Part 15
I looked down at him and ran my thumb over the side of his face which made him look up at me, the sight of his dark brown eyes looking up at me from between my thighs with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes made my breath catch in my throat. He suddenly stopped what he was doing and tilted his head, removing me from his mouth and then fidgeted.
"let me up and I'll show you more" he taunted slowly licking his lips
"if I let you up you'll fight me and we will run out of time to be able to do anything" I grumbled, throwing my phone onto the mattress next to us, I wrapped my fingers around his wrists and slid my body down his so that I was laying on top of him, I heard him grunt with the weight of me on top of his entire body.
His eyes closed and he turned his head slightly to one side, drawing my attention to his neck "What about if I promise not to fight you?" he smiled and looked at me out of the corner of his eye, reminding me how innocent the little fucker can look. To everyone else he comes across as sweet and innocent, even the others in our group seemed to see him as the shy, innocent one of the group...who giggled like a school girl when you chased him in games and you couldn't stay mad at when he killed you or sold you out because you knew he was sitting there like a two year old with one of those mischievous smiles on his face.
"you're just going to submit to me? resistance at all...for no reason?" I was suspicious but the idea of having him do everything I wanted was extremely appealing to me at this moment.
"let me up so I can move our phones... because knowing us we will end up breaking them" he licked his lips again "and I am far too tired to put up much resistance so...yeah I'm going to submit to you with out a fight" he smirked as he looked down at my lips.
"and what guarantee to I have that you won't change your mind when I let you up?" I mumbled as I started nibbling on his neck and feel him squirm under me as he held his breath for a few moments.
"Jonathan I promise you that you can do whatever you want to me when I'm done putting them on the dresser...or you can do it and I'll stay exactly where I am now" he huffed with a slight hint of frustration in his tone.
I chuckled I knew that if he stayed put he'd fall asleep in the ten seconds it took me to put the phones somewhere safe. I kissed him with a little more force than I should of and heard him whimper as I invaded his mouth. I rotated my hips grinding down into his, I knew I was doing something right when he slowly stopped kissing me and wriggled beneath me with his mouth slightly open and breathing heavily with pleasure. Without warning I stopped and rolled off of him, propping myself up on my elbow to watch him.
"Go on then" I smirked as I watched the confusion and aroused frustration battle for control of his expressions. He slowly got up and grabbed both of the phones off of the bed, he looked at his phone and I noticed he was typing something. He was so in grossed in what he was doing that he didn't noticed that I'd gotten up and moved behind him as he slowly walked to the dresser. I looked over his shoulder and saw that he was replying to a text from Tyler.
T – How much trouble is Delirious in right now?
E – It's no longer a problem >:D
I waited until he put down the phones before I wrapped my arms around his waist, he jumped and I felt his entire body tense up as he realised I'd seen his reply.
"getting me under control huh?" I chuckled as I pushed him slowly against the wall so that he was facing it.
"I didn't mean it like that..." He grumbled
"then how?" I was trying not to laugh as I pinned his hands either side of his head.
"distraction..." his breathing hitched slightly as I pushed his feet apart with my own.
"It worked...I'm completely focused on pounding something else now" I ran my teeth over the shell of his ear "Keep your hands where I put them and arch your back" I cooed in his ear as I ran one hand down his back and around the curve of his ass, feeling it lift as he arched like I told him to. "I'm looking forward to having you like this for the rest of the trip" I chuckled and kissed down his neck and along his shoulder.
"you're not going to win...after...what h-happened last...night I don't think...they would have..." He breathing was hard and punctuated with sharp intakes of air as I bite down on sensitive area's, he didn't finish what he was saying but it was obvious what he was going to say. I undid his pants and pushed them and his underwear down far enough that they fell to the floor with a muffled fwumph sound.
"Who says they didn't do it before that happened?" I pointed out, after all they had had at least a few hours alone in their room before Mini had somehow gotten into the situation Marcel had found him in. Evan groaned but I got the impression that it was because he'd realised I was right and that our little wager was still open and he was still at risk of having to be in this position for the next few days. "realising your ass is mine for the rest of the week babe?" I chuckled as I slide my other hand over his hip and around the front letting my fingers ghost over his stomach and down to his cock. I heard him hold his breath and press his ass back against me as I began stroking him. I slapped the side of his ass "keep your back arched...I want that ass in the air"
He swallowed hard and twisted around a little to give me frustrated glare, I leant forward and kissed him before he could complain that I was handling him a little different to how I usually did. I kept stroking him but brought my other hand up around him and took hold of the top of his throat so that I could push his jaw up and deepen the kiss. my own hard on sliding between his ass cheeks and getting stroked as he began grinding his ass back against me. I moaned into his mouth and pressed him harder against the wall, this time pinning his entire body, the draw back to this was that I had very little room to be able to continue to stroke him. I pushed my knee against the inside of his thigh and pushed his legs further apart, he whimpered and arched his back a bit more, he was keeping to his promise and wasn't resisting in any way, if anything he seemed to want this. His eyes were closed and he was relaxed and pliant, the only tension in his body was from holding the position with his back arched because it was forcing him to stand up on his tip toes. I bent my knees slightly and slid my hand down from his neck and wrapped my hands around his wrists again and pushed his hands a little further away and up the wall so that he wasn't scrunched up while I was pushing my weight onto him. I didn't want to hurt him I wanted to show him how to let go and let pleasure take him. He grunted and whined as I angled myself ready to push into him bite down on his neck and felt a shudder run through him as he looked back at me and nodded, biting down on his bottom lip as he closed his eyes again.
A loud knock at the door made us both jump, before Evan could call out for the person to hang on I put my hand over his mouth and waited, if it was staff or some random person they would go away when they didn't get an answer and I wasn't about to give up my first chance at screwing my boyfriend.
"Guys we know your in there" Called Nogla
I rested my forehead on Evan's shoulder and sighed, this was just typical, cock blocked...again.
"you have to be fucking kidding me" I mumbled, I lifted my head and turned to Evan "grab your clothes and quietly go get a shower, I'll deal with the guys" I let him go and moved to grab my sweat pants and t-shirt. I watched with a little annoyance as Evan pulled up his pants and tip toed into the bathroom, as I walked passed I heard the water turn on. There was another loud knock at the door, I answered it quickly giving them my best just woken up and grumpy look.
((Sorry this was so long in coming and that it's not as long as the others RL is a pain :( hoping my scheduling will change soon to allow me to write more often ))
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