34. Taken
Dedicated to fauzanghs and gurpreet281 for their sweetest messages and comments.🌸❤️
• • •
Chapter 34 | Taken
"Her tears were falling on the wrong side; the fire was inside."
• • •
He was cooking in the kitchen, his hands chopping the vegetables methodically. The oil sizzled in the pan as he threw them in with a pinch of salt. Whilst they slowly cooked on the low heat, he began marinading the chicken.
Just when he ran his hands under the water and wiped them away on the wash cloth, suddenly someone jumped on his back. Rather than being alarmed, he threw his head back and laughed out loud.
"You won't ever stop that, would you, Mallory?" Andrew remarked, placing two hands on her legs to support her on his back.
"Never," Mallory replied, her head turning rightward to look at his face from the side.
"So, what's up?" He asked as she got off his back and sat on the kitchen counter.
"Eh, same old. Same old. Watcha cooking?"
"That," he said with a wink, "is a secret."
"How about, if I give you a kiss?" She said playfully.
"How about, you give me five?" He whispered suggestively.
"Come here, I think we can bargain." She said pulling him close by his shirt collar.
She kept her arms on either of his shoulders, as their lips met. It was the perfect kiss. Andrew could taste chocolate in her breath as their lips moved together in perfect sync. His hands trailed to the waist of her sitting form as he moved forward pinning her to the wall behind.
After a few moments they pulled apart, gasping for breath.
In between huge gasps, Andrew smirked, "One."
She smiled and pulled him again.
They hungrily devoured each other.
They clicked together like puzzle pieces. Perfectly.
The vegetables sizzled in the pan, long forgotten.
• • •
Andrew woke up to the noise of his phone ringing. It took him a moment to realize that he was dreaming. He looked around in the dark room and felt embarrassed. How could he dream something like that? Mallory Millington was nothing more than a friend to him and he intended to keep it that way.
He blindly scuffled in darkness until his hand found his phone. The lock screen displayed the time 3:06 A.M and a total of four missed calls. Worried as to who would call him in the middle of the night, he punched in his password and unlocked his phone. Just then his ringtone blared yet again.
M calling...
"Mallory Millington this better be life and death," he warned the moment he picked up. "And if it is one those calls where you are just going to say that you cannot sleep, I swear to God I--"
"Andrew," she said.
It was just one word. But it was held so much angst, so much panic that he was filled with immediate worry, "Hey, what happened?"
"Andrew. Please, get me out!" This time it was more of a frantic plea.
Andrew shot up from his bed, his senses alert. "Where are you? What happened?"
"I...I...don't know," she sobbed. "I went for a walk and...n-now I am here. Please, Andrew. You have to get me out. T-These walls are crushing me...Andrew, please..." She said and broke down into tears.
"Shhhh, hey, Mallory. I'll get you. I promise. Just listen to me, okay? I need something. Give me anything," he pleaded as he got up and immediately started rummaging for his jacket.
"They locked me in a cabinet, A-Andrew. It's so small. Please, I don't know how long I can take it. It's scary...I'm so scared..."
"Mel, hold on, okay? I promise I'm gonna find you." He asked zipping himself up, the phone pressed between his ear and shoulder.
"Yeah..." She said unconvinced. "I-I feel faint..."
"NO!" He screeched. "Stay with me, please you have to."
"It's so dark in here. I cannot move...I cannot b-breathe..." Her voice was so dejected, so painful that all he wanted was to wrap her up in his arms and tell her that everything would be okay.
"Don't say that. It's okay. You're going to be okay. Just close your eyes. You are not locked up. You are somewhere else. Somewhere better. Are you listening, Mallory?"
"You are brave. You've been through worse. You will get through this. We will get through the. Right?"
"I don't know..."
"Okay, hold on. Okay? I'm going to call someone else for help..."
"I'm not going anywhere, baby. Just stay awake. Close your eyes and count your breaths. Can you do that for me?"
"Yeah," This time her voice held a little determination.
"Good girl, I'll be right back," he promised and opened his wardrobe.
His eyes looked at the only drawer in the entire room that was always locked. He rummaged through the lower most cabinet for the key and without further ado jammed it in the keyhole. The mechanism creaked not used to being unlocked but finally gave out.
He effortlessly slid the drawer out and picked up the old phone and it's battery. Thrusting it in its place he powered up the device and simultaneously plugged it into the socket. He was greeted by his own picture, taken what felt like centuries ago.
His fingers found their way to the contact list as he pressed the call button for the foreign number.
"Oh mon Dieu! Cole Wilson, is that you?" Sameer Aubrey said with surprise. "It's been what, three years?"
"Sameer, I need help," Andrew omitted the pleasantries and went straight to the business.
"What happened, are you in trouble with the States' government, again? In fact, wouldn't it be like the middle of the night there?"
"Listen to me, I have a friend. She's in trouble and I need your help."
"Of course, it had to be belle. Are you listening, Nadira? Anna? Yeah, that's right, Shawn. Our little Cole has found himself a lady friend back home," he said excitedly.
"You know, what? Screw you! I should have called Raymond in the first place. You --"
"Hey, hey. What's wrong? Is there something serious?" His tone immediately morphed to that of worry.
"Someone took her," he said cringing at the sadness in his own voice.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know..."
"I'll send you her number, can you track it down for me?"
"Piece of cake. Text it to me."
"Okay, I'll do it right now."
"Alright, I'll call you back in five," Sameer said finally.
"Thank you, I owe you." Andrew disconnected the call.
He picked up his other cellphone again and began dialling her number. As the dial tone rang, he couldn't help but shrug off the feeling that something was wrong. Something was missing about the entire picture. He couldn't comprehend, how could 'The Beasts' be so careless and leave the cellphone on her.
Unless it wasn't 'The Beasts'...
• • •
Mallory stood inside the tiny cabinet, feeling so restricted. She couldn't see, she couldn't move, she couldn't breathe. It was as if she was in the red room all over again, it had only become smaller and darker. The darkness taunted her, bullied her, tormented her until she felt that she'd go blind.
She tried to back away in the miniscule space and hurled herself at the door. But the door didn't budge. It remained locked. She clawed at it, she pushed it, she banged it and she screamed until her voice was sore but nothing, simply nothing had any effect on the it.
And so she did the only thing she could. She slumped against it, unable to take it any more. Her hair were tangled mess and she knew that her eyes must have been bloodshot. She could feel the pain in her hands as her nails had captured splinters of wood while pieces of glass had pierced her feet, courtesy to whatever the cabinet held before she was locked in there.
Her skin was damp and sweaty, and even then she felt cold. With eyes still tightly closed she wrapped her arms around herself trying to hold it all together whilst she told herself:
He would find me...
Just then, her cellphone buzzed. Desperate for a distraction, she picked her tired hands up and immediately answered it.
"Mallory, hey, how are you?"
"Okay..." Her voice sounded distant even to herself as she felt herself losing consciousness. "It's so cold here..."
"Mallory, I think you are going into shock."
"I feel faint..."
"No. Mallory. You need to stay awake. You need to stay with me. My friend's tracking your location. Until then, tell me something. How do you feel right now?"
"Okay. What else?"
"Pain? How?"
"Glass p-pieces in my slippers"
"What? How?" His voice was laced with worry.
"Bottles with chemicals and pills...broken..." She couldn't even utter proper sentences any more.
Andrew took in a sharp breath, "Just hold on. I'll get you back. I promise."
He would find me...
"It hurts..."
"I know, baby. Listen to me. Can you do something? It's going to sound very stupid but can you do it for me. I promise it would help you."
He said the next words with sadness, "I want you to ram your feet into one of the glass pieces."
"What?" She asked slightly attentive than before. "You want me to hurt myself?"
"Mallory, listen carefully. You are in shock and you might even have a concussion. You cannot faint. Okay? As much as I hate it, but you need pain to keep you awake. So please, please do it."
"Please..." He was almost crying.
By then most of her thoughts had shut down, she had even forgotten the claustrophobia for a few minutes. She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath in, preparing herself for it.
"On count of three," she suggested.
"Okay, whenever you are ready."
"One." The two voices said together.
She slammed her feet hard on the broken bottle and screamed out loud.
On the other end of the phone she could feel Andrew apologizing profusely. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."
For a second she felt as if she would pass out from the pain itself but she held her ground and soon it decreased in intensity. But it was still there. And as Andrew had said it, it brought her back from the edge of unconsciousness.
"Hey, my other phone's ringing. I'll be back. Okay? I'm gonna find you."
"Mhmm..." She moaned.
He would find me...
The words echoed in her mind like a mantra long after he was gone.
He would find me...
She tried to distract her by thinking something else. Her thoughts drifted to the only other thing she could think about at that time, as she ignored the tiny voice in her mind that argued:
Would he?
• • •
(Three days ago)
"Melissa, meet Edward and Victoria Sage," Richard Jefferson said gesturing to the couple sitting on the couch.
"Hello," the girl, Victoria greeted cheerily.
"Hi," Edward was somewhat awkward.
Mallory just stood their, rooted to the spot as her eyes darted amidst the three guests. Her mind was running at a high speed trying to comprehend the whole picture. She blankly stared at them until her gaze shifted to Andrew.
"Uh-oh, are we being sued?" She finally reached the realization. "Because if that's the case, I'm still a minor and he was the one who did it, I swear I had no part in it."
"Excuse me?" Victoria said. "Why would anyone sue you?"
"Because of identity theft?" She justified blinking repeatedly.
"Mother of God, Cole Wilson, you did it again didn't you? How many fucking times have I told you not to do that!"
"Tori, dear, language."
"Sorry, Dad."
"So, that explains why Victor Stone is sending us invitations to stupid parties!" Edward, who had been silent the entire time, chimed in.
"Uh, Mallo--isa," Andrew tried to cover up his slip only to get glances from everyone else. "Ahem, I mean Melissa, can I talk to you in the kitchen?"
Mallory followed him and hissed as soon as they were out of earshot, "What the hell is going on? I didn't know Edward and Victoria Sage were real. For the love of God, Andrew say something! Do you even know identity theft is friggin' federal crime!" She blabbered on and on pacing up and down the little space in kitchen. She ran her hands through her hair and continued, "What have I gotten myself into? I knew you were trouble. Yo--"
"If you are done with your utter nonsense, can I speak?"
"You can speak. But you always choose not to. You never--"
"Jeez, just shut up for a second, woman!" He interrupted. "First tell me what's up with the wrong name?"
"Well, excuse me, for not trusting strangers with my personal details!" She replied, "What's the deal with the couple? How did they even find you?"
"I know them."
"Richard too?" She narrowed her eyes.
"Yeah, actually I know them because of him."
"Go on."
"I know I haven't told you a lot about my life back at the academy. But Richard was my mentor, a guardian, actually. Over time, we grew close. He fed me. He gave me a place to live. He got me enrolled in the academy. And well Victoria is like an elder sister. I didn't know her all too well, but I used to talk to her occasionally. Incidentally, once when Richard had to go out of country, he left me in her custody. That's when I grew closer to Victoria and Edward."
"Okay," she nodded and whispered more to herself than him, "He doesn't sound like a bad guy."
"He isn't. I mean sure he has his issues. He has a weird sense of humor and he has the worse training techniques, but other than that, he is a nice person."
"Another father figure? Like Victor?" She didn't realize she had said it out loud.
"No, actually. Victor is well, the more responsible one. Richard isn't. He is a mentor. More of a friend than a father. He is a caregiver but not like a father. No, he doesn't have that maturity."
"What about Victoria?"
"What about her?"
"He is her...er... father. Isn't he?"
"Sort of, yeah. But she isn't his daughter. He is her stepfather. He came along well after she was an adult."
"Okay, so why are they here now?"
"Well, that is something only they can tell u--"
"I'm coming inside. Everyone better be decent," Richard entered with his hand over his eyes. "Is it safe for me to open my eyes?"
"Yeah, we are just talking, Richard," Andrew rolled his eyes.
"Good." He smiled. "Are you kids planning to come out?"
"Um...yeah. Sure," Andrew said and began moving towards the living room.
Mallory followed suit repeatedly looking behind at Richard.
"So, what were you saying about Victor?"
"Wait," Edward said and retrieved a lilac colored envelope. He handed it to Andrew who promptly took it.
Mallory moved closer to Andrew as he took out what looked like an invitation card. It was printed on one of those expensive scented papers, she noted, as her eyes raked over the letters,
"Read the note, that's inside," Victoria instructed.
Andrew complied. It read:
Greetings Mr. Sage,
I, cordially, invite you and your lovely wife to my company's annual fundraiser. An interesting young man like yourself would definitely make a nice addition to me guest list.
Looking forward to meeting you again.
Victor Stone.
P.S. Wishes do come true, Mr. Sage.
Almost as soon as the two had gone through the letter, it was snatched away from his hands by Richard. "You fool, you went to meet him, didn't you? Have you totally lost it?"
"In his defense, he didn't really know that he was the host," Mallory defended him.
"And you my dear, must be the pseudo-Victoria?" He noted. "How much do you even know? You weren't even startled when she called him Cole. Do you know?"
Mallory shuffled from one feet to another looking at Andrew. She wasn't sure if she should answer that.
"Yes, she does," Andrew decided to put her out of her misery. "She knows everything."
"I never thought, I'll say it. But, I'm disappointed in you, son." He said looking disapprovingly at Mallory.
"Look, you need to leave," Andrew said. "Viki told me where you people are staying. I'll call you later."
Richard stared at him for minute and then sighed. "Okay, I'll leave. Let's go Victoria, Edward."
"See you, man," Edward said patting Andrew's shoulder who simply nodded.
"Bye, Cole." Victoria muttered giving him a hug. "I miss you, dork. Take care."
He wrapped an arm around her and smiled a little leaving Mallory in awe.
"Of course."
"See you soon, Mallo--isa," Victoria teased.
"Yeah," she smiled sheepishly.
As the three guests started moving towards the door, Mallory couldn't help but think that Victoria Sage seemed like a nice woman. But --
• • •
Her train of thought was interrupted as her phone rang. The realization hit her yet again as she found herself still trapped in the tiny place. Immediately shutting her eyes, she picked up the phone and placed it on her ear. In anticipation, she heard the words that she so desperately needed to hear,
Andrew's breathless voice said, "I found you."
• • •
Don't forget to hit the star!
Bonjour people!
How are you? I know. I know. You hate me. But hey, I am back with another update.
So, what do you think about this chapter?
Tell me about the dream Andrew had in the beginning. *Wink wink* Who do you think has Mallory? How about the Sages and Richard? Do you like them?
Like it, hate it? Let me know.
Until then, arrivederci!
P.S. Thank you for 30 frigin' thousand reads. I love you people.
P.P.S. In case you are wondering why I changed the cover, apparently I was using a copyrighted image and recently the owner contacted me.
Now, I wouldn't want to plagiarise anyone's work. So, I changed it. Hope you people like this one as well even though I know a lot of you liked the previous one more. (:
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