Bellamy and Murphy started dating right before the 48 were taken into mount weather. The two agreed to keep it a secret just to spare the comments and judgment on both parts. It was relatively easy seeing as no one paid attention to the fact that they shared a room, that or they just thought they were two dude sharing a tent. However after being together for eight years people are bound to find out eventually and this is how.
Clarke was the first to find out and it was right as they started to date. Bellamy had just gotten of his shift and was laying down and flipping through the book he got the other day. "You used to read that to your sister right?" Murphy asked as he laid on Bellamy's chest resting peacfully. "Yeah" Bellamy said softly. "Have you ever read it?" Bellamy asked and Murphy shook his head. "Want me to read it to you?" Bellamy asked and Murphy nodded "sure" He said. Bellamy smiled and began to softly read the book out loud while running his fingers through Murphy's messy but clean hair. Someone barged into their tent and Murphy jumped up off of Bellamy. "Clarke. Don't you knock" Bellamy snapped. "Chill I could care less who you screw, Kane wants to see you" She said. "Whatever keep this to yourself though" He said. "Sure whatever let's go" She said leaving the tent. Bellamy rolled his eyes and MUrphy chuckled "off to save the world again" Murphy said and Bellamy nodded and put the book down. "I'll be back as soon as I can" He said pecking murphy's lips and heading out.
Echo was second. It happened a while later on their first year on the ring. It was obious she liked Bellamy which is why Murphy hated her but he'd never admit his jeloce. Bellamy was over in Murphy's room they'd had some rough space sex and were sleeping both naked and cuddled up together with a blanket covering their lower halfs. Echo barged into the room waking both of them. "What the hell did your parent's never teach you to knock!" Murphy snapped at the flabergasted Echo. "I was looking for Bellamy." She said. "Still could have knocked." Murphy said. "Umm you know it can wait" She said quickly leaving and closing the door behind her. Murphy sighed and laid back down. "Are you gonna go talk to her" Murphy asked. Bellamy shook his head and laid his head on Murphy's chest cuddling close to her. Murphy chucked but wrapped his arms around Bell and they both went back to sleep. Later on Bellamy talked to Echo and asked her to keep what she saw to herself.
The next person was Emori. It was about two years after Echo found out. It was at dinner when Moety asked who was going to take Murphy his dinner. "I'll do it" Bellamy said which was a normal thing he usually casually vollenteered and no one aide from Echo thought anything of it. So Bellamy grabbed Murphy's bowl and headed to Murphy's side of the ring unaware Emori had folowed. Murphy came up behind Bellamy scaring him but he relaxed when murphy wrapped his arms around Bellamy kissing his back softly. "Your off your game babe you didn't even hear me" He said. Bellamy turned to face Murphy "i'm not exsactly on high alart up here" Bellamy said. "Your always on high alart" Murphy sassed. "Not t-" He cut off looking to the cornor where Emori was hiding. "What?" Murphy asked. Bellamy kissed the side of Murphy's head and whispered "someone's watching up". Murphy nodded and kissed Bellamy deeply throwing the older man off but he set the food down assuming Murphy had a plan to catch who it was. Murphy started to back himself into a wall and Bellamy got the hint and pushed Murphy unaginst the wall. Murphy broke the kissed and kissed Bellamy's neck but whispered "now" Into his ear. Bellamy spun around the cornor pinning Emori to the wall. "Spying seriously that's Echo's thing" Murphy sassed. "I wanted to see what you to were up to and why you always vollenteer to go give him food" She said. Bellamy rolled his eyes but let her go. "Keep this to yourself" He said. "Or we'll tell people you we're perving on us" Murphy warned earning a light swat in the arm from Bellamy. Nonetheless She nodded and scampered off.
The next person to find out was Monty and Haper. Bellamy and Murphy we're sat in the greenhouse making out aginst a wall when they walked in. "Guys seriously you have your own rooms for reason." Monety said making the both jump. "Um" Bellamy started but Harper cut him off "we don't care but go find somewhere else to make out" She said showing them out.
The next day Murphy slept in Bellamy's room apposed to them sleeping in Murphy's Bellamy had managed to convince Murphy t come back and join the group. Everyone was a little suprized when Murphy sat down at the table for breakfast. "Are you going to follow our rules now?" Raven asked unaware of the situation. "Prodobly not' He said but Bellamy smacked his arms. " I mean yeah tottaly" He said with little intrest. Bellamy rolled his eyes but Raven let it g oand they all ate in silence. "What changed your mind" Raven asked Murphy who looked up and the vr at Bellamy. "Bell did" He said. Bellamu smiled smally and nodded. "Since whe do you to not hate each other" She said and everyone at the table snorted evem Bellamy chuckled. Murphy looked at him questingly Bellamy nodded "Your a little late rayas" Murphy said raching up and lacing his finger with Bellamy's. "Seriously?" She asked and the two nodded. "I don't belive you your all fucking with me" She said. Bellamy chuckled and leaned up and Kissed Murphy deeply. "Damn okay" she said making everyone chuckled.
The next and final person to find out was Madi. No one is really sure how, Dia assumes it was the flame. After they got Octavia out of the gorge they talking and Madi asked "how long have you two been together?" Which got many confused looks a few angry mostly from octavia. "Umm what?" Murphy asked. "Oh sorry we're you two not out yet?" She asked. "Let's change the subject" Raven said. "No let's not what the fuck Bell" Octavia said. Bellamy sighed "fine since a few days after the 48 we're taken to mount weather." Bellamy said. "So you are infact dating cockroach" Octavia said glaring at Murphy. "Drop it octavia" Bellamy said his stance defencive. "Just like you did your standers to be with a worthless peice of garabe like him" She said. Bellamy shoved her "Shut the fuck up and don't talk about him like that" Bellamy snapped but Murphy grabbed his arm and shook his head. "I'm not gonna let her talk about you like that" Bellamy said just to Murphy. "It's not worth getting into a fight over. I'm not worth it" Murphy said. "You are to me" Bellamy said turning back to face Ovtavia. "Stay away from me and my boyfriend" Bellamy said lacing his fingers with Murphy's and leading him out of the tent.
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