August | Part 1
Chapter 1❤
Being on your period was never fun. But what made it even less so, in my case, was that I had ran out of ibuprofen, my mother was out of town, and it felt as if my uterus was attempting to murder me.
Oh how I could not wait for this week to end.
My head lazily rested on my steering wheel as I braced myself for my exit. It was unusually quiet for a cool summer's day in Toronto, but I could only blame that on me being in a sketchy part of my town. It was the only place where the pharmacy opened on Sundays, and it was just my luck that today was the day I was in such dire need.
I bit my lip and lifted my head, groaning loudly at the pain I felt as I awkwardly hopped out of my car. I groaned even more loudly when I realised I had to turn back around to shut the driver's door.
I removed my keys from my pocket to lock my car, peering warily at my surroundings. The whole area was literally bare, besides the silver Mercedes parked down the road from my Honda. I presumed it belonged to no body living around this place, I didn't think anybody was stupid enough to just leave a extremely pricy looking car just on the sidewalk. But then again, it was the middle of the afternoon.
I peered at my watch, suddenly feeling I should move quickly as I realised one of my favourite shows was due to air soon. It would most likely take me a good five minutes to walk there, the Lord of cream cheese puffs knew how long I would actually be in the pharmacy.
I got off to a good start, managing a good few moments of wavering in an upwards stance, but after a while, I was forced to crouch downwards and cradle my belly as the pain progressed. The constant chill in the air was succeeded in being no help, whatsoever; neither did the jumble of clothes I had thrown on in my desperation to leave.
I could not fathom why it was only my gender that had to experience this. All boys did was wake up to the usual morning wood..Girls on the other hand woke up, on some days, to the haunting realisation that they were riding the crimson wave. The thought that I only had four decades to go until I was free never once made me feel happy, it, if anything, made me want to cry.
Stupid boys and their lack of uterus.
My discomfort didn't stop me once... the object of my desire fueled me with some much needee energy and effort. The thought of going back to my car lingered at the back of my mind, but I realised it was much to far away now anyway and I was still in pain.
After a couple of moments of tripping over my feet in my flip flops, I finally reached the small complex. A faded sign stood above the building, reading 'Medi-can'. I slowly manoeuvred myself around a tipped garbage bin, moving to hold my nose at the awful smell it emitted.
Relief flooded me when I saw the cream door said 'push' instead of pull. My feeling of pain had slightly eased, so I stood upright one more and pushed open the door, immediately hearing a familiar 'chime' sound from above my head. I stepped over the threshold, that was just waiting for me to trip over it. Not today.
I scanned the room, shifting my feet on the purple carpet, before finally spotting the object that I so longed for. Ibuprofen. With my pain momentarily disregarded, I felt my pace quicken as I eagerly snatched it off of its shelf. I head to stretch slightly, but it wasn't bad enough to welcome the extreme pain once again. It had dulled down to just a small throb. It was still pain, nevertheless.
Stupid Mother Nature
I began to walk to the checkout, meanwhile fumbling around for my wallet in my back pockets, but came up empty. I was momentarily panicked, when a blurred image of my purse on my kitchen counter flew into my head. As I began to dwell on the image, I began to become more and more doubtful of its genuinity. I cursed my brain, it just suddenly chose to not remember things at the most significant times.
I sighed, weighing out my options for what I could do next. I needed to buy it. I wasn't being melodramatic, I had literally crawled into my car on the way put of my house. I walked up to the check out, and leant forwards on the chipped counter, and watched the cashier, trying to deduce just how much of a pushover she might've been.
She really didn't seem like a pushover, in fact, she was a fat grumpy looking lady, with rolls that probably even rats could live in, and she watched me with a guarded, yet expectant expression. Her expectancy added to the increasing pressure I felt I was under as I rummaged through my mind for any excuse I could think of. The old bat cleared her throat, most likely wondering why I was just simply standing there.
"Oh my gosh this is so embarrassing!" I exclaimed, still thinking of a circumstance to trigger my blush.
I sighed mentally as at last, a thought came to mind. I knew my face had turned to a deep shade of crimson as I began to look at the interesting sight of my feet. I think it sufficed to say that ice skates, ice and I did not mix well... at all.
"Well...?" the toad trailed off, her raised eyebrows emphasised the hairy mole on her forhead.
I chocked a bit at its sudden increase in size, and inhaled a deep breath, before I commenced my ramble.
I winced before I even started to speak.
"I er- I woke up early this morning because I'd promised my English teacher I'd help him with the school play this weekend," I peered up at her, seeing if I had gathered some of her attention and saw she still had the same expectant, grumpy expression upon her face, "and the thing is that this morning I stuffed socks in my bra, hoping to impress this new hot guy.
But when I- I, you see, started acting my part, they started to fall out, and my teacher just oh- so- happened to trip over one, banged his head on the floor and passed out.
I had to buy some medication for him because he's in a lot of pain at the moment, but I seemed to have left my wallet at home, before I left for school. So could I please have these without purchasing them, I swear I'll come back and pay!" the lie flowed off my tongue before I could process anything that I was actually saying.
I physically smacked myself in the face for my terrible answer, and my face had heated up to the 50th shade of red as laughter suddenly sounded from behind. I gulped, bracing myself and slowly shivelled around, peaking up at the person through my overgrown bangs.
In front of me stood at tall, tanned figure. His hair was brown and wavy, and he held a cheeky expression on his face. He was wearing blue skinny jeans, and a black tight- fitted shirt; I raised my head as I suddenly thought of how bad I must have looked in my grey sweatpants, tank top, and rainbow flip-flops.
I felt a warm liquid drop onto my exposed foot, and immediately clamped my mouth shut as I realised I had been openly drooling in front of a complete stranger, who just so happened to be extremely good looking. I tardily snapped out of my daze and spoke with surprising nonchalance.
"Just what exactly are you laughing at?"
"Well I don't know, how about your outrageous story?" he spoke patronizingly, spreading his lips into a taunting smile.
My eyes slightly widened at his frankness.
"How about my true story, just who do you think you are- some- some man that knows everything!" I spoke flustered, crossing my arms over my chest stubbornly.
"Ah, that's cute, you're getting all flustered," he replied, tapping me on my nose.
Yes, he actually touched me. I don't know what kind of stranger walked around tapping people's noses, but after being in public with my family, I couldn't really judge.
"Ah, well It's cute that you're so ugly!" I retorted, quickly slapping his hand away.
I almost apologised when he winced at the contact, but then decided not to when he opened his mouth again.
"Well, I think your mouth begs to differ, because I'm pretty sure I saw it drooling when you first looked at me!" he smirked at me, his blue eyes sparkling in amusement.
"You jerk! How dare you use my... mouth condition against me!" I said, whilst shoving a finger towards his face.
I, Tammy Lovelle, was seriously on a roll today. Note my sarcasm.
"Mouth condition?" he asked disbelievingly, as I expected, and raised his perfect eyebrows.
"Yes, mouth condition, I tend to get very high amounts saliva in my mouth when I see ho- I mean ugly people!" I replied, the lie un-smoothly running off my tongue. I averted my gaze from his face, and began to stare out of the window.
"Right, yes, of course," he smiled condescendingly.
Oh, boy.
I winced at the return of the old grouchy voice, and morphed my face into an innocent expression, hoping it would gain me some brownie points.
"Yes, so I'll be back, yeah?" I asked hopefully, turning around to continue our conversation from where it was oh-so-politely interrupted, if you catch my drift.
"Yeah, how about..."
I leaned forwards, anticipating her answer to be a big fat-
"No." she deadpanned, as was expected.
Somebody needed to find this lady a date, I thought, before jumping at the sight on one of her chubby fingers. Two rings. Crikey.
The return of the sharp pain in my lower abdomen zoned me out of my thoughts. It looked like I would have to go back home after all.
"I'll pay." A voice simply said from behind me.
Once again, I swivelled around with deliberated movements.
"You'll what?" I asked disbelievingly, still clutching my stomach.
"I said.... I'll pay" he repeated, flashing me what looked like a genuine smile.
"What's the catch?" I asked, staring at him warily.
He leaned forwards marginally, stopping a few inches away from my face.
"I don't get to see your pretty self suffering through pain," he spoke, his voice low.
For the following minutes I was mentally hyperventilating at his compliment and how nice his voice sounded.
I must have been consumed in my thoughts for way too long, as when I finally calmed down, I realised that he had already paid for my things plus his, and his hot figure was exiting through the door.
"I have two sisters." was all he said before he winked, did a salute and left the pharmacy.
At that moment I realised five things.
1. I didn't get his name
2. I never said thank you
3. He called me pretty
4. I just commented on his looks again
5. A complete stranger knew I was on my period
6. He called me pretty
"Are you gonna leave, or what?" the beast snarled, after I just continued to watch the door.
I was taken aback at her for a moment. It was 2pm on a Wednesday afternoon, it wasn't as if the pharmacy was about to close anytime soon.
Despite her rudeness, I decided to stay calm and leave the store at her command.
"Smell ya later!" I called to the old cashier, snatching the medication from the counter.
The door swung shut on its loose hinges after my exit, and once again, I heard the chime of a bell ring loudly above my head.
I skipped back to my car, feeling somewhat happier than I did before, the pain I had been suffering through semi-forgotten as I thought back to my peculiar encounter.
That boy
As soon as I was seated in my car, I grabbed a bottle of water from my glove compartment and stuffed two tablets into my mouth.
Sometimes, I hated being a girl, but then remembered how awesome my gender was.
I rested my head back on my chair, sighing in happiness as the pain slowly drifted away. I couldn't help but admit that the whole trip was definitely worth it, the chances were very slim that I would see that guy again. He didn't sound like he was from near here either. I thought back to his accent, thinking he was probably American.
I turned on the radio of my car, and just sat and listened to my favourite radio station. I had always reprimanded myself for doing this; me, music and my seated position always ended in sleep, and I was currently not in exactly the best area of my neighbourhood.
But I decided to let it slide, just this once. Besides, ten minutes of sleep was hardly enough for me to worry about anything terribly bad happening to me.
My eyelids began to grow heavy, and I was seconds away from falling asleep. I was inches away from closing my eyes, but suddenly someone rapped on the driver's window.
I immediately sat up, abruptly alert and out of my sleepy state.
For a few moments, I couldn't make out what I was seeing behind the window, but then the figure moved downwards and I jumped in fright.
It was the cashier lady.
She continued to impatiently hit the car, with so much force that I feared the glass would break under her touch.
If not from the reflection of her face
I hesitantly pressed down the button on my door to bring the window down. As soon as a substantial amount of it was gone, an object was thrown into my lap. I didn't have a moment to voice anything to her, as she just huffed and turned to walk away.
After sitting for a few seconds in shock, I lifted my head downwards to look my lap, and gasped loudly. I was expecting to see a bag full of chopped off fingers- boy was I wrong.
Quite amazingly, in all of its glory was my very own purse.
Haha, I hope you liked the first chapter guys! Please vote and comment! ! And stay tuned for the next chapter :D
Follow my instagram @x.smiiles.x
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