Part 14
I woke feeling something pulling at my arm, as I looked down I saw a mop of black hair under my chin and could hear Evan swearing as he tried to get me to let go. He had apparently been trying to undress me so that I would have be more comfortable but I had managed to trap him in my sleep, he was still fully clothed and smelt vaguely of car fumes which meant he'd been out with the guys and they had walked rather than got an uber.
"Having problems there sweet cheeks" I chuckled, I tightened my grip on him and pulled him back against me.
"It's like wrestling with Velcro" he grumbled "Johnathan let go" Something in his voice made me take him serious, I let go of him and watched as he rolled off the bed and quickly tugged off his jacket, throwing it onto the couch before opening the curtains and letting sunlight stream into the room making me squint. Apparently I had slept for most of the afternoon and all night, I had no idea what time it was at the moment so I could have possibly slept half the day away.
"Evan?" I sat up and moved to the side of the bed, something was wrong.
"Tyler's taken Mini to hospital" he grumbled quickly and moved to the refrigerator to fish out a bottle of water. Any remnant of sleep I had left was quickly driven off by the rush of concern, and it wasn't just the concern for Mini.
"What?...what happened?" I got up quickly and promptly tripped over because my pants where around my ankles, apparently I'd grabbed hold of Evan before he'd finished undressing me and I was too distracted to notice the clothing around my ankles. I now knew that what ever had happened to Mini was serious, Evan didn't even smirk at me for falling on my face, he did how ever rush over to help me up and check I was ok but instantly moved away again when I was no longer in danger of falling over again. "Evan...what happened?"
"you fell on your face" he sighed and checked his phone.
"Evan..." I complained, I was kind of expecting a response like that but it didn't stop me from feeling frustrated about not being told what was going on.
"Marcel found Mini in the car park this morning being beaten up by four guys" He mumbled and covered his mouth with the water bottle, obviously hoping I wouldn't hear him properly.
"Is he ok?" I could already feel my temper rising and I knew that my temper was probably what had stopped Evan telling me about it sooner.
"I don't know...all I know is that Mini refused to let Marcel take him to the hospital so Marcel took him back to to the room and woke up Tyler, within ten minutes Tyler was taking him to the hospital...we haven't heard from them since they left"
"When did this happen?" I growled, starting to search for my mobile phone.
"early...before the dawn" He headed over to the couch and sat down on the edge of the cushion ready to stand up and start pacing at the moment his frustration and nerves got the better of him.
"where is my phone?" I asked him as I slowly Pull apart the slightly crumpled but fully made bed.
"I have no idea"
I turned around, walked over and stood directly in front of him then folded my arms across my chest. There was only two reasons for my phone to go missing, one was that I'd lost it but that couldn't of happened because I remember putting it on the bedside table before falling over onto the bed. The second was that Evan had hidden it for some reason.
"where is my phone Evan" he glanced up and did a double take, I mean it wasn't the first time I'd stood naked in front of him but it was the first time I'd done it in a serious situation and with my arms folded crossed across my chest.
"How would I know" He leant back in his seat, slouching against the cushions, he looked tired and I felt like everything suddenly made sense, the smell of car fumes, my missing phone, how tired and how frustrated he was.
"You went looking for them didn't you?" I growled, feeling anger beginning to grip the back of my neck.
"No" He stared at his bottle of water, I could see a muscle in his jaw working a little under the skin. If anyone else was looking at him right now they would of thought he was just tired, But I'm not just anyone.
He was lying to me.
I was torn, do I call him out on it or do I wait and see if he tells me like he always does, he could never keep up the pretence too long guilt always got the better of him.
"Help me find my phone, I want to see what Lui told everyone" I decided not to confront him yet, if he hadn't told me by tonight he'd have to deal with a pissed off boyfriend.
"find it're going to be with me for most of the day so if anyone wants you they'll call me when they can't get you" He sighed and let his head fall back onto the cushion confirming my suspicion that he had been up all night.
"all right..." I reached down, took the bottle of water out of his hand and placed it on the table. turning back to face him I took hold of both of his arms and pulled to get him to stand up.
"Jonathan..." he sighed and lifted his head a little
"I'm not letting you fall asleep on the couch Ev'...if you want to nap you can get on the bed"
"you just want to molest me again" he grumbled but it was the flirty kind of grumble I usually got off of him when he was tired.
"you know me too well" I chuckled.
He stood up when I tugged again and let me lead him back over to the bed where I climbed over to the right side...where I usually slept...and settled down while he took off his shoes and put his phone on the mattress by his pillow. He rolled over and cuddled into my side with his head on my shoulder but didn't seem to be able to get comfortable, without a word he suddenly climbed over me and settled down again with his head on my chest. Now I knew something was wrong, the last time he slept like this was at the beginning of our relationship. For some reason he could only sleep if he was facing the door and was listening to my heart beating, when I asked him about it back then he said that it was because the silence would make him feel on edge and he felt creeped out if he had his back to the door. I decided to just let him sleep rather than ask him about it, I waited until he was asleep and slowly stopped playing with his hair before reaching over and picking up his phone. I already knew how to unlock it, I knew that Evan and the guys would have been talking about what had happened most of the night so it would be the quickest way to find out what had happened.
I spent about twenty minutes reading the messages from the others and the replies. Evan had made them promise not to give me any details about the assholes that had attacked Mini because I'd hunt them down and to be honest I was kind of expecting to see that, what I wasn't expecting was to see messages from the guys asking where he was and in some cases begging him to come back and not to go looking for the guys on his own. I was struggling to keep my anger under control and quickly put his phone back where he had put it in case I woke him by accident. So I had been right the little fucker had gone looking for them...but why had he gone on his own? he knew he couldn't take on four guys on his own and he knew I'd kick his ass if I ever found out he'd been stupid enough to put himself in that kind of danger. To top it all off he had lied to me about it which we had promised each other we would never do without good reason, such as someone would die if we said or that we couldn't say anything at the time we were asked, and in four years the only lies we had told each other were to do with surprises like turning up on each others door steps for birthdays.
I lay there for what felt like a couple of hours trying to get my anger under control before he woke up. Evan's phone suddenly started making noise which woke him instantly, somewhere on the other side of the room I could hear my phone notify me that I had a text message. I wriggled out from under Evan as he leant across to pick up his phone and I went to hunt my own down. I heard it go off again and tracked it down to the couch, between the cushions where Evan had been sitting. Picking it up I noticed that it was a group message from Tyler and Evan had replied. I made my way back over to the bed and sat down next to Evan with my legs stretched out in front of me.
T – (Group message) just got out of the ER, we need sleep so going to get a couple of hours nap. Wake us for lunch.
E – (Group message) Min ok?
T – (Group message) Couple of fractured ribs and a lot of new bruising, he'll be on painkillers for a while, No internal damage though thank god
D – (Group message) I want to know what those ass holes look like!
I replied getting a frustrated and mildly pissed off look from Evan
"Jonathan you are not going after them" there was serious amounts of warning in his tone which pissed me off a little seeing as he was being a bit of a hypocrite.
E – (Group message) Delirious...
For him to use my tag meant he was getting annoyed and I was in danger of pissing him off, which considering how tired he was an indication of how short tempered he was at the moment.
L – (Group message) give up clown no one is going to tell you
N – (Group message) I'm with Delirious on this
D – (Group message) Then tell me! Godammit!
E – (Group message) Nogla....I swear to god if you tell him....
N – (Group message) I said I wouldn't.....Jeeze.... :'(
Evan reached over and tried to snatch my phone out of my hand but I was more awake than he was and was able to move it out of the way before wrestling him onto his back and pinning him down by sitting on his chest and pinning his upper arms with my shins.
T – (Group message) No one's doing shit...end of...
D – (Group message) come on Tyler I know you want to kick their asses
"Jonathan!" Evan growled as I chuckled at how hard he struggled to get free and failing to get anywhere. I had underestimated how resourceful he was and how far up his chest I was sitting, both of which I was reminded of rather abruptly as his mouth closed around my cock.
"f-fuck... Ev'..." I stuttered and then gritted my teeth, I can't let him distract me like this...but it felt too good to ignore and I'm sure he knew it.
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