Part 17
((not as long as the other chapters so sorry guys))
"Go the fuck away! I'm not done with being unconscious yet" Tyler grumbled sounding like a whiny kid that had been told to wake up for school.
I couldn't stop myself from laughing, Mini began to wake up, the slow fidget seemed to start from his toes and work it's way up his body until his eyes began to open. They both seemed to roll backwards together as if they were reluctant to leave the snuggle session they were having. I looked over at Evan and noticed he was looking a little anxious, he must be wondering if this was the moment he found out if he was going to have to submit to my every whim for the rest of the convention, I couldn't stop myself from smirking. When we first started seeing each other i'd treat him like he was made of glass, at the time it felt like if I was a little too rough with him it might break whatever it was between us, and I was far too curious and addicted to let that happen.
"Mini you ok?" Tyler's voice was low and rough with sleep making it sound like he was growling at Mini, which was at odds with how worried he sounded. I looked back just as Mini slowly sat up, he was cradling his ribs which made us all freeze and shut up.
"Tyler where did you put my tablets?" Mini gritted out through clenched teeth, he was obviously in a lot of pain because his eyes where closed and his face was pale and contorted.
"Dresser...on top of my hoodie" Tyler sounded wide awake and like he was on the verge of jumping out of bed and running around like a mother hen. while the others where watching Mini both Evan and I were watching Tyler, the way he looked at Mini cleared up any doubt in my mind that he had been intimate with Mini, I was fairly sure it was the kind of intimate that meant he'd gotten his hands on Mini's ass but it could also have been a very heated make out session. Evan however would want more than just a look in Tyler's eye to prove something had happened, we would have to keep our eye on them to find out for sure. I watched as Tyler pulled Lui backwards into a hug and pulled myself out of my thoughts.
"Come on Lui you know you want to" Tyler laughed as Lui flailed around like a little kid trying to get away from grandma. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye as the blankets moved, I shot a concerned look at Evan but from the look on his face he hadn't noticed anything, I was hoping the others where as unobservant as he was right now because there was an empty condom wrapper poking out from under one of the pillows. I elbowed Evan and indicated as subtly as I could towards the evidence that could drop Tyler and Mini in the shit, I'm not sure he understood what I was trying to tell him though because he looked at me with a blank expression.
"Is this a private hug or can anyone join in?" Nogla asked barely able to contain his eagerness to mess around.
"Hell no the more the merrier"Tyler laughed, I took the opportunity to jump on the bed with them under the guise of joining the group hug but quickly grabbed the wrapper and screwed it up into the palm of my hand before the guys saw it. Mini appeared from the bathroom with a glass of water and froze as he looked at the three of us in bed with Tyler and him an exaggerated distasteful look.
"I leave you alone for two minutes and you replace hussy!" He whined in a over exaggerated camp boyfriend tone. We all started chuckling, i was interested to see how far Tyler would take this, my attention flicked to Evan for a moment and noticed that he seemed to be chewing on his bottom lip. I turned back to the guys so that they didn't suspect anything but wasn't really paying attention to what they where talking about, my thoughts where completely and totally focused on Evan.
"Mini Help me!" Lui squeakered while trying not to giggle.
"You're on your own monkey boy" I chuckled and rolled off the bed to go stand next to Evan, slipping the wrapper into his hand as I lent against the wall. He flashed me a strange look then looked at the palm of his hand, I looked back at the guys for appearances sake. I heard him clear his throat and out of the corner of my eye I saw him shove his hand into his pocket before fidgeting and looking back at the guys. I missed a lot of what the guys were talking about because I was trying to read Evan's body language without the others noticing anything.
"Both...I do tend to hug things when I sleep but I deliberately hugged Mini this morning" Tyler turned to directly face Mini and stuck his finger in his face as if accusing him of something "Because...this little shit has a habit sneaking out in the middle of the night and get his ass beat...I had to make sure he stayed put"
"I did that once!" Mini whined and pouted at Tyler, I had to stop myself from laughing, for all his complaining Mini's actions were practically screaming that he wanted Tyler and was flirting to get his attention. His ribs where obviously causing him a lot of pain he was hugging himself in an attempt to support himself to try and ease the pain. "Does this mean I'm going to be molested in my sleep for the next two nights?"
"It's either that or we put you on a leash" Tyler chuckled still watching Mini, there was a flash of something across his face that I was fairly sure was temptation, was he testing Mini's reaction?
"To be honest it probably helped me...I tend to move around a lot when I'm asleep so you probably stopped me moving around and hurting myself, which meant I got to sleep more" Mini was looking kind of coy, not making direct eye contact with anyone and rubbing the back of his neck, but his eyes kept flicking to look at Tyler. These guys were making it very obvious and they didn't even know they were doing it.
"Awww so you'll be spooning again tonight" Nogla almost sang while bouncing on the end of the bed. He was enjoying this a little too much for someone that was just joking about his friends getting it on with each other.
Mini shifted his weight and looked between Nogla and Tyler before he cleared his throat "Tyler you go get your shower first, I want the pills to kick in a bit first" I will admit he did look like he was struggling a little, not as much as when he first got up but he was definitely looking a little queasy. For a moment Tyler looked like he was going to resist and stay where he was, I could understand his reluctance to leave Mini, I was just as over protective of Evan before we'd even become a couple.
"alright....Evan you're in charge of the kids while I'm gone...make sure they don't throw their cheerio's at the walls and don't forget to stop Nogla from eating all the crayons" he was trying for the large an in charge tone and failed spectacularly when his voice cracked, making everyone laugh.
"Ok Tyler" Evan chuckles "I'll make sure no one pulls on Mini's pigtails"
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