20. The Party
•Dedicated to BookWormAwsome for picking out a hell lotta mistakes. Thanks, girl.☺
•Thank you so much for so many 'update' messages. ^_^
•By the way, thoughts on the new cover? ^_^
Chapter 20 The Party
"We all have done things in the past that we regret. Some of us, just have more darker secrets than the rest."
• • •
Mallory looked at him dumbfounded, her mouth unable to form any words. Was he telling the truth? Suddenly she was scared of being in the same room as him.
"If that was your idea of a joke, then believe me, it is not funny. If it's anything, it's sick and twisted!" She said staring into his eyes, her voice a hushed whisper.
For a moment they stood there in the corridor like that. She had a firm grip on his elbow, her eyes boring into his and then something happened. To Mallory's awe, one corner of Andrew's mouth twitched upwards as if he was smiling.
"I think it's funny." He muttered, with a tinge of amusement.
Though before Mallory could actually react to his statement, they were ushered into a grand hall. The hall was magnanimous, with pearl-white marble floors, chandeliers, men in tuxedos and women in grand dresses. It was like some Victorian England ball gown party, the kind we read about in our history books.
At the door stood a couple of burly guards and a man dressed in expensive looking suit.
"Sir, Mam, your names, please." The man in suit said.
"Sage, Edward." Andrew muttered haughtily and motioned to Mallory, "Sage, Victoria."
The man looked at the list in his hand, his eyes searching for their names. He flipped the paper and then looked up. "I am afraid, you people have to step aside." He said and whispered something in the security guards ear.
Mallory looked at her companion, who was swearing under his breath. So, this was it. It was happening. They saw through their lies. They were busted. Am I going to prison? She thought.
"Is there a problem?" Andrew said, not bothering to add a salutation.
"I am afraid so, sir." The man in expensive suit replied. "I can't find your names on the list. Perhaps, you arrived at the wrong address or something? Can you show us the invitation and your IDs too?"
"Invitations. Hmm." Andrew retrieved a white envelope from his pocket along with their fake driving licenses. "We don't have the invitation but I think this would work as well."
"I highly doubt that." The man said uninterestingly opening the envelope. Almost lazily he took out the sheet of paper. But as soon as his eyes fell upon the contents his face lost the color.
"What does it say?" Mallory whispered to Andrew.
"Shh. Just wait and watch." He replied pointing towards the man.
Some two minutes later, the man regained his senses. "Hmm. Everything seems alright." He said, though his voice came out a little squeaky. "I am sorry for your inconvenience, sir."
"And what about me?" Mallory said narrowing her eyes. Gender chauvinism.
"You too, mam, you too. So, sorry for everything." He said, his eyes widening. "I hope you will forgive me. I was just doing my job. I wasn't aware of these...uh...state of a-affairs." He nervously wiped off his forehead.
"State of affairs? Wha..."
"Excuse her. She has a habit of playing her part all too well. It's okay. They know." Andrew said before Mallory could complete.
"Of course, sir. You must be very proud to have such an intelligent lady as your wife."
"You have no idea." Andrew muttered at which Mallory rolled her eyes. "And now, we would like to go inside. We have an assignment to complete."
"Yes...er...Mr. and Mrs. Sage. This way."
To say that it was a grand party was an understatement. The initial hall was just the place where refreshments were served. The actual party was inside, in a gargantuan room that screamed 'elite'. There were people everywhere. Some groups included ladies in glittering tiaras and dresses you could only find on magazine covers. While others had men in tuxedos like the ones worn by Hollywood actors.
It was just the air of sophistication that made Mallory feel out of place. At one end of the room a platform was raised where a Master of Ceremony was announcing the name of some band who was about to perform. The band played some slow background tunes that enhanced the ambience.
"So, this is it. What's the plan?" Mallory said, sighing.
"What plan?"
"You said we'll be questioning people. What do we need to find out?" She asked him.
"We needn't do anything. I will do it, my way."
"What? Then, what am I doing here?" She demanded.
"Like I said, you are just my cover." He said in a dismissing tone.
"Okay." Mallory said gulping. "Fine by me. Well your cover is thirsty. So she is going to the refreshment hall. When you are done, you may find your cover there." And with that she stomped her feet, which was a little weird to do in heels. But she did it anyway and left.
Andrew rolled his eyes. "Overdramatic." He muttered and went off to do his 'assignment'.
• • •
Half an hour later, while Mallory was drinking her third glass of apple juice, her companion returned with a dejected look. He slumped next to her on one of the stools.
"It's weird. People aren't really willing to talk to me."
Mallory grinned widely. "Despite your demeanor being so warm and welcoming. I mean, imagine that!"
He narrowed his eyes. "You think it's funny? Why don't you try it?"
"Oh no no." She replied with mock horror. "How can I possibly do something like that? I am just a cover."
"No, I am serious."
"Oh, so am I, sweetheart." She winked. "Besides, I might have already found out some important piece of information."
"Yeah, right." He rolled his eyes.
Mallory smiled, sarcastically. "You know, it's funny, how much women are ready too spill amidst a bunch of compliments. Even things like...uh...I think I forgot. I am just a cover after all." She pretended to blow her nails.
"What do you know?"
"Oh, it's nothing. I am sure it is of no use to you."
"Spit it out." He said, irritated.
"Come again."
"Tell me."
"Say it again. Maybe a little politely this time." She smirked.
"Tell me what you know." He said. "Please." He added grudgingly.
"See wasn't that easy? Anyway, did you know that 'The beasts' is actually a multi national company and not just some bunch of goons?" She said excitedly.
He regarded her like a scientist would regard an animal of some strange undiscovered kind. "That's your 'important piece of information'?"
"You knew that?"
"Of course I did. Where else do you think they get all the money from? Obviously, someone rich supports them. You can only earn so much from extortion and stuff. You gotta convert the black money to white."
"Um...I never thought of that."
"Sure, you didn't." He said, disappointed. "That was what you found out?"
"That and one more thing. But, never mind. I don't think it's important." She said, dejected.
"It probably won't be. But tell me anyway."
"It's about the party. You know, it is organised in the honour of some business tycoon. It's his birthday or something and he has this grand party every year."
"Oh, shit." He cursed. "What's the date today?"
"24th." She said and continued. "Anyway I think his name was Victor, Vic..."
"Victor Stone."
"Bingo!" She replied, enthusiastically.
"We need to get out of here." He said, impatiently.
"Get out? But, why? I thought we were here for information."
"No. We need to go." He said.
Just then, a MC with a microphone in his hand stood up on the platform. "May I have your kind attention, ladies and gentlemen? The moment we all have been waiting for has arrived. So, let's give it up for our beloved host, 'the birthday boy' himself." And he grinned at his joke.
As if on cue, in came a man, surrounded by bunch of burly looking guys, who looked like elite bodyguards. The man looked somewhere in his late forties. He was wearing a black suit and had an aura of power around him. People cheered and clapped as he entered the room.
"Ladies and gentleman." The MC's voice boomed. "Mr. Victor Stone."
Next to her, Andrew cursed. "Damn it."
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Hello dear readers!
How have you been? I know I have completely screwed my updating schedule. But, please bear with me. Like I said, last time. College is being really hard on me. I hope you understand. :)
Back to the chapter. What do you think about this Victor Stone fellow? ;) I wanted to introduce him for a while now.
Will see ya people (hopefully) next week.
May god bless you.
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