer.
"Ah, that's cute you're getting all frustrated." he said patronizingly, I could just imagine the smirk on their face.
A thought began to buzz at the back of my head, there was almost a hint of deja- vu in this conversation.
My hand was just milliseconds away from the switch.
"Shut-up and leave me alone!" I screamed at him.
"Right, yes of course." he replied, I noticed the silhouette shake his head slightly.
After letting out a frustrated groan, I blinked in shock, as I realized just how familiar that voice was. Snippets of my conversation with the boy from the pharmacy began to flutter throughout my head.
It was the perfect moment to flick the light switch on.
As light suddenly flooded throughout the room, my eyes squinted upwards- only to see a pair of bright blue eyes squinting downwards at me.
Perfect, just perfect
I hope you readers are enjoying this so far, don't forget to vote and comment c: Excuse the short chapters, I can assure you that they will get longer soon.
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