17. Bloody Surprises
Dedicated to chhavi26 for her votes, comments and clever guesses and rhythem_ for her precious votes. ^_^
Chapter 17 Bloody Surprises
"I still get nightmares. In fact, I get them so often I should be used to them by now. I'm not. No one ever really gets used to nightmares."
-Mark Z. Danielewski, House of leaves
• • •
he scene unfolded in front of her almost in slow motion as she saw the blood that was splashed across the wooden floor making a nauseating sight. Something was written but her brain couldn't make out the words. All it registered were the polaroids lying all over.
They were pictures of a man, a bloodied man. There were around twenty photographs, taken from different angles. But in all of them he laid on his stomach in such a way that his face wasn't visible. But she knew who it was.
Same body type. Same hair color. The blue shirt that said, 'World's best big brother'.
It was Jake.
The thought made her numb. She felt dizzy and clutched the kitchen counter for support. Slowly, her mind registered the scarlet words written in huge letters. They read:
No. No. No. Her mind chanted. Please don't let it be him. She prayed, desperately as her shaking hands reached for her cellphone. It took three attempts for her to get the password right. As she dialled her brother's number and put it to her ear.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
Pick up the phone. She pleaded. And suddenly she heard an over enthusiastic voice.
"Smelly Melly."
For a second, relief flushed her body. But, it was short lived as she realized that it wasn't the voice she was yearning to hear. Instead, it was...
"Oh, god. How did you recognize my voice? What did I do wrong? Huh?"
"Harry. Listen to me. Where is Jake?" She said as tears flowed down her cheeks.
"He is out. Why? Did anything happen? Why are you crying?" Her brother's friend asked with concern.
"Why didn't he take his phone?" She said in disbelief.
"It wasn't charged."
"Did he go out with someone? When will he be back? Why aren't you with him? Just tell me, please." She bombarded him with questions.
"Just tell me what happened, Mallory?"
"No, you tell me, damn it! Where the hell is my goddamn brother!?!" She screamed in the phone.
"He is out on a dinner date." Came the short reply.
"There's this girl who lives across our apartment. Stacy."
"Give me her number."
"I will text it to you." He said. "Mallory, did something happen? Are you alright?"
"Yeah. Just give me her number."
"Okay. Though I don't think he is at the restaurant anymore. Because he should have been back a couple of hours ago. But he isn't. So, I think they went to a movie or something."
It was as if someone had plunged a rusted knife across her heart. He should have been back a couple of hours ago. The words burnt holes in her chest.
Couple of hours ago...
"Please give me her number." She begged.
"In a sec."
The line disconnected.
Almost immediately, her phone buzzed. She clicked open the message and called the number immediately. The phone rang and rang and rang and then went straight to voice mail.
'Hey, this is Stacy. Leave the message after beep. Beep.'
"Hi, it's Jake's sister. Please call me." She said, her voice broke at the end.
Please god. Please let him be okay. She sent silent prayers as she bent down to pick up the blood stained photographs. Maybe it was someone messing up. The optimistic side of her brain reasoned. But, she knew it was no joke. Just like the text messages, no one would be sick enough to pull up such a prank.
She decided to call her mom. The matter was going way out of her hand. And she couldn't manage it without her mother at her side. And so she decided to call her. It was switched off.
Another chill ran down her body.
No. She must be in operation theatre she told herself. It was common for her mother to not answer her phone or switch it off when she kept her belongings in the employee lockers.
She thought of informing 911, but the very thought of blue and red lights storming around her house, the crime scene tapes and questioning, it all brought unpleasant memories. So she decided to contact Sheriff instead.
"Hello. It's Sheriff Will Johnson, Delvinshire PD."
"If this is not an emergency, can it wait? I am out with someone."
"Sheriff, it's Mallory." She said, violently wiping the tears off her cheek.
"Mallory, what happened? Are you okay?"
"Sherrif...There's blood. And Jake..." She said having a complete breakdown. She couldn't do it anymore. Jake was out there injured or dead. She couldn't take it anymore.
"Mallory, sweetie, what happened? Why are you crying? What happened to Jake?" It was her mother.
"Mom? What are you doi...I called you." She said.
"I was out with Will. I accidentally left my phone in the locker." She said. "Now, tell me."
"Come home. Please."
"I will be there in five minutes." Eva said.
Five minutes later Mallory was standing at her Porch, frantically leaving messages for Stacy, when she saw Will's car pulling up in the driveway. In mere seconds, her mother was running towards her.
"Are you hurt? Is everything okay?" Eva shook her daughter's shoulders who looked at her blankly. "Mallory, speak up!"
"Look." Will said pointing at the blood trail.
Eva gasped.
"Is it your..." She began.
"No." Mallory shook her head.
As they entered the kitchen, Eva's eyes widened while Will took out a pair of rubber gloves from his pocket and started collecting the polaroid photographs off the floor.
"What is the meaning of this?" He said, as he saw the photographs one after another.
"Jake." Mallory and her mother said together.
"What?" The sheriff said completely taken aback.
"That T-shirt, Mallory gifted it to him." Eva said as she felt tears welling up in her eyes. Was her son okay?
The sheriff scrutinised the pictures again and again, running a hand through his hair and then said, "I don't think so."
"What?" The two ladies said.
"It's too obvious." He replied.
Mallory, who was hugging her mother, broke the embrace and looked up, "What do you mean?"
"I think they want you to think it's him." He said, emphasizing 'they'. "Call Jacob."
"I did." Mallory said and ran into explanation.
"Hmm." He said, thinking. "I still think it's highly unlikely. Why would Jacob be wearing this T-shirt? It's not the kind you wear everywhere. It's kind of..."
"Symbolic." Mallory muttered, seeing his point.
"So what are you saying, Will?" Eva said suddenly. "Jake is alright? He is okay. Right?"
"I cannot be sure, but I think so. Because I think it's done by 'The Beasts'." He paused to look at Mallory. "And they wouldn't have trouble leaving his dead body, if they had killed him."
Mallory flinched at his casualness. How could he talk about someone like that, let alone her brother? Maybe, cop's are like that. But what he was saying made sense.
"So, you are saying that it's a warning or something?" Mallory said with now dried tears.
"Yeah. I guess. Why didn't you call 911?" He asked.
Mallory shrugged.
Just then her phone rang. It was Stacy. She immediately picked it up.
"Hello. Melly. Melly, what happened? Is everything alright? Is mom okay? You left so many messages. Say something, I am getting worried."
The relief she felt almost knocked her balance. Jake was alright. He was okay. Once, again tears welled up in her eyes, only this time relief accompanied them.
"Jake..." Her voice was a hoarse whisper. "It's Jake." She informed her mother who was on the verge of a mental breakdown.
"Mallory Millington, say something for God's sake!"
"Are you okay?"
"Of course. What happened to me?"
"Yeah, I am sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I was just missing you." She said quickly.
"You think I can't tell when you are lying?"
"No, seriously, Jake. Everything's good. Especially now, since you called." She smiled. "Here, talk to mom." She gave her phone to her mother who walked towards the living room.
Then she turned towards the cop.
"What are you thinking?" She said as she saw him looking at the photos in his hand.
"They chose a guy with same body type, hair and Jake's shirt for a reason." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Yeah, they are trying to warn me or something?"
"Mallory, it's dangerous."
"What?" She crooked her eyebrow.
"What you are trying to do." He said simply.
"And what about them? It's okay if they send someone to keep a watch on me and plot revenge against me? It's okay if they take me again and torture me? But, I should be afraid. Why? Because truth is dangerous?" She said raising her hands upwards in the air.
I am fed up of that word. Dangerous. She wanted to say but didn't.
"What do you mean they are keeping a watch and plotting revenge?" He said, his eyes widening.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Mallory bit her lip.
"Tell me!" The sheriff screeched.
"It was Marko. He was following me everywhere." She said, then quickly added, "I recognised him because of that picture you gave me."
"Oh." He nodded.
She sighed, a sigh of relief.
"What about revenge? How do you know about that?"
"It's just uhh...my theory." She muttered. "That they are plotting something. They must be, right? Those text messages I told you about, and now this. It's all planned, I guess?" She rambled.
"Hmm. That's true." He said and looked at the girl intently. She shuffled under his gaze and looked down. "Mallory." He kept a hand on her shoulder. "Are you doing something you shouldn't be?" He said seriously.
"Sheriff, did you even hear yourself?" She said smirking.
He smiled. "Fine. If you don't wanna tell me. Just be safe."
She nodded. "So, now you will go down to the station to begin the investigation?"
"I don't think, we need an investigation." He said. "We already know who did it."
"What about the man in those pictures? What if he is hurt?" Or dead. She mentally added.
"Look." He gave her a picture from the pile.
And then she saw it. In one of the pictures, his complete arm was visible. Maybe, it was accidental or maybe intentional, they didn't know. But, on his wrist a tattoo was clearly visible. A tattoo of an eagle with wings spread wide apart.
"He is one of 'The Beasts'?" She said dumbfounded.
"Uh-huh." The sheriff nodded. "And they won't hurt their own kind. So, it's staged."
"Oh." She said.
"But, I need someone to take the sample of the blood." He said.
"Okay." She said. "I am going to my room."
And with that she made her way upstairs. Suddenly, she felt tired, drained. For the first time, in almost two months, she felt like going back to where she came from. She wanted to take her mother's advice and leave Delvinshire. But, as soon as she reached her room to see the photo frames of her best friend staring at her, she was ashamed.
She was doing it for her. For Emily. And she would take any more number of stalkers and bloodied photos, if it meant Emily would get justice at the end. After what she did to her best friend, she owed her that much. Hell, she owed her dead best friend, her entire life!
She laid back on the bed, thinking how she got stuck into all the mess. Finally, the tiredness of entire day took toll on her as her eyes drooped, only to bring nightmares. Dreams where she was stuck in a wardrobe, which later became a red room. Dreams where she was being chased. Dreams where gunned men were breaking into the house.
Somewhere, in the middle of the night, when even the nightmares were tired off haunting her, she fell to a dreamless sleep. And she slept like a baby after a long long time.
• • •
The next day, her body was aching. Her throat was dry and hoarse from all the crying. Nausea hit her as the contents of previous night rushed into her mind. She felt heat shoot through her entire body. And it wasn't a pleasant feeling. She lingered in the bed a little longer than usual feeling a bit feverish.
About an hour later, she sat on the breakfast table, gulping down orange juice and the sandwiches her mother made. She saw the time, and cursed under her breath. Ben was late.
She picked up the keys to her brother's car and drove towards the school where Ben's car was already parked. She immediately ran inside the building, scanning the corridor for her good-for-nothing best friend.
"Benjamin Jones!" She said making her way towards one end of the corridor.
"Mallory!" He said beaming.
"Why did you ditch me?" She narrowed her eyes.
"I...well...uh...kinda forgot you." He said looking down.
"You forgot me?" She said, her eyes widened as she gave him an exaggerated horrified expression.
"I was picking up Sarah and I..." He trailed off.
"Sarah." Mallory said scrunching up her nose. "I used to like that girl, you know."
"She is nice."
"Of course she is." She smirked. "Though, I don't really appreciate people forgetting me. Okay?" She narrowed her eyes. "If you do that again, I will find myself a boyfriend."
"Is that supposed to be a warning?" He giggled.
"Whatever you think." She winked.
"Like you will ever get a boyfriend? You are a testosterone charged guy, remember?" He smirked.
She pulled out her tongue. "You are a meanie."
"The best you could do is hang out with that Andrew of yours." He said scrunching up her nose. "What is even going on with you guys?"
"He is my friend. A very very very nice friend." She said, emphasizing 'nice'.
"Do I sense my potential competitor?" He said in mock horror.
"Maybe. Maybe not." She said playfully. "Maybe, I already replaced you with a more hotter version, who by the way is a wonderful listener." She winked.
"Of course he is. People who cannot speak are generally good listeners." He pulled out his tongue. "He is just another dumbass. You will get over him soon." He said smugly. "While I am long lasting."
"Hey! Don't call him dumbass!" She said almost reflexively. Did I just defend him? She thought in disbelief.
"Alright. Alright." Ben raised his arms. "Just don't hit me for saying this."
"This..." He said and cleared his throat. "Mallory likes Andrew. Mallory likes Andrew..." He said in a sing song voice, imitating her from the previous day.
"I think what you mean is this..." She smirked. "Ben loves Sarah. Ben loves Sarah..."
"No I mean, Mallory loves Andrew. Mallory loves Andrew..."
And they continued like that till there was a tap on her shoulder.
"Mallory." Andrew said.
She turned around and could feel her face flushing. "Umm hi!" She whispered.
"I will see you later." Ben walked past her giving her a knowing smile.
She narrowed her eyes at him and nodded. "Never mind him. He's dumb." She told Andrew.
He shrugged.
"So, what's up?" She asked him. "How did the great Andrew no-last-name decided to come to me?" She said over dramatically.
"I came..."
"Wait!" She cut him off. "What's your last name?" She said clapping her hands. "I don't know it."
"Does it matter?" He said, clearly annoyed.
"Yes it does." She replied enthusiastically.
"I don't have one."
"How can you not have a last name?" She raised her eyebrow.
"Because I don't." He said glaring.
"I bet it's something embarrassing. Isn't it?" She said. "Something like
Andrew Nutters? Daft? Dungworth? Cockcett? Bells?"
"Wow. Bells suits you. Tell me your real last name or I will start calling you Andrew Bells." She smirked.
"I. Do. Not. Have. A. Last. Name." He hissed.
"Well, in that case, let's give you one." She winked. "From today, you would be called 'Andrew Bells'. Audience claps here." She said dramatically.
He rolled his eyes.
"So, Mr. Bells, why did you come to me at the first place?" She beamed.
"For tonight, you are supposed to wear this." He gave her a brown package.
"And that is...?"
"A dress."
"Oh my god." She batted her eyelashes. "You got me a dress. Wow. Thanks." She pretended to wipe off a tear.
Andrew rolled his eyes at her dramatic reaction. "Don't flatter yourself. It's a loan."
"This is a one of kind dress, designed by a famous fashion designer. And unless you plan to pay a fortune, make sure it doesn't have as much as a wrinkle."
She scoffed. "How did you get it, if it's that expensive?"
"Contacts." He muttered.
"Why can't I wear my own clothes?"
"Because knowing you, you would probably end up in a sweatshirt." He said coolly.
"You think I would do that?" She asked, amused.
"I don't know what you are capable of." He said crossing his arms.
"You...you...are...such...a..." She stomped her feet.
"All I have seen you wear is sweatshirts and button-down shirts." He said. "And tonight's not the night when I am risking it."
"Whatever." She pulled out her tongue.
"Get ready by 7 and meet me at my place."
"When would we be back?"
"I don't know." He shrugged.
"You are evil. And you should know it." She told him almost childishly.
"Yeah, I know." He said.
The bell rang ending their rendezvous.
"I gotta go." He said.
"Me too." She said. "See you around."
"Hmm." He nodded.
They turned around and separated there ways when he suddenly said, "And Mallory..."
She turned around and yelled, "What?"
He looked at her for a second then shook his head. "Uh...nothing."
And with that he was gone.
VOTE. If you think this chapter was up to mark. :)
Yep. It's an early update. :P Maybe, you would get another soon.
Now, what do you think of this chapter? Do you like Andrew's new name? ;) :P
Feel free to leave a comment. I won't eat you alive. No promises though. :D
May god bless you all.
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