Chapter Fifteen: Promises Are Kept But Friends Are Lost
I clutched Daniels hand, sobs racking my body. He didn't deserve to die, I hung onto his body.
"Daniel, come back."I cried.
"Stop trying to trick me, it's not going to w-w-work," I said hiccuping, I shook his shoulders bringing me back to this morning.
* slap*
"Daniel, I know you're awake."I said giggling.
When he still didn't wake up, I shook his shoulders.
"Da-NIEL! Wake up!"
He groaned and got up.
"Let me sleep," he mumbled into the ground.
I laughed shaking my head at his silliness.
*end of flashback*
I was brought back to reality when the intercom cackled to life.
"Attention tributes, we are down to our last two. You have 10 minutes, FIGHT!"
I shook my head, I didn't want to fight, I didn't want to become victor without Daniel at my side. I looked for my opponent. I saw Leah stand up, her eyes filled with shock. I placed a kiss on Daniels forehead and whispered good bye, I stood up looking Leah in the eye.
"Look I don't want to fight,"she began.
I looked at Daniel, sleeping so peacefully. Right then, I promised myself I would win for him. I glanced at Leah who was still rambling on about how she didn't want to fight. With a loud battle cry I charged at her.
She leapt put of the way, drawing her own weapon, she slashed at me causing a large cut to appear on my arms, she looked away thinking she had struck my chest. I got up raising my dagger I stabbed at her. I knocked her off her feet. Closing my eyes I plunged the poisoned dagger into her heart. I moved my hands out of the way before her blood could stain the precious sapphire studded ring. Leah looked at me, pain in her eyes. It registered in my mind what I had done. I sunk to my knees crying.
"Leah, I'm so sorry."
Leah turned to look at me,"It's okay."
Her voice was rough, she grabbed my hand tightly giving it a gentle squeeze. Her grip faltered and she drifted into deep slumber.
"Congratulations to our victor, Winter de Angelo!"
I looked at the ring that I was holding it tightly to my chest.
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