42. Antonio
Dedicated of each of you hanging in there in these unprecedented times. (:
If you feel isolated or depressed in these times, please please please talk to someone whether it's over the internet or someone in person.
Please take care, guys. ♥️ Remember you all have people who really love you. So don't do anything stupid to hurt them or yourself, okay?
Now, I'll shut up and let you read a long overdue update.
I hope you remember who Mallory, Andrew and Antonio are. xD Read Chapter 29. Trouble in Paradise if you wanna recap who is Victor.
Previously on "That Thing Between You and Me":
Mallory and Andrew go to a party by Victor (Andrew's ex-stepfather.) disguised as Edward and Victoria where they encounter Antonio.
And now...
• • •
Chapter 42 | Antonio
"All the things I was afraid of in the fog, the shadows, and the mist, were neither hidden nor hiding, simply waiting."
-MvDarkLight (Instagram)
• • •
"Hi, Mallory. Good to know that you still remember me," he greeted her like an old friend with such calmness that he might as well be blowing at his nails.
Mallory looked at him and blinked repeatedly not quite understanding what was happening. Maybe, the drinks she had been having weren't non-alcoholic anyway. That was the only plausible explanation. She was hallucinating, just like she did back when it all happened. Agreed, it hadn't occurred in a while but the doctor said she might relapse.
That's it, it was her symptoms manifesting again. After all what other explanation was there? Antonio Sanders was locked away in some top notch prison; no way he could be standing in front of her. She would have to ask her mother to talk to her doctor and get a new prescription. Clearly her current meds had stopped working.
With a deep breath, she rubbed her eyes. Once. Twice. Again.
It's not him. It's not possible. She chanted like a mantra.
"Oh, but it is me, princess," came the reply.
Begrudgingly, she let her hands fall down to her sides actually looking at her companion and taking into his appearance.
In front of her stood Antonio Sanders in all his former glory. With his hair cropped short, he featured a neatly trimmed beard. His eyes crinkled at the edges and his lips formed a sly smirk. In a grey tuxedo suit, he was leaning casually against the wall, arms folded, one foot up. It was as if no time had passed. It was still the same old Antonio. Calm, poised, charismatic, who never got his hands dirty. Ever.
If she hadn't seen the madman inside him, she would have mistaken the glint in his eyes for mischief. If she hadn't witnessed the chaos that followed his smile, she might have thought it was attractive. If only she wasn't subjected to his ugly side, she would have accepted that he was beautiful.
Because Antonio Sanders was beautiful, dangerously so, there was no denying that. And perhaps, it was his attractiveness and charisma that made him a lot more lethal.
"Do you want a picture, Mallory? It would last longer," he said tilting his head sideways.
Mallory licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry.
"Hello, Earth to Mallory."
She looked at him dumbfounded, and scratched her wrist so hard that she drew blood. Was it possible to feel pain in dreams?
"Don't hurt yourself, Melly." Antonio spoke up breaking her frenzy. "It's my job."
"What do you want?" She croaked, rubbing her arm through the dress sleeve to help the goosebumps and a sudden shiver that seemed to be running down her body.
"Ah, that's a good question. I think a cheeseburger would be a good start. Maybe a soda to go with it. I mean don't get me wrong, the contraband fast food at the prison wasn't the worst, but nothing beats biting into a fresh cheeseburger while watching the torture of the person who has been on your mind for years. Anyway that's all about me. How have you been?"
Mallory could only see his lips moving but couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. Her mind was too busy focussing every inch of her perpetrator's body; like a prey waiting to be attacked upon any moment. Suddenly, she was hyperaware about everything around including how stifling the flowy material of her dress suddenly felt. The goosebumps were quickly being replaced by sweat dripping down her back.
She hooked a finger on the dress's neck and muttered, "I will scream for help." Her eyes darting to the door.
There was a short pause followed by a loud laughter. "Aren't you hilarious? Look around, Ms. Millington. This extravagant gala in the name of charity. People dressed in million dollar dresses. Luxury cars lined in the parking. These are business industry's richest and most affluent people. And they all owe me, something or the other." He pointed towards the half-opened door, "This is my world, sweetheart."
"However, now let's look at you," he took a couple of steps forward and put a thumb to her cheek. "What did you think, Mallory? That doing your hair like a forty year old and slipping into a dress you cannot afford in a million years would make you fit in this world? And let's not forget the pathetic attempt at hiding that gun. Seriously, did you even try?" He placed his hand to the side of her thigh and patted. "And if I check the guest list, would I even find a Mallory Millington on it? Perhaps, not. So, if you wanna scream for help," he turned around and stretched his arms, then faced her again, "By all means, go ahead. I actually wanna see it now."
"Just leave me alone," she whispered as tears flowed down her eyes. Where was Andrew? She wondered as her eyes darted towards the door.
"Oh, don't worry, I intend to. At least for now," he turned around again, "But first tell me how's your mother? Oh that pretty pretty woman. Did you know I always had a thing for red heads?"
She knew he was just trying to get into her head but that didn't stop her from clenching her fists.
"And how about Jacob? I heard he got into a university. I always had faith in that guy."
"Don't talk about my family," she finally whispered gathering courage.
"What? I didn't hear your mumbling over the wise voice inside my head," he taunted.
"I said, don't talk about my family!" she repeated through her teeth.
"That's it. Right there," he came closer to her and toned down his voice, "That's what I missed. I mean I am all for leave-me-alone and I-am-innocent kind of women, but fiesty, that's what I love the most about you!"
She finally gathered enough strength in her hands that had been limp at her side throughout to push him away, or atleast she tried.
"You never learn, do you?" He whispered in her ear. "You couldn't fight me, then. You cannot fight me this time."
Then he pulled back, "You know, Mallory, what a dangerous world we live in? How many people die everyday in accidents? And you know what would be very unfortunate? If say a red haired woman were to leave her house at 8:00 like every morning and was hit by, I don't know, a truck? Or you know how violent college fights can get? One of the prison guards told me that a college student shot five guys over a keg of beer!"
"Anarchy! Don't you think? Also, talking about shooting, school shootings are pretty in right now. Maybe a psycho enters the school and shoots down random people including that guy you and Emily hung out with? Bob, was it? Excuse me for not remembering the names of side characters."
That was her breaking point. Any threat directed towards herself she could still take. But a threat towards here loved ones was a sensitive thing. She could already feel tears continuously building up at the corner of her eyes and flowing down her cheeks. There was nothing she could do about it. Antonio was gonna kill everyone she cares about and then her. In that order, she just knew now.
"You get the point?" His tone changed from mocking to serious this time. "I can kill not only every person you cared about, but every single man or woman you have talked to, so much as looked. The nice waiter who served you, the woman down at the gas station who once helped you, the young mother who you always smile at in the park, the man who's kid you babysat once, the janitor of your school, each of them! I can obliterate them in unimaginable ways and all those deaths would be on you. Do you hear that?"
He was circling her like a predator now and she was on a verge of breakdown. Maybe he was telling the truth. That's what Mallory did, right? She killed Emily and--no she couldn't bring herself to even think about the other person, not in Antonio's presence.
"It's not her fault. None of the things you do would be ever be her fault!" Came a voice.
Without even looking up, she knew it was Andrew.
"Oh ho ho ho. What do we have here? A knight in shining armour? That's a pleasant plot twist!" Antonio tilted her head to look at the young man in front of him. If he was surprised, he covered it up pretty quickly and well. "That just means more people added to the hitlist, Mallory. Damien, it's gonna be a field day for you soon," he turned to one of his men and then back.
"Please leave," Andrew said firmly.
"Uh-oh. Ladies and gentlemen he said please! Now we need to comply."
"I see prison has not ruined your twisted sense of humor."
This got Antonio's attention. Afterall it's not everyday someone has the courage to say something like this on his face.
"Who are you?" He finally asked with narrowed eyes looking the man up and down. The young man had dark, almost black slick hair that were practically glued to his head in a side partition. He was wearing a huge pair of spectacles that he was adjusting every couple of seconds like he couldn't see clearly. His face had neatly trimmed beard. And he was clad in a customized designer suit with perfect finishing, the kind even people at his level called expensive. One thing was clear to Antonio, the man however young he may seem was from a well doing business family.
"When I asked you a bloody question, you answer!" He said inching closer to the younger man. All the traces of mocking and humor now gone. He wasn't teasing now. Antonio wanted an answer and God knew what Antonio wants, Antonio gets.
"Edward," Andrew said very calmly.
"Edward who?"
"I don't think you need anymore information about me, sir," he breathed in.
Antonio tilted his head in a threatening manner, "Mr. Edward, I don't think you understand who I am and what it means to be that person."
"I know that you are Antonio Sanders, the owner of 'The Beasts'. You were sent to prison years ago on multiple charges including kidnapping and assault. I also know that you think the world believes that you were on a hiatus, a get away for all that time. You think no one would have the courage to say that to your face that they don't believe you, and that's probably true. But Mr. Sanders, this is business world and when a person of your stature goes off the map, it causes speculations and in most cases the truth comes out sooner than you think. And just because no one says it, doesn't mean they don't know it."
For a few moments, Antonio was taken aback. The fact that someone from his own world would have the courage to speak up to him like that meant he would have to do a lot of damage control, establish himself again. That might be a challenge. Good thing that he loved challenges.
"You know I can put a bullet through that pretty face of yours right this moment?"
"No you won't." Andrew challenged, "But you know as well as I do, you will not do anything like that. Not at a public place with witnesses. You don't get your hands dirty, right?"
"Looks like you know a lot about me, huh? Well, then you probably do know that I could also throw you in the back of car and take you somewhere without any witnesses?"
"If you could have, you would have," Andrew gave a sarcastic smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, Mallory and I will be leaving," he reached over to the girl who was listening to the exchange dumfoundedly.
"I like your confidence, Edward." he acknowledged. "But you are going to regret this." He stated the last part non-chalantly.
"Are you threatening me?"
"As a very admirable woman recently told me," he smiled, "It's not a threat. It's a promise."
• • •
"Please pull over," Andrew heard after a long silence. He had been deep into thought when she spoke up, something she hadn't done ever since she had called her mother to reassure her that she was fine and quickly disconnected saying she will talk more at home. After that it had been a silent ride with both of them deep in thought. He would occassionally breathe in deeply or wipe the sweat that seemed to build every two minutes on his forehead despite the cold air rushing in through windows. Afterall it's not everyday you pull off something so dangerous and dumb.
"Here? It's the middle of the night and the road is deserted."
"Andrew, pull over," she repeated with no room for argument.
Barely had the car stopped when she was flinging herself out of the door and started pacing, a weird shakiness to her walk.
"Hey hey hey, are you okay?" he queried trying to grab her wrist.
She stayed silent for a moment or two.
"I think I am going t--," she stopped abruptly then leaned over to the side of the forested road and promptly threw up.
Andrew stood back awkwardly unsure what to do. As he saw her dry heave, he decided to get some tissues and bottled water from the car and gave them to her. She wiped away her mouth and then took a small sip of water and than spat it out.
"Get in the car. This road at this time is not safe."
To his surprise she complied and slipped back into the passenger seat almost immediately.
As the car was on the move again, he saw her rubbing her chest time and again. Occassionally, she took in deep breaths, a small sip of water followed by pulling the neck of her dress away as if it were constricting her.
Then he saw her reach down the back of her dress and after she had done a lot of fidgeting he finally spoke, "What do you think are you doing?"
"Trying to get this stupid dress off! I cannot breathe," she complained just as they heard the zipper. "Finally!" She murmured in relief and with some effort slipped out of the sleeves which were sticky with sweat and pushed the dress down to her waist.
"I'll ask again. What do you think you are doing?"
"Shut up and drive, Andrew."
"You seriously don't think we are going to keep driving with you sitting next to me half naked?"
"Never seen a woman in her bra before?"
"What if I haven't?"
"In that case, congratulations, you are a man now."
He was taken aback by her sudden cheekiness, "You always do this, don't you?"
"Do what?"
"Hide everything you feel behind sarcasm or sass."
She stayed silent at this and simply sat there breathing shortly and rubbing the left side of her chest.
"Do you have angina?"
"Chest pain. Do you have chest pain?" He said looking at her hand.
"Oh, this? Umm, no. I mean not exactly pain. There is heaviness though and umm, I cannot slow my heartbeat, it's so fast. It's like thumping in my chest and my ears. And umm, my knees keep bouncing and I have this sudden urge to just shake every limb but they seem to be jelly like and I feel exhausted."
"It's epinephrine. It's something body releases in stressful situations to cope wi--"
"Don't do that thing," she cut her off.
"What thing?"
"That thing where it feels like you are reading something out from a book but actually you have everything from WebMD memorized. Or hell, maybe you even wrote it all. I mean you do have multiple personalities."
"That's a disorder, you know--"
"Yes, Andrew, I do. I know what multiple personality disorder is! There are films about it for crying out loud. Just because you just almost gave me a factoid about epinephrine which by the way is same as adrenaline doesn't make you smarter! I mean you might be smarter because you know more things than me but I knew about adrenaline rush too, so this doesn't make you smarter. Gosh, you can be such a Hermione sometimes. The insufferable know-it-all."
He just smiled. It was obvious that she was trying to distract herself from the situation at hand. And as much as he wanted to talk about it, he decided that he'll let her have this one since she needed to feel safe and if distracting herself helps her do that, then distraction it is. At least for one night.
"What are you smiling about?" She looked at him suspiciously.
"Nothing, just that I always thought I am more of a Snape man than Hermione."
"Ah, even after all this time?"
"Huh? Even after what time?"
"You just ruined an amazing moment!"
"I am sorry, I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books except first one. Emily and I went to a book signing for Order of Pheonix but I never read it. Have you seen how thick it is?"
"Yeah, I have because I have read the entire series more times than I recount."
"Oh, okay."
After some silent miles, Mallory pulled up her dress and zipped it back on. "I am going to be so embarassed about this later."
He looked at with puzzled expression and then shrugged going back to the road.
"Looks like your mother is pacing on the porch," Andrew remarked at the illuminated porch as they took the turn towards her house.
"Yeah, thankfully, it's just pacing. A couple of hours later and she would have torn the country apart to look for me."
He smiled sadly, "It must feel good to have someone who cares that much about you."
She smiled as the car stopped, "Cannot complain."
"I'll drive back your car tomorrow or well, later today."
She nodded as she opened the car door, then closed it again turning towards him her eyes shining with tears, "Thank you."
"For what?"
She smiled as a couple of teardrops rolled out, "Umm, just thank you." She leaned forward and kissed his cheek followed by opening the car door and moving towards the approaching figure of her mother and town's Sherrif.
Andrew touched his cheek thoughtfully then rolled down his window as the adults approached.
"I am so happy you guys are okay," A tearsome Eva said hugging her daughter.
"Everything okay, Sherrif?" He asked his sense high alert.
"Oh, yes yes. I am not here because something happened. Eva's a friend."
"Alright then," he relaxed visibly.
"Honey, do you want to come inside? Andrew?" Eva called out as her daughter and Sherrif walked inside.
"No, I think I should head home. It's late."
"Okay," she said disappointed. "I just wanted to say, thank you for getting her here safe."
"Oh, it was nothing."
"No really, Andrew. Thank you. Thank you so much. For everything you have been doing for her lately. I haven't seen her like this in a long while. You have no idea how much it means. Good night. Drive safe, honey."
He nodded and turned the key into ignition. From the rearview mirror he saw Eva standing in her driveway looking at the car and it was only when he was about to take a turn did she turn around. It does feel good for someone to care for you even for a little bit. He told himself sadly as he drove on to his own empty house.
• • •
Don't forget to press the star! 🌟
Hi guys,
This has been lying in drafts for the longest while. I decided to polish it and published as I came back to start the next few chapters and wrap up TTBYM this year.
I hope all of you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. 💖
Take care, guys.
I don't have a lot to say except thank you for always being there and checking in with me guys. I feel so blessed to have such great readers. Thank you for those amazing messages and comments. Even your simple "Update" comments make my day these days.
Please feel free to reach out in case any of you want to talk.
Take care,
Ridhima. (:
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