Part 18
"No putting gum in his hair either...and watch out for those damn Goomba's" Tyler shouted as he disappeared into the bathroom. Everyone chuckled but it quickly settled back down to silence and everyone attention was focused back on Mini, I felt a little uncomfortable with the tension in the room and I'm pretty sure he must have been feeling more uncomfortable than me.
" are you feeling this morning?" Lui asked, his tone suggesting that he actually wanted to ask a different question and I suspected he was trying to verbally steer Mini into a corner. This could be bad, this could also be bad for Evan and I seeing as if Min was put under too much pressure he might blurt out something about our relationship accidentally because of the stress and panic of being trapped. If he did I couldn't hold it against him, there has been more than a few occasions when I almost outed us because I was tired or because the guys were trying to back me in a corner with their questioning about different things. it's weird how peer pressure overrides your commonsense and makes you do things you usually wouldn't.
"How do you think I feel with broken ribs?" Mini grumbled as if it was the dumbest question he'd heard all day. He fidgeted awkwardly and ran his hand over his ribs as Nogla moved off the bed and lent against the wall next to him. I felt a little creeped out at how Nogla was looking at Mini's neck, it was as if he was inspecting it, but with a little more interest than he really should have. Mini looked over his shoulder with an expression that made it clear that he was uncomfortable. "What?"
"Just looking to see if that hickey was fading" Nogla said in a rather matter of fact tone then added under his breath, loud enough for us all to hear "and see if it has multiplied"
Mini rolled his eyes and turned back to face forward again, where Lui was still sitting on the bed, I could see that Mini's face was starting to colour a little bit as he bite his lower lip before looking at his feet.
"So has it spread?" Lui asked as he watched Mini intently
"Come one guys...give it a rest" Evan sighed as he moved closer to Mini, trying to take some of the pressure of Mini.
"We're just joking around Ev' it's not like Tyler has actually been adding to the mark on his neck...has he Mini?" Nogla chuckled making it obvious he was going to continue teasing Mini.
"Yeah well it's not funny guys he's obviously not feeling great" Brock moved next to Evan as if the two of them could form a physical barrier between Mini and the rest of the gang.
"The poor guy has just got out of least give it a rest until he's not in pain anymore" I chimed in backing Evan up.
"Look at you backing up your boyfriend" Nogla snipped as he sat back down, focusing his energy on me for a few moments and I was happy to take some of the heat off of Mini.
"Boyfriend?...He wishes he could get his hands on my your cards right big guy" I chuckle wiggling my eyebrows at Evan "You too Nogla...treat me right and you might get in on the action"
"No way man...there's no way I could handle you" his smile widened and he nudged Lui "Not on my own anyway"
Lui started giggling and looked over at me, I rolled my eyes and shook my head as dramatically as I could. I almost missed seeing the muscle in Evan's jaw working as if he was grinding his teeth, He's jealous...again...but there was something else there that I didn't have time to figure out without looking like I was staring, and with Lui and Nogla looking it would have been a very bad idea for them to see that.
"Again with the guys want my ass that badly that the only way you can get it is to gang up on me..." I chuckled trying to keep this going long enough that Tyler rejoined us and Mini could escape. I heard Cartoonz snort as he started laughing and rolled my eyes, he was obviously thinking about the conversation yesterday when I was over tired.
"So...Mini..." Lui cleared his throat "is Tyler just a hugger or does his hands wander too?"
Mini didn't answer, he didn't seem to be paying attention to the rest of us at all, his eyes where unfocused and he was looking down at his feet but his face and neck where flushing with more colour than before.
The door to the bathroom suddenly opened and Tyler came out looking very damp, his gaze locked on Mini for a moment before looking around the room at the rest of us. I was more interested in the fact that Mini seemed to be back with us and was giving Tyler furtive glances out of the corner of his eye.
"What?" he asked easily, though I could see the tension in his shoulders.
"nothing" I could hear the smirk in Lui's voice even though I couldn't see his face.
Tyler shrugged and turned to face Mini "your turn Min" Mini moved so fast I was fairly sure he'd hurt himself. Tyler watched him leave until the bathroom door closed before turning back to look at Evan who was till standing in the middle of the room.
"So're a hugger when you sleep huh?" Lui giggled. Evan stepped to one side, blocking my view of Lui and shoved his hands in his pockets, I now had an amazing view of the denim stretching across his ass. I will admit I was a little distracted but I was able to keep track of the conversation even if I wasn't paying attention to what they were doing.
"I am...why?"
"Just curious"
"Are you jealous Lui?"
"No!" he was sounding defensive already which was unusual for him.
"That sounds like a big fat yes" Evan folded his arms and shifted his weight which made his ass wiggle from side to side, I could feel the desire starting to curl around in my stomach, I wanted to get him on his own as soon as I could.
"Yeah it did" Tyler chuckled and copied Evan's pose. "come on Lui, admit it, you want a bit of the spooning action don't you?"
"Oh my god you caught me out" Lui over acted making it clear that he was finding the whole thing funny but didn't want them continuing with that line of conversation.
"Come on guys what did you say to Mini to make him want to get out of the room that quick?" Tyler was talking fairly gently like he was trying to coax us into telling him the truth but there was a an underlying tone that sounded like he'd chew out anyone that had been mean to Mini.
"They asked if you'd given him any more hickeys...his looked like he was remembering something and started blushing...That's when they asked if your hands wandered when you were spooning" Evan answered as though he was apologizing for something and fidgeted uncomfortably. My attention was back on his ass again, I'm not sure why but it was almost hypnotic watching his ass moving as he fidgeted.
"You guys have issues you know that right?...I mean the games the other night and now guys need to go out and get laid, you have sex on the brain" Tyler sounded unimpressed but his accusations where pretty accurate...or at least there where were I was concerned.
"Getting some action sounds like an awesome idea" I admitted as I tore my eyes away from Evan's ass and turned to look out of the window, so that the others wouldn't suspect my intentions where directed at Evan, I was fairly sure Evan would be either rolling his eyes or biting the inside of his cheek about now. He hated it when I made comments like that around the others, he said it made him feel like I was going to go out and either look for someone else or that he was going to have his hands full when we were alone.
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