I also don't know why that is the title. Maybe I'm just thinking about them since LexiLou04 got some.
Today I got my second piercings!!! Yay!
It hurt a lot more than I remember, but who cares?
My first piercings didn't really hurt, probably because I was bracing myself for it to hurt a lot but then it didn't. So then when I got these I wasn't expecting the pain.
I'm just a bit annoyed that I had to pay $20 for tiny little earrings, they were the cheapest and we all know me. Also, on my right ear I have a little mole (or freckle) so it kinda looks weird, but mostly from the front.
I also got new church shoes (my mom paid for those).
And my mom bought me a really cool book, we went into a book store at the mall and I almost died in nerd heaven. I almost had to run out before I spent all my money.
Here are some pictures,
My piercings,
My book, (the cover has holo on it!!! I'm dying of happiness!)
My shoes,
Also, socks are killing it.
I just want you guys to know, that when I show you pictures of things that I have gotten its not meant to be showing off, I just like showing people things so that they can share in my excitement (though I might have been showing off my socks, but who wouldn't want emoji socks???).
That was mostly all that has happened to me today, I hope you all had a good day as well!!!
Goodbye fair people!
-Kirsteni the first🙌🙌🙌
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