32. Stranger Danger
Chapter 32 | Stranger Danger
"He was a broken shooting star,
His smile was bright but rare,
And by the time that you had blinked,
There was no sign it had been there."
-Erin Hanson
• • •
Andrew unlocked the door, the keys jingled in the lock as he opened the door. Once inside, he dragged his feet along the carpeted floor, his shoulders slumped. It was a rather tiring day. First he had to go to school and pretend to be a normal student which was becoming increasingly difficult for him.
To add to his predicament, it seemed like all everyone was talking about was Antonio. The faces of 'The Beasts' gleamed with a strange satisfaction, delighted at the thought of return of the rightful leader. For Andrew it was nothing but another mental turmoil.
He walked inside only to find Evelyn sleeping on the couch. He slapped his forehead as the realization hit him. Julie had told her that she was going out for a couple of days and he had to take care of Evelyn for the time being.
He looked at the little girl cooped up on the couch. It looked like she had waited a long time for him to return.
"Hey," he nudged her gently. "Hey, did you get anything to eat?"
She stirred but did not wake up.
"Hey, Evelyn," he shook her again. "Did you have dinner?"
"Mhm..." She languidly lifted her head up and gave him a blank stare.
"Dinner? Did you have dinner?" He repeated.
"Hmm," she replied drowsily and laid her head back on the arm of the couch.
"What did you eat?"
"Go away, Andrew." She groaned.
He rolled his eyes. The girl valued her sleep above everything. "Alright. Just go upstairs and sleep in bed. Otherwise you'll whine about backache tomorrow."
"I don't whine," she called out her voice muffled by the couch.
"Get up, Evelyn. Go to my room."
"For the love of God, let me sleep!" She screeched and threw two cushions at Andrew who was walking towards kitchen.
"Sleep in the bed, it's for your own good." He picked up the cushions and put them on the coffee table.
He picked her up gently and carried her to his room. Without complaining, she climbed in his bed hugging a pillow close to him. He got out a blanket from the cupboard and laid it over her. She immediately snuggled in and snored lightly.
Half an hour later, he sat on the couch in a pair of grey sweatpants and white T-shirt. It was 2 A.M. and despite being exhausted, he couldn't fall asleep. He yawned whilst flipping the channels on the television. He lifted his legs to prop them on the table only to push away all the things lying on it.
"What the hell," he cursed getting up and began picking it up.
His hands found the leather bound journal. He felt the brown material under his hands. Hastily picking up everything else and dumping them on the table he sat back down on the couch, eyes glued to the journal.
"This journal has everything that went wrong with my life. Although, I cannot imagine why would anyone want to know about the horrors of my past, but if you are desperate, here is where you can find it all."
Malory Millington's words echoed in his ears. Andrew had begged her to tell her everything. He needed fuel for his rage. He wanted to hate the monsters even more so than he already. But most of all he wanted answers. He wanted to know everything which Emily went through.
Not knowing would only lead to irrational and rather cruel manifestations of theories in his mind. How bad could the truth be? Of course, he know it wouldn't be simple. He wasn't gullible. But the not knowing was gnawing at his insides, eating his brain.
"Andrew," Mallory had called out just when he was about to leave.
"Yeah?" He had turned around.
"I don't know if you know it, but I have really started to care for you."
He stood blankly in the doorway unable to answer.
"And it's for your best interest that I say that sometimes not knowing is better than the truth."
We'll see about that, now? Won't we, Mallory? He thought to himself with a wry smile playing on his lips and hope in his mind, a hope that he won't regret doing what he was about to.
As the living room remained illuminated just by the lamp next to the couch and the light from muted television, he picked up the journal. Running his hand over the words 'Case 32B' he couldn't help but feel pity. He wouldn't ever want a human being reduced to a mere case.
In the background, thunder rolled as the raindrops trickled down the huge French windows of living room. The storm was beginning, instilling him with a formidable premonition. Shrugging away the bad omens, he finally flipped it open his eyes taking over the writing.
The writing was a rather dirty scrawl. In fact, as he flipped through the pages, he found that the Mallory's writing only got worse maybe because of the things she wrote. The initial pages were fairly clean but gradually the ink became more and more smeared with what could only be described as tear stains.
September 28
Dear Diary,
I don't know I am even writing, I mean Dr. Adler thinks that I should write down about anything related to the incident. But how should I tell her that I cannot remember anything. I cannot remember.
x x x
October 11
Dear Diary,
Right now I am in the therapy session. Dr. Adler is sitting in front of me pestering me to write something, anything down. I just got scolded for not writing everyday. I don't know what I should write. She just called me, so I'll complete this later.
x x x
October 12
Dear Diary,
They say it's selective amnesia. Apparently it's a coping mechanism. My brain is protecting me by making me forget the worst parts of my thirteen years old life. Whatever that means. I don't think if I can write anymore. I just
She had left the entry in between. He flipped the page and realized that she didn't write for a couple of days afterwards and even when she resumed writing, most of the time it was either a sentence or two or the entry was left in between. It soon became evident that journal entries were more of an obligation for her than a remedy.
He skipped a few pages and then resumed reading a rather smeared page.
October 29
Dear Diary,
I CANNOT REMEMBER! How hard is it for them to understand?!? I just cannot remember.
Why would I ever want to remember the events that led to the death of my best friend?
Why would I like to recount the horrors that I went through?
Why would I even think about the things they made me do?
Why would I remember what I have done for survival?
Most of all, how can I remember something I have not forgotten!
It's not like I cannot remember, it's like I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER!
The subsequent entries were filled with a simple sentence, 'I don't want to remember.' scrawled across the entire page. And finally he reached the page he was looking for, the truth laid in front of him at his perusal. He straightened up his back as he began reading the events that led to Emily's death.
November 17
Dear Diary,
I cannot take it anymore. The nightmares are getting worse. Dr. Adler still claims that writing would help. I don't trust her. I really don't trust the lady. But I am desperate. This is my last option. I am telling you my deepest secrets. Things I haven't told anyone. I know you won't judge me, but I would judge myself. Let me tell you how it all began.
• • •
(A few years ago)
"Eva, I don't know who is Emily's next of kin is. We are trying to find out her legal guardian but can you keep her for the time being? We can always take her to child services but with everything going on and after the girls broke down at the trial, I'd rather have her stay with someone she knows." Detective Todd asked Mallory's mother.
"Of course, Detective! I am surprised you had to ask. Emily is as much my daughter as Mallory and I cannot even think of separating her away from me especially at this time."
"I think I knew that already. But still had to talk to you once."
"Don't worry, she can stay with us as long as she wants to," Eva Millington said with a small smile.
"Mom," Mallory called out groggily from the doorway.
"Yeah, honey. What is it?"
"Emily, she is screaming in her sleep."
• • •
"Will, how long do you think I can keep the girls cooped up in the house? They have to leave sometime. They have already missed almost a month of classes. And even if I ignore that, they haven't left the house in ages," Eva Millington spoke up.
She was sitting between Emily and Mallory, both the girls leaning on either of her shoulder. Sheriff Will Johnson stood in front of them. It was a regular afternoon and they wanted to go out. But just like always they were refused.
"Eva, you know it's not safe for them to go out," Sheriff Will Johnson reasoned.
"That's what I am asking! How long would it be before it's safe? You cannot possible think that we can keep them inside forever!"
"Ms. Millington," Emily who had been silent the whole time said gently placing her hand on Eva's. "We are fine. It's okay."
Mallory's mother smiled at the girl.
"Eva, I understand that. I understand everything. But it's for the best. It's a huge web, 'The Beasts'. We still cannot figure out why they broke into Emily's house. On the face of it, it looks like a robbery. But that's not their M.O. There is something bigger going on -- "
Suddenly, Eva Millington's phone rang cutting him off. Mallory picked it up from night stand. It was Jake, so she answered.
"Mallory, where's mom?!?" Jacob Millington's panicked voice greeted her.
"She is right here. What happened?" She said a worried expression crossing her features.
"Mom...give the phone to...mom," he sounded tired as if talking was a huge task for him.
Mallory didn't need to be told twice. She immediately gave the cellphone to her mother.
"Jake, sweetie, what happened? -- WHAT? -- Okay, shh, I am coming. It's okay. Tell me where are you? -- Okay just stay there, I'll be there soon."
The call disconnected. Three pairs of eyes looked at Eva expectantly.
"Jacob," she said pressing the bridge of her nose trying to control the tears that threatened to spill, "He's had an accident. He said that he can't move."
Mallory gasped.
"Did he tell you where he is?"
She nodded, sniffing.
"Come on, I'll drive you," He offered.
She got up from the bed at an alarming speed and turned to the duo. "Girls stay here. Okay? Officer Heather and Officer Jay are downstairs, if you need anything talk to them. And don't do anything stupid."
The girls nodded and without another word, they were left alone in the house that had kept them imprisoned for days.
• • •
It had been over two hours since Mallory's mother left for her brother's aid. Ever since then she had been sitting in the bed, biting her nails in worry. Her mother had called the house phone a while back and told her that they took Jake to the hospital and the doctor was assessing the injuries. But there was no word after that.
Beside her Emily was staring into space. All the events had taken a bigger toll on her. She lost her parents, her house, everything. And her fate remained undecided. Although, there Mallory wanted nothing more than to support her friend in the time of need, the worry for was brother was gnawing at her.
"Hey, I am going downstairs to call Mum. Would you like to come?"
"What?" Emily blinked at her, dazed.
"I said, I am going downstairs, do you wanna come? I'll fix you something to eat."
Emily shrugged but got up anyway and followed Mallory to the living room.
"Where is Officer Heather and Jay?" Mallory wondered out loud.
"Probably outside," cam Emily's reply.
Mallory called her mother who immediately picked up, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Mum. Just wanted to know how's Jake."
"Umm...Jake will be okay. He has a fractured leg, a head trauma and a few other minor injuries. But he will be fine. I am not getting a signal here, so is it fine if I call you later?"
"Okay, sure. Just keep me posted," she said.
"Of course, call me if you need anything." She said and disconnected the call.
Mallory sighed as she placed the receiver back. For the first time in days she felt relieved.
"He's okay?" Emily asked.
"Yeah, for now."
"Do you wanna go out?" Emily spoke up after a few moments of silence.
"What do you mean go out?"
"Well, no one is at home and I can't see the officers, so let's go out and walk for five minutes and come back before anyone realizes that we left the house?"
"You do realized that this is exactly the kind of thing Mom was referring to when she told us not to do anything stupid?" Mallory said shaking her head.
"I do, yeah."
"So, are you up for it?"
"You do know you are bad influence, don't you?"
"I do, yeah," Emily smiled wryly.
"Let's do it."
Without another word, the girls trotted off to what was supposed to be a little adventure; their dirty little secret. Hand in hand they walked out of the safety of their confinement unaware of the horrors that awaited them. And soon, it happened. The beasts who were otherwise lurking in the shadows had their chance; a chance at vengeance. And there was no way in hell they would have given it up.
• • •
"What are you reading?" Evelyn asked groggily slumping down next to Andrew on the couch.
Startled by her sudden presence, he immediately snapped the journal and tossed it to his other side and muttered, "Nothing."
"Whatever," she replied nonchalantly, putting her head on his lap. "So much for being cryptic."
"Why are you up so early, Evelyn?" Andrew asked, looking at his phone which showed the time 4:18 AM.
"Couldn't sleep," she muttered looking at his face. "I had a nightmare."
"Nightmare?" Andrew straightened his back and picked her head such that she was in sitting position. "You said you didn't get nightmares anymore."
"I do, sometimes." The little girl looked at her hands folded in her lap.
"Does Julie know about it?"
She nodded. "She says it's not a big deal."
Andrew's hands clenched into fists. How could she say it wasn't a big deal? Of course it was a big deal! Hell, she knew it was a big deal. He made a mental note to have a word with the girl's caretaker when she returned home.
"Do you want to talk about it?" His voice laced with worry.
She shrugged. "Let's just watch something on T.V."
"Don't you have school tomorrow?"
Evelyn slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand and shook her head dramatically, "Andrew. Andrew. Andrew. What would you ever do in your life? It's a Saturday, of course I don't have school."
"Geez, Evelyn, how do you have energy to be so dramatic at four in the morning."
"One of my many talents, I am sure," she grinned then nudged him in his ribs with her elbow. "Now, move over you monster and give me some space too."
Andrew smiled at the little girl. He couldn't believe that he was initially skeptical about taking care of Evelyn. With everything that was going on in his life, he didn't want another responsibility, but soon it all changed; and he was glad that it did. He couldn't imagine his life without her.
She had made a place in his life, a place that no one could take. And even when she wasn't his blood, he loved her like a sister or sometimes even a daughter. She reminded him of Emily. The thought of seeing her happy face when he came back home, almost made him miss home, something he hadn't felt for a long time. She was the only one left in his life for whom he cared.
The only one he cared about? Another face appeared in his mind; the face of a brunette girl smiling at him. The girl rolling her eyes at him, the girl sitting next to him in his clothes, the girl dancing with him in a cemetery no less and the girl kissing him.
"I don't know if you know it, but I have really started to care for you."
Maybe, just maybe he was beginning to care for her too. But before he could dwindle over it Evelyn stopped his train of thought.
"Someone came by when you weren't home."
"What do you mean someone came by? Were you alone? Are you alright?"
"No, Julie was still here. And of course I am alright. If I were alone I wouldn't have opened the door for him. Remember you are the one who kept on pestering me to learn not to talk to strangers."
He sighed, "Good. You shouldn't. What did he say?"
"Well, he wanted to talk to you, but you weren't here so we told him that he should come by later."
"That's all? Did he give you his name?"
"Umm...no. He did not. But there was something else. It's probably nothing but the way he said it..."
"What is it, Evelyn? What did he say?" Andrew narrowed his eyes, not liking the sound of it.
And the next words she uttered made his blood ran cold,
"Tell Andrew to give my regards to Marko."
• • •
Vote, maybe? 🌟
Hello there to all those who are still with me!
*Looks down at the mob of people from my bedroom window ready to throw fire torches at my house*
*YELLS* I updated. Please, spare my house now. :|
So.... It's mid semester break for me and thus I decided to get over the tardiness and write a chapter. Not much has happened in this chapter. But just wait for the next one. Things are going to get intense.
So, what do you think of this chapter? I know it must come across as a filler chapter but I wanted to set a premise for the remaining story. So what do you think?
Did you like Mallory's back story?
Next chapter would probably be the part where it is finally revealed why did she kill Emily!
Also, the mysterious visitor? Who do you think he was? I'll give you hints, he is charming, he is cute and he is a little bit dangerous. Any guesses? Another hint, he is not who you think he is. ;)
I have already written a part of the next chapter and I was planning to include some of it in this one, but oh well, I couldn't resist a good cliffhanger, now? Can I? ;)
Until next time, folks! Now I should go back to studying Finance and Statistics. -_- Studying sucks.
Have a wonderful day!
P.S. You know what would be really amazing? If you go to Hate_To_Love__ and read 'Abstruse'. Believe me, you are not going to regret it.
It took a great deal of courage for it's writer to share this story, so if you could just go ahead and leave comments with your honest opinion, I would really appreciate it! Thank you anyway. :D
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