Part 36
"thank god I'm starving" I said louder than I thought, I ran over to the cart only to be intercepted by Evan, reminding me that he was a lot quicker than I was. He swatted my hand away leaving a stinging sensation across the back of my hand.
"Guests first" Evan smirked, I will admit I did feel a twinge of embarrassment at being brought up on my manners, or lack of. but mostly I was a little stunned that Evan had done it like that, I moved to the side so that he could get to the plates of food for Tyler and Mini and take it over to them but I kept my eyes on Evan, I was going to have words with him later about that slap. before I realized it he was handing me my plate of food and heading back to sit on the couch.
"you know you're going to pay for that later right?" I grumbled as I sat next to him. The calm indifference he was projecting made me realize he felt like he'd fucked up.
"oh yeah" he answered almost before I'd finished talking, he knew that what he'd just done would only make me torture him even more the next time I got him alone.
On the other side of the room mini and Tyler where chuckling to themselves, I had no doubt they were imagining all sorts of things but instead of saying something they focused on their food, which to be honest I was glad about. I was still too tired to try and concentrate on more than one thing at a time, and my stomach was demanding I concentrated on the food first. We all sat in silence while we ate, I must have eaten at least 90% of my food before I looked over at Evan who was staring with his mouth open and his face was slightly flushed with color. Why was he getting so flustered?
Looking in the direction he was I saw Mini with half the sausage from his breakfast in his mouth as he kept eye contact with Tyler. It took me a moment to recover from the shock of seeing it, I nudged Evan to get him to stop staring while I shoved some food into my mouth to try and get control of the rumbling of jealousy that was rolling around in the pit of my stomach, I wasn't jealous of Tyler or Mini it was the response they had gotten from Evan that was getting me a little riled up.
"Do you mind I'm eating"I grumbled around the mouthful of food I was working through.
"Sup Delirious you jealous of Mini's wiener?" Tyler chuckled making me feel like I was a little bit of an asshole.
"No...but my boyfriend might want a bite of it" I don't know why I said it, it just seemed to happen without my consent, I knew Evan would realize I was having issues with how he'd acted and I was hoping he wouldn't get irritated because of it.
"Yeah he's jealous" Evan sounded like he found it mildly amusing and when I looked over at him he even smirked leaving me feeling confused instead of jealous.
"Why is everyone after my wiener?" Mini whined waving his fork and sausage around "it's mine"
Tyler reached over and wrapped his fingers around Mini's hand so that he couldn't let go of the fork with the food unless Tyler let go of him first. As I watched I was vaguely aware that I shouldn't be watching this, Tyler pulled Mini's hand up to him and then devoured what was left of the sausage, all the while keeping his eyes locked to Mini's. Mini looked like he was running through several feelings all at once, he looked stunned, turned on and embarrassed. I could sympathize with the poor guy, I think I'd have the same expression if Evan claimed me like that in front of others.
"or naw" Mini mumbled as he looked down chewing his lip. These two are adorable together. Both Evan and I must have been staring because Tyler was scowling at us while he finished his mouthful of food.
"What?" he sounded like he was almost challenging us.
"That was the loudest...silent...way of saying MINE I have ever seen" I chuckled, noticing that Evan was staring with his mouth open, the blush on his cheeks made me feel a prickle of jealousy again, reaching over I gave him a light slap around the back of the head to snap him out of his aroused stupor "you can stop thinking about that anytime now Ev'"
"So...who's in charge a the moment out of you two...I know Delirious said you were usually in charge Ev' but at the moment is like neither of you is in charge" Tyler smirked probably thinking he was going to insult one of us enough to reacting and giving away who was bottom. I ran my tongue over my teeth as I looked over at Evan, he'd obviously had the same thought because he smirked at me before returning his attention back to his food.
"Um...."Evan cleared his throat "So are you and Mini dating now?" he croaked in an attempt to change the subject.
"Or age you just fucking each other" I added hoping to do what Tyler had tried and shock the two of them into giving something away.
"Well...he called off the wedding a couple of hours ago" Tyler sighed, getting to his feet and putting his plate up. as he turned back Mini passed him his own plate obviously expecting Tyler to do it for him.
"Aw, are we dating Tyler?" Mini sounded almost innocent.
"Yup...why do you want to put the wedding back on?"Tyler asked, for a moment I thought there was a bit of hope in Tyler's voice, almost like he was testing Mini's reaction but it was far too early in their relationship to be thinking about that.
Mini just started chuckling and looked smug "play your cards right big guy" he hiccupped and smirked at Tyler, I found myself wondering if these guys where getting a little too into their relationship so early on and I'll admit it worried me a little.
"you can have Mrs Fong over there as your bridesmaid" Tyler gave me a shit eating grin as I started choking in my food, I could hear Evan also choking on his food. A prickle of irritation crawled up my spine, why did people think I was the female in the relationship? did they really see me as being the weakest of the group?
"Why am I the wife?" I grumbled still trying to stop myself coughing a lung up.
"See even they know you're the bitch in the relationship" Evan mumbled, for a second I couldn't believe he'd actually said something like that, especially when he knew how I felt about that label. It took me all of about three seconds to figure out that he was baiting me, he wanted me to get all dominant and aggressive with him...later. I took hold of his plate and took it back to the trolley so that we could settle for a little while and not have to worry about the mess.
"Fuck you!....your my bitch, bitch" for some reason I instantly played along, I'm guessing it was from the years of trying to throw everyone off the sent.
"Always" Evan coo'ed as he smirked at me "come here bitch" he chuckled as I joined him back on the couch and felt a curl of contentment as he curled up beside me again.
"you two want to be alone" Mini asked with a knowing smirk. His attention quickly shifted to Tyler as he sat back down and wrapped an arm around Mini.
"Oh we've got all day so unless you guys want to head back to your room to bump ugly's you're welcome to stay for a while" I chuckled wondering how comfortable those two were going to get in our company.
"I have plans for him later but for the time being I'm happy just to chill with you's nice to just hang out and be able to touch him without getting shit for it" Tyler yawned hugging Mini like a tired kid hugging his teddy bear.
"this is the first time we've done this...well...Cartoonz knows we're together but he's never been with us like this" it was weird being like this in front of friends but even weirder talking about it.
"so you guys are making an exception for us?" Mini sounded a little surprised that they were the first people to see us like this.
"We talked about it before inviting you guys up...but we know we don't have to hide with you two so it feels normal to be like this with you guys here" Evan sounded kinda pleased as he spoke then looked up at me. I felt my heart skip from the look in his eyes, I can't believe I how lucky I am to have such a stunningly handsome boyfriend.
"So how did you two...get together...I mean for us it was just something that just seemed to happen...hormones and emotions took over and it just kinda took over" Tyler's voice kinda jolted me out of my thoughts and it took me a few moments to compose myself.
"that is a looooong story...we'll tell you another time" Evan answered as he looked up at me, I recognized the look in his eye, he was starting to worry about telling our friends about the abuse he'd been through.
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