~~set after Mount Weather but the time is a little off and stuff~~
—five years after Murphy's hanging—-
It was late around midnight and Bellamy was in his tent outside the dropship laying drown ready to at least try and get some rest until someone banged on the tent. "Bellamy" someone slurred. "Open up" the person who Bellamy now recognized as Murphy slurred. Bellamy huffed and opened the tent allowing Murphy to stumble in.
"What do you want Murphy?" Bellamy asked sitting up and pulling a shirt on. "I wanna tell you your a fucking dick" he grumbled, "so you stumbled into my tent drunk off your ass to tell me that?" Bellamy said. "No, I gotta question" Murphy slurred. "Okay" Bellamy said. "When you kicked that stool out from under me did you even care?" He asked shooking Bellamy. "I- I mean I regret it... that was the wrong call" he said. "What about when you left me in the forest with nothing" he asked. "That was the right call, Charlotte was just a child." Bellamy said. "So was I!" Murphy snapped. "Do you even know how old I was when you hung me?" He said. Bellamy shrugged "I don't know 16 or 17" he said. Murphy chuckled dryly. "I was 13" he said. Bellamy had an instant look of regret on his face. "Y-your only 18?" He asked and Murphy nodded. "Charlotte was 14..." Bellamy said quietly. "Exactly but you were ready to let her live because you assumed she was younger" Murphy said. "So you strung up a 13 year old and then banished him. When the grounders found me I wasn't even able to fight back. They tourched me for days." Murphy said his eyes watering. "Have you ever seen me shirtless?" He asked. Bellamy shook his head and Murphy hesitated but pulled his shirt up. His chest was covered in scars that were clearly very deep. He had burn marks across nearly half his chest he was even missing a nipple that was nothing but rough scar tissue. Even a part of his shoulder has been cut off leaving a noticeable indent. Right across his stomach was a scar that had clearly been skillfully carved to clearly say "sky freak" in Trig. "Murphy I-" Bellamy just trailed off. "What your sorry?" Murphy sassed pulling his shirt back down. "Good you should be because I was only 13 for fuck sake. 13 years old and I'd been strung up and tourchered for nothing! I didn't kill wells and i didn't kill charlotte. She killed wells and then killed herself that was not my fault and you know it!" Murphy yelled not caring who heard. Bellamy finally snapped "what you want me to say!" He yelled. "That you regret it!" Murphy yelled back silencing the both of them. "I do..." Bellamy said quietly. "Do what?" Murphy grumbled. "I regret it okay!" Bellamy snapped. "I regret kicking that stool out from under you. I regret letting the 100 beat the shit out of you before. I regret blaming you for Well's death and Charlottes. It wasn't your fault she was crazy and I never should have banished you" Bellamy said shooking both of them a bit. "Do you actually mean that?" Murphy asked softly. Bellamy hesitantly looked up at Murphy. "Every word" he answered. Murphy looked down. "And for what it's worth... I'm sorry" he said. Murphy nodded, "thank you" He said quietly but sincerely. Bellamy hesitantly held his arms out offering Murphy a hug and surprisingly he fitting himself in Bellamy's arms wrapping his arms around Bellamy who returned the gesture. They held on for probably too long before Murphy pulled away stumbling a back. "Why don't you stay here tonight so you don't get yourself in anymore trouble" Bellamy said holding Murphy stable. "Mkay" He mumbled letting Bellamy sit him down. "It's hot" Murphy complained. "Then take off your shirt" Bellamy said sitting on his makeshift bed. Murphy grumbled drunkenly before struggling to pull his shirt off roughly. "Mur-Murphy stop" he said stopping Murphy's drunkin actions before helping him pulled his shirt off and got him to lay down. "Now go to sleep" Bellamy said laying next to him on his 'bed'.
Eventually Murphy fell asleep and Bellamy soon after but when he woke up Murphy's arms were around Bellamy's bear waist with his head on Bellamy's chest. Bellamy's arms were wrapped around the sleeping Murphy as well and he knew he should have pushed Murphy off but seeing him so peaceful he didn't have the heart to wake him so he stayed still resting peacefully waiting for him to wake up. Soon he shifted on Bellamy's chest and groaned in pain likely from the hangover he's bound to have. He had a confused look on his face and sat up seeing Bellamy. He moved away from him. "Sorry" He mumbled rubbing his eyes. "S fine" Bellamy said his voice deeper from having just woken up. Murphy's eyes were glued to the Older chest finding him extremely sexy but a thought crossed his mind. "You came down as a guard by shooting Jaha why didn't you just commit a crime and arrested and sent down" Murphy asked curiously confusing bellamy a bit but he answered none the less. "I just turned 18" He said. "Your 23 dude?" Murphy said sorta shocked at how young he looked. "Almost I turn 23 new month I think... it's july right?" He asked. Murphy nodded "I think so" Bellamy nodded "then yeah next month." Murphy nodded realizing he was almost 19 and had a crush on someone who was turning 23. He also realized he didn't really care almost five years wasn't a huge difference not that it would matter because he knew he'd never have a chance with Bellamy. "I'll be right back" Bellamy said. Murphy nodded and pulled his shirt back on as Bellamy left the tent.
Bellamy came back later with a makeshift metal cup in his hand "here drink this" He said handing it to Murphy. "What is it?" he asked. "You don't wanna know but it'll help that hangover of yours." He said. Murphy smelled it and regretted it but downed it all the same. "That's fucking disgusting what is it?" He asked. "Did you drink it all?" Bellamy asked and murphy nodded. "A raw egg and coffee with a little top off of moonshine to help with the pain." He said. "That's gross" Murphy complained. "But you feel better" Bellamy said and Murphy rolled his eyes mostly because Bellamy was right he did feel better. "Any reason you got wasted off your ass and them came in here?" Bellamy asked, Murphy shrugged "what even happened last night?" Murphy asked. "You came it here at midnight to tell me I was an asshole for hanging you" He said. "You were" Murphy said. "Yeah I know" He mumbled not looking at Murphy. "I thought you were almost 18 I never realized you were so young" Bellamy said. "Would that have made a difference?" Murphy asked. "Yes, hanging a 17 year old for murder is was different than hanging a 13 year old for it" Bellamy said. "That's why I wouldn't let you hang Charlotte" He said. "She was crazy" Murphy said. "I didn't know that I thought she was just scared" Bell said. "And I wasn't?!" Murphy snapped. "I don't know because if you were you sure didn't act it." Bellamy said. "Look i'm sorry okay" Bell said. "Well sorry doesn't fix shit and now you have to deal with it" Murphy sassed. "I KNOW!" Bellamy screamed his eyes water slightly. "I know what I have to live with okay" He said his voice cracking a bit. "I-.." Murphy didn't say anything but he stood up and went to leave but he turned to face bellamy. "I looked up to you ya know" Murphy said. "Are you seriously trying to make me feel worse" He said a tear leaving his eyes. "No if you'd let me finish" He sassed and Bellamy shrugged and gestured for him to continue. "I looked up to you then and for a long time after that I hated you but now I see the kind of man you are and I still look up to you because your twice the man I'll ever be" He said before turning to leave without even waiting for a response.
That night it was Bellamy going to Murphy's tent though he was mostly sober. "What do you-." He started but saw it was Bellamy. "What?" he asked. Bellamy didn't say anything just stared at Murphy. Murphy locked eyes with Bellamy waiting for him to speak. "Bellamy what do-" He was cut off by Bellamy crashing his lips into Murphy. Murphy kissed back as Bellamy's hands gently held him face as he kissed Murphy deeply backing him up and sitting him down on his makeshift bed that was almost the height of a real one. Murphy's hand were on Bellamy's waist as he was leaned back until his back was against the bed with Bellamy straddling him their tongues fighting for dominance. Murphy pulled Bellamy's body closer both of them moaning quietly at the friction.
The next morning Murphy woke up first and realized he was naked and sore and he knew what that meant. He also noticed he was laying on a borod chest and the memories from last night flooded in and he knew he was laying on Bellamy. He laid there thinking about how he boned his crush until Bellamy shifted singling he was waking up. Murphy sat up not looking at Bellamy not wanting to see the regret he knew would be there. "Morning" Bellamy mumbled his voice deep and raspy. Murphy glanced back slightly seeing Bellamy's tired but blank face. "Morning" Murphy mumbled grabbed a pair of boxers and pulling them on. "So are we gonna talk about it or are you gonna continue staring at the wall. Murphy glanced over at Bellamy who had that signature smirk on his face. "Asshat Murphy said sarcastically and Bellamy chuckled "creative" he mumbled pulling his own boxers on. Murphy continued getting dressed as did bellamy both in silence. "I have to go but can we talk about this later?' bellamy asked and Murphy nodded Bellamy went to lave but stopped at the door and kissed Murphy's softly before leaving.
After Bellamy got off guard duty and finished his lunch he went to find Murphy. He found him by the lake throwing his old knife at the tree. "Still can't do it" Bellamy said getting Murphy's attention who just rolled his eyes and threw it again and once again it bounced off. Bellamy grabbed the knife before Murphy could. "Come here" he said and sood behind Murphy pulling the knife in his hand the right way.. Then with his hand placed over Murphy's the knife hit the tree properly. Murphy had a light blush due to the closeness of their bodies and even more so when Bellamy wrapped his arms around Murphy's waist and rested his chin on Murphy's shoulder. Murphy leaned into the touch slightly. "So are we gonna talk about it?" Bellamy asked. "About what?" Murphy said. Bellamy rolled his eyes "you know what" He said. Murphy nodded "okay talk" He said. "Well what was last night to you?" He asked and Murphy shrugged. "Cause I was a sober as you were" He said kissing Murphy's neck who tilted his head slightly give Bellamy access. Bellamy smirked kissing across Murphy's neck nibbling softly causing the boy to gasp quietly. Bellamy smirked and kissed Murphy's shoulder. "So I'm gonna ask again what did last night mean to you?" he said kissing Murphy's neck again as his hand roamed Murphy's waist and thighs. "What do I mean to you" He said in Murphy's ear. "Fuck bell~" He said pushing his body closer to Bellamy's. Bellamy ran his hand across murphy's bulge making him moan "bell~" Quietly. "Hmm?" bellamy answered teasingly. "Don't be a dick" Murphy grumbled pushing their bodies closer together. Bellamy chuckled and flipped Murphy over pushing him aginst a tree. Murphy moaned softly and Bellamy smirked and kissed him deeply. Murphy wrapped his arms around Bellamy as bellamy's moved to undo Murphy's pants but he grabbed Bellamy's wrist. "What if someone sees" He sid aginst Bellamy's lips. "They'll hopfully walk away" He sad smirking and kissing Murphy again. Murphy smirked and let Bellamy continue. Bellamy undid Murphy's pants and palmed him making him moan and grip Bellamy.'s shirt. "God your hot~" he said kissing Murphy's neck softly.
After some hot forest sex they went back to Bellamy's tent and laid down together. "So what are we?" Murphy asked. "Boyfriends?" Bellam sid as more of a question. Murphy nodded cuddling up to Bellamy "boyfriends" He confirmed and Bellsmiled kissing his head.
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