Ben's POV
Rey and I run into the home and pull some food and clothes together.
"How did they find us so quickly?" Rey asks.
"I don't know, but we can't stay while they're here. Who know what trouble they'll cause." I close the sack full of clothes and Rey swings on her sack of food. "Let's so see if Kayla knows anything."
"What about the boys?" Rey asks as she pulls out our ponchos and lightsabers.
"We'll talk to them too." We cover ourselves and sabers, then exit to see stormtroopers have landed and aren't asking questions.
"They're killing at random!" Rey shouts above the blaster fire now.
"You get Kayla and go to the Falcon, I'll get the boys from work."
"Caskin is still sick, it's just Apollo."
"Okay I'll get Apollo, then grab Caskin, meet you at the Falcon."
"What if I run into stormtroopers?" Rey panics.
"Make a clear path."
"And Yerha?"
"Rey." I cup her face. "Don't over think. Let your instincts take over. Trust the force."
She presses her face into my hand more and places a hand on mine. "I love you."
"I love you too." I kiss her sweet lips, then break away and run for the cantina.
I run past stormtroopers, travelers, and residents in utter chaos.
People are fleeing from the cantina and I go against the crowd and shove my way in.
"Apollo!" I shout above the screaming.
"Ben!" I hear Apollo shout.
"Ben!" Bawse's voice follows.
I see Apollo's head peep up over the crowd and he says something down to whoever's shoulders he's on. Probably Bawse. "Stay there!" He then shouts to me.
I stand still as people run into my body or try to push me.
I notice a pair of stormtroopers sending random rapid fire at anything moving.
I want to force choke them, but that'll draw attention and alert the First Order of my presence which puts Rey in danger and we still don't know why they're hear.
"Ben!" Apollo shouts as hes a few feet from me.
"I'm here Apollo. I'm waiting for you!" I call back.
A scream comes from Apollo and his eyes widen, as he goes falling to the floor.
"Apollo!" I scream and shove myself forward in time to catch him. "Are you hurt?" I ask as he clings to my poncho.
"No." He whimpers.
I see the blood begin to appear on Bawse's back.
I cover Apollo's eyes and turn to run. I wrestle through the crowd then out into the town which is now on fire.
I grab someone running with their head covered.
"Why are they here?" I ask.
"Someone told them a resistance base was being built here." They pull from my grasp and begin running again.
I run past burning buildings, as I cling Apollo to my chest. "I got you." I whisper to him. "You're safe with me."
We arrive outside his flame engulfed home and I know that there's a small chance Caskin is alive.
I set Apollo down. "Stay here." I tell him, then run for the door.
My running start helps and I break down the door using my shoulder. "Caskin?!" I call out. I make my way to his room doing my best to avoid the flames. "Caskin?!" I call again and part of the ceiling falls nearly hitting me. I kick the door and I'm meet with a destroyed room.
The ceiling has fallen, belongs are ash, and I see a hand undernearth a fallen beam.
"Caskin!" I shout.
He doesn't respond and the hand doesn't move, as the skin begins discoloring with burns.
"Ben!" Apollo screams.
I turn and run as fast as I can to get to Apollo. It's too late for Caskin, but not Apollo.
I burn my hand and part of my pants, breaking through inflamed items.
I see Apollo on the ground next to a dead stormtrooper.
"What happened?" I scoop him up into my arms and swing him to ride on my back.
"Watch out!" He shouts and I collide into a woman.
"Maker Ben!" Rey says from the ground. "You're like a solid wall."
I extend my hand and she takes it.
"She happened." Apollo giggles.
"My aim isn't too bad." She smirks. "Let's go." She breaks into a sprint.
"Where'd you get that?" I call out, referring to her weapon.
"Falcon." She says over her shoulder and I follow in her path. "Kayla is waiting on board for us... Where's Caskin?"
"I'll explain later." I shout in return.
I feel Apollo's hands tighten and his head falls against my neck.
He knows.
Rey's POV
We board the Falcon and I make a run for the cockpit to prep for take off while Ben straps in Apollo and Kayla straps in as well.
Ben settles into the pilot seat and we lift from the air.
"Hang on back there!" Ben shouts and punches it, as more stormtroopers land on Mos Eisley.
We rapidly gain altitude and break out of the atmosphere.
"Setting course for Eadu." I inform him.
"What why Eadu?" He asks.
"Tends to have rain, get the Falcon washed free of Tatoonie dirt."
"Fine." Ben begins prepping for hyperspace and I as well. "Watch out, that Star Destroyer is on to us."
"Calculating our jump... Punch it!" I shout as soon as I know we'll clear it.
The Falcon goes into hyperspace and I sigh in my seat. Another escape.
"We need to figure out another place to go after Eadu. We can't stay there." Ben tells me, as he gets up. "I'm going to check on Apollo."
"Wait, what happened to Caskin?"
"He didn't make it. Flametroopers beat me there." He bows his head.
"At least you saved Apollo." I stand and hug him.
"Bawse died in front of us."
I squeeze tighter. "I'm sorry."
A/N: Did I kill more people? Oops. At least I didn't give you a chance to get to attached right?
Sorry, not sorry.
I am sorry there are no pictures for this chapter though.
Anyways, Eadu? Galen Erso's Station? Wait wrong movie. What are you guys hoping for? What planet should they hide out on next?
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