Storytime (1)
The Story Of The Guy I Like
To start off i would like to say that i will not be using his real name so his name is Clorox .
So we had a school dance and of course i went so here i am at the dance making friends and later we are talking and Clorox askes me to dance and im like yea sure. BOOM. It hits me we are about to slow dance MY FIRST SLOW DANCE EVER after that he gave me a goodbye hug and it was time to leave
later in the day when it was time to go he came in my class room said good bye to the teacher and gave me another hug YAYA and so on
The Ring
My friend (lets call her Anna) Anna is a good friend of Clorox ok. So she knew of everythin because im sure he told her and i already told her and stuff whatever. Anna tells me in the morning that he is going to give me a present, At lunch i got the present it a ring ITS SO CUTE
Present Time
So yesterday we had rehearsal together for the play. we talk there and he said he like my smile. OH MY FIGGIN GOD
Anna said that he was going to give me another gift tommorow so we shall wait and see
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