Part 2
((I'm writing this while on some rather strong painkillers, I hope it reads ok, sorry if it doesn't))
It seemed like most of the tension in my body just drained away as we stood there lost in each other for those few moments, I sighed which morphed into a moan at the end making Evan chuckle which effectively ended our kiss.
"if I'd of known you'd missed me that much I'd of worked off that energy in a completely different way" he teased, he knew exactly what that thought would do to me, I narrowed my eyes at him and kept him pinned where he was.
"you're going to tell me that now?...when we're about to go out and meet the guys?'re only going to make it rough on yourself later when I get you alone"
He leant forward and kissed me for a moment "We have to go...they'll get suspicious if Luke gets back to their room before us or if we take too long" His voice was low and he sounded like he hated having to say it
I slowly let go of him and stepped back, already starting to make plans on how I was going to get him where I wanted him when we got back. We made our way to the door, Evan stopping for a moment to pick up my phone, which I had apparently dropped. Just as I opened the door his hand pushed it closed again I felt his arm curl around my waist, he pulled me back against him, his hand sliding under the bottom of my t-shirt and over my stomach just above the waist band of my jeans. His breath on the back of my neck sending a shiver of excitement up my spine.
"I'm sorry for earlier, I know it probably hasn't seemed like it but I'm so glad you're here...I'll make it up to you when we get back so don't make yourself too tired with the guys...unless you want to just give in now and save some time later" he whispered into my ear.
"You know the rules...if you want it, you have to earn it" I smirk to myself, now that I know he's just as keen to get his hands on me as I am on him I can keep his attention on me even with the guys watching and they wouldn't know. I knew exactly what buttons to press to make our time alone together later much more interesting, however the drawback was that so did he. "We need to get going Ev'...Luke threatened to cockblock us for the whole trip if we were late"
I felt him shift his position and move back so that I could open the door, the last thing I felt as I walked out into the corridor was his hand sliding across my stomach as he let go of me. Trying to act like nothing had just happened we left the room and walked towards the elevator. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't struggling with the urge to drag Evan back to our room and barricading us in for the next six days, but we had to keep up the illusion of just being friends, I'm not sure why we are still doing that but we were so we had to keep up appearances.
"You had two seconds before I started spamming your phone" Cartoonz complained as he pushed himself off the wall as we got off the elevator.
"Jealous Cartoonz?" Evan chuckled
Cartoonz eyed Evan for a moment before smirking and draping one arm around Ev's shoulders "nah, I wouldn't be handle him...there is only one man that can do that job" Both Cartoonz and Evan turn and look over at me, Evan smirking for a moment before Cartoonz pulled him around and started walking down the corridor. We got to a door that was about half way down the long corridor and Cartoonz just opened it, pushed Evan in first then followed him leaving me to follow behind like the kid no one invited. "Hey guys, look who we found loitering down stairs" Cartoonz called out in a sing song tone.
"Delirious!" I heard Mini almost yell as he seemed to catapult himself across the room, I'm glad Evan warned me about what Mini had been through because the bruising to his face was a lot darker and covered more of his face than I imagined. However what confused me more was Mini's greeting to me, when hugged me he put both of his arms around my neck, which meant I could only return it by putting my arms around his waist, which was a little too close to being intimate for me. I could feel Evan's eyes watching every move and knew he was getting agitated, I quickly looked around the room, everyone was smiling or smirking except for Evan and Tyler who seemed to be matching each other in how agitated they were getting. Were Tyler and Mini seeing each other?
"Wait a minute why does he get a hug when the rest of us don't?" Lui asked getting everyone's attention.
Mini slowly let go of me and turned to face the rest of the group although he was still standing very close to me, I looked over at Evan who just cocked an eyebrow at me as his eyes flicked between Mini and I. Was he really getting jealous so early in the evening? I tried to keep myself from smirking, he was only going to make things more interesting later.
I saw the guys close in on Mini and joined them in giving him a group hug, Evan appearing next to me was too much of a temptation to pass up. What I meant to do was run my hand up his thigh, unfortunately with that many people we were getting a little jostled and my hand ended up sliding up the inside of his thigh.
"Hey, hey HEY! who's hand is that?" Evan's voice cracked as my hand slipped up to palm him through his jeans.
"Uh sorry my hand slipped" I couldn't help but grin at Evan as he gave me that look he used when I was going to get his 'Full attention' when he got me alone. Excitement ran up my spine, tonight was going to be fun. I was aware of the guys talking and Mini laughing his ass off and dragged my attention away from Evan in time to see Tyler straightening up after putting his drink down.
"Tyler Help me!!" Mini yelled before gasping in pain, I could see the panicked look on everyone's faces as they tried to decide what to do next.
"guys move away slow careful not to drop him" Everyone followed my directions and moved away, slowly lowering Mini onto the floor, I sat next to him and tilted my head, I knew that he would understand what I wanted him to do I just had to wait until he looked at me. I didn't' have to wait long, he glanced at me then slowly pulled his shirt up to his chest letting me see the huge amount of bruising covering his ribs, chest and from what I could see the top of his hip too. some of the bruising was still red and purple meaning it had happened within the last day or two, the rest where varying shades of blue "I'm not going to lie to you Min...this is going to hurt"
He nodded and turned his head, giving me the permission I was waiting for, I was trying not to hurt him so I tried to filter out what the others were doing and saying so that I could concentrate. while I had the opportunity I wanted to make sure he didn't have any broken ribs from the beatings he'd taken up until now. One of his ribs had what felt like a chip in it on the top and a bump on the bottom of it, which I recognised as an old break. I saw him turning white and he was slowly moving away from my hand which made me stop what I was doing.
"I doesn't feel like anything is broken but that is a hell of a lot of bruising Mini...feels like there is an old break there though... how did you learn how to take a hit?" I let go of him and watched as he instantly pulled his t-shirt down and glanced over my shoulder at where I assumed Tyler was standing.
"I was bullied at school a learn to take a beating when you get one five times a week and twice at weekends if I went outside....what about you?" He sounded almost apologetic, and I was a little take aback that he had figured out I had taken a few beatings growing up.
"Same...I was a weak ass looking kid" I was trying not to look over at Evan, I knew that this topic of conversation was making Evan relive a few things and making him extremely uncomfortable but all I could do was try to change the subject without raising the suspicions of the others.
"you should of seen him he was the same height he is now but all arms and legs with now co ordination" Cartoonz chuckled
"Fuck you" I forced myself to laugh to try and defuse some of the tension in the room "you're just jealous because I'm now more beautiful than you...I got pretty good at self-diagnosis so..."
"Should we get him to a doctor? know...make sure" Tyler sounded like an over protective mom.
"No point, for a broken rib all they do is give you pain killers...unless it's sticking out" I made sure to keep looking at Tyler while I spoke so I could watch his reactions "Min do you need painkillers?" Tyler pulled a face, looking like he was on the verge of picking Mini up and carrying him to the nearest hospital.
"nah I'm fine...I don't feel anything unless I move wrong or someone pokes me really hard" I heard Mini move to get up so I got up and took hold of his arm to help him up, Tyler appeared on the other side of Mini at almost the same time I did. If these guys weren't already getting down and dirty with each other then it was only a matter of time before they were.
Mini sighed and looked around the room "lets not do the whole awkward moment thing..." he glanced at his watch and headed for the bags with the alcohol inside "it's only 11pm guys lets just get drunk, play childish games and have fun"
I looked at Evan, he was looking back at me with such a sad look I almost went to him, I bite my lip and turned to follow Mini "you heard the man...line up boys...or if your pussy you can go to bed" I started pouring some shots, although I wasn't sure I'd be able to actually drink anything, my stomach was tying itself in a knot because I couldn't go and make Evan feel better. it was times like this when I hated having to hide, I saw Cartoonz put a hand on Evan's shoulder and whisper something in his ear which seemed to shake him out of whatever he was thinking about. Evan seemed to take a deep breath and moved with the others to grab a drink, his eyes met mine for a moment allowing me to quickly wink at him, I saw him smile a little before grabbing a bottle of beer and turning to sit on the floor by the wall.
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