He didnt have onE
JK this is a little one-shot about Riddle so yeh it sucks but oh well and there is slight time change *cough cough* 2015 *cough cough * im lazy *cough cough *
Emmi Chase she is Tom Riddle best friend in the orphanage she has the darkest black hair with the pale skin and the oddest purple eyes she always is picked to leave and is always brought back she never stays for more that 3 days just because she promised him she would never leave him EVER but she always brings gift money , watches and more well this time she brought a phone and i bright idea
6:00 Wool's Orphanage
"TOM are you awake TOM" Emmi yelled from the other side making sure she wasn't to loud to wake others Tom got up in hi pj's and open the door to see a wide awake Emmi standing there "sorry did i wake you i can leave you to sleep if you like" Emmi said looking down at her feet. Tom frowned he did not like it when she didn't look at him even at the age of 9 "no you can come in" he said stepping aside so she could enter when she did she motioned for Tom to sit next to her " You know my latest trip?" Tom frowned she was away for two weeks he thought she had left him Emmi noticed and quickly put her arm around his shoulders "well i stayed longer because i need something that was going to take longer" she took her arm back to go through her purse that she had gotten on her many trips to different family's "AHha" she smiled with triumph her brand new phone " but wait that's not it so you see there is kissing you know that right" Emmi turned to Tom who nodded " well you first kiss is going to be awkward so i decided that we should be each others first kiss so we don't have to go through the awkwardness" she smiled as though she had came up with the cure for cancer. Tom didn't say anything she shook his shoulder "earth to Tom" he looked up "well if you say so" Tom said She jumped up off his bed "yeah good but you see there is different types of kisses than the original sense we are different i thought we should do a different kiss" Tom stood up and walked over to her " well did you choose" Emmi nodded joyfully " we are going to do a French kiss but be warned it involves tongue but we will manage yeah" Emmi said walking to pick up her phone off the bedside table "but here is a video so you know what to do" After minutes of learning how to french kiss "ready" Tom asked standing up wrapping is arm around Emmi's waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed their lips together lips moved together in perfect sync and Tom tongue searched Emmi's mouth Emmi's to his when they pulled apart Emmi smiled up at Tom "well it wasn't that awkward"
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