23. Birthday...Shocks?
Dedicated to each one of you who took time to message me to tell me how much you like the story or simply to update. I really appreciate it. ^_^
Random Question: What's the worst wattpad cliché?
Chapter 23 | Birthday...Shocks?
"Friendship is perhaps the purest sentiment. No responsibilities, no promises. Just unconditional love."
The room was filled with sound of laughter and chattering. People were entering and leaving, making the door bang again and again. At one corner of the gigantic room music was blaring. Teenagers were giggling at random jokes. With occasional bursts of 'Happy Birthdays', the party was in full swing.
Sitting in the middle of the room, Mallory felt nervous and jittery. Her legs were on the chair hugging her chest. With slight trembling and shivering, her breathing became shallow as she felt a strange sense of déjà vu engulf her. Each time the door opened, she couldn't help but flinch.
She thought she was strong. She thought she was finally over it. But clearly she wasn't. As a lone tear slipped out of her eye, she couldn't help but ponder over the events that put her in that position.
• • •
(Earlier that day)
"So, what you are trying to say is that Andrew is Emily's brother and he is here to take revenge from 'The Beasts' by being a part of the gang?" Eva Millington frowned at her daughter, her face held a look of skepticism.
"Um...the way you say it, it does sound far fetched. But mom, it's true." Mallory said desperately.
"No. Don't give me that look." She said holding the wrapping paper while her mother was putting adhesive tape on the corners. It was Ben's birthday and her mother was helping her in wrapping whilst she was recounting the happenings of past week, omitting a few of them.
"What look?" Her mother asked.
"That look which you used to give me when I was a kid. You think I am making this up." She threw her hands forward in exasperation.
"I don't think you are making this up. I just...uh..." Eva trailed off.
"You see that is exactly why I keep some things secret. You say you won't judge me. But at the end you do. I cannot believe it, mom. You think I am lying."
"I am not judging you, Melly. I would never do that." Her mother said. "It's just that, you know how teenage boys are. I think...I think, maybe, Andrew is messing with you. I know it's hard to believe since you like him and everything, but maybe that is the truth."
Mallory rolled her eyes at what she thought was a ridiculous assumption. "I know for a fact that he is no-...Wait a second, what do you mean like him?" She felt a slight blush creeping up to her cheeks.
"You know. Like like."
"Are we dealing with elementary school definition of 'like'?" Mallory gave a wry smile.
"You bet we are." Her mother winked, happy with the sudden change of topic. "Tell me it's not true."
"It's not!" Mallory said grinning.
"You have a crush on him." Eva said and this time it was a statement.
"Even if I do, I cannot talk about it with you. It's just weird." She said still grinning. It was as if she forgot the conversation they were having minutes ago. Her mother smiled at her daughter's childishness. That's how she liked her. Smiling. Always.
"Alright. I'll stop it." Eva said, unable to hide the grin that was creeping up on her lips.
"So, you really think he's lying." Mallory said suddenly, her smile fading.
"I don't know. Not lying, but..." Eva picked up the packed gift and put it in a bag.
"Mom, I told you. Not everything can be coincidence."
"Okay. Let's just say, I believe you. But have you ever wondered why didn't Emily ever introduce you to her brother? I mean you were best friends. And why didn't he ever visited? Where was her brother all this time?"
"I...I don't know. I am pretty sure, she had a good enough reason..." She trailed off, her mothers words hitting her like a truck full of bricks. Suddenly she wasn't sure about anything.
"I didn't want to do this. But...okay. Tell me, did Emily mention Cole often?"
"Not really. I mean it was just a couple of times. Like when something reminded her of him."
"And was she happy whenever she mentioned it?"
"Mom, what are you getting at?" She said dumbfounded.
"Just answer it."
"No. She was always sad. But I figured it's because she missed him..." Mallory said, her hands shaking. As vague memories flashed in her mind.
I miss him. Emily always said that. But what did that really mean?
"Okay. Listen to me. I didn't want to tell you this. But, I think you should know." Eva took her daughter's hand. "I was talking to Will the other day. And well, we ended up talking about Emily's family. And he told me something."
"What? What is it, mom?!?" Mallory asked frantically.
Her mother sighed. "Cole, Cole Clout is dead."
• • •
The drive to Ben's place was too short. It was as if Mallory's body was mechanically driving to her best friend's house. It had been a few hours since her mother told her. And her mind still couldn't comprehend it all. Cole Clout was dead. He had been dead for more than six years. How was it possible?
She was so sure, so sure that Andrew was lying. But it turned out he wasn't. But he did mention his sister. So was it just unfortunate that both his sister and his 'apparent lover' were captured by the same gang. She shrugged, unable to think anymore. Her mind was in state of complete chaos while her nerves were jittery.
As she saw the familiar iron gates to her best friend's house, she took in a deep breath. The guard, recognising her, immediately opened the gates and she drove further towards the driveway. She parked her car and waited for a couple of minutes, composing herself.
After a few breathing exercises, she lifted the bag from the seat and moved towards Ben's house. As she walked amidst the neatly trimmed gardens, she couldn't help but feel awed. It was like entering a palace. But then, it had been that way ever since they were kids. Maybe that's the reason they never hung out there. It was far too intimidating!
Pressing the doorbell she expected Alberta, one of their maid to answer the door. But to her surprise it was Alice Jones, Ben's mother.
"Yes?" She asked politely, not recognising the girl.
"Um...hi Mrs. Jones. I am Mallory." Mallory replied awkwardly.
For a second or two Alice Jones was taken aback. And then suddenly recognition flashed on her features. "Mallory. Mallory Millington. Oh, my god! I thought you were...Never Mind. Come inside honey." She excitedly tugged her arm. "Mind the carpet dear, it's expensive."
Of course it was. Everything in their house was expensive. And Alice couldn't help but point it out. It wasn't in an ostentatious way, but to an outsider it might feel like flaunting. But Mallory knew better. Coming from a humble background, Alice had worked her way to the top, but it seemed like she was still fascinated by hand-woven carpets, intricately designed furniture and all the other exotic stuff that costs a fortune.
Mallory removed her shoes and placed it on a shelf next to door and followed her best friend's mother inside.
"Simon, dear. Look who's here." She yelled as she entered the dining room with Mallory trotting behind.
"Who is it?" Simon Jones replied almost bored. He was on his Tablet analysing the Stock market trends and furiously writing it down in a file next to him.
"Mallory Millington!" Alice screeched.
"Mallory?" His head bobbed up. "Didn't she..." But he stopped short as he saw her standing next to his wife.
"Hey Mr. Jones." She smiled.
"Hello, sweetheart." He said warmly. "Last time I remembered you were a blonde?"
"Well let's just say I was experimenting and this one turned out to be successful." She winked.
"Couldn't agree more." Alice said. "Come on, sit." She motioned towards a chair. "How have you been?"
Mallory slipped inside a chair, timidly, and placed the bag on the table. "Good. Really good." She nervously cracked her knuckles under the table.
"You know after everything that happened with you, we thought..." It was Simon this time.
"That I was dead?" Mallory smiled dryly. "Yeah, I get that a lot these days. Everyone has been treating me like 'The girl who lived' or something." She grinned again.
Alice shot her husband a glare and then continued. "So, what brings you here today?" She tried to change the topic.
"Uh...Ben's birthday." Mallory said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was actually.
"Of course, of course." Alice's smile faltered a little. "He is in his room."
"I'll see you then." She smiled and got up, eager to break free of the awkward conversation.
"Nice to meet you again, sweety." Simon said now getting back to his work.
"You too, Mr. Jones." She said and picking up her bags made her way to Ben's room.
As she reached the door she didn't bother knocking, she barged in.
"Morning's here." She started singing in the most high pitched voice she could muster, inching closer to Ben's ear. "Sunshine is here. The sky is clear..."
Ben groaned and flipped to the other side placing the pillow on his ear.
"Happy birthday, sleeping beauty." She said snatching away the pillow.
"Ugh...what do you want?" Ben said rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"To wish my darling friend, a very happy birthday! What else?" She said and bent down to kiss his cheek.
"But your 'darling friend' wants to sleep a little more. Shouldn't his wishes be entertained?"
"Let me think." Mallory put a finger on her chin. "NO!" She yelled. "Get up! Get up! Get up!"
"Fine. I am up. Just quit screeching, you Banshee!" He said reluctantly sitting on the bed. "You know, you wake me up like this and I don't kill you. Feel damn special!"
"Oh, I assure you I do." Mallory smiled a sickly sweet smile.
"Just stop it. You and etiquettes just don't go with each other." He grinned.
"Fine, asshole."
"Much better. Go on."
"Happy Birthday!" She squealed.
He winced. "What did I tell you about screeching?"
She glared at him. "Fine creep, here's your gift. Open it. Let out excited screams and tell me how awesome I am." She said flipping her hair backwards.
"Ooh, that's a big box." Ben smiled, sleep disappearing from his eyes and within seconds the carefully glued wrapping paper was in bits and tatters. His impatient friend didn't bother concealing his excitement. But then they were best friends for a reason.
As he opened the box, his eyes lit up like a little boy who had seen Santa. The box had a variety of things from a couple of perfumes, to some chocolates, a coffee mug that said 'Happy Birthday, freak!', a signed baseball, some music CDs and a couple of other miscellaneous stuff.
"Oh my god! Thanks it's perfect!" He said smiling and blew a kiss her way.
"Just stop it, Mr. Jones. You are making me blush." Mallory grinned and pretended to hide her blush.
"Is this a scrapbook?" He asked pointing at a black decorated file at the bottom of the book.
Mallory nodded.
"You made it? Oh my god! Mallory Millington made a scrap book for me." He said fanning himself. "My purpose of life has been fulfilled." He grinned like a Cheshire cat. "But wait a second. Why does it say 'Happy Sweet Sixteen'?"
"Emily and I started it when we were thirteen. A little while before everything happened." Her shoulders drooped a little. "We saw some show about best friends and thought it would be a good idea. Sheriff Johnson gave it to me some time ago. They had some of her personal stuff down as evidence but recently they decided to remove it. So, he brought it to me." Her eyes brightened at that. "The cover and the beginning are done by her but I continued it. What do you think? Am I awesome or what?"
"You are okay." Ben said casually.
"Give me back the gift, I am going." Mallory said crossing her arms and stomping her foot.
"Fine. You are awesome. Happy? Just don't take my birthday gift back." He said hugging the box like a child.
"Before I forget, here's your other birthday gift. I shouldn't be giving it to you, but I am not really an insensitive person, so I will." She gave him another black box tied with white ribbon.
"Oh god. Is it...Is it what I think it is?" Ben's eyes widened as soon as he saw the contents of the package. "You got me a freaking White Gold Bracelet?!?"
"Uh...I think."
"It costs like 2000$." He said dumbfounded. "Are you insane? Return it. I cannot accept it."
"It cannot be returned. It's personalised. Look." She pointed at the back side of the bracelet.
In tiny letters, it read:
Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternamfore. Happy Birthday, Benjamin Jones.
"It's Latin." She explained. "It means..."
"I hope that the memory of our friendship will be everlasting." Ben cut her off. "I know."
"You know Latin?"
"Of course! I know a lot of things. But, that is not the point. The point..." He said. "... is you spending a fortune on something I bet I would never wear for the fear of losing it. You could have gotten an engraved bracelet which costs 50$. But no you had to go get something made of gold."
"Hey. It wasn't my idea. Mom saw it and bought it. She got one for Jake and one for you. I just got it engraved!"
"Tell your mom that I love her." Ben smiled. "But seriously she needs to stop doing it. I know she's a doctor so she has that kind of money but that is no excuse for wasting it."
"You look so weird when you say sane things." Mallory pointed out.
"I was gonna say I love you. But now I won't." He said pouting.
"Oh come on. Say it! Say it! I wanna hear it."
"Fine. I love you. Happy?"
"Very." She grinned.
"Get used to it. Chances are no other guy would ever say that to you!" He pulled out his tongue.
Mallory hit his head with a pillow. "I don't know if you know it or not, but I happen to have a long list of secret admirers." She said flipping her hair backwards.
"Of course like Mr. Andrew Bells." He laughed.
"Not that rude emotionless git." She scrunched up her nose.
"Hey that reminds me, I ran into him yesterday evening and ended up inviting him to the party."
"Mind elaborating?" Mallory said rolling her eyes.
"I was running in the park and he approached me. He wanted to talk about Emily..."
"What the hell?"
"He asked me if I knew anything about how everything happened to her. And I said I didn't. And then he asked me of I had Emily's things. I said I did have a few and he wanted to come over. And well I invited him to my birthday party."
"You are the stupidest person alive."
"Hey, excuse me for not being insensitive. And frankly, I talked to him. He didn't seem very rude. A little introvert, perhaps shy too. But definitely not rude. I don't know why you..." He looked at Mallory who held a ferocious look on her face and his tone changed drastically. "Andrew is a sick, evil man who should be thrown into a pit of rabid dogs for the offense he committed." He said raising his hands. "Jeez, now stop giving me that look. You're freaking me out."
"Good boy." She patted his cheek. "And by the way I found something too." And she launched into her story. If Ben was shocked by Cole's death, he did a good job hiding it.
The only thing he said was:
"I told you. That you were overreacting. The poor guy was telling the truth after all." Ben said hearing her story.
"Ahem! Ahem!" Mallory gave a fake cough. "Poor guy. What now he is all innocent. What did he do to you?" She winked.
"Nothing. We just talked. About Emily. He really cares for her you know." Ben's eyes shone. "And you, he talked about you too."
That caught her off-guard. "About me?"
"Yeah. He said that you are different. Difficult to understand."
"I am difficult to understand?!?" She narrowed her eyes. "That son of a..."
"Hey, chill. He didn't say it in a bad way. It was almost a compliment."
"Almost a compliment? Is there such a thing. And how long did you people talk? And Andrew, he said all that?!?"
"We talked for some time. A couple of hours. I told him about Emily and all our time together. He seemed fascinated. And do you know they knew each other since they were kids, pretty much like us. She was a really sassy kid." He grinned.
"Wow. Maybe now he'll spill some of his secrets." She said half-heartedly. To say that he was surprised was an understatement. She had met him so many times and never said a single thing, but a couple of hours with Ben and suddenly they were buddies. Maybe, it was a boy thing. She thought reassuringly.
"He may be overwhelmed by my charm. You never know." He grinned.
"Oh he better be. I need so many answers from him."
"Why don't you come in the evening?"
Mallory raised an eyebrow. "Is this another desperate attempt to invite me to your party?"
"Just a suggestion for my darling best friend." He batted is eyelashes. "And by the way, we can strike a bargain, you know. Secret for secret. This is so exciting."
"Good luck with that." She rolled her eyes.
"Fine. Don't come." Ben scoffed. "I'll just tell him everything I know. It's not me who wants him 'to spill his secrets'." He said with air quotes.
"Fine. I'll come"
"Then do--Wait. Did you say you'll come."
"Yeah. I'll come." Mallory replied groaning. "This night better be eventful."
"Oh, believe me, it would be." Ben smirked. Little did she knew how much truth his words held.
• • •
Andrew was standing at one corner of Ben's living room. He reprimanded himself for putting himself in that position. But then he was drunk, drunk and desperate and he needed to find something about Emily. Anything. And he hated to admit it but it felt nice, talking to someone who was carefree. It made him forget all his worries. It felt good.
Though the day didn't turn out to be a total waste. Very soon he would have things that belonged to Emily. If he were lucky enough, he might just get a diary or something which might shed some light on the situation. And for the time being, he was watching Mallory, who seemed even more out if place than he did.
Sitting in the middle of the room, she was on the verge of a panic attack. Even from distance he could see her flinching every time there was a loud noise. Her eyes kept on darting towards the door.
This sparked his curiosity. What was she hiding? And why? But he didn't have time to ponder over the questions as suddenly the door of the room burst open. From the corner of his eye he could see Mallory slipping from her chair. But he couldn't spare another moment because from the door came in three guys wearing ski-masks and suddenly the entire room was dead silent as one of the men yelled:
"Hands up!"
Vote if you wanna read more. ;)
Hello everyone,
Here's a looooooooong chapter. What do you think? Like the end. ;) I feel so evil. :3 :P
Just one more chapter and then yoy'll know Mallory's story. Excited? xD
Anyway see ya people soon. God bless you. ^_^
P.S. Thanks for spamming my inbox with update messages. I really adore you people. :*
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