Part 30
((ok I'm going to apologize in advance this might not ready that well, I'm back on some morphine based painkillers but I felt the need to update. please bare with me))
I took the flashlight and flicked the switch to test it out then turned it off almost instantly, had the feeling that he was trying to avoid the subject of a sleep over but decided to let it drop, the last thing I wanted to do was make him more uncomfortable that he seemed to be at the moment.
"so any idea how long this weather is going to last?...I'm going to assume I will be ok to head home on Sunday" I sighed changing the subject to try and distract him from his discomfort.
"Uh...well the blizzard should pass by morning but how long it'll take the snow plough to clear it is anyone's guess...they have priority area's and this little back road probably isn't high on the list" he huffed, the light from his phone suddenly lit up the room, I assumed he was texting family to let them know he was ok. He looked pretty uncomfortable and was fidgeting a lot, something was definitely bothering him and I wasn't convinced that it was because of having to share a bed with me for the night.
"'s's not like we're going to be sharing the same blanket...or naked"
"huh...oh...I know it's just been a really long time since I shared a bed with anyone...and that didn't turn out too well so..." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked back at his phone, I could see his features in the light and he looked like he was on the verge of freaking out as he typed out something.
"You're that bad in bed?" I chuckled, deciding that it might be best if I didn't let on that I was watching him. I mean we had known each other for about six months but we had only met face to face twice the last thing I wanted was to be seen as creepy.
"What?...No it was for...other reasons" he pulled a face and fidgeted before looking back at his phone.
"Alright"I sighed, obviously his sense of humor is bypassed at the moment "Seeing as there is nothing else to do and we can't go get food, should we just go to sleep?"
"huh?...oh uh...sure man take the torch and go get ready I've got to make a call" He mumbled and I could swear there was a tremble to the light which meant his hands where shaking. I didn't argue with him, I just grabbed my sweat pants and t-shirt that I used as pajamas's and headed for the bathroom with the torch. I stood the torch on it's end so that it shone on the ceiling while I got changed, which lit most of the room so that I didn't have to keep moving it. My mind constantly running though ways to try and get Evan to open up to me and tell me what's wrong, but I couldn't think of anything that didn't make me come across as being either clingy or an asshole. I was about to head back out into the room when I heard that he was still talking, I thought I would be nice and wait until he had finished his call before going out there...that was when I heard him pleading and apologizing with who ever was on the other end of the phone and explaining why he wasn't able to get home. I could feel my anger beginning to build, he shouldn't have to beg like that to anyone. I tried to calm myself before I did something I might regret, like storm in there rip the phone out of his hand and give the person on the other end ear ache. once I'd take a few deep breaths and gotten a hold of myself I opened the door and went back in the room. Evan only seemed to reply to the person on the other end of the phone with yes' or no's or as few words as possible, Eventually hanging up the phone and looking over at me.
"I'm guessing you heard some of that" he mumbled sounding embarrassed.
"yeah I heard...everything ok?"I bite the inside of my lip to stop myself from verbally attacking him to make him tell me what was going on.
"it will be...just some pissy people to deal with...broken promises and all that" He sounded normal but without the light from his phone showing me the look on his face I couldn't decide if he was lying to me.
"you can't control the weather dude" I mumbled as a yawn crept up on me "go get changed...if the powers off so's the heat it's going to get cold" I turned on the torch and dug out the spare sweat pants and t-shirt I'd used as packing for the Xbox. "here you can use these...I used them so the Xbox wouldn't get damaged in transit" I left the torch on and lay it in the middle of the clothes as I held them out for him to take.
"uh...thanks but I'll be fine"
"Ev' go get changed it'll be more comfortable than wearing tight ass jeans"
he sighed and took the clothes as he headed to the bathroom, while I waited I spent the time layering the blankets on both sides of the bed. Evan was obviously not keen on sharing a bed but at least I could make him a little more comfortable by making sure he had his own set of blankets and not share them with me, I mean the extra body warmth would be nice on a cold night like tonight but I wasn't going to force it.
Eventually Evan re-emerged from the bathroom and put the torch on the bed side table, we both crawled under the blankets and just lay staring at the ceiling while making small talk, I'm not sure how long we had been talking or what time it was but I fell asleep. I only realize that I had fallen asleep when I woke up and it was still pitch black in the room, I could hear movement and slowly proped myself up on my elbow while trying to rub some of the sleep out of my eyes. it took me a few moments to see Evan's outline against the slightly grey light from the window.
"You ok?" I mumbled sleepily
"huh...oh...yeah...sorry did I wake you?" he sounded apologetic and more than a little tired.
"you didn't...can't you sleep?" I yawned and rolled my head trying to figure out if I wanted to go to sleep or stay awake with this idiot.
"just not tired"he mumbled but his body betrayed him and made him yawn.
"liar...what's on your mind"
"I'm just not tired" he insisted but was still yawning
"really...your yawning your ass off and you've been acting weird since you realized you'd have to sleep in the same room as me...what aren't you telling me" I briefly wondered if he just didn't actually like me enough to relax in this kind of situation. He sighed loudly and I saw his shadow run it's hand through it's hair before moving back to the bed and sitting heavily on his side.
"I need you to promise you'll keep what I'm going to tell you between one else can know" he mumbled and shifted his weight on the bed.
"dude I'm not going to tell anyone"I yawned and pulled the blankets up over my shoulder to get warm again. "get under the blankets for fuck sake it's freezing"
"I'm fine" he sighed, there was a pause for a moment before he started talking as he gathered his courage to tell me what ever it was. "I have a sleep's kind of a Parasomnia but kind a not it's not sleep walking or anything but kind of is but I don't know I'm doing it..." he was rambling and my sleep riddled brain was stalling over the big words.
"a what?...slow down and explain like you would to a two year old" I yawned and heard him chuckled under his breath.
" I have a sleep's not sleepwalking but similar...kinda" he paused, obviously trying to find the right words.
"Ev' just tell me it's ok"
"you'll hate me" he whined, the sleep thing was starting to sound like it was going to be either dangerous or just plain weird.
"that's not going to happen...look if I don't get it or if I feel uncomfortable I'll ask questions till I understand better, I'm not going to freak out or laugh" I tried my best to reassure him but being as tired as I was I wasn't sure if I managed to actually do it.
"it's called sexomnia...and yes it is what you think it is but it's not what you think it is..." he was running his hands through his hair again, I could hear it in the silence of the room. "basically it's like I have a schizophrenic nocturnal of them is passive...the other...isn't" he cleared his throat and shifted his weight again.
"uh..ok...what do you mean by isn't" I had the feeling that the, isn't, was the reason he was acting so weird.
"My previous girlfriends have said that I've had sex with them in my sleep...and that I was kind of aggressive about it too"his voice was barely a whisper as he mumbled.
"Ev'...are you into guys or strictly hetro?" I asked pretty bluntly, which seemed to confuse him
"uh...I'm only interested in girls" he replied sounding like he was answering a trick question.
"and have you ever made a pass at a guy? either awake or asleep" I yawned and settled down under my blankets, enjoying their warmth.
"No...No one's ever said I've done anything to them"He mumbled still sounding unsure.
"then what the fuck is the problem, if you're only interested in women so will your nocturnal persona...what about your passive, what does that one do?"
"uh...just makes...noises and moves about a little"he sounded like he was relieved that I wasn't going to be an ass and make a big deal out of it.
"ok...hey Ev'"
"go to sleep you're worrying about nothing" I pulled my blankets up around my chin and closed my eyes ready to fall asleep again.
"just in case would you do something for me?"
" it"
"if my passive show's up just ignore me and go back to sleep, if it's the other guy...don't fight, apparently resistance makes him worse" he grumbled with embarrassment.
" come to bed you sexy beast" I yawned and chuckled. getting a chuckle of amusement from him as he lay down and pulled the blankets back over him.
I was woken a bit later, it must have been early morning because the darkness was now just a dark grey, I could make out the shapes of objects in the room. I wasn't sure what had woken me until I closed my eyes again and instantly heard a needy whimper from behind me. I felt all the hairs on the back of my neck prickle with pleasure, which confused the hell out of me, I had never felt pleasure from hearing the moans and whimpers of an aroused guy. I grabbed the torch off the bed side table and flicked it on, standing it on it's end so that it lit up the room. I rolled over to see if I could wake him up without being too much of an asshole. I was not prepared for what I saw, it was like being slapped in the face, I felt stunned I couldn't stop looking but at the same time felt pleasure, arousal, discomfort and embarrassment pulling my mind in different directions. Evan's t-shirt had ridden up under his arms and the blankets where pushed down to his hips showing off his well toned stomach, he was obviously having a very erotic dream and apparently he was really enjoying what the person in his dream was doing to him. His back would arch and his fingers would grasp at the blankets or the pillow over his head every movement was accompanied by the most deprived moan I had ever heard. Every moan was making my body react in ways it had never done towards a guy before, somewhere in the back of my mind I was beginning to freak out, I'm straight why am I getting a boner over a guy?
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