I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My dad was standing in my driveway right-fucking-now. "What the hell are you doing here?"
He put his hands in his pockets, something he always did when he was uncomfortable. "I, uh, came to talk to you about something important."
"You need to leave."
"Look, son-"
"Do not call me that." That was it. I charged off the porch and nearly got in his face when Gabby got between us.
"Hayden, don't do this. You know what's at risk."
My father looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"
"I don't think that's any of your business, Dad." Gabby was right. I needed to be careful and back off. I couldn't get into more trouble with the courts. I was just so livid I didn't know how to back-off."
My father looked at Gabby and said, "I'm glad you're alright. I heard what happened."
Gabby took a breath to say something when I interrupted, "How dare you speak to her! After all the horrible things you said about her? I don't want you here."
My dad let out a long breath before walking back to his car. Gabby still blocked my path and wouldn't let me by.
"Hayden," my dad said. "Please meet me tomorrow. John's Diner, at noon. I really need to speak with you."
I didn't say anything as he finally got in his truck and left. I stared for awhile at the path he drove.
Gabby cupped my face in both of her hands. "Hayden, can you hear me? Are you okay?"
"Gabby, I-"
"Hayden," my mom called from the doorway. "Is something wrong?"
I tried to pretend that everything was fine. "Everything's cool, Mom. We'll be right in."
My mom went back inside, and I looked back at Gabby, the gold necklace hanging around her neck catching my eye. "You, know, that necklace looks beautiful on you."
"Thank you." She had a concerned look on her face at my change of subject.
"I'm okay. Let's go inside and finish our night. We'll talk about this later." I took her hand and led her inside. I didn't want to ruin the rest of it. We got to the door and I looked at the now empty driveway again.
What the hell was he doing here?
It was now twelve-thirty the next day and I was waiting at John's Dinner, like my father asked. He still hasn't shown up. Gabby came back over last night after she took Alex home, and we talked for a while.
She wanted to know what my father said about her, but I was able to side-step that. For now, at least. She convinced me to at least come hear him out.
I didn't know what to expect. I also didn't know if I could forgive him for all the shit he's pulled. I was about to leave when he finally walked into the diner. He spotted me immediately and sat down across from me.
"Thank you, for coming."
"I'm here, what do you want?"
He crossed his arms over his chest. "I've heard what's been going on. With your court situation."
"Yeah? I bet Roy or Coach called you, huh?"
He looked away and didn't deny it. "Well, it's being taken care of. Nothing for you to worry about."
"Of course, I'm worried. I don't want you to end up in jail. I never wanted that."
This fucking guy. "Aw, thanks, Dad. Oh, and thanks for visiting me when I was in jail, by the way."
He wouldn't look at me. Clearly embarrassed that he never came to visit. When he remained silent, I asked, "What do you want, Dad?"
"Listen, if we can get this whole court mess put behind you, there's still a chance."
I knew I was going to regret asking my next question. "Still a chance for what?"
"Your football scholarship. I spoke to some of the scouts and they really want you, Hayden. Even after that State Championship fiasco."
I gripped the table to try to control myself. "Fiasco? My girlfriend almost died that night! What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Hayden, I know you think this girl is important, but there are so many other things you should be concerned about right now. You wouldn't have been put in this mess if it wasn't for-"
"For her? Really, Dad? Because, according to my memory, you started planning out my whole life since I was three. I was living the life you wanted, not the one I wanted." I was fuming.
"I don't know why I started seeing and feeling things differently at the start of the year. But, meeting Gabby, was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm in this mess because I punched Roy. Twice. Because he was a piece of shit who put his hands on someone."
My father went to say something, and I got to my feet. "Dad, look, I'm sorry I didn't fulfill your football dream. But, it's my life. I'm going to live it how I want. I'll figure out what my own dream is, and I'll make sure it comes true. With Gabby by my side."
I turned and left the diner, knowing good and well my dad was shocked by my words. He wasn't expecting me to put him in his place like that. But, he deserved it. I got in my car and started driving back home.
I pulled out my phone and sent Brad a text asking for the first available appointment with the lawyer. This court mess needed to be figured out immediately.
Two Weeks Later
Brad, Gabby and I were pacing in my kitchen, waiting for the lawyer. It had been two weeks since Christmas. I haven't spoken to my dad since that night, and I didn't tell my mom he came by either.
I still can't believe he showed his face to talk about football. He'll never understand that I need to follow my own dreams. One of those dreams was pacing next to me.
Gabby spent a lot of winter break with me. We went to movies, dinner, or just hung out. It was the best two weeks of my life, honestly, which made me worry. It wasn't Gabby. I would love to think she's getting better and starting to be happy after everything with her dad, but I can tell she's hiding something.
The spring semester started back up a few days ago and I had been dreading seeing anyone. There was going to be rumors, questions, and looks. I was also dreading seeing Roy. Luckily, he hasn't been to school. I didn't care why and just tried to make it through each day.
My relationship with Gabby wasn't a secret anymore. Everyone knew about us. Well, it was hard not to since we basically ate lunch together, walked in the halls together, and packed on PDA whenever we could.
The sound of the front door opening drew our attention. The lawyer came in with an optimistic look on his face. That's a good sign.
"Hello, everyone," he said as he sat his briefcase on the counter. "Let's get started."
He met my stare as he said, "Hayden, Brad here gave me some information awhile back that I passed along to my private investigator."
I glanced from Brad to the lawyer. "What kind of information?"
"Well, Brad told me what happened previously with Roy Jeffries. We looked into this and now, we got something."
Gabby squeezed my hand, she was probably freaking out as much as I was. "Something good, I hope?"
The lawyer smiled before continuing, "We were able to acquire two witnesses who allegedly were present when Roy Jeffries pushed Alex Adamson into that lake, and when he assaulted Ms. Adamson here. With their testimony, and Ms. Adamsons' if needed, it's enough."
"Wait, they pushed him? I thought he jumped." I said as my head started pounding.
I loomed to Gabby and she shook her head at me. She was just as surprised as I was. "Alex didn't remember what happened. We had no idea."
My mind was spinning. Who were the witnesses? What did this mean? Then, I remembered what the lawyer said. "Wait, enough for what?"
"I went to the D.A. and with this new evidence, looks like you are off the hook, son."
We stood there dumbstruck, not believing what we were hearing. "Who were the witnesses?"
The lawyer looked over the paper, searching for the names. "Let's see...Luke Jones and James Davis."
Luke and Jimmy? Really? They were the ones who beat my ass for defending Gabby and put me in the hospital. "They were willing to come forward?"
"Seems like they held a grudge against Mr. Jeffries. After all that mess happened, they got kicked off the team. Since Roy wasn't punished, they were more than willing to hang him out to dry. It also helped that there were a few bystanders at both scenes who corroborated this."
There it was. The little win that I needed. I looked at Gabby, and she had the biggest smile on her face and tears in her eyes. "I'm free," I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
She let out a small laugh. "You're free, Golden Boy."
I crushed her to me in an embrace, spinning her around the kitchen. It felt like I was holding my breath ever since I got arrested.
Brad laughed, clearly enjoying this. "Told you we got this."
I put Gabby down and turned to...my brother. I hugged him, not caring about our 'no hug' rule. "Thank you, bro," I said, my voice full of emotion. "I couldn't have done this without you."
Brad clapped me on the back. "Anytime."
We released and the lawyer cleared his throat. "Hayden, there's one more thing."
Fuck. What now?
The lawyer looked at each of us before settling back on me. "Roy Jeffries has been expelled from school. Due to the restraining order I took out on him. He cannot step within 50ft. of you, Miss. Adamson or Mr. Adamson." He grabbed his briefcase and I reached out to shake his hand. "Thank you, sir. You have no idea what this means for me."
He smiled and glanced at Gabby before looking back me. "Oh, son. I think I do. Now, take care and stay out of trouble."
"Yes, sir." I said, watching him leave.
I looked to Gabby, who had an expression on her face that nearly broke my heart. I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to me. With my free hand I cupped her face, needed to feel as much of her as I could.
"I love you, Gabby."
She reached up and traced the my lips with her fingers. "I love you, too, Hayden."
As I leaned down to kiss her, we were interrupted, yet again, by the sound of the front door opening.
My mom walked inside, surprised to see us there since it was a school day. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?"
"Mom," I said, excited to share this news with her. "I have something to tell you."
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