Madeline didn't go to her father's for the next couple weeks. He called her multiple times a week, but she let it go to voicemail and then immediately deleted it. She didn't want to hear his excuses. She was his kid. He shouldn't be taking Charlie to broadway shows. One Saturday, she lazed around in her pajamas on the couch, watching television. Lin came to sit next to her.
"Your dad emailed me," he said, scrolling through his phone. "Are you ignoring his calls?"
"Yep," she said unapologetically. Lin set his phone aside.
"Don't you think it's time for you to forgive him and move on?" he asked her.
"He forgot me," she reminded Lin. "He'd rather take Charlie out than me."
"That's not true," he corrected her. "Everyone forgets every once in a while. Plus he's making an effort to get to know Charlie. That's not a bad thing."
Lin thought back to when he'd first started dating Kate. Madeline was an adorable four year old. It wasn't hard to get to know her. She seemed to love him instantly, and they played for hours. It was effortless. He felt a little bad for Jason, having to enter Charlie's life as a teenager. They weren't the easiest.
Maddie studied her nail beds. "I'm still mad at him."
Lin let out a loud breath, clearing his throat. "Are you gonna mope around here all day?"
"Maybe," she said.
"Well, if you're gonna stick around here I'm gonna put you to work," he told her. "Laundry, cleaning. I'll make a list."
Madeline glared at him. She could tell he was serious, and she couldn't stand it.
"You're such a jerk sometimes," she accused him, crossing her arms. Lin reached over and patted her bare feet a couple times.
"I have my ways," he admitted as he stood up. Lin knew the threat of extra chores would get her going. After her show ended, Madeline reluctantly hopped in the shower and got herself ready. She texted her dad that she was coming over later, but not spending the night. She wasn't quite ready for that yet.
Half an hour later, Maddie was out the door, riding the subway to SoHo. She let herself in. Charlie was there, of course. Her mother was probably out doing something.
"Maddie!" Jason greeted his daughter warmly, pulling her into a hug. Maddie half-heartedly hugged him back. She still wasn't sure if she forgave him. "It's so good to see you."
She smiled and had to admit it was nice to see her dad. He looked over at Charlie and said, "Charlie, do you mind going to get some coffee for a few minutes? I need to talk to Maddie."
She sighed, but turned off the TV and found her shoes. She left wordlessly, slamming the door behind her. Madeline and Jason sat on the couch, alone.
"Sweetheart, I wanted to apologize again for the other week. I just honestly forgot. It happens to the best of us," he said. "I wanted...I wanted to get to know Charlie more because..."
He paused, wondering if he should say it. "I want to ask Julia to marry me."
Madeline torqued her jaw a little at the news. "Wow. That was fast."
"I really care about her," he told his daughter. "And Charlie's great."
"I bet," she said. "Well, congratulations I guess."
"Thanks," he said, and they both knew it wasn't really sincere. "I'm still trying to figure out how to propose."
"So, does this mean they'll both be living here full time?" she ventured.
Jason nodded. "Yes. They will," he could tell that didn't make his daughter happy. "We're thinking about getting a bigger place. With three bedrooms."
Maddie didn't like thinking about how they'd both be here every time she came to visit. She'd never have her dad all to herself again. That year when he'd taken her, Madeline had liked it in some ways. She missed her mother, obviously, but she liked being the apple of her father's eye. They did everything together, and they'd gotten close. Then they'd been apart for almost a decade. It was like their relationship was in reset mode and they were still trying to figure each other out.
"Listen," he said. "You're in high school now. I realize you might not want to hang out with your dad all the time. I know the custody agreement says you should be here every Wednesday and every other weekend, but if you don't want to come all the time that's fine. You're welcome any time."
Maddie nodded. She knew her mother and Lin didn't mind if she went to Jason's when it wasn't his official time. At least, now her mother was okay with it. A month or so ago, not so much. She looked at her watch.
"Uh...I forgot, I told a friend I was gonna meet her for coffee," she lied, patting her thighs. "I've gotta go."
Jason could tell she was lying, but didn't push it. He knew this was big news. He would give her the space she needed.
"Okay," he said, standing up with her. "Well, I'm glad you decided to come over. Call me or come over, okay?"
She nodded as he pulled her into a hug. Maddie left quickly and rushed out the door. She didn't want to go home yet, so she found a coffee shop nearby. Maddie ordered a latte and then looked around to find a seat. She saw Charlie sitting in the corner. They locked eyes.
Maddie swallowed and decided she needed to talk to her. They would be stepsisters soon, after all.
"Hi," she said hesitantly. "Can I sit?"
"I guess," Charlie answered, taking a sip from her own cup.
"Uh, look," she began. "I don't expect for us to be best friends, but I just wanted to say I want to be civil with you. Sorry if I've been cold. It's just, you and your mom just showed up and my life changed all of a sudden."
"I know," she said. "My life changed all of a sudden too. My parents only divorced six months ago."
"Wow. Really?" Maddie asked. Charlie nodded.
"I'm not that thrilled about having to move in with your dad," she admitted. "Not that he's not an okay guy. It's just, it's really fast."
Madeline nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I guess we've both had some big changes going on."
"At least you like your mom and stepdad," she said. "My dad sucks."
"Sorry," she said. "My mom and I fight sometimes, but overall we're okay."
The two sophomores chatted for another half hour, actually making an effort to get to know each other. They found out they had some things in common, like favorite shows and pizza places. They even laughed a little bit. Madeline realized she was kind of lucky. Her parents were getting along better now, and she didn't hate any of the adults in her life. It was sad that Charlie hated her dad so much. Maddie had two dads and she loved them both, most of the time.
Madeline left and walked around a bit before heading home. Lin was working on his laptop when she arrived. He looked at her watch.
"That was fast," he commented. Maddie shrugged and kicked off her shoes.
"We're okay now I guess," she said, collapsing on the couch. "He's gonna ask Julia to marry him."
"He is?" Lin asked, surprised. They hadn't been together that long.
"Charlie and I talked," she said. "She's okay too, I guess."
"Good," Lin said, closing his laptop. "I'm glad you're getting along."
"We're not gonna be friends," she clarified. "But we're alright."
Lin thought that was about all that could be asked of her at the moment. Julia and Charlie had quickly become a big part of Maddie's life. It was a big adjustment. She sighed, as if emotionally exhausted.
"Wanna go grab some pizza in a bit?" he asked her. She nodded and curled up next to him. Lin worked on his laptop a little longer until it was dinner time.
Lin loved taking Maddie out for dinner, just the two of them. They had a great relationship, and could joke around easily. Now that she was a teenager, they could have deeper conversation. She was a smart kid, and he enjoyed debating with her.
"Do you think my dad will ask me to be in his wedding?" she asked him as she grabbed another breadstick.
"Probably," Lin commented. Maddie was obviously a huge part of his life. "Do you want to be in the wedding?"
She shrugged. "Maybe. I haven't been in a wedding since you and mom got married."
Lin smiled at the memory. They'd married when she was six. Madeline had been the most adorable flower girl ever. They'd caught her making out with the ring bearer during the reception. Lin was saving it to show at her wedding.
"How are you feeling about Julia and Charlie living with your dad full time?" he probed.
She sighed. "I don't know. It'll be weird. It'll take some getting used to."
"Are you and your dad getting along okay?"
"Yeah, I guess," she said. "Apart from the whole forgetting me part."
Lin smirked a little and studied her for a few moments. "You're a good kid."
Maddie smiled a little and reached for her drink. "You're a good dad."
Four months later, Maddie breathed out, feeling uncomfortable in her bridesmaid dress. Her father had proposed to Julia a week after he'd talked to her. Julia had asked both Charlie and Julia to be bridesmaids. The two teenagers got along well enough nowadays. Their parents had found a bigger apartment and they each had their own room.
Julia looked happy but nervous as they waited at the back of the church. She gripped her bouquet tightly.
"Breathe, Julia!" Maddie reminded her soon-to-be stepmother. Julia smiled and breathed out through her mouth.
"I'm so nervous," she confessed. "I didn't think I'd be doing this again."
Maddie hoped her father's marriage would work out this time. He deserved to be happy and Julia seemed like a nice lady.
Maddie looked down at her toes. They were perfectly painted after a day at the spa yesterday. Julia took both girls to get manis, pedis and a facial. It was a nice bonding experience. Tomorrow, they'd be leaving on their honeymoon to Hawaii.
The music began and Charlie jumped up and down with excitement. The little bridesmaids, one of Julia's nieces, began first. She was nervous at all the eyes on her. Her father was waiting for at the altar, encouraging her along. Once she got a few pews in, she took off running towards her dad, wanting it to be over.
Maddie and Charlie walked out with the groomsmen, smiling and reminding themselves to walk slowly. Madeline saw her mother, Lin, and Rio in the pews. Lin had cried at how beautiful she looked that morning, and he was tearing up again now. Maddie giggled as she made her way up the aisle, wondering who she might marry someday. Jason winked at both girls as they took their places.
Maddie and Charlie waited at the altar, then the music changed. Julia stepped into the aisle with her father. She was beaming as she began walking towards Jason. Madeline glanced at her father and could tell he was totally in love. It was adorable. Julia's father kissed her cheek and then took his place at his pew.
The priest began, and while Maddie knew she wasn't the center of attention, she felt self-conscious being at the front of the church. She waited patiently as they went through the vows. Before she knew it, the ceremony was over and her father was kissing his new wife.
The reception was nearby, so after pictures, they all rode over in a limo. It was Maddie's first time in a limo. She wanted to go joyriding later. The reception was a blast. There was a great DJ and Madeline spent the whole night dancing.
The DJ announced it was time for a father/daughter dance. Julia found her own father, and Madeline nervously wondered who she should go to. Lin had raised her most of her life, and she lived with him most of the time, but Jason was her biological father. They had a good relationship.
Both men walked up to Madeline, looking handsome in their tuxes. She looked between the two of them. Lin held out his right hand. Jason held out his left hand. The two fathers held hands between them.
"May we have this dance?" they asked her together. Madeline smiled, relieved, as she took both their hands. She laughed as they danced slowly around, trying not to step on each other's feet. Her two fathers took turns twirling her around. Lin stepped back so Jason could have a verse alone with his daughter.
"You look beautiful," he told Maddie. "You're so grown up. I don't know what I'll do on your wedding day."
"Daaad," she complained, thinking ahead to her own wedding. Maybe Lin and Jason could both walk her down the aisle. She wasn't sure she could choose.
"I'm really proud of you, by the way," he told her.
"The way you've handled Julia and Charlie being in your life," he said. "You could be really petty and difficult, but you've handled it all so gracefully."
"Well, thanks," she said. It was nice to hear him acknowledge that it hadn't been easy for her. Luckily, he'd made a good choice in a wife. They chatted for a few more seconds, then Jason kissed her cheek and stepped back. Lin cut in.
He immediately took both her hand and spun them around backwards, causing Madeline to laugh. Lin then pulled her in tight, pressing his cheek to hers.
"I love you so much," he told his daughter.
Madeline grinned. "I love you too," she said, stepping her toes on his.
"Hey," he laughed, but didn't make her get off. Madeline used to step on his feet when she was a little girl and he'd walk her around the house. She would laugh and laugh. She was a little lighter then.
"Do you remember when you used to let me do your hair?" she asked him, remembering him with his long hair.
Lin chuckled, "How could I forget? I had so many barrettes and braids in my hair. I remember having to answer the front door one time and the guy just about fell over laughing."
Maddie laughed at the memory. She loved having Lin as a dad. "And I used to paint your nails too."
"Don't tell anyone," he told her.
The song came to a close and Madeline stepped off Lin's toes. He looked at her with such love in her eyes, and pressed a single kiss to her cheek. "Stop growing up so fast."
Jason stepped in again, and both men got a suspicious-looking expression on their faces. Before Madeline knew it, she was being dragged off towards the food by both arms. She laughed, protesting as they held her in place. Both men reached for some cake and then smeared it all over Madeline's face. She laughed hysterically as they rubbed it in. She guessed it was payback for all the times she'd worried them or talked back.
Madeline wasn't about to let the attack go unreturned. She grabbed some cake herself and pushed it into Jason's face, then Lin's. They laughed and soon it was an all-out smear fest. Kate looked at her daughter, ex, and husband and just rolled her eyes, laughing.
Years ago, she'd had a chance encounter with a man and his car. It had turned into love, another kid, and a wonderful life. Her bitter feelings towards her ex had subsided. She looked at the three of them laughing and joking around together and knew her life was enough. Their lives would always be enough.
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