Part 3
I watched out of the corner of my eye as Cartoonz sat next to Evan, my plan was to sit on the other side of him just so that I could be close, but by the time I'd passed out the drinks Brock had settled himself in the spot I was going to take. I felt a twinge of disappointment and the now familiar jealousy, it was something that I'd been feeling a lot over the last few months, everyone other than myself had been going to LA and meeting up with Evan, so they had been organising dates, times and places to meet up when we had had recording sessions. Of course I had to be careful about how I reacted, a couple of our friends where hyper observant little fuckers so they would of picked up on anything if I had reacted any different than I usually did. Cartoonz had noticed before anyone else had, he called me on my cell so that I'd have an excuse to mute the skype call and take off my headset so that I couldn't hear anything, we organised to meet up and get coffee the following day so that I could get it all off my chest.
I sat next to Cartoonz and looked over at Evan who was deep in conversation with Brock, I quickly turned my attention to Cartoonz so that it didn't look like I was leering. The conversation rambled on for a couple of hours, I didn't really pay attention to any of them unless someone asked me a question or asked for my opinion, the days of driving was starting to catch up with me and I was zoning out of pretty much everything. I was forced back into the conversation with the aid of Cartoonz poking me in the side.
"You have to state what you think someone is, top or bottom and why you think that...the person you are talking about can't comment on what you have to we will go from left to right...and I will start" Nogla seemed to be pretty excited as he explained to Mini the rules of this particular game. "I think your bottom because you seem to always give in to the more dominant personalities of the group...Now you have to label Tyler"
This got my attention, we all knew Tyler was the Dominant type, even when he was following one of us around a map on a mission it always felt like he was just indulging us until we got him killed or ourselves in enough trouble that he had to step in to save us. What I was interested in was Mini's reaction to having to say it, I wanted to be sure those two where into each other before I played cupid.
"Top, ninety-nine, point, nine, nine, nine percent of the time" Mini was scowling at Nogla but there was a slight uncomfortable fidget as I watched him.
"Elaborate Mini those are the rules" Nogla seemed to be enjoying the awkwardness he was forcing on his bruised friend.
"oh's pretty obvious he's top do I have to give a reason?" There was a slight whine to Mini's tone that made me smile, the guy was trying very hard not to let his feelings show in front of his friends and was failing in a rather spectacular manner.
"Yes" we all chorused and I saw his cheeks darken a little as he fidgeted where he sat, he glanced sideways at Tyler as he began picking at the carpet. I quickly looked over at Evan while everyone was focused on Mini, Evan was frowning at Mini but his gaze slide over to meet mine, he seemed to be thinking the same thing as me and cocked one eyebrow before subtly indicating back at Mini. I nodded in confirmation, if I was a betting man I would have put money on the fact that Mini's mind was currently playing the in gutter and was finding it difficult to come up with reason's that didn't sound sexual.
"Because he takes control, organises everyone and everyone knows what they should be doing" he seemed to be forcing himself to speak slowly. I had to agree with what he said, other than Evan and Lui, Tyler was one of the only people that could get everyone to focus and get them organised when we were all screwing around. "ok so now it's Tyler's turn right?" Mini whined and made a deliberate effort to avoid everyone's gaze by getting a bottle off the dresser to refill his glass. Mini was definitely interested in Tyler but I got the impression that he wasn't aware that he was sending out signals that were coming across as an invitation. Tyler was picking up on those signals, you'd have to have to be blind not to, I wondered if he was as clueless as Mini about how they were reacting to each other.
"Top" I heard Tyler say and turned my attention back to the conversation " He plays he victim but he's always in control"
"Dayum...I thought my disguise was fool proof" Lui squeakered as he turned to face Brock, I realised that Brock was going to be describing Evan next and I knew that they would all see him as a top, even though he was really shy he knew what he wanted and when he was with people he knew he was pretty confident. But I was interested to see Evan's reaction when he heard his friends say that he was top, he could be very dominant when the mood took him and most of the time we would have to fight over who was top and who was bottom, but sometimes he wouldn't fight me and just let me take him over completely. I loved those nights, I could take my time and slowly turn my usually eloquent and highly intelligent boyfriend into a babbling idiot.
"I think Brock swings both ways...depends on who he's with...he takes control sometimes but then also steps back when other tops are around" Lui smirked as Brock started to blush and giggle to himself
"Uh...kind of obvious Evans top...but...*hiccup* I think if the right person got him in the right frame of mind he'd *hiccup* bottom" Brock finished speaking then held his breath as he watched Evan, along with everyone else in the group.
I bite my lip and tried to stop myself from joining in with the guys as they giggled, looking back at Evan I noticed that he was trying to look surprised at the idea but I knew him better, he was remembering those nights together and replaying it in his head. He turned at looked at Cartoonz, who was chuckling into his beer bottle.
"Top...I just don't think you have the vibe of someone who just hands over control to someone else" Evan sounded like he was stating a fact we all already knew.
Cartoonz nodded then turned to face me, he pulled a face then turned back to look at the guys "oh I got screwed on this can I put a label on him of you help me out here is he top or bottom?"
I was curious about what my friends thought of me but I was a little taken aback when they equally thought of me as both. my ear's instantly picked up Evan's voice saying I was top, if he was seeing me as Dominant then I might be able to get him into one of his submissive, give up without a fight moods. The only other people I heard was Mini and Tyler who both said I was a bottom, I hate being seeing as submissive so being labelled as a bottom irked me, I reminded myself that they were probably picking up on my eagerness to get laid.
"see what I mean its split even down the middle...he's both..." I could hear the smirk in Cartoonz voice and couldn't help but chuckle, he had effectively gotten the group to answer for him.
"Probably the insanity" I laughed and turned to look at Nogla "bottom...because you see me as top" I looked around the group and noticed that they all seemed to agree with me, I refilled my glass from a bottle in the middle of the group and looked over at Mini. I knew exactly what game we could play that would quickly descend into the gutter "hey Mini you said childish games right?"
"Yeah...what do you have in mind?" Mini looked over at me his expression was one of someone that was suspicious but curious.
"Oh god he's going to suggest truth or are aren't you?" Evan groaned, he knew exactly why I had suggested it, it wasn't just to try and get Tyler and Mini in some rather compromising positions it was a chance that I might get dared to do something to Evan. Although the danger was that either he or I would get dared to do something to someone else in our group, if I had to sit here and watch someone mauling my boyfriend I think someone might notice the death glare. I wondered if Evan would be able to look neutral about watching someone doing something to me or me doing something to someone else, and what effect it would have on how he'd act later.
I nodded and started laughing as I heard everyone groaning "Chickens...anyone would think you were scared of a few dares and telling the truth"
"I'm up for it" Mini hiccupped and frowned "Brock I've caught your hiccups take them *hiccup* back please" I felt a twinge of suspicion, did Mini know that at least one of his friends was planning to get him and Tyler in some kind of clinch.
"nooooo I just got rid of them" Moo laughed
"so are we playing" Tyler asked looking like he was trying not to smirk as he looked around the room at everyone. there was a low murmur of agreement as everyone started shifting and getting settled for what could turn out to be the most awkward part of the night.
"Alright...Tyler truth or dare?" Nogla started off, making me chuckle to myself, obviously I wasn't the only one thinking he and Mini were sweet on each other.
"Truth" Tyler looked sideways at Nogla as if he was already suspicious of what his intentions were.
"er...have you ever...kissed a man?"
I watched Tyler carefully as he leant forward on his knees, he was definitely considering if he should tell the truth or not.
"yes" he was looking at Nogla as if he was waiting for him to argue with him.
"And what? your question didn't ask for specifics and you can't keep quizzing me those are the rules" I had to laugh Tyler sounded smug and Nogla was pouting at not getting the information he wanted. I saw Cartoonz get to his feet out of the corner of my eye "Delirious truth or dare?" I heard Tyler ask just as I felt a slap around the back of my head which was Cartoonz way of telling me he couldn't get passed me.
"Ow!...don't blame me for your big feet" I chuckled as I scooted forward to let him passed.
"I don't...I blame you for your big ol' head" Cartoonz replied as he disappeared into the bathroom.
"Dare" I smirked as I looked back over at Tyler
"Kiss someone" His response was instant and I heard Evan clear his throat, I felt suddenly aware of everyone staring at me so I did the one thing I knew would confirm if my suspicions were true. I leant forward and kissed Mini right between his eyebrows, all the time keeping my eyes on Tyler. I saw the muscles in his jaw working and he was giving me a barely camouflaged death glare. He was definitely wanting to get his hands on Mini, but the question was, did he knew that he wanted to?
"you never said where, how or how long...ok now who will be my victim" I chuckled as I looked around my friends, Evan seemed to be struggling with hiding how jealous he was getting so I cleared my throat as I looked over at Lui and Brock then back to Evan, he was looking back at me now. "Evan Truth or dare?" I saw a frown flash on his face before he sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Oh gawd...uh...truth" He shot me a warning glance before I could ask a question letting me know I was on dangerous ground.
"Coward" I chuckled knowing I was going to pay for this later " about...what is the kinkiest thing you have ever had done to you?" I knew that if he was truthful he'd have to choose something I had done to him, before he and I started to see each other he was pretty innocent as far as kinky stuff went.
"I don't know...uh...I got my arms caught in my shirt once and my partner took advantage of that so I guess you could say I was tied up" I saw him starting to blush as the guys chuckled and whistled at him, I was a little surprised he'd chosen that memory, I had surprised him by turning up to his hotel after a function and it was the first night he'd ever given into me without a fight.
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