Chapter 16
( babyinnit :O^^^)
(Also sorry for the delay on this chapter it was supposed to be out yesterday but instead of writing in the time I made to write I played a horror game with mi amor or as you guys know them rat_pp :D hey love!!)
(Also yes mi amor I still think that server is cursed like the only time we saw each other was when we were at the mirror spinning ourselves right round baby right round like a record baby right round right round and then we lost each other :,( )
(Tommy's POV)
I was attempting to entertain chat while waiting for the rest start streaming.
But it was really difficult since I've been streaming for about 2 hours.
I was sipping on my chocolate milk when I heard someone enter call.
"FINALLY- you are super late tubbo did you start your stream?" I asked putting my chocolate milk down.
"Yeah I did sorry for being late" said tubbo giggling a bit.
"It's fine."
"Oh deo! I forgot you were here"
"I am here to make sure Tommy doesn't somehow get hurt while playing. I mean he literally almost fell from a jumpscare earlier"
"Ok so honestly I don't know what to do while waiting for wil and techno."
I heard 2 people join the call.
(So y'all don't get confused ill add a said ____ after tubbo techno or will talk :) )
"I already made a server and gave techno the invite code tubbo I sent you the invite code as well I just need to send it to Tommy." Said will.
Tubbo said "oh" and techno said "me and wilbur also already started streaming".
I quickly put in the code and made sure no one saw it.
I enter the game and I find all three of them crouching and bending there back to the celling around me.
"Oh god you all look shittyer then normal"
Tubbos character got up and stopped bending its back.
"We were trying to summon you" said tubbo.
"Deo Don't leave I feel like if you do they're gonna murder me"
"I won't leave then" he said laughing a bit.
"My fear is no laughing matter-"
Anyways I got the flashlight and started walking around.
Wilbur said he played before off stream.
So he had the thermometer cause he bought it.
I was walking around in a random room and I saw dirty water in a sink.
"Is dirty water considered evidence?"
"No not really" said wilbur.
I saw tubbo in the other room he was taking photos.
I went over to him and said.
"Tubbo what the hell are you photographing?"
"Idk my third eye is telling me that the ghost is here" tubbo responded.
I roll my eyes and go to a different room and afk for a bit to take a sip of my chocolate milk.
A can was thrown and it made a very loud noise making me jump and spit out a bit of my chocolate milk on myself.
I put my chocolate milk down and take off my headphones and give them to deo.
I then get out of my chair and head to my bedside table to grab a tissue.
Deo took over while I cleaned up.
I came back and sat down.
"You ok?" He asked as he gave me my headphones.
I push the mic away for a bit so that they didn't hear me.
"No not really but let's pretend I am"
I get my mic back and deo sighs.
"Sorry I accidentally pushed my mic away"
I put my headphones on and continued playing.
(Time skip brought to you by my love for mi amor 💖)
I look at the time and see that I've been streaming for almost 4 hours now!
I widen my eyes and go on deafen.
"This stream was a bit longer but I think playing 3 games excuses that anyways see you all next stream and have a good one chat"
I end stream and undeafen.
"Hey techno will tubbo you guys are still streaming right?"
They all said yes.
I responded with "okay well I need to go it was nice talking to you! See you"
They all said bye and I left the call and shut down my computer.
"I should probably take off my make up and costume"
"You should" he said taking off his black glasses since we weren't on stream.
"But before I do. Deo do you have a big hoodie I could borrow?"
"Uh yeah I think so why?"
"Uh it's going to be a bit more cold today and all of my hoodies are in the laundry"
"Ok I'll give you one just let me go take my costume off first"
He was very suspicious of me but he left my room.
I shut down my pc and took off the ears and tail.
I went to my parents room and took some of my mother's make up remover to remove the nose and freckles.
I put the cotton pad in the bin and leave their room to go to mine.
I get in my room and take a shower.
I put on some black trousers and a plain white t shirt.
I was trying to dry my hair with my towel when there was a knock on my room door.
"Come in!"
The door opens and it's deo out of his costume.
He came in and handed me a big orange hoodie.
"Thanks deo"
"You're welcome" he said as he left and closed the door.
I hung up the towel in my bathroom and put the hoodie deo gave me in the closet.
To be honest I have no idea why I asked for the hoodie just something told me I would need it.
I sit on my gaming chair and take my phone from my desk.
I pushed my chair away from the desk and just sat in the middle of my room.
Deo sends me a message.
the best person tbh:
What do you want for dinner Tommy?
Hmm IDK pizza?
Ok I'll order some
I close my phone and I go down stairs.
"Wanna watch a movie while waiting for the pizza?"
"Sure can we watch my favorite movie?"
"Of course Tommy"
We both go to the living room.
I sit down on the couch.
Deo leaves and gets a blanket then comes back.
e then puts on my favorite movie disney pixars up.
He shuts off the lights and sits next to me.
(Time skip to the sad part :(( brought to you by me at the mall writing this)
It was the part where his wife died.
I was sobbing.
I always needed to hug someone while watching this part.
So I just hugged deo very tightly.
He hugged back.
He was taller then me.
(Idk if he is irl so in this story he is )
So I mumbled in his chest kinda.
"I always cry at this part."
I let go and shivered.
It was freezing.
( ☝️☝️I am at a mall and I agree I can't feel my nose 🤠)
So deo grabbed the blanket and put it on the both of us.
A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.
I was really close to deo so when he got up to get the pizza I felt a little bit colder.
He came back with pizza and sat in the same spot.
I was barley able to finish 1 slice.
I was getting tired so I put my head on deo's shoulder.
A few minutes later I could feel my eyelids getting heavier.
I fell asleep.
(Timedeos POV 🤠)
The movie was coming to an end .
I looked over at Tommy to see him fast asleep on my shoulder.
I didn't wanna wake him so I shut off the TV and decided to fall asleep here too.
:) Next chapter is gonna be very angsty.
But it will also include a very loved character.
That character is in only one chapter.
That character is....
If you don't remember them they're the only one who sent Tommy a nice indirect :) if I remember correctly it was " love your content Tommy ❤️"
Also genuine question where do you all think I am from?
Or how old do you think I am lol
Yeah that's it
Word Count:1402
Ho ho ho hoooo
Must we not forget
Vote to be pog (•ө•)♡💞😌
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