01. The Dear Departed
A/N: While the first few chapters have been edited, you might find some minor errors and/or typos in the subsequent chapters. I'll edit them as soon as I get some time. Please feel free to point them out if you want. (:
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Chapter 1 | The Dear Departed
"Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is, a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. And a rock with a birthday carved into it."
-Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries
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Losing someone you love, hurts a lot. Whether the person dies, stops talking to you or leaves town on his own accord without as much as a goodbye, it still hurts. It breaks you. For a while you mourn and wail. You quit eating and drinking thinking how it was entirely your fault.
And then during this mental turmoil you are suddenly hit by the realization that crying or wailing, sobbing or starving won't bring them back. This great revelation marks the beginning of a long journey called 'moving on'. For some it takes days. For others, years.
As Mallory pushed the iron gate of the cemetery open, she cringed at the sharp sound. It had been three years since she last visited the place and even after all the time, it seemed as if not even a blade of grass was out of its place. The dead lay there in peace, undisturbed by the chaotic lives of the living.
Light breeze blew around, her brunette hair fluttering. The sky above had turned to a dull shade of grey, as if mirroring the grief she felt in her heart. The wet grass crunched under her feet as her shaking legs carried her towards the gravestone.
She was stuck in a dilemma as she wanted nothing more than to turn around and sprint back from where she came. But at the same time, she couldn't bring herself to do something so cowardly. She couldn't, she wouldn't run away. Not this time, she wouldn't. With a renewed sense of determination and with uncontrollable tears rolling down her cheeks she finally made her way towards her destination.
Here lies a loving daughter and a dear friend. May her memory be eternal.
Mallory's eyes scrutinized the epitaph of her best friend's grave. A wave of guilt washed over her. It took only moments for it to engulf her completely, to open up her wounds as an unsettling feeling found its way to the pit of her stomach. It was her fault that Emily was dead. She killed her. And even when her best friend laid six feet below her, she was going on with her life, a life she didn't deserve.
Tears continued to flow out of her eyes as she brushed them off, almost desperately. It was futile for if tears could give life, Emily would have lived forever.
"Emily, I am back. How have you been?" Mallory asked. She almost sought an answer. But of course, nothing but silence answered her words. She shook her head, feeling exhausted all of a sudden as she gently kept the bouquet of tulips near her friend's grave. She gazed at the blue flowers for a moment too long as she could almost hear Emily's voice. It was like faint whisper reverberating in her ears.
She sighed because she knew that she could never hear her voice again. She was gone. Her best friend was gone, forever. She sat there for a few more minutes reminiscing the times she spent with her, reliving the beautiful memories.
"I hope you rest in peace, Emily," she said out loud as she got up from her place.
Whilst she left the dead to be, she gave one last longing look to the place where her best friend laid. The epitaph inscription was etched into her mind.
May her memory be eternal.
And eternal it would be, to that she vowed and with a sad smile, she left.
• • •
"You have been crying. Haven't you?" Eva asked her daughter as soon as the latter entered the house. "You went to see Emily's grave?" she concluded with a sigh. "I told you before we came back to Delvinshire; I told you this would happen. You need to forget about the past. Stop blaming yourself and move on."
Mallory cringed at the words 'move on'. It was all she was told ever since the incident. Even her own mother who seemed to understand her the most, was guilty of doing it. Although, Mallory knew she said it with good intentions but she was unbeknown of the pain those simple words inflicted. They seemed to trivialise the memory of her best friend, something she thoroughly hated.
Mallory shrugged under her mother's disapproving gaze, "I am gonna go get ready for school."
Her mother nodded as she gave her a sympathetic look, eyes mirroring the pity she felt.
Mallory wiped her eyes for the remaining traces of tears and started climbing up the stairs. When she had made her way to her room, she was in for a shock as the door was locked from the inside.
She groaned as the quiet of the house was disturbed by the loud sound of her music system. She realized what was happening and so she began pounding on the door while simultaneously yelling over the noise, "Jake, open the damn door and get out, right NOW!"
"What are you saying? I can't hear you!" He responded loudly.
"Then, reduce the volume, dumbass!"
After a couple of seconds, he did comply and then she heard his voice again, "You know I just love your soft bed and your television and your music system. Oh! How did you get the better room?"
Suddenly the door of the room opened, revealing the annoyingly familiar face of her elder brother. "Can I borrow your music system? Please? Please. Please," Jacob Millington said in a sickly sweet voice, mustering up an innocent expression. "Please Smelly-Melly."
"No," Mallory said firmly, crossing her hands over her chest.
"Please. Please. Please. Please. Pleeeeeease..." He chanted continuously.
"Okay. Okay. Just cut it out!" She said narrowing her eyes at him.
Jake raised his hands in surrender.
"If I say yes, then you will not enter my room without my permission. Deal?" Mallory demanded.
"Yes. It's totally completely fully justifiable demand and I'll comply immediately, like from right this moment!" Her brother said over-excitedly.
She smirked at his exaggerated reaction as she uttered her next words, "And you will have to take all my laundry turns for next two weeks."
"I feel so violated. Miss Mallory Millington, you are taking advantage of the situation! I am hurt," he said dramatically.
"Fine, the deal is off then. Toodles!" She said and pushed him aside to enter her room.
"No, wait. I'll do it." He said sourly. "I'll do your laundry."
"Smart choice, I see." She grinned "And finally you won't call me Smelly Melly," she added, trying to make the best out of the opportunity.
"For a week?" He said with a raised eyebrow.
"No, for ever!"
"That," he said, "is never gonna happen."
She narrowed her eyes. "Fine, then you would buy me chocolates for an entire month."
He thought over this and muttered, "Even though I think your demands are a bit unreasonable but since I am a wonderful brother, you got yourself a deal."
"Sounds fair to me," she said proudly.
"So, now if you'll excuse me, I gotta find a nice spot for my new music player," he said making his way out of the room.
"Whatever," Mallory rolled her eyes at her brother's childishness.
Now, finally in her room, she felt the familiar smell of potpourri hit her nostrils and immediately her body relaxed. After a hot shower had wiped away the reminiscent tears, she was ready to face the new day. Without paying much attention, she picked up the first thing her eyes landed on; a simple yellow button-down shirt and a pair of black jeans with white sneakers. She tied her brunette hair in a ponytail as she examined herself in the mirror.
She almost considered applying some makeup to cover up the freckled skin of her face but decided against it. Looks ceased to matter to her a long time ago and she liked it that way. She gave a side way glance to the shirt which appeared slightly stretched at her belly. She took a mental note to start going out for early morning jogs and finally after one last look she was making her way downstairs.
"You better finish all of it before you set a foot outside," her mother said in a warning tone, slipping her a plate of pancakes and toast. "I'll go get ready for my shift."
Eva Millington worked as a trauma surgeon at the local hospital. At the age of forty four, she was an attractive woman with her red hair complementing her pale skin. Even though she wasn't Mallory's real mother, but she still loved her as her own child, if not more. For Mallory, she was her role model, an independent woman who raised both of her children alone.
"Go get the maple syrup and butter from the kitchen counter," she said turning back.
Mallory didn't need to be told twice. She gave her mother a grateful look as her eyes raked the food hungrily. She immediately grabbed the syrup bottle and the butter and sat at the table. She picked up a piece of toast and began buttering it when it was snatched away from her hand by his brother.
Jake smirked as she glared at her scantily clad brother who was wearing nothing but his boxers.
"Ugh...Go put on some clothes, you ogre!" She screeched at him, scrunching her nose as she covered her eyes with her greasy hands.
"Why so grumpy, Grandma? Let the world enjoy my beauty!" He winked as he poked his abs.
Realizing he wouldn't oblige, she uncovered her eyes glaring at him, "Beauty? You call this," she motioned towards his torso, "beauty? Whatever helps you sleep at night, big brother."
Although she did make fun of him, she knew it wasn't true. With his dark hair and handsome features, her brother was quite a charmer. But Mallory, like any other sister, would die before accepting it out loud.
Jacob Millington, a health freak, have had years of exercise ensuring him a well-toned body. He stood at a galling five feet twelve and never ceased to impress the ladies with his sense of humor. But for Mallory he had always been her annoying elder brother who was probably the most disgusting guy to ever walk on the earth.
"You don't think I'm hot?" He queried, pouting; his face bore a faux hurt expression.
"I am your sister for god's sake! And seeing my brother half-naked at the breakfast table is nothing but the definition of gross." Mallory made a sour face. "G-R-O-S-S."
"I am hurt. I am so very hurt. And this excruciating pain in my heart would always remind me of your betrayal, little one," he muttered melodramatically clutching his heart, "But for now, I'll pretend that I am okay. Because you are my baby sister who doesn't know what she is talking about."
Mallory sneered at him and soon after she finished her breakfast and got up. Once her dishes were done and wiped, she picked up her school bag and made her way to where her brother was sitting. She smacked the back of his head with her satchel.
"Ouch! What was that for?" He demanded, feeling offended.
"For displaying your disgusting..." She smacked him again "...body while..."-smack- "...your sister is having..." -smack- "..breakfast." And with one last hit Mallory dashed for the door before her brother could catch her.
"Hey, how dare you call my body disgusti -- " her brother started, but she was already out of the door.
She rolled her eyes at the nuisance his brother was sometimes. For someone outside of her family, it would be hard to believe that Jacob Millington was capable of maturity. But Mallory had seen it all. She had seen her brother's most lucid and playful side and his ruminative side. She knew that he was more thoughtful, more mature, much more concerned than he let on. He could hide his emotions well, he was capable of smiling for others even when he didn't want to and that was one of the things she admired the most about him.
As a gust of wind swept across her face, the thoughts of her brother evaporated. With an unsettling feeling of fear, she realized that she had already reached her destination. Her stomach twisted as she saw the looming building marked 'Delvinshire High School'.
It had been three years since she last went to her school, three years of homeschooling, three years of her classmates believing her to be dead, and now after such a long time she was back at the familiar old building. Closing her eyes, she said a quick prayer to whoever was listening. Then she laughed out loud at her unreasonable fears. With the things she had witnessed in past three years, what lay before her seemed insignificant and yet she found herself worrying.
She inhaled a deep breath, organizing the pandemonium in her mind as she took small steps headed to the place she once loved. Something told her that it was gonna be a long, long day.
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Hi again,
So what do you think? I know this chapter isn't very eventful, but I basically wanted you people to have a little background before diving into the story.
So that being said, do you like Jake? If you have an elder brother, then most probably you can relate? What about their relationship? And what do you think about Mallory? Do you like the dynamic she has with her brother or does it seem hollow?
Also, I tried to make Mallory's appearance as normal as possible. She is just an average girl without the hourglass figure and the perfect skin and what not. I can only hope that you people like that approach. Because I personally cannot relate to the perfect female protagonist.
So how was the chapter? Are you intrigued enough to read ahead?
Feel free to leave a comment. Like I say, I don't (generally) bite. ;) xD
See you soon. :)
Thank You.
-Ridhima ☺
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