Part 1
I've been Stuck in this damn car for nearly four whole days with only a few hours for eating and sleep each day. Singing to myself got old about two hours in the trip and making up my own lyrics to songs only wasted a couple more hours. If I didn't have a major reason for driving for almost four days I would of just stayed home. But this was probably going to be my last chance to see my boyfriend for the rest of the year so I if I didn't make this trip I would have to wait for another eight months to see him in person.
My mind wandered as I made my way through traffic to the hotel at the end of my trip, if you had of told me four years ago that I would have been in a serious relationship with one of my friends I'd of thought you had an over active, perverted imagination and probably in need of professional help. But who knew that bad weather and a sleep disorder would make two guys trust each other with their biggest fears and darkest secrets.
The frustration of the last few days travelling and trying to find a parking spot in the hotel car park was rapidly turning into excitement as I walked across the lobby towards the reception desk, I was getting closer to being able to actually being able to touch the man I was in a long term relationship with. My phone buzzed in my pocket making me jump.
C - Turn around asshole.
I looked over my shoulder and saw Cartoonz walking towards me with his hand on Evan's shoulder. Something about how Evan was carrying himself as he walked towards me put me on edge, his eyes locked to mine and I knew that he was close to losing his temper which was very rare for him.
"Ev' show him where he's stayin'...I'll go get the drinks and stuff and call you when I'm back" Cartoonz took his hand off Evan's shoulder before giving me a hug "glad you here man...he needs you" he turned and left leaving me and Evan alone in the middle of the lobby.
Evan reached over and took one of my bags before turning around and indicating towards the elevator making it obvious that I had to go first, usually I'd at least show some resistance to being told what to do but in this case doing what I was told was the quickest way to get what I wanted, which was finding out what had happened to piss Evan off, I knew whatever was bothering him must be pretty serious because I could see the tension in his body as he was forcing himself to keep some distance between us. But if it was that serious why hadn't anyone called or text me? Unless it had just happened, I took the opportunity on the elevator ride to look him over, he didn't seem to have any injuries which helped me relax, at least he wasn't physically hurt, we finally made it to our room. Evan opened the door then stepped back and gestured for me to go in ahead of him, like he wanted to make sure I wasn't going to leave. I put my bag on the bed and watched as he dropped the one he was carrying on the couch then stood shifting his weight from on foot to the other.
" You know you don't have to hide around me Ev'...what's wrong?" I knew going over to him right now would make him back away so I had to get him to come to me somehow.
"It's Mini..." He began pacing back and fourth and biting his nails
"what about him?"
"He's been beaten for nearly a year...I think it's that fucking room mate of his..."
This would explain how he's been acting, after how our relationship started and what happened I knew exactly what he was thinking.
"I should have noticed something"
"Why didn't I notice Jonathan....out of all of us I should have noticed some kind of sign!"
"Stop Ev'...if he didn't' want you to know then he'd of covered it remember how that goes don't you?" I saw him flinch and turn away with an expression like he'd eaten something foul.
"I can't do this..." His hands where shaking as he ran them through his hair, I could hear the barely contained anger and frustration in his voice.
"you need to vent?" I watched him closely as he edged closer to the door as he paced, I knew if he made a run for the door I'd only have a fraction of a second to stop him from leaving. If he made it I'd lose him for the rest of the night and spend the rest of the trip getting him to open up and talk to me.
"I'm not going to fight you" his voice was cracking under the strain but I could tell by the look in his eye that he knew I was going to keep picking at him till he either reacted or calmed down.
"Good...then you'll be coming over here and giving me a hug then won't you asshole" I smiled lopsidedly knowing that speaking to him like this would just make him ignore what was technically an order. One thing we both had in common was we both hated being ordered to do things. I was more than a little surprised when he hesitated for a second then walked over to stand awkwardly in front of me.
"Jonathan...don't let me hurt you...what ever it takes...promise me" he looked like he was on the verge of exploding, his whole body seemed to be vibrating with the amount of effort he was putting into controlling himself. His request only meant one thing, he needed to expend some aggression and in the absence of a gym I was his only safe place to go. he knew that if I was prepared he'd have an extremely hard time harming me.
I smirked pulling myself up to my full height, Most people thought I was shorter than Evan, but in truth I just have really bad posture and tend to slouch all the time, When I straighten up I'm actually almost three inches taller than him. "I got you shorty" I watch as his mouth dropped open a little, he'd obviously forgotten that I was taller than him too. I felt a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of my mouth, I loved doing this to him, throwing him off guard and taking advantage of him. I moved quickly and lunged forward wrapping my arms around his ribs and lifting him off the floor, throwing us both onto the relative safe landing of the bed. I heard him yelp with surprise then grunt as my weight landed on top of him, I tried to pin his arms but quickly found myself flipped over onto my back and fighting to prevent him from pinning me down, if he succeeded in doing it this quickly he'd only get more frustrated and shut down, I had to make this last as long as possible so he'd burn off some of his energy. With more than a little effort I managed to wriggle us both to the edge of the bed, both of us talking shit to each other the whole time as if it was some kind of game. As soon as I felt us sliding off he edge I twisted to try and use gravity to flip him under me, it worked, for about half a second. He used the same momentum I had to flip me over again. What seemed like an hour passed of us basically rolling around the floor, neither of us managing to keep the other pinned for more than a couple of seconds. That is until he pulled some kind of ninja twister move and got me wedged between the bed and wall with my ankle hooked over his shoulder one wrist twisted back behind my back the other behind my head. We were both seriously out of breath and I felt the whole atmosphere changing gears, the aggressive tension had gone and another kind of tension was taking it's place. His whole weight was pinnign me to the floor and I could feel his breath on my face as he panted. I turned to face him and realised how close he was, his eyes were locked to my lips and he was slowing leaning down to me. my pulse sped up even more and I could feel heat flooding through my entire body at the thought of finally getting to kiss him again after so long.
My phone started ringing making us both jump, he let go of one of my wrists and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Before I could stop him he answered it.
"hey Cartoonz, hang on a sec" I saw Evan smirk as he handed me the phone, releasing his hold on me and moving away.
"Your a cockblocking asshole Luke" I grumble into the phone only to hear him laughing his ass off
"put it back in your pants lover boy and get down here I'm waiting on you bitch"
"Give me two minutes and we'll me you by the elevator on their floor"
"Alright but if you not here in five minutes I'm going to cockblock you for the rest of the trip" He laughed and hung up.
I got up and moved over to Evan who was straightening his clothes. Grabbing his arms I pulled him around to face me.
"as much as I like the freshly molested look on you I think the guys might notice" I reach up and start fixing his hair for him earning myself one of his lopsided shy smiles, his eyes dropping to my lips for a moment before looking down to zip up his fleece.
"We have to go huh?" I was happy to hear he sounded a little disappointed
"yep...but I'll be damned if I'm going to drive for four days and not at least get a little taste of what I'm here for" I stepped forward forcing him to step back against the wall and pinned him there, with his hands pinned to the wall beside his shoulders.
"Jonathan" I could hear the warning in his tone but I knew this was going to be my only chance for at least a few hours. I nipped his lower lip before slowly savouring our first kiss for nearly seven months.
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