Rey's POV
I untangle myself from the blankets and Ben, struggling to find my shirt and underwear.
"Here." Ben whispers and hands me my panties.
I snatch them from his hand. "I can't believe you convinced me after I said no."
I see the smirk spread across his face in the darkness and push his head back on to his pillow and pull his blanket away.
He groans and I begin walking to find a change of clothes before Apollo and Kayla wake.
"Hey." Ben whispers shouts after me. "I found some clothes for you last night. Check the co-pilot seat."
I change direction to the cockpit and see my resistance outfit laid out for me. The same one I wore to find Luke.
I change quiet and swiftly, then head back out to clean up out bed.
I see Ben dressed, folding blankets, and join in.
We work silently next to one another, but it's a comfortable silence.
Footsteps click against the floor and I can tell they are Kayla's.
"Good morning." I greet her as she comes into view.
"Good morning. Want me to go get breakfast?" She offers.
"That'd be great." I smile.
"I was going to try Maz's today if that's alright."
"Sure. Mind picking up some extra food today if you can?" I ask.
She nods. "Be back soon."
"Thanks." Ben tells her and I hand him the last blanket and the pillows, stacking them in his arms.
"Okay follow me to the closet."I guide him and we successfully put the blanket and pillows away.
"Morning mommy, morning daddy!" Apollo calls out and we head towards his voice.
"Dad!" Apollo cries out and runs lightning fast for Ben, well as fast as his little 6 year old feet will allow.
"Awww. How did you sleep little buddy?" He asks, scooping him up in his arms.
"Good. No bad dreams." Apollo replies.
"No bad dreams?"I playfully ask.
"Nope. Only good ones." He confirms.
"What about?" I ask.
"We saw Poe again." He smiles. "I don't know what you guys were discussing, but it seemed serious, but no one got hurt and we were together."
"Are we going to have another run in with the Resistance?" I ask Ben and he puts Apollo down.
"Rey, it wasn't a force vision, calm down." He reinsures me, then whispers. "He's not even a force user."
"What about force sensitive?" I ask. "Maz is." I point out.
Kayla comes back. "Highly unlikely." He whispers then goes over to help Kayla.
"Mmm. What's for breakfast?" I ask.
Finn's POV
"Requesting clearance. Cargo shuttle 7717 rerouted to Crait." I tell whoever is on the other side of the connection.
"Cargo shuttle 7717, this planet currently has a blockade, you're not allowed here." The man replies.
"Finn, we need to get into there data files, anywhere would be helpful." Rose urges.
"Where shall I take this cargo, then if not here?" I ask.
"Reroute to Sky Destroyer Base, linking coordinates now."
"Incoming coordinates." Rose tells me.
"Sky Destroyer? Sounds like another Starkiller." I roll my eyes and begin prepping for the jump to hyperspace.
"Yeah, but we have blown each one of their bases up once before haven't we?"
"True. Making the jump to hyperspace." I tell her.
"So Finn, why did you leave the First Order?"
"I didn't want to kill for them."
"But you'll kill for the Resistance?"
"Its different. They kill whoever gets in their way, resistance kills killers."
"So shouldn't we kill ourselves than, besides the techs who haven't harmed anyone."
"No, you just assist right?"
"Okay look, I'm just trying to say your answer wasn't the best response. What you should have said was 'The First Order wants to rule the galaxy which isn't cool, so I left.' Simple really." Rose ends.
"Nothing is simple in this war." I murmur back.
"If you dumb it down it is. We all do things based on wants and needs of our own."
"So why are you part of the Resistance?" I ask.
"So my sister, Paige, and I can support ourselves and be together."
"Same sister you obsess over me with?" I tease lightly.
"Okay, Big Deal, how close are we?"
"About 30 minutes out."
Rey's POV
I finish styling my hair into a half up, half down style.
"I thought we agreed on no buns." Ben comments walking by.
"I'm not using 3." I point out.
"Fine. I'm going to check our surroundings again for any curious travelers."
"With how much you keep checking, you'll only draw attention." Kayla speaks up.
"Are we in trouble?" Apollo asks, coming out of his room from his nap.
"No sweetie." He comes over and I pull him onto my lap. I run my fingers through his dyed raven black hair.
"You really do look like their son." Kayla says.
"I am their son." Apollo shoots back offended.
"That's not what I meant-" Kayla tries to apologize.
"Just because my family is gone doesn't mean I can't create one!" Apollo jumps from my lap and takes off running.
"Apollo!"I shout after him.
"Hey, hey." I hear Ben. "Calm down... okay, I need you to do a favor for me okay?" Ben carries a sobbing Apollo in.
"Okay." Apollo wipes his faces and sniffles.
"Okay, I need you to listen to your mother and I carefully for the next few minutes. Can you do that?"
"Yeah." He sniffles.
"Okay, everyone follow me to the cockpit." Ben instructs.
Confused, I follow as told.
"Apollo you sit here." Apollo hops up on the seat and Ben buckles him in.
"Rey, Kayla same."
I raise an eyebrow at his instructions, but settle into the co-pilot.
"Prepare for take off." Ben instructs.
His sternness throws me a little off, but I know it means something is wrong.
What happened? I ask through our connection.
Resistance droid.
Did you disable it?
I was going to, but Apollo came running out.
You could have told him to run back inside and that it wasn't safe.
It would have just been quicker to come in with him and leave.
How much of a head start do we have?
"Prepare for hyperspace." He instructs.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"No idea, just away from here."
"Were we spotted?" Kayla asks.
"Yeah, Resistance." He informs her.
"They only want to kill Rey right?" Kayla asks.
He nods, as we take off the ground.
I feel a sudden presence and I look to Ben.
He suddenly looks at me. "Check the ship." He hands me my saber. "Droid, destroy. Life form, prisoner."
"Mommy be careful." Apollo says.
I unbuckle. "I will." I kiss the top of his head.
I exit the cockpit with my duel in hand ready to activate.
I feel the force shift, a little too close for comfort.
Hold on, jumping to hyperspace.
I rush to sit and rebuckle in the living quarters.
You're clear.
I feel the Falcon push into hyperspace and then steady out moments later.
I unbuckle and stand, continuing my search.
The feeling doesn't fade and I close my eyes trying to recognize the force signature I begin to pick up on.
I partially recognize the signature, but part of it is strange.
I push further trying to decode this familiarly.
It hits like a wookie in my chest causing me to drop forward and Ben rounds the corner.
"Ben, I think-"
Who do you think it is?!
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