Chapter 20
( I love that fanart sm-)
(Also don't be concerned that I wrote this even tho the last chapter was out 2 days ago- I am doing this cause my exams start this Sunday 😃✌️)
(Tommy's POV)
I curled up against my door and sobbed.
He had left.
I was alone.i had no one that would be actually there.
Why?why did they have to come back.
I went to my wardrobe and took off the sweater I was wearing.
I took out deo's hoodie.
(Lol- for anyone that cares- it says aspect and it's on fire :)
That's deo's hoodie-)
I put it on and I felt a bit better.
I grabbed my slime plush(ies) and the moonbloom plush and just hugged them as tight as possible.
Wow I really am touch starved.
I layed on my bed cuddling the plushies,while sobbing.
I hear my door open with a struggle, I get up to see who was opening my door.
I see the door open and it's walter with a black shirt and betty with a yellow one.
I let them in and close the door behind them.
I relax down again and bother walter and betty cuddle next to me.
This is a very wholesome relaxing moment.
And it was very relaxing until I got a call on discord.
(This how I think it happened 😳)
I groaned and grabbed my phone answering the call.
"Hey Tommy! Sorry for calling late, but I am streaming with my sister! Do you wanna say hi?" Tubbo speaks into his mic in a energetic tone.
"Sure hi Lani!" I say attempting to hide the tiredness in my voice but failing.
"Hi Tommy! You sound tired did we wake you up?" Lani asks.
"Yes I am very tired no you didn't wake me up I was just laying down with walter and betty" I Sniffle as I was crying literally 3 seconds ago.
"Oh sorry for disturbing your relaxation session with your dogs I still think you should get a cat" Lani replies clearly trying to start a mini argument.(I agree with Lani as a cat person)
"No Lani I don't want a cat cause I am sure if I had a cat I will have scratches everywhere-" I put my hands at my phone's mic "not like I don't already have them" I take my hand off the mic.
"But cats are so cuteeee and they also help with mental health" Lani replies.
I widen my eyes, wow maybe I will get a cat /j.
"I don't care about that I don't want a cat walter and betty are enough,plus if I ever wanted a cat I wouldn't be able to get one cause motherinnit is allergic"
"Ok ok well speaking of motherinnit how is she?"
"How would I know do I look like I am with here?" I say as I grab my LEDs remote and change the color to red.
"Oh I thought you were in your living room."
"Nope I am not and if you don't mind I am very tired and want to sleep thank you Lani I'll talk to you soon good night and tell tubbo that I say he should stop being clingy" I say hanging up.
I lay back down with walter,betty and the plushies.
And I fall asleep.
I wake up and see walter and betty left.
I put the plushies aside and go to the bathroom brushing my teeth and taking a quick shower.
I put on deo's hoodie again.
I go down stairs praying that my parents weren't drunk.
I go down stairs and see a note saying my parents had work and they'll be back at 12 at night.
I feel very relieved and just grab a coke.
It's ok I'll skip breakfast today I am way too fat anyways.
I go back upstairs and work on some videos until I decide to stream.
As soon as I start I tweet about it.
A bunch of people join and I do my intro.
"What's up chat! How are you feeling today?"
ppverybig: I am feeling like trash
Lemonade_ispog: eh-
maddie_1552: good :)
I laugh my iconic laugh and talk about my main goal this stream.
That was stealing shit from georges house.
I ended up burning down georges house with Ranboo.
(Ha timeskip to later-)
I wasn't sure what I was doing to be honest until a donation popped up.
(Haha all my rukiwastaken stans are going to love this-)
rukiwastaken has donated 50£!
you really made me blow up by clicking a button 😃
I recognize that name! It was that really sweet fan!
I chuckle a bit and say"I am sure I wasn't the reason you blew up but thanks for the Donation".
I continue on with the stream and ruki donates again-
rukiwastaken has donated 69£!
I went from 89K to 100K yt
From 10K to 64K on twitter
And from 8K to 60K on insta
Are you sure??? 😃
I put my hand on my mouth trying to cover my laughter.
I eventually give up.
I look at chat again.
rukiwastaken: haha very FUNNY-
bunnyinnit: I AM- JDNDBDB
sitterinnit: I am evaporating rn
Wow well that was funny.
(Wait you thought this chapter wouldn't contain a random middle of the chapter a/n??? Hell no
Anyways do you like rukiwastaken??
Then I assume you'll like this-
I published the info prologue and first chapter at the same time as this so it's out rn as we speak 😏 enjoy it-
Oh and timeskip)
I had ended stream.
I was just laying down and decided to count how many mini slimes were in my slime plushie.
I counted them and there is 45 mini slimes.
Suddenly I hear pebbles hit my window.
I sigh it better not be freddie or Eryn cause if it is I will break their necks.
I go to my window.
I slide it open it was very tough for some reason.
And I look outside and see..
Put all of your theories here:
Oh and here's some poggers Fanart of Tommy in the Sweater from chapter 17 ;)
Art by pri_me you're pog :D
Chibi art by ArylAmery very cute art :D
Oh and hers the QnA answers-
Thank you rat_ppmy love for answering these with me 😌
Word Count:1080
Vote to be pog....or LOG😳✌️
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